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No graphic.WWWWindows bitmap.WWWMicrosoft Windows Metafile.WWWOmit Adobe placeable header.WWReplace text with polygons.WWW9Displays the graphic at the original size it was created.W;Scales the graphic proportionally to fit within the object.WWWMScales the graphic to fill the object regardless of its original proportions.W5Duplicates the graphic repeatedly to fill the object.WDCenters the graphic and scales it proportionally to fill the object.WWTiles the graphic horizontally.WWWTiles the graphic vertically.W'The VtColor changes from top to bottom.WWW'The VtColor changes from left to right.WWWFThe VtColor changes in concentric rectangles from the center outwards.AThe VtColor changes in concentric ovals from the center outwards.W#No fill. (background shows through)WWW A solid VtColor or pattern fill.WWA gradient fill.WW Dash markerWWW Plus markerWWWX markerWW Star markerWWW Circle markerW Square markerWDiamond markerTriangle markerWWWDown triangle markerWWFilled circle markerWWFilled square markerWWFilled diamond markerWFilled up triangle markerWFilled down triangle markerWWW3D BallWWW No MarkerWPerspective projection"2.5 dimensional oblique projection%Orthogonal projection(no perspective)WFrontal projectionOverhead projectionWWW No smoothingWWQuadratic BSpline smoothingWWWCubic BSpline smoothingWWWDevice context type NullWWDevice context type DisplayWWWDevice context type PrinterWWWDevice context type MetafileWWTT virtual text length#Actual length used by output deviceWWW3d Bar2d Bar3d LineWWW2d LineWWW3d AreaWWW2d AreaWWW3d StepWWW2d StepWWW3d Combination2d Combination3d Horizontal BarW2d Horizontal BarW3d Clustered BarWW3d Pie2d Pie 3d DoughnutWWW2d XYW2d PolarWW2d RadarWW 2d BubbleW2d HiLoWWW2d GanttWW3d GanttWW 3d Surface 2d Contour 3d Scatter3d XYZ$Used by UI to describe combo charts.WWDefaultWWW 2d Radar LineW 2d Radar AreaW 2d HiLoCloseWW 2d HLC RightWW2d OHLCWWW 2d OHLC BarWWW2d DatesWW 3d Bar HiLoWWW 2d Bar HiLoWWW3d Horizontal Bar HiLo2d Horizontal Bar HiLo3d Clustered Bar HiLoWPart type - chartWPart type - titleWPart type - footnoteWWPart type - legendPart type - plotWWPart type - seriesPart type - series labelWWPart type - pointWPart type - point labelWWWPart type - axisWWPart type - axislabelWPart type - axistitleWPart type - series nameWWWPart type - point nameTop leftWWTopWWW Top rightWLeftWWRightW Bottom leftWWWBottom Bottom rightWWCustom1The value of the data point appears in the label.WgThe value of the data point is displayed in the label as a percentage of the total value of the series.WWW0The series name is used to label the data point.WW4The data point name is used to label the data point.WWLabel Line Style - NoneWWWLabel Line Style - StraightWWWLabel Line Style - BentWWWLabel Location - NoneWLabel Location - AbovePointWWWLabel Location - BelowPointWWWLabel Location - CenterWWWLabel Location - BaseW'Label Location - Inside pie or doughnutWWW(Label Location - Outside pie or doughnutWWLabel Location - LeftWLabel Location - RightLocation Type - NoneWWLocation Type - AboveWLocation Type - BelowWLocation Type - CenterPie Weight Basis - NoneWWWPie Weight Basis - TotalWWPie Weight Basis - SeriesWPie Weight Style - AreaWWWPie Weight Style - DiameterWWWX AxisY AxisY2 AxisWWWZ AxisNo AxisWWWDate Interval Type - NoneWDate Interval Type - DailyDate Interval Type - WeeklyWWW Date Interval Type - SemimonthlyWWDate Interval Type - MonthlyWWDate Interval Type - YearlyWWWScale Type - LinearWWWScale Type - LogarithmicWWScale Type - PercentWWPercent Axis Basis - MaxChartWPercent Axis Basis - MaxRowWWWPercent Axis Basis - MaxColumn Percent Axis Basis - MaxSumChartWWPercent Axis Basis - MaxSumRow!Percent Axis Basis - MaxSumColumnWAxis Tick Style - NoneAxis Tick Style - CenterWWAxis Tick Style - InsideWWAxis Tick Style - OutsideW&Shows the minimum value in the series.&Shows the maximum value in the series.8Shows the mathematical mean of the values in the series.WW9Shows the standard deviation of the values in the series.W7Shows a trend line indicated by the values in a series.WWWNo effect on chart appearance.Update plot display.WWUpdate plot layout.WWWUpdate legend display.Update legend layout.WUpdate series layout.WUpdate section position.WWShift key downControl key downWWOffWWWOnWWWW Auto Parse$Draws directly to the display deviceWW0Blits an offscreen drawing to the display deviceWWContour VtColor - AutomaticWWWContour VtColor - GradientContour VtColor - ManualWWContour Display - CBandsWWContour Display - CLinesWWSurface Base - PedestalWWWSurface Base - StandardWWW!Surface Base - StandardWithCBandsW!Surface Base - StandardWithCLinesWSurface Display - NoneSurface Display - CBandsWWSurface Display - CLinesWWSurface Display - SolidWWW!Surface Display - SolidWithCLinesWSurface Projection - NoneWSurface Projection - CBandsWWWSurface Projection - CLinesWWWSurface Wireframe - NoneWWSurface Wireframe - MajorW!Surface Wireframe - MajorAndMinorW No border.Fixed single line border.WDefault chart pointer.Arrow pointer.Crosshair pointer.I beam pointer.WWW Icon pointer.W Size pointer.WSize NE SW pointer.WWWSize N S pointer.WSize NW SE pointer.WWWSize WE pointer.WWUp arrow pointer.WHourglass (wait) pointer.WNo drop pointer.WWArrow and hourglass pointer.WW Arrow and question mark pointer.WWSize all pointer.W Y coordinateWW"Sets the x and y coordinate values X coordinateWWMinimum Coor objectWWWMaximum Coor objectWWW Red valueW Green valueWWW Blue valueAutomatic VtColor selectionWWWSet red, green, and blue valuesWWWThe type of lineWW$Defines how line segments are joinedWW Defines how line ends are cappedWW!The VtColor used to draw the lineW)Defines the width, in points, of the lineW7Defines the joint limit as a multiple of the line widthWWWDetermines if marker is visibleWWWThe type of marker#The pen used to draw marker outlineWWWSize of the marker in pointsWWVtColor used to fill the markerWWW$Defines horizontal alignment of textWW"Defines vertical alignment of textDefines orientation of textWWWText Word WrapDetermines if text is visibleW#Determines the position of the textWWWThe name of the VtFontSize of the VtFont in pointsWWDefines styles of the VtFontWWDefines effects of the VtFontWVtFont VtColor objectWDefines the style of the brushFill VtColor objectWWWPattern VtColor object!Defines the pattern for the brushW<Determines whether this shadow object's parent has a shadow.WW5Returns the Brush object associated with this shadow.W`Returns the Coor object that describes the distance the shadow is offset from its parent object.WWThe type of fill.WABrush object that describes the brush used in a brush style fill.WThe type of frameWThe VtColor of the frameWW'The VtColor of the space between framesWWW"The width, in points, of the frameText Layout objectReturns/sets the title textWWW%Returns the length of the title text.WStdFont Object (write-only)WWWSelects the chart title.WWReturns/sets the footnote text(Returns the length of the footnote text.WWSelects the chart footnote.WWWSelects the chart legend.W9Returns/sets the number of data columns in the data grid.WMReturns/sets the number of levels of labels on data columns in the data grid.WJReturns/sets the number of levels of labels on data rows in the data grid.6Returns/sets the number of data rows in the data grid.GDeletes columns of data and their associated labels from the data grid.WWW/Adds one or more data columns to the data grid.WWW>Deletes levels of labels from the data columns in a data grid.GAdds one or more levels of labels to the data columns in the data grid.WWWDDeletes rows of data and their associated labels from the data grid.WW,Adds one or more data rows to the data grid.WW;Deletes levels of labels from the data rows in a data grid.WWWDAdds one or more levels of labels to the data rows in the data grid.WW1Fills the data grid with randomly generated data.W4Sets the number and levels of data columns and rows.WWNAssigns each label in the first level of data grid labels a unique identifier.HFills one or more columns of the data grid with randomly generated data.WWEFills one or more rows of the data grid with randomly generated data.W(Moves a block of cells on the data grid.WW#Gets the value of a data grid cell.WWW#Sets the value of a data grid cell.WWW9Returns/sets the label on a data column in the data grid.WHReturns the multi-level label that identifies a column in the data grid.WWEReturns the multi-level label that identifies a row in the data grid.W6Returns/sets the label on a data row in the data grid.EReturns/sets the strength of the light coming from the light source.WCReturns/sets the X coordinate for the location of the LightSource.WWWCReturns/sets the Y coordinate for the location of the LightSource.WWWCReturns/sets the Z coordinate for the location of the LightSource.WWW]Sets the X,Y,Z coordinates for the LightSource location and the intensity of the LightSource.WNumber of items in a collectionWWW(Add a new LightSource to the collection.WW)Remove a LightSource from the collection.W9Returns a specific item from the LightSources collection.WEReturns/sets the percentage of ambient light illuminating a 3D chart.WCReturns/sets the intensity used to display the edges on a 3D chart.WWWEDetermines whether edges are displayed on the elements in a 3D chart.WA collection of light sources.CReturns/sets the degree of rotation from which the chart is viewed.WWWDReturns/sets the degree of elevation from which the chart is viewed.WW:Sets the rotation and elevation used to display the chart.4Returns/sets the height of the chart base in points.WW8Returns the brush object associated with the chart base.WW4Returns the pen object associated with the pen base.WWJReturns/sets the type of weighting used to determine pie or doughnut size./Determines how the weighting factor is applied.WWWhSets the size of each 2D or 3D pie or doughnut in relation to other pies or doughnuts in the same chart.WWAReturns/sets the thickness of the walls of a 3D chart, in points.W8Returns the Brush object associated with the chart wall.WW6Returns the Pen object associated with the chart wall.7Determines whether a series is excluded from the chart.WWWCDetermines whether a series is hidden (not displayed) on the chart.WWW5Returns/sets the position of the series in the chart.W^Returns/sets position in which the current series is drawn if it is stacked with other series.kDetermines whether to automatically assign the next available marker type to all data points in the series.WWW7Determines whether markers are displayed for the seriesWWWBDetermines which statistic lines are being displayed for a series.3Returns the VtColor object for this statistic line.WWW=Returns/sets the thickness of the statistics line, in points.W>Returns/sets the line type used to display the statistic line.7Returns the Backdrop object associated with this label.WWW2Returns/sets the format used to display the label.:Returns/sets the VtFont object associated with this label.ZDetermines whether to automatically rotate the label if it would improve the chart layout.Determines whether axis labels are displayed laying down in the X or Z plane or rotated up on the text baseline to stand in the Y plane.WW9Returns the TextLayout object associated with this label.W(Returns the length of the format string.WW"Returns one item from a collection"Returns/sets the point label text.BReturns the Backdrop object associated with this data point label.@Returns the VtFont object associated with this data point label.WWwReturns the LCoor object which describes the offset of the data point label from one of the predefined label positions.WWWDReturns the TextLayout object associated with this data point label.WW=Returns/sets the standard position used to display the label.W?Determines whether custom text is used to label the data point.WWW@Returns/sets the type of label to be used to identify the point.WWaReturns/sets the type of line used to connect a pie slice to a label displayed outside the slice.W=Returns/sets the format used to display the label as a value.W?Returns/sets the format used to display the label as a percent.WWW0Returns the length of the data point label text.WWPResets any custom attributes placed on a data point label to the series default.WWSelects a data point label.WWWBReturns the DataPointLabel object associated with this data point.9Returns the Brush object associated with this data point.W?Returns the Pen object used to draw the edge of the data point.WWW:Returns the Marker object associated with this data point.fReturns/sets how far the pie slice representing this data point is offset or pulled away from the pie.JResets any custom attributes placed on a data point to the series default.!Selects an individual data point.W?Determines whether a series is charted on the secondary Y axis.WWWLReturns/sets the series type being used to display this series in the chart.WW>Returns the Pen object associated with this series guidelines.4Determines whether a line is displayed for a series.WW3Returns the Pen object associated with this series.WWW8Returns the Position object associated with this series.WW<Returns the SeriesMarker object associated with this series.WW8Returns the StatLine object associated with this series.WW4Retruns the collection of datapoints in this series.WWCSets or returns the text that identifies this series in the legend.WWWSelects a chart series.WWW=Determines whether the guidelines are displayed for a series.WRReturns the series type used to draw the series if chart type is set to ChartType.,Returns/sets the text used as an axis title.WW<Returns the Backdrop object associated with this axis title.WW:Returns the VtFont object associated with this axis title.-Determines whether the axis title is visible.W>Returns the TextLayout object associated with this axis title.%Returns the length of the axis title.W4Determines whether the axis is automatically scaled.WW;Returns/sets how many divisions are skipped between labels.WWW?Returns/sets how many divisions are skipped between tick marks.WWWODetermines where category axis labels are positioned relative to the axis tick.WWW>Returns the Pen object used to draw the minor axis grid lines.>Returns the Pen object used to draw the major axis grid lines.JDetermines whether the chart uses the value of Point to position the axis.LReturns/sets where the current axis intersects the axis perpendicular to it.WWIdentifies a specific axis.WWWReserved for future use.WW%Axis labels are adjacent to the axis.W?Returns/sets the length of axis tick marks, measured in points.WWW+Returns/sets the position of the axis tick.WWW&Determines whether the axis is hidden.$Returns/sets the type of axis scale.WWPReturns/sets the logarithm base used to plot chart values on a logarithmic axis.WWPReturns/sets the type of percentage used to plot chart values on a percent axis.WW>Determines whether automatic scaling is used to draw the axis.BReturns/sets the lowest or beginning value used to scale the axis.@Returns/sets the highest or ending value used to scale the axis.WWAReturns/sets the number of major divisions displayed on the axis.W\Returns/sets the number of minor divisions displayed within each major division of the axis.WWBReturns the Pen object used to draw the axis lines and tick marks.8Returns the number of levels of labels for a given axis.WW;Returns the CategoryScale object associated with this axis.WWW6Returns the AxisGrid object associated with this axis.:Returns the Intersection object associated with this axis.2Returns the Tick object associated with this axis.3Returns the Scale object associated with this axis.WWW8Returns the ValueScale object associated with this axis.WW7Returns the AxisTitle object associated with this axis.WWWA group of chart axis labels.W;Returns/sets the unit of measure used for all chart angles.WWWUDetermines whether pie charts are drawn in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction.WJReturns/sets the order in which the slices of a pie or doughnut are drawn.;Returns the Backdrop object associated with the chart plot.WWW8Returns/sets the starting angle used to draw pie charts.WWWReturns/sets the position used to display a label on each pie or doughnut in the chart.WWW8Returns/sets the spacing of 2D and 3D bars in the chart.WW3Returns/sets the x spacing of 3D bars in the chart.WWW8Determines whether the plot is in automatic layout mode.WWNReturns/sets the percentage of the chart height to be used as the chart width.NReturns/sets the percentage of the chart height to be used as the chart depth.SReturns the Rect object which indicates the position of the plot area of the chart.WWWRReturns/sets the projection type used to display a 3D chart on a 2D output device.3Returns/sets the z spacing of 3D bars in the chart.WWW`Returns the View3d object which indicates the rotation and elevation used to display a 3D chart.WW<Returns the PlotBase object associated with this chart plot.WW=Returns the Weighting object associated with this chart plot.W8Returns the Wall object associated with this chart plot.WWSeries CollectionW\Indicates whether series data is being read from a row rather than a column in a data grid.WW&The light source illuminating a chart.PReturns/sets the type of percentage used to plot chart values in a percent axis.WWQSpecifies whether or not the unit scale for all value axes in a chart is uniform.W8Returns the Axis object associated with this chart plot.WWDetermines whether the current data point row and column is automatically incremented after the Data property is used to enter or update data in the data grid.WWW=Determines whether random data is used to generate the chart.WFReturns/sets the type of chart used to plot the data in the data grid.0Returns/sets the active column in the data grid.WW4Returns/sets the number of columns in the data grid.WWTReturns/sets the label associated with the column identified by the Column property.WWTReturns/sets the number of levels of labels above the data columns in the data grid.WW/Identifies a particular level of column labels.WWW^Returns/sets the value of a specific data point in the data grid identified by Column and Row./Returns/sets the text used as a chart footnote.WWWJDetermines whether the chart repaints after a change is made to the chart.-Returns/sets the active row of the data grid.W1Returns/sets the number of rows in the data grid.WNReturns/sets the label associated with the row identified by the Row property.YReturns/sets the number of levels of labels to the left of the data rows in the data gridW,Identifies a particular level of row labels.WWNReturns/sets the column of the chart in which the current series is displayed.YReturns/sets the chart type used to display the series identified in the Column property.W8Determines whether the legend is displayed on the chart.WW/Determines when and how the chart is repainted.WWW/Returns or sets the border style for the chart.WWW'Returns the window handle of the chart.WWW3Returns the Title object associated with the chart.WWW5Returns the Footnote object associated with the chartW3Returns/sets the text to be used as the chart titleWWW;Determines whether all the series in the chart are stacked.WWWfReturns/sets how text is drawn to optimize the appearance either on the screen or on the printed page.6Determines whether the user can select chart elements.lDetermines whether clicking on an individual data point selects the entire series containing the data point.WWFDetermines whether or not the user can interactively rotate 3D charts.6Returns the number of series that appear on the chart.6Returns the Backdrop object associated with the chart.4Returns the Legend object associated with the chart.WW6Returns the DataGrid object associated with the chart.2Returns the Plot object associated with the chart.aReturns/sets whether to disable color dithering for charts in order to enhance the chart display.WJReturns/sets whether or not the mouse cursor type can be set by the chart./Returns whether the chart is three dimensional.WWW-Returns/sets the data to chart as a 2D array.W-Returns/sets the mouse pointer for the chart.W$Displays the About box of the chart.WWRepaints the chart.WWWPPastes a Windows Metafile graphic from the clipboard into the current selection.WWECopies the current chart to the clipboard in Windows Metafile format.W5Forces the chart to recalculate automatic attributes.W*Returns the chart to its initial settings.!Selects the specified chart part.W-Returns the currently selected chart element.W5Uses a set of coords on the chart to identify a part.WReturns/Sets whether this control can act as an OLE drag/drop source, and whether this process is started automatically or under programmatic control.@Returns/Sets whether this control can act as an OLE drop target.WWCStarts an OLE drag/drop event with the given control as the source.WWWReturns/sets data source.W%Returns/sets data source member name.W"Occurs when the chart is selected."Occurs when the title is selected.%Occurs when the footnote is selected.W#Occurs when the legend is selected.WWW!Occurs when the plot is selected.W Occurs when an axis is selected.WW&Occurs when an axis label is selected.&Occurs when an axis title is selected.$Occurs when a datapoint is selected.WW*Occurs when a datapoint label is selected.!Occurs when a series is selected.W4Occurs when the chart is activated (double-clicked).WW4Occurs when the title is activated (double-clicked).WW7Occurs when the footnote is activated (double-clicked).WWW5Occurs when the legend is activated (double-clicked).W3Occurs when the plot is activated (double-clicked).WWW2Occurs when an axis is activated (double-clicked).8Occurs when an axis label is activated (double-clicked).WW8Occurs when an axis title is activated (double-clicked).WW6Occurs when a datapoint is activated (double-clicked).<Occurs when a datapoint label is activated (double-clicked).WW3Occurs when a series is activated (double-clicked).WWWOccurs when an axis is updated.WWW%Occurs when an axis label is updated.W%Occurs when an axis title is updated.W!Occurs when the chart is updated.W$Occurs when the footnote is updated.WW"Occurs when the legend is updated. Occurs when the plot is updated.WW#Occurs when a datapoint is updated.WWW)Occurs when a datapoint label is updated.W Occurs when a series is updated.WW!Occurs when the title is updated.W$Occurs when the datagrid is updated.WW(Occurs after the chart finishespainting.WW+Occurs when the user clicks over the chart.WWW2Occurs when the user double clicks over the chart.AOccurs when the user presses a key while the chart has the focus.W0Occurs when the user presses and releases a key.WWBOccurs when the user releases a key while the chart has the focus.;Occurs when the user presses a mouse button over the chart.WWW4Occurs when the user moves the mouse over the chart.WW<Occurs when the user releases a mouse button over the chart.WW @  @ ,@@ @ @HP@@h4@x@T @@ @@,@ @@0@@l@P`h @x@l !4!L"(0 @PX%h1x=I@&t'@0@Ua(0|.@HdX`@p@my 00@$,,(0-@H1X` d2@p$@\@@45L6(07@H7X`8px3D/L@@h@ @))*(0\+@H,3X`<(pxl9@x@@#T$H @%% (4:8@8@PX@`@pWWWW(4` `(4H H(4I I(4J J(4K4 K(4LX L(4Lx (4M (4N ( 4O ( 4P ( 4Q ( 4R ( 4SL (4Tl (4U (4V (4W (4X (4Y$ (4ZP (4[h (4\ (4] (4^ (4_ (4`(4a8(4bd(4(4(4( 4(!4("4(#4<<($4=H=(%4>l>(&4??('4@@((400()411(*42 2(+43(3(,44<4(-45P5(.4||x|(/4(04(14(24(34(44(54x(64(74(84`@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @!@"@#@$@%@&@'@(@)@*@+@,@-@.@/@0@1@2@3@4@5@6@7@8@ 0Dl4PtHl @h(PxDp8Xt(Dd(Px@h0X Hp8`(Px@h0X HpD04 H \ D H$\ D< H(T |  4<,TD \  H0x\H\D( < LDp0 H$T  0(4 8<,D  $@0L D84 p  H8x(4(4((4d@@@Hd(PP(4(4@@((4L(4`(4t(4(4@@@@@,T|(Pxx(4(4(4  @@@(P(4""(4##(4$$(4%%@@@@<`|(Pxx(4''(4(0((4)H)@@@(Px(4+`+(4,t,(4--@@@8(Px(4//(400(411@@@X|(PP(433(444@@(x(4646(47<7(48D8@@@4T(PP(4:P:(4;`;@@t((4=l=(4>>(4??(4@@@@@@(Px(4BB(4CC(4DD(4E$E(4F@F(4G\G(4HtH(4II(4JJ( 4 KK( 4 LL( 4 MM( 4 NN( 4 OO(4PP(4Q$Q(4R4R(4SHS(@4TdT@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @ @ @@@@@@<`@lDh(Px@h0X(4VV(4WW(4XX(4YY(4ZZ(4[[(4\d\@@@@@@@ < ` (PxP(4^$^(4_0_@@ !((4a@a(4bLb(4cXc(4ddd(4epe(4ff(4gg(4hh(4ii( 4 jj@@@@@@@@@ @,!H!d!!!!!!"8"(Px@hx(4ll(4mm(4nn@@@T"p""(Px(4pp(4qq(4r$r@@@"""(P(4t4t(4u@u(4vhv(4ww(4xx@@@@@"#8#\##(Px(4zz(4{({(4|<|(4}(}(4~<~@@@@@###$ $(PxP(4\(4|@@<$d$((4(4(4(4h(4(4(4 @@@@@@@$$$$ %H%t%(Px(4, (4X (4 (4 @@@@%%% &(Pxx(4!(48!(@4\!@@@,&H&d&(P(4p!(4!(4!(4!(4!(4!(4!(4!(4!( 4 "( 4  "( 4 8"( 4 P"( 4 l"(4"(4"(4d@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @ @ @@@@&&&&' '@'`'''''$(P(|((((Px@h0X(4"(4"(4"(4#(4#@@@@@()()P)t)(Pxx(44#(4D#(4d#@@@)))(P(4#(4#(4#(4#@@@@ *$*@*\*(PxP(4#(4#@@x**(P(4#(4$@@**(`(4<$(4D$(4L$(4X$(4d$(4p$(4|$(4$(4$( 4 $( @4 $( @4 $( @4 $( @4 $(4$(@4%(4%(@4%(@4$%(@40%(@4<%(@4H%(@4T%(@4`%(@4l%(@4x%(@4%(@4d@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@+(+H+h+++++,0,X,,,,,-4-T-t-----.<.`...(Px@h0X Hp8(@4%(4%(4<$(4D$(@4$(@4$(@4$(4L$(4X$( 4d$( 4p$( 4 |$( 4 $( 4 %(@4 %(@4 %(@4%(@40%(@4<%(@4%(@4%(@4&(@4 &(@4H%(@4T%(@4$(4$(@4%(@4&(@4(&(@48&(@4H&( @4`&(!@4x&("@4 `%(#@4!l%($@4"%(%@4#d@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @!@"@#@$@%@../(/H/t////0(0H0h000001@1`11111 202P2p2222303`33333(Px@h0X Hp8`(PxX(4&(4&(4&(4&(4&(4&(4 '(4('(4<'( 4 X'( 4 l' ( 4 ' ( 4 ' ( 4 ' (4 d @@@@@@@@@ @ @ @ @ @@444T4t44444585T5x5555(Px@h0h(4'(4'(4'(4'(4'(4((4((4((4((@@@@@@@@@6(6H6l66666$7(Px@(40((4d((4((4)@@@@H7l777(Pxx(4<)(4X)(4 x) @@@7808(Ph(4")"(4#)#(4$)$(4%)%(4&*&(4' *'(4(L*((4)x*)(4***@@@@@@@@@T8|8888$9L9t99(Px@(4,*,(4-*-(4.*.(4/*/@@@@99 :P:(Pxx(41+1(42$+2(43@+3@@@:::(PP(45\+5(46x+6@@:;((48+8(49+9(4:+:(4;+;(4<+<@@@@@8;P;h;;;(Px(4>+>(4?+?(4@,@(4A ,A(4BD,B(4Cd,C@@@@@@;;<(<T<|<(Pxx(4E,E(4F,F(4G,G@@@<<<(P(4I,I(4J,J(4K-K(4L0-L(4MT-M(4Nt-N@@@@@@=0=X====(Px(4P-P(4Q-Q(4R-R(4S-S@@@@>$>H>l>(Px(4U.U(4V,.V(4WT.W(4X.X(4Y.Y@@@@@>>>>?(Px(4/(4(/(4@/(4X/(4p/(4/(4 /@@@@@@@ ?}J0\4 ~d>~``t >|I`IJK0d4 >HhT  ?IHlT l?hJxp ?KKKKKK`t ?hJI `L`xt @hJI LT|lD0@IJ($L Td!0@IJH\Dl@I(X^>Q $(D! <,LD?^?Q $0D!<4TDA^A L <8LDD<_D@Q $<D!< @LD Ex_ER $ DD! < HLD F_F@0R $ LD! < PLDG`G@DR $TD! <XLDHH`HTR $\D! <`LDI`I@lR $dD!<hLDJ`J@R $lD!<pTDK$aKR <tLDL|aLR $xD!<|LDMaM@R $D!<TDNbN <TDOlbO  <TDRbR8 <TDSbSP8 <TDU(cUh$ <LD VTD> m 0 <?TD? 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GetData may return more bytes than were given to SetData.NRequested data was not supplied to the DataObject during the OLESetData event.No errorGeneral failure'Attempted to delete object still in use*Attempted to delete object already deleted Corrupt data; unable to continueFunction not yet implementedNot enough memoryBad function argumentCannot find item!Result too long for return buffer Inappropriate or invalid requestFailed to read or write a file(Failed to write to user-created functionPersistent storage corrupted&Attempted to load incompatible versionUnexpected class type(Attempted to load pointer into referenceUnable to open requested file(Failed to load string; possibly too long)String buffer too small; string truncatedFailed to copy objectEncountered duplicate objectUser canceled operationIndex given is out of bounds+Requested type conversion is not supported.#Object is uninitialized or invalid.Could not create window.)This version of Windows is not supported.!Could not load requested picture.Invalid Syntax.Identifier too big.Unrecongized function name.Unrecongized symbol.Unexpected end of string.Duplicate Symbol.(Error communicating with display drivers!Requested font name not available"Requested font description invalidNot enough display resources&Default substituted for requested fontNon-specific chart errorInvalid chart handleNecessary data unavailableNonexistent seriesNonexistent axis%Operation not allowed in this versionSurface Display Type ConstantsSurface Display - NoneSurface Display - CBandsSurface Display - CLinesSurface Display - Solid!Surface Display - SolidWithCLines!Surface Projection Type ConstantsSurface Projection - NoneSurface Projection - CBandsSurface Projection - CLines Surface Wireframe Type ConstantsSurface Wireframe - NoneSurface Wireframe - Major!Surface Wireframe - MajorAndMinorVertical Alignment ConstantsBorder Style ConstantsVertical centerOrientation ConstantsHorizontal text Vertical textUp oriented textDown oriented textSort Type ConstantsSort Type - NoneSort Type - AscendingSort Type - DescendingAngle Units ConstantsDegree Angle UnitsRadian Angle UnitsGrad Angle UnitsPrint Scale Type ConstantsPrint Scale Type - ActualPrint Scale Type - FittedPrint Scale Type - Stretched Print Orientation Type ConstantsPrint Orientation - PortraitPrint Orientation - LandscapeThe list of VtFont stylesBoldItalicOutlineThe list of VtFont effectsStrike Through Underline Brush Styles"No brush(background shows through)Solid VtColor brushBitmap patterned brush Hatched brushBrush Patterns94 percent pattern color88 percent pattern color75 percent pattern color50 percent pattern color25 percent pattern colorBold Horizontal LinesBold Vertical LinesBold Down Diagonal LinesBold Up Diagonal LinesChecks pattern Weave patternHorizontal LinesVertical Lines Down Diagonal Up Diagonal Grid PatternTrellis PatternInverted Trellis Pattern&Number of elements in this enumeration Brush HatchesHorizontal Hatch LinesVertical Hatch LinesDown Diagonal Hatch LinesUp Diagonal Hatch LinesCross Hatch LinesDiagonal Cross Hatch Lines&Number of elements in this enumeration Shadow Styles No shadow Drop shadow Pen StylesNull pen Solid pen Dashed pen Dotted pen Dash-dot penDash-dot-dot penDitted line penDitted line pen Dash-dit penDash-dit-dit penPen Join typesMitered pen joinRound pen joinBeveled pen join Pen Cap types Butt pen cap Round pen capSquare pen cap Frame StylesNo frame$A Single line encloses the backdrop.+Two equal width lines enclose the backdrop.>A thick inner line and a thin outer line enclose the backdrop.>A thin inner line and a thick outer line enclose the backdrop. Picture Types No graphic.Windows bitmap.Microsoft Windows Metafile.Windows bitmap.Microsoft Windows Metafile.Picture Options (WMF only)Omit Adobe placeable header.Replace text with polygons.Picture Map Types9Displays the graphic at the original size it was created.;Scales the graphic proportionally to fit within the object.MScales the graphic to fill the object regardless of its original proportions.5Duplicates the graphic repeatedly to fill the object.DCenters the graphic and scales it proportionally to fill the object.Tiles the graphic horizontally.Tiles the graphic vertically.Gradient Styles'The VtColor changes from top to bottom.'The VtColor changes from left to right.FThe VtColor changes in concentric rectangles from the center outwards.AThe VtColor changes in concentric ovals from the center outwards.Fill Style Constants#No fill. (background shows through) A solid VtColor or pattern fill.A gradient fill.Marker Style Constants Dash marker Plus markerX marker Star marker Circle marker Square markerDiamond markerTriangle markerDown triangle markerFilled circle markerFilled square markerFilled diamond markerFilled up triangle markerFilled down triangle marker3D Ball No Marker&Number of elements in this enumerationProjection Type ConstantsPerspective projection"2.5 dimensional oblique projection%Orthogonal projection(no perspective)Frontal projectionOverhead projectionSmoothing Type Constants No smoothingQuadratic BSpline smoothingCubic BSpline smoothingDevice Context Type ConstantsDevice context type NullDevice context type DisplayDevice context type PrinterDevice context type Metafile2D Text output Type ConstantsDevice context type NullDevice context type MetafileText Length Type ConstantsTT virtual text length#Actual length used by output deviceThe list of Chart types3d Bar2d Bar3d Line2d Line3d Area2d Area3d Step2d Step3d Combination2d Combination3d Horizontal Bar2d Horizontal Bar3d Clustered Bar3d Pie2d Pie 3d Doughnut2d XY2d Polar2d Radar 2d Bubble2d HiLo2d Gantt3d Gantt 3d Surface 2d Contour 3d Scatter3d XYZ&Number of elements in this enumerationThe list of Series types$Used by UI to describe combo charts.Default3d Bar2d Bar3d Horizontal Bar2d Horizontal Bar3d Clustered Bar3d Line2d Line3d Area2d Area3d Step2d Step2d XY2d Polar 2d Radar Line 2d Radar Area 2d Bubble2d HiLo 2d HiLoClose 2d HLC Right2d OHLC 2d OHLC Bar2d Gantt3d Gantt3d Pie2d Pie 3d Doughnut2d Dates 3d Bar HiLo 2d Bar HiLo3d Horizontal Bar HiLo2d Horizontal Bar HiLo3d Clustered Bar HiLo 3d Surface 2d Contour3d XYZ&Number of elements in this enumerationChart Part Type ConstantsPart type - chartPart type - titlePart type - footnotePart type - legendPart type - plotPart type - seriesPart type - series labelPart type - pointPart type - point labelPart type - axisPart type - axislabelPart type - axistitlePart type - series namePart type - point name&Number of elements in this enumeration%Chart Element Location Type ConstantsTop leftTop Top rightLeftRight Bottom leftBottom Bottom rightCustom+The list of datapoint label component types1The value of the data point appears in the label.gThe value of the data point is displayed in the label as a percentage of the total value of the series.0The series name is used to label the data point.4The data point name is used to label the data point..The list of series/datapoint label line stylesLabel Line Style - NoneLabel Line Style - StraightLabel Line Style - Bent,The list of series/datapoint label locationsLabel Location - NoneLabel Location - AbovePointLabel Location - BelowPointLabel Location - CenterLabel Location - Base'Label Location - Inside pie or doughnut(Label Location - Outside pie or doughnutLabel Location - LeftLabel Location - Right&Sub Plot Label Location Type ConstantsLocation Type - NoneLocation Type - AboveLocation Type - BelowLocation Type - CenterPie Weight Basis ConstantsPie Weight Basis - NonePie Weight Basis - TotalPie Weight Basis - SeriesPie Weight Style ConstantsPie Weight Style - AreaPie Weight Style - DiameterAxis Id ConstantsX AxisY AxisY2 AxisZ AxisNo AxisDate Interval ConstantsDate Interval Type - NoneDate Interval Type - DailyDate Interval Type - Weekly Date Interval Type - SemimonthlyDate Interval Type - MonthlyDate Interval Type - YearlyScale Type ConstantsScale Type - LinearScale Type - LogarithmicScale Type - PercentPercent Axis Basis ConstantsPercent Axis Basis - MaxChartPercent Axis Basis - MaxRowPercent Axis Basis - MaxColumn Percent Axis Basis - MaxSumChartPercent Axis Basis - MaxSumRow!Percent Axis Basis - MaxSumColumnAxis Tick Style ConstantsAxis Tick Style - NoneAxis Tick Style - CenterAxis Tick Style - InsideAxis Tick Style - OutsideStat Type Constants&Shows the minimum value in the series.&Shows the maximum value in the series.8Shows the mathematical mean of the values in the series.9Shows the standard deviation of the values in the series.7Shows a trend line indicated by the values in a series.Mouse Flag ConstantsShift key downControl key down.The list of Formula One spreadsheet link modesOffOnUpdate Flag ConstantsNo effect on chart appearance.Update plot display.Update plot layout.Update legend display.Update legend layout.Update series layout.Update section position. Auto ParseThe list of Draw modes$Draws directly to the display device0Blits an offscreen drawing to the display deviceContour VtColor Type ConstantsContour VtColor - AutomaticContour VtColor - GradientContour VtColor - ManualContour Display Type ConstantsContour Display - CBandsContour Display - CLinesSurface Base Type ConstantsSurface Base - PedestalSurface Base - Standard!Surface Base - StandardWithCBands!Surface Base - StandardWithCLines No border.Fixed single line border.Mouse Pointer ConstantsDefault chart pointer.Arrow pointer.Crosshair pointer.I beam pointer. Icon pointer. Size pointer.Size NE SW pointer.Size N S pointer.Size NW SE pointer.Size WE pointer.Up arrow pointer.Hourglass (wait) pointer.No drop pointer.Arrow and hourglass pointer. Arrow and question mark pointer.Size all pointer.Determines whether the current data point row and column is automatically incremented after the Data property is used to enter or update data in the data grid.=Determines whether random data is used to generate the chart.FReturns/sets the type of chart used to plot the data in the data grid.0Returns/sets the active column in the data grid.4Returns/sets the number of columns in the data grid.TReturns/sets the label associated with the column identified by the Column property.TReturns/sets the number of levels of labels above the data columns in the data grid./Identifies a particular level of column labels.^Returns/sets the value of a specific data point in the data grid identified by Column and Row./Returns/sets the text used as a chart footnote.JDetermines whether the chart repaints after a change is made to the chart.-Returns/sets the active row of the data grid.1Returns/sets the number of rows in the data grid.NReturns/sets the label associated with the row identified by the Row property.YReturns/sets the number of levels of labels to the left of the data rows in the data grid,Identifies a particular level of row labels.NReturns/sets the column of the chart in which the current series is displayed.YReturns/sets the chart type used to display the series identified in the Column property.8Determines whether the legend is displayed on the chart./Determines when and how the chart is repainted.3Returns the Title object associated with the chart.Repaints the chart.-Returns/sets the data to chart as a 2D array.-Returns/sets the mouse pointer for the chart.StdFont Object (write-only)PPastes a Windows Metafile graphic from the clipboard into the current selection.ECopies the current chart to the clipboard in Windows Metafile format.5Forces the chart to recalculate automatic attributes.*Returns the chart to its initial settings.!Selects the specified chart part.-Returns the currently selected chart element.5Uses a set of coords on the chart to identify a part.9Converts a data point value to its window pixel location./Returns or sets the border style for the chart.'Returns the window handle of the chart.$Displays the About box of the chart.Returns/sets data source.5Returns the Footnote object associated with the chart3Returns/sets the text to be used as the chart title;Determines whether all the series in the chart are stacked.fReturns/sets how text is drawn to optimize the appearance either on the screen or on the printed page.YDetermines whether the end user can use built-in dialog boxes to change chart properties.6Determines whether the user can select chart elements.lDetermines whether clicking on an individual data point selects the entire series containing the data point.FDetermines whether or not the user can interactively rotate 3D charts.6Returns the number of series that appear on the chart.6Returns the Backdrop object associated with the chart.4Returns the Legend object associated with the chart.6Returns the DataGrid object associated with the chart.2Returns the Plot object associated with the chart.aReturns/sets whether to disable color dithering for charts in order to enhance the chart display.JReturns/sets whether or not the mouse cursor type can be set by the chart./Returns whether the chart is three dimensional. Coor object X coordinate Y coordinate"Sets the x and y coordinate values LCoor object X coordinate Y coordinate"Sets the x and y coordinate values Rect objectMinimum Coor object%Returns/sets data source member name."Occurs when the chart is selected."Occurs when the title is selected.%Occurs when the footnote is selected.#Occurs when the legend is selected.!Occurs when the plot is selected. Occurs when an axis is selected.&Occurs when an axis label is selected.&Occurs when an axis title is selected.$Occurs when a datapoint is selected.*Occurs when a datapoint label is selected.!Occurs when a series is selected.4Occurs when the chart is activated (double-clicked).4Occurs when the title is activated (double-clicked).7Occurs when the footnote is activated (double-clicked).5Occurs when the legend is activated (double-clicked).3Occurs when the plot is activated (double-clicked).2Occurs when an axis is activated (double-clicked).8Occurs when an axis label is activated (double-clicked).8Occurs when an axis title is activated (double-clicked).6Occurs when a datapoint is activated (double-clicked).<Occurs when a datapoint label is activated (double-clicked).3Occurs when a series is activated (double-clicked).Occurs when an axis is updated.%Occurs when an axis label is updated.%Occurs when an axis title is updated.!Occurs when the chart is updated.$Occurs when the footnote is updated."Occurs when the legend is updated. Occurs when the plot is updated.#Occurs when a datapoint is updated.)Occurs when a datapoint label is updated. Occurs when a series is updated.!Occurs when the title is updated.$Occurs when the datagrid is updated.(Occurs after the chart finishespainting.+Occurs when the user clicks over the chart.2Occurs when the user double clicks over the chart.AOccurs when the user presses a key while the chart has the focus.0Occurs when the user presses and releases a key.BOccurs when the user releases a key while the chart has the focus.;Occurs when the user presses a mouse button over the chart.4Occurs when the user moves the mouse over the chart.<Occurs when the user releases a mouse button over the chart.Maximum Coor objectVtColor object Red value Green value Blue valueAutomatic VtColor selectionSet red, green, and blue values Pen objectThe type of line$Defines how line segments are joined Defines how line ends are capped!The VtColor used to draw the line)Defines the width, in points, of the line7Defines the joint limit as a multiple of the line width Marker objectDetermines if marker is visibleThe type of marker#The pen used to draw marker outlineSize of the marker in pointsVtColor used to fill the markerVtPicture used for markerTextLayout object$Defines horizontal alignment of text"Defines vertical alignment of textDefines orientation of textText Word WrapLocation object Rect objectDetermines if text is visible#Determines the position of the text VtFont objectThe name of the VtFontSize of the VtFont in pointsDefines styles of the VtFontDefines effects of the VtFontVtFont VtColor object Brush objectDefines the style of the brushFill VtColor objectPattern VtColor object!Defines the pattern for the brush Shadow object=Determines whether this shadow object\'s parent has a shadow.5Returns the Brush object associated with this shadow.`Returns the Coor object that describes the distance the shadow is offset from its parent object. Fill objectThe type of fill.ABrush object that describes the brush used in a brush style fill. Frame objectThe type of frameThe VtColor of the frame'The VtColor of the space between frames"The width, in points, of the frameBackdrop object Shadow object Frame object Fill object Title objectText Layout objectReturns/sets the title textLocation objectBackdrop object VtFont object%Returns the length of the title text.Selects the chart title.Footnote objectText Layout objectLocation objectBackdrop object VtFont objectReturns/sets the footnote text(Returns the length of the footnote text.Selects the chart footnote. Legend objectLocation objectBackdrop object VtFont objectText Layout objectSelects the chart legend.DataGrid object9Returns/sets the number of data columns in the data grid.MReturns/sets the number of levels of labels on data columns in the data grid.JReturns/sets the number of levels of labels on data rows in the data grid.6Returns/sets the number of data rows in the data grid.GDeletes columns of data and their associated labels from the data grid./Adds one or more data columns to the data grid.>Deletes levels of labels from the data columns in a data grid.GAdds one or more levels of labels to the data columns in the data grid.DDeletes rows of data and their associated labels from the data grid.,Adds one or more data rows to the data grid.;Deletes levels of labels from the data rows in a data grid.DAdds one or more levels of labels to the data rows in the data grid.1Fills the data grid with randomly generated data.4Sets the number and levels of data columns and rows.NAssigns each label in the first level of data grid labels a unique identifier.HFills one or more columns of the data grid with randomly generated data.EFills one or more rows of the data grid with randomly generated data.(Moves a block of cells on the data grid.#Gets the value of a data grid cell.#Sets the value of a data grid cell.9Returns/sets the label on a data column in the data grid.HReturns the multi-level label that identifies a column in the data grid.EReturns the multi-level label that identifies a row in the data grid.6Returns/sets the label on a data row in the data grid.LightSource objectEReturns/sets the strength of the light coming from the light source.CReturns/sets the X coordinate for the location of the LightSource.CReturns/sets the Y coordinate for the location of the LightSource.CReturns/sets the Z coordinate for the location of the LightSource.]Sets the X,Y,Z coordinates for the LightSource location and the intensity of the LightSource.LightSources Collection(Add a new LightSource to the collection.)Remove a LightSource from the collection.9Returns a specific item from the LightSources collection. Light objectEReturns/sets the percentage of ambient light illuminating a 3D chart.CReturns/sets the intensity used to display the edges on a 3D chart.EDetermines whether edges are displayed on the elements in a 3D chart.A collection of light sources. View3d objectCReturns/sets the degree of rotation from which the chart is viewed.DReturns/sets the degree of elevation from which the chart is viewed.:Sets the rotation and elevation used to display the chart.PlotBase object4Returns/sets the height of the chart base in points.8Returns the brush object associated with the chart base.4Returns the pen object associated with the pen base.Doughnut object;Returns/sets the number of sides used to draw the doughnut.oReturns/sets the ratio of the radius of the doughnut that is used to display the interior hole in the doughnut.5Sets the attributes used to display a doughnut chart. Pie object]Returns/sets the percentage of a pie radius that is used to determine the height of a 3D pie.hReturns/sets the percentage of a pie radius that is used to determine the size of the top of the 3D pie./Sets the attributes used to display pie charts.Weighting objectJReturns/sets the type of weighting used to determine pie or doughnut size./Determines how the weighting factor is applied.hSets the size of each 2D or 3D pie or doughnut in relation to other pies or doughnuts in the same chart. Wall objectAReturns/sets the thickness of the walls of a 3D chart, in points.8Returns the Brush object associated with the chart wall.6Returns the Pen object associated with the chart wall. Bar object6Returns/sets the number of sides displayed on the bar.UReturns/sets the percentage of the base size that is used to draw the top of the bar. HiLo objectHReturns the VtColor object used to show elements that have gained value.FReturns the VtColor object used to show elements that have lost value.SeriesPosition object7Determines whether a series is excluded from the chart.CDetermines whether a series is hidden (not displayed) on the chart.5Returns/sets the position of the series in the chart.^Returns/sets position in which the current series is drawn if it is stacked with other series.SeriesMarker objectkDetermines whether to automatically assign the next available marker type to all data points in the series.7Determines whether markers are displayed for the seriesStatLine objectBDetermines which statistic lines are being displayed for a series.3Returns the VtColor object for this statistic line.=Returns/sets the thickness of the statistics line, in points.>Returns/sets the line type used to display the statistic line. Label object7Returns the Backdrop object associated with this label.2Returns/sets the format used to display the label.:Returns/sets the VtFont object associated with this label.ZDetermines whether to automatically rotate the label if it would improve the chart layout.Determines whether axis labels are displayed laying down in the X or Z plane or rotated up on the text baseline to stand in the Y plane.9Returns the TextLayout object associated with this label.(Returns the length of the format string.Labels CollectionDataPointLabel object"Returns/sets the point label text.BReturns the Backdrop object associated with this data point label.@Returns the VtFont object associated with this data point label.wReturns the LCoor object which describes the offset of the data point label from one of the predefined label positions.DReturns the TextLayout object associated with this data point label.=Returns/sets the standard position used to display the label.?Determines whether custom text is used to label the data point.@Returns/sets the type of label to be used to identify the point.aReturns/sets the type of line used to connect a pie slice to a label displayed outside the slice.=Returns/sets the format used to display the label as a value.?Returns/sets the format used to display the label as a percent.0Returns the length of the data point label text.PResets any custom attributes placed on a data point label to the series default.Selects a data point label.DataPoint objectBReturns the DataPointLabel object associated with this data point.9Returns the Brush object associated with this data point.?Returns the Pen object used to draw the edge of the data point.:Returns the Marker object associated with this data point.fReturns/sets how far the pie slice representing this data point is offset or pulled away from the pie.JResets any custom attributes placed on a data point to the series default.!Selects an individual data point.DataPoints Collection Series object?Determines whether a series is charted on the secondary Y axis.IReturns/sets the type of mathematical function used to smooth the series.zReturns/sets the number of facets or points that are sampled between the chart data points to create the smoothing effect.LReturns/sets the series type being used to display this series in the chart.>Returns the Pen object associated with this series guidelines.4Determines whether a line is displayed for a series.3Returns the Pen object associated with this series.3Returns the Bar object associated with this series.4Returns the HiLo object associated with this series.8Returns the Position object associated with this series.<Returns the SeriesMarker object associated with this series.;Returns the SeriesLabel object associated with this series.8Returns the StatLine object associated with this series.4Retruns the collection of datapoints in this series.CSets or returns the text that identifies this series in the legend.Selects a chart series.=Determines whether the guidelines are displayed for a series.RReturns the series type used to draw the series if chart type is set to ChartType.SeriesCollection CollectionAxisTitle object,Returns/sets the text used as an axis title.<Returns the Backdrop object associated with this axis title.:Returns the VtFont object associated with this axis title.-Determines whether the axis title is visible.>Returns the TextLayout object associated with this axis title.%Returns the length of the axis title.CategoryScale object4Determines whether the axis is automatically scaled.;Returns/sets how many divisions are skipped between labels.?Returns/sets how many divisions are skipped between tick marks.ODetermines where category axis labels are positioned relative to the axis tick.DateScale object4Determines whether the axis is automatically scaled.1Returns/sets the beginning date on the date axis..Returns/sets the ending date on the date axis.IReturns/sets the type of major interval used to display dates on an axis.PReturns/sets how many major intervals pass before a label is placed on the axis.IReturns/sets the type of minor interval used to display dates on an axis.PReturns/sets how many minor intervals pass before a label is placed on the axis.MDetermines whether dates that fall on the weekend are displayed on the chart.AxisGrid object>Returns the Pen object used to draw the minor axis grid lines.>Returns the Pen object used to draw the major axis grid lines.Intersection objectJDetermines whether the chart uses the value of Point to position the axis.LReturns/sets where the current axis intersects the axis perpendicular to it.Identifies a specific axis.Reserved for future use.%Axis labels are adjacent to the axis. Tick object?Returns/sets the length of axis tick marks, measured in points.+Returns/sets the position of the axis tick.AxisScale object&Determines whether the axis is hidden.$Returns/sets the type of axis scale.PReturns/sets the logarithm base used to plot chart values on a logarithmic axis.PReturns/sets the type of percentage used to plot chart values on a percent axis.ValueScale object>Determines whether automatic scaling is used to draw the axis.BReturns/sets the lowest or beginning value used to scale the axis.@Returns/sets the highest or ending value used to scale the axis.AReturns/sets the number of major divisions displayed on the axis.\Returns/sets the number of minor divisions displayed within each major division of the axis.Axis(axisId, 1) objectBReturns the Pen object used to draw the axis lines and tick marks.8Returns the number of levels of labels for a given axis.;Returns the CategoryScale object associated with this axis.7Returns the DateScale object associated with this axis.6Returns the AxisGrid object associated with this axis.:Returns the Intersection object associated with this axis.2Returns the Tick object associated with this axis.3Returns the Scale object associated with this axis.8Returns the ValueScale object associated with this axis.7Returns the AxisTitle object associated with this axis.A group of chart axis labels. Plot object;Returns/sets the unit of measure used for all chart angles.UDetermines whether pie charts are drawn in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction.JReturns/sets the order in which the slices of a pie or doughnut are drawn.jReturns/sets the percentage of the shortest chart axis that is used as the diameter of the largest bubble.;Returns the Backdrop object associated with the chart plot.cReturns the Coor3 object which indicates the distance and position from which a 3D chart is viewed.LReturns/sets the angle at which the scale appears on a polar or radar chart.8Returns/sets the starting angle used to draw pie charts.WReturns/sets the position used to display a label on each pie or doughnut in the chart.8Returns/sets the spacing of 2D and 3D bars in the chart.3Returns/sets the x spacing of 3D bars in the chart.8Determines whether the plot is in automatic layout mode.NReturns/sets the percentage of the chart height to be used as the chart width.NReturns/sets the percentage of the chart height to be used as the chart depth.SReturns the Rect object which indicates the position of the plot area of the chart.RReturns/sets the projection type used to display a 3D chart on a 2D output device.3Returns/sets the z spacing of 3D bars in the chart.`Returns the View3d object which indicates the rotation and elevation used to display a 3D chart.<Returns the PlotBase object associated with this chart plot.<Returns the Doughnut object associated with this chart plot.7Returns the Pie object associated with this chart plot.=Returns the Weighting object associated with this chart plot.8Returns the Wall object associated with this chart plot.=Returns the Elevation object associated with this chart plot.Series Collection\Indicates whether series data is being read from a row rather than a column in a data grid.&The light source illuminating a chart.8The point at which the axes of a 3D XYZ chart intersect.PReturns/sets the type of percentage used to plot chart values in a percent axis.QSpecifies whether or not the unit scale for all value axes in a chart is uniform.8Returns the Axis object associated with this chart plot. Chart objectNumber of items in a collection"Returns one item from a collectionEnumerates over a collectionMicrosoft Chart Control 6.0'Event interface for MSChart Control 6.0Chart Property PageXConstants for the OLEDragMode property (but not the DragMode or OLEDropMode properties).BOLE drag/drop will be initialized only under programmatic control.jOLE drag/drop will be initialized when the user drags 'out' of the control, or under programmatic control.XConstants for the OLEDropMode property (but not the DragMode or OLEDragMode properties).$Accepts no OLE drag/drop operations.9Accepts an OLE drag/drop under programmatic control only.6Accepts an OLE drag/drop without programmatic control.CState transition constants for the DragOver and OLEDragOver events.#Source control dragged into target.%Source control dragged out of target.>Source control dragged from one position in target to another.Clipboard format constants.Text (.TXT file).Bitmap (.BMP file).Metafile (.WMF file).Device-independent bitmap.Color palette.Enhanced metafile (.EMF file).*Filename list (Microsoft Windows Explorer)Rich Text Format (.RTF file).3Drop effect constants for OLE drag and drop events.<No OLE drag/drop operation has taken place/would take place.@A mask to indicate that a copy has taken place/would take place.?A mask to indicate that a move has take place/would take place.IA mask to indicate that the drop target window has scrolled/would scroll.CStarts an OLE drag/drop event with the given control as the source.Returns/Sets whether this control can act as an OLE drag/drop source, and whether this process is started automatically or under programmatic control.@Returns/Sets whether this control can act as an OLE drop target.3Clears all data and formats in a DataObject object.QDetermines if a specified clipboard format is supported by the DataObject object.>Retrieves data of a specified format from a DataObject object.EAdds a supported format and possibly its data to a DataObject object.7A collection of filenames used by the vbCFFiles format.nReturns a specific filename by index from the Files collection of a DataObject object (vbCFFiles format only).gReturns the number of filenames in the Files collection of a DataObject object (vbCFFiles format only).WAdds a filename to the Files collection of a DataObject object (vbCFFiles format only).cClears all filenames stored in the Files collection of a DataObject object (vbCFFiles format only).\Removes a filename from the Files collection of a DataObject object (vbCFFiles format only).Valid range is from %s to %s Invalid ValueInvalid format code '%s' (%d).%Maximum must be greater than minimum.Value must not be less than %s 3D Shadow Gray Text Button TextInactive Title Bar Text 3D Highlight3D Dark Shadow3D Light Shadow Info TextInfo BackgroundStartShortLongFloatDoubleBooleanCurrencyDateStringLeftRightCenterArial10 mmmm yyyymmmmyyyy Automatic Custom...NoneSolid1Arial12 MS Sans Serif8 Scroll BarsDesktopActive Title BarInactive Title BarMenu BarWindow Background Window Frame Menu Bar Text Window TextActive Title Bar Text Active BorderInactive BorderApplication Workspace HighlightHighlighted Text3D FaceColorsColor Property PageFontsFont Property PagePicturesPicture Property PageDesktopApplication WorkspaceWindow Background Window TextMenu Bar Menu TextActive Title BarInactive Title BarActive Title Bar TextInactive Title Bar Text Active BorderInactive Border Window Frame Scroll Bars Button Face Button Shadow Button TextButton Highlight Disabled Text HighlightHighlighted TextRegularBoldItalic Bold ItalicAll Picture Types|*.bmp;*.cur;*.dib;*.emf;*.ico;*.wmf|Bitmaps (*.bmp;*.dib)|*.bmp;*.dib|Icons/Cursors (*.ico;*.cur)|*.ico|Metafiles (*.wmf;*.emf)|*.emf;*.wmf|All files (*.*)|*.*||Browse PicturesSUnable to open the picture file %1. The file may not exist, or may not be readable.HUnable to load the picture file %1. The file may have an invalid format.KUnable to load the picture file %1. The file is too large to fit in memory.=Unable to load the picture file %1. Unexplained read failure.7Created by Visual Components, Inc. First Impression v%sChart(Chart properties for the MSChart control All SeriesAxis Axis GridSeries Series ColorBackdropText#Axis properties for MSChart Control(Axis Grid properties for MSChart control%Series properties for MSChart control/Series Color properties for the MSChart controlChartTitleFootnoteBackdropOptionsFont Backdrop2Picture 3D Lighting3D View GuidelinesMarkersAxis Scale and TicksAxis Line and Grids ElevationLinesLocationCustom LocationLayoutTextOrder Chart Type Plot Walls X Axis Title Y Axis Title Z Axis TitleSecond Y Axis TitlePlotLegendX AxisY Axis Second Y AxisZ Axis Axis Title Axis Labels - LevelSeries Series Labels DatapointDatapoint LabelsOblique Orthogonal Perspective Axis LineMajor GridlineMinor GridlineDegreesRadiansGradNone Ascending DescendingNoneTotalSeriesLines and ColorsFormat Value FormatPercent Format Bar (Column)Bar/Pictograph Line (Tape)LineAreaAreaStepStep Combination CombinationHorizontal BarHorizontal BarPiePieDoughnut X Y (Scatter)PolarRadarBubble Clustered BarHi LoGanttGanttContourSurfaceScatterXYZ+Backdrop properties for the MSChart control'Text properties for the MSChart controlMicrosoft ChartBarNone Single Line Double Line Thick Inner Thick Outer0 00)00112 22%2 333$3*363333334)4B4c4q4~444>5G55556'6O6l6u6666668#838R8b8{8888888999:9:::;6<<<]>>>>>>Y?}??? 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