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bad characters in namename starts with a digitGlyph %d %s (%s), _b_%dchanging to %s _d_%d.notdef.null%%!PS-AdobeFont-1.0: %s %s %%%%CreationDate: %s%% Args: %s %%%%EndComments FontName %s%s /version (%s) readonly def /Notice (%s) readonly def /FullName (%s) readonly def /UniqueID %s def /UniqueID %lu def /Weight (%s) readonly def /ItalicAngle %f def falsetrue/isFixedPitch %s def StartFontMetrics 4.1 FullName %s Notice %s EncodingScheme FontSpecific FamilyName %s Weight %s Version %s Characters %d ItalicAngle %.1f Ascender %d Descender %d /UnderlinePosition %d def UnderlineThickness %d UnderlinePosition %d IsFixedPitch %s FontBBox %d %d %d %d /FontName /%s%s def /FontType 1 def /Encoding 256 array StartCharMetrics %d /%s%sEncoding [ dup %d /%s put /index0x%04X /.notdef /ForceBold false def /ForceBold true def /BlueValues [ /OtherBlues [ /StdHW [ %d ] def /StdVW [ %d ] def /StemSnapH [ /StemSnapV [ /MinFeature {16 16} def /password 5839 def /Subrs %d array dup 3 { return } NP end end readonly put noaccess put mark currentfile closefile cleartomark EndCharMetrics EndFontMetrics latin1en_de_fr_nl_no_da_it_latin2hu_pl_cz_si_sk_latin4works for Baltic languageslt_lv_latin5for Turkishtr_cyrillicin Windows encodingbg_be_mk_ru_sr_su_uk_russianbulgarianadobestdplaneautogeneration of hintshint substitution techniquevectorize (trace) the bitmapsexclamquotedblnumbersigndollarpercentampersandquoterightparenleftparenrightasteriskpluscommaperiodzeroonetwothreefourfivesixseveneightsemicolonlessgreaterquestionatABDIJKLMOQSUWYZbracketleftbackslashbracketrightasciicircumunderscorequoteleftjqzbraceleftbracerightasciitildeexclamdownsterlingfractionyenflorincurrencyquotesinglequotedblleftguillemotleftguilsinglleftguilsinglrightfiflendashdaggerdaggerdblperiodcenteredparagraphbulletquotesinglbasequotedblbasequotedblrightguillemotrightellipsisperthousandquestiondowndotaccenthungarumlautogonekemdashAEordfeminineLslashOslashOEordmasculineaedotlessilslashoslashoegermandblsc0c1c2c3c4c5c6c7c8c9c10c11c12CRc14c15c16c17c18c19c20c21c22c23c24c25c26c27c28c29c30c31c127c128c129Scaronc141c142c143c144trademarkscaronc157c158YdieresisnbspacebrokenbarcopyrightlogicalnotsfthyphenregistereddegreeplusminustwosuperiorthreesuperiormuonesuperioronequarteronehalfthreequartersAgraveAacuteAcircumflexAtildeAdieresisAringCcedillaEgraveEacuteEcircumflexEdieresisIgraveIacuteIcircumflexIdieresisEthNtildeOgraveOacuteOcircumflexOtildeOdieresismultiplyUgraveUacuteUcircumflexUdieresisYacuteThornagraveaacuteacircumflexatildeadieresisaringccedillaegraveeacuteecircumflexedieresisigraveiacuteicircumflexidieresisethntildeograveoacuteocircumflexotildeodieresisdivideugraveuacuteucircumflexudieresisyacutethornydieresisttf2pt1 [-] [-l language | -L file] [] ttf2pt1 [-] [-l language | -L file] - ttf2pt1 [-] [-l language | -L file] - | t1asm > -a - include all glyphs, even those not in the encoding table -b - produce a compressed .pfb file -d dbg_suboptions - debugging options, run ttf2pt1 -d? for help -e - produce a fully encoded .pfa file -F - force use of Unicode encoding even if other MS encoding detected -G suboptions - control the file generation, run ttf2pt1 -G? for help -l language - convert Unicode to specified language, run ttf2pt1 -l? for list -L file - convert Unicode according to encoding description file -m = - set maximal limit of given type to value, types: h - maximal hint stack depth in the PostScript interpreter -O suboptions - control outline processing, run ttf2pt1 -O? for help -p name - use specific front-end parser, run ttf2pt1 -p? for list -u id - use this UniqueID, -u A means autogeneration -v size - scale the font to make uppercase letters >size/1000 high -V - print ttf2pt1 version number -W number - set the level of permitted warnings (0 - disable) Obsolete options (will be removed in future releases): -A - write the .afm file to STDOUT instead of the font, now -GA -f - don't try to guess the value of the ForceBold hint, now -Ob -h - disable autogeneration of hints, now -Oh -H - disable hint substitution, now -Ou -o - disable outline optimization, now -Oo -s - disable outline smoothing, now -Os -t - disable auto-scaling to 1000x1000 standard matrix, now -Ot -w - correct the glyph widths (use only for buggy fonts), now -OW With no , write to with suffix replaced. The last '-' means 'use STDOUT'. **** option -l plane expects one of the following formats: -l plane+0xNN - select hexadecimal number of plane of Unicode -l plane+NN - select decimal number of plane of Unicode -l plane+pid=N,eid=N - select plane 0 of specified encoding -l plane+pid=N,eid=N,0xNN - select hex plane of TTF encoding with this PID/EID -l plane+pid=N,eid=N,NN - select decimal plane of TTF encoding with this PID/EID **** plane number is too large User override of the source encoding: pid=%d eid=%d **** Cannot access map file '%s' **** **** map file '%s' requires plane name ttf2pt1 -L %s%c[pid=N,eid=N,]%s ... **** map file '%s' line %d: code over 255 **** map file '%s' line %d: code over 255 for unicode 0x%x **** map file '%s' line %d: missing end of range **** map file '%s' line %d: code over 255 in unicode range ...-0x%x **** map file '%s' has no plane '%s' The lowercase suboptions disable features, corresponding uppercase suboptions enable them. The supported suboptions, their default states and the features they control are: Some font name strings are longer than 255 characters, cut down Some font name strings contain end of line or Unicode, cut down Some font name strings are in Unicode, may not show properly **** warning level must be a positive number Warning: option -o is obsolete, use -Oo instead Warning: option -A is obsolete, use -GA instead Warning: option -s is obsolete, use -Os instead Warning: option -t is obsolete, use -Ot instead **** Unknown debugging option '%c' **** The recognized debugging options are: a - enable absolute coordinates r - do not reverse font outlines directions **** Misformatted maximal limit **** spaces around the equal sign are not allowed good examples: -mh=100 -m h=100 bad examples: -mh = 100 -mh= 100 **** Unknown limit type '%c' **** The recognized limit types are: **** Unknown outline processing suboption '%c' **** The general form of the outline processing option is: (To remember easily -O may be also thought of as "optimization"). The default state corresponds to the option -O The general form of the file generation option is: The default state corresponds to the option -G If the result is written to STDOUT, the last specified enabling suboption of -G selects the file to be written to STDOUT (the font file by default). Warning: option -h is obsolete, use -Oh instead Warning: meaning of option -H has been changed to its opposite Warning: option -H is obsolete, use -Ou instead Warning: option -f is obsolete, use -Ob instead Warning: option -w is obsolete, use -OW instead **** UniqueID may be specified only once **** **** UniqueID must be numeric or A for automatic **** **** only one front-end parser be used **** **** unknown front-end parser '%s' **** the following front-ends are supported now: **** only one language option may be used **** **** unknown language '%s' **** the following languages are supported now: FaoebAsthHfwVv:p:l:d:u:L:m:W:O:G:**** options -a and -e are incompatible **** Using language '%s' for Unicode fonts Auto-detected front-end parser '%s' (use ttf2pt1 -p? to get the full list of available front-ends) Can't detect front-end parser, using '%s' by default **** Cannot use pipe for reading **** **** Cannot use pipe for writing **** **** Cannot fork the assembler process **** Glyph %d has the same name as %d: (%s), changing to %s ** Glyph %s is too long, may display incorrectly %% Converted by ttf2pt1 %s/%s 12 dict begin /FontInfo 9 dict dup begin /FamilyName (%s) readonly def /UnderlineThickness %hd def end readonly def /PaintType 0 def /StrokeWidth 0 def /FontMatrix [0.001 0 0 0.001 0 0] def /FontMatrix [%9.7f 0 0 %9.7f 0 0] def /FontBBox {%d %d %d %d} readonly def readonly def currentdict end currentfile eexec dup /Private 16 dict dup begin /RD{string currentfile exch readstring pop}executeonly def /ND{noaccess def}executeonly def /NP{noaccess put}executeonly def dup 0 { 3 0 callothersubr pop pop setcurrentpoint return } NP dup 1 { 0 1 callothersubr return } NP dup 2 { 0 2 callothersubr return } NP dup 4 { 1 3 callothersubr pop callsubr return } NP 2 index /CharStrings %d dict dup begin dup/FontName get exch definefont pop Finished - font files created works for most of the Western languagesworks for Central European languagesobsolete, use cyrillic insteadAdobe Standard, expected by TeXone plane of Unicode or other multi-byte encoding as isgenerate the font file (.t1a, .pfa or .pfb)generate the Adobe metrics file (.afm)generate the Unicode metrics file (.ufm)generate the dvips encoding file (.enc)guessing of the ForceBold hintspace optimization of font filessmoothing and repair of outlinesauto-scaling to the standard matrix 1000x1000correct the glyph widths (use only for buggy fonts)s####έ~####################T#w?ݯ#D### #Q##©Q$99999999999999999999999999999999|B>>>? ???&?0?;?D?I?BO?qAV?[?_?c?i?n?s?w?}?kA????????i?bA}r8Ǎ?????(9???d?}?/9????????887AV>@e7@XA>7/>~ @B9?B}#~%7]@ @@B@#@9999999999999999999999999999999999.@AA9@B@K@O@~V@_@k@x@@@@@9@@@@9@@@@@ AA#A9/A9CC C,CF[a_ez~|T9 CGPXnpbU: DHQYoqc   & ! 0 `9 R}    "   "!a: S~xAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABB BBBBBB#B'B|B>>>? ??_@&?0?;?D?I?BO?qAV?[?_?c?i?n?s?w?}?kA????????i?bA}r8Ǎ?????(9???d?}?/9???????C887AV>@e7@XA>7/>~ @B9?B}#~%7]@ @@B@#@+B0B5B@O@@A@@ C#A:B@~AABFBKBPB??k@@@@ZA,CUB_B@AfBkBpBzB.@AA9@V@K@B~3CBdAx@BBBBBBBCB@@CCBA ABBC/ACCC+C2C 0x%x -prev-> 0x%x unidirectional chain 0x%x -frwd-> 0x%x -bkwd-> 0x%x broken first backlink 0x%x -bkwd-> 0x%x -next-> 0x%x broken loop 0x%x -...-> 0x%x -frwd-> 0x%x **! glyphs %s has int entry, found in conversion to int **! fixcvdir(0x%x) on floating entry, ABORT WARNING: assertion in %s line %d, please report it to the ttf2pt1 project *** glyph %s requires over %d hint subroutines, ignored them **** not enough memory for substituted hints **** **** not enough memory for hints **** Warning: glyph %s needs hint stack depth %d (limit %d): removed the substituted hints from it Warning: glyph %s has %d main hints (limit %d): removed the hints from it closepath StartKernData StartKernPairs %hd KPX %s %s %d EndKernPairs EndKernData dup %d { %d %d %cstem %d hlineto %d %d rlineto %d vlineto %d %d %d %d hvcurveto %d %d %d %d vhcurveto %d %d %d %d %d %d rrcurveto %d vmoveto %d hmoveto %d %d rmoveto /%s { 0 %d hsbw 0 1000 hsbw %d %d %d %d %d %d hstem3 %d %d hstem %d %d %d %d %d %d vstem3 %d %d vstem %d 4 callsubr %d %d amoveto %d %d alineto %d %d %d %d %d %d arcurveto endchar } ND Guessed italic angle: %f No previois entry Previous entry type: %c **! Glyph %s is not int: %s adding int LINEadding int CURVEadding int MOVEsplitting zigzagsfclosepaths float **! Glyph %s got empty path adding float LINEadding float CURVEadding float MOVEFALSETRUEempty path at 0x%x converting path to int Glyph %s: %c %8x %c float (%g, %g) %c int (%d, %d) C float (%g, %g) C int (%d, %d) enforcing concisenessStrange contour in glyph %s buildstems intA?=@@>aC@4C A@@@@PGV瞯<@xD|Gz?-DT! @??ư>Q? ףp= ?-C6?????H} ?error: charstring_buf full (%d bytes) error: couldn't find charstring start command error: cannot use `%s' in charstring currentfile eexec /Subrs/lenIV%*s %dstring currentfilecurrentfile closefile0123456789ABCDEFcallothersubrcallsubrclosepathdivdotsectionendcharhlinetohmovetohsbwhstemhstem3hvcurvetopopreturnrlinetormovetorrcurvetoseacsetcurrentpointvhcurvetovlinetovmovetovstemvstem3}No Kerning data ttf.coldFound Encoding PID=%d/EID=%d Found Symbol Encoding Found Unicode Encoding _g_%d**** Cannot access %s **** rb**** Cannot open file '%s' Processing file %s EBDTEBLCEBSCFont contains bitmaps Unknownttfbuilt-in TTF supportnotequalinfinitylessequalgreaterequalpartialdiffsummationproductpiintegralOmegaradicalapproxequalincrementlozengeapplelogoZcaronzcaronfrancGbrevegbreveIdotScedillascedillaCacutecacuteCcaronccarondmacron**** Defective Kerning table, ignored **** Composite glyph %s refers to non-existent glyph %s, ignored **** Composite glyph %s refers to composite glyph %s, ignored *** Glyph %s: stopped (possibly infinite) recursion at depth %d *** Glyph %s: reusing scale from another glyph is unsupported Glyph %s has >= two encodings (B), %4.4x & %4.4x rangeoffset and delta both non-zero - %d/%dFont contains a broken glyph code mapping, ignored Glyph %s has non-symbol encoding %4.4x ****MS Encoding ID %d not supported**** Treating it like Symbol encoding No Microsoft encoding, looking for MAC encoding No MAC encoding either, looking for any format 4 encoding Found a last ditch encoding PID=%d/EID=%d, treating it as Unicode. *** TTF encoding table PID=%d/EID=%d not found **** No Recognised Encoding Table **** Font contains the following unsupported encoding tables: format=%d platform=%d encoding_id=%d **** Postscript table size mismatch %d/%d **** ** Postscript Name mismatch %d != %d ** Glyph No. %d has no postscript name, becomes %s No postscript table, using default **** Postscript table in wrong format %x **** **** Cannot malloc space for file **** **** Could not read whole file **** Unknown File Version number [%x], or not a TrueType file **** File contains no required table '%s' **** Cannot decode font name fields **** Font name is unknown, setting to "Unknown" **** indexToLocFormat wrong **** 99A|B>>>? ??_@&?0?;?D?I?BO?qAV?[?_?c?i?n?s?w?}?kA????????i?bA}r8Ǎ?????(9???d?}?/9???????C887AV>@e7@XA>7/>~ @B9?B}#~%7]@ @@B@#@2C%d) **** file does not contain the ENDFONT line **** unexpected end of font file after %d glyphs **** file contains more glyphs than advertised (%d) **** weird ENCODING statement at line %d **** weird DWIDTH statement at line %d **** weird BBX statement at line %d **** bitmap is longer than %d lines at line %d **** non-hex digit in bitmap at line %d **** bitmap line is too short at line %d Errors when closing the font file, ignored **** file does not contain the CHARS definition **** mandatory property %sis not found in the input line **** input line %d redefines the property %s **** property %s at input line %d must have %d arguments ENDFONTSTARTCHARbdf.cENCODINGENCODING %dENCODING -1 %dDWIDTHDWIDTH %d %dBBXBBX %d %d %d %dBITMAPENDCHARNormalMedium1.0iso10646bdfBDF bitmapped fontsFONT %200sSIZE FONTBOUNDINGBOX %hd %hd %hd %hdFAMILY_NAME WEIGHT_NAME COPYRIGHT SLANT SPACING SETWIDTH_NAME CHARSET_REGISTRY CHARSET_ENCODING FONT_ASCENT FONT_DESCENT UNDERLINE_THICKNESS UNDERLINE_POSITION CHARS %-8s %2d %p (back) end of %s frag len=%d %p-bitmap.chorvert %s extremum at %p line at %p len=%d k1=%d k2=%d ConvexConcave cut %s frag at %p len=%d circular %s frag %p%s nsub=%d symnext avg=%g max=%g fscale=%g ExLineSerif cut %s circular frag to %p-%p cut %s frag at %p from len=%d to len=%d (end %p) removed %s frag at %p len=%d Use of hint substitution on bitmap fonts is not recommended **** Internal error in the contour detection code at (%d, %d) glyph='%s' outer=%d hor=%d dir=%d discarded small %s at %p-%p Internal error at %s line %d: serif frags len is %d removed %s frag at %p len=%d linelen=%d removed %s frag at %p len=%d next linelen=%d removed covered Line frag at %p len=%d cut Line frag at %p by (%d,%d) to len=%d removed %s frag at %p len=%d covered by line removed %s frag at %p len=%d covered by %s new Line frag at %p-%p len=%d cut %s frag at %p len=%d to %p len=%d end overlap with %s to %p len=%d start overlap with %s **** Internal error in vectorization CONFLICT in %s at %p between %s and %s %p-%p bbox[%g,%g] sym=%p %s len=%d xlen=%d %d out(%d[%d %d %d],%d[%d %d %d]) drnd(%d, %d) sym with %p f=%d(%p) e=%d(%p) a1=%c a2=%c sympt=%g **** Internal error: rays must cross but don't at %p-%p (%g, %g) (%g, %g) (%g, %g) (%g, %g)   $th㈵>?9 h 6ho,< S 0oooΌތ.>N^n~΍ލ.>N^n~Ύގ.>N^n~Ώޏ|{|{1=]=======AБ=]=====A =>> >AF$>+>7>A1;>D>X>\>`>d>h>l>p>A1t>]A1|>]A~>^A><^A|{f 4Gt^aX4G^u04G^e@4G^bH4G_h,4G>u`4G>o\4G<_s(4G`_tP4G_wD4G_v4G>} } } } } ~~~ ~ %~+~ 2~<~ @~ G~O~W~!~ a~ f~ !v~~~~~ 'by,~ Gnamep Gheadl Ghheah Gpostd Gglyft Gcmap` Gkern| Gmaxpx Ghmtx Gloca6H1,23G92G?P2G2G2G2Ga 2Gn 2G{ 2G2G2G2G2G2GɎ \2G֎ \2G\2G\2G  d2GGCC: (Ubuntu 4.3.2-1ubuntu8) 4.3.2GCC: (Ubuntu 4.3.2-1ubuntu8) 4.3.2GCC: (Ubuntu 4.3.2-1ubuntu11) 4.3.2GCC: (Ubuntu 4.3.2-1ubuntu11) 4.3.2GCC: (Ubuntu 4.3.2-1ubuntu11) 4.3.2GCC: (Ubuntu 4.3.2-1ubuntu11) 4.3.2GCC: (Ubuntu 4.3.2-1ubuntu11) 4.3.2GCC: (Ubuntu 4.3.2-1ubuntu11) 4.3.2GCC: (Ubuntu 4.3.2-1ubuntu11) 4.3.2GCC: (Ubuntu 4.3.2-1ubuntu11) 4.3.2GCC: (Ubuntu 4.3.2-1ubuntu8) 4.3.2GCC: (Ubuntu 4.3.2-1ubuntu11) 4.3.2GCC: (Ubuntu 4.3.2-1ubuntu8) 4.3.2$h"6$26!u_IO_stdin_usedODD B=int8)7OK'/build/buildd/glibc-2.8~20080505/build-tree/i386-libc/csu/crti.S/build/buildd/glibc-2.8~20080505/build-tree/glibc-20080505/csuGNU AS 2.18.91p] /tmp/cc8mSUAH.s/build/buildd/glibc-2.8~20080505/build-tree/glibc-20080505/csuGNU AS 2.18.91% $ > $ > $ > 4: ; I? 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