Attribute VB_Name = "servermain" Option Explicit Public Type UserType DisplayName As String ' user's name EntryID As String ' entryid ReportIndex As Integer ' index of the corresponding entry in aReport End Type Public Type UserListType cUsers As Integer 'number of elements in aUsers aUsers() As UserType End Type Public Type CategoryListType cCats As Integer 'number of elements in cCats aCats() As String End Type Global objSession As Object 'session object Global UserList As UserListType 'list of all the users Global CategoryList As CategoryListType 'for sending request Global PayPeriod As Date 'for sending Global Const UserListFile As String = "Users.dat" 'file to save users to Global Const CatsListFile As String = "categs.dat" 'file to save categories to Global Const ClientExePath As String = "d:\mapisamp\timecard.cli\client\tmcli.exe" 'path to the client executable Global Const ClientExeName As String = "tmcli.exe" Global Const mapiFileData As Integer = 1 Global Const E_NOT_FOUND As Integer = -1 Public Sub GetReceivIPCFolder(objFolder As Object) 'Finds the receiving folder for IPC messages, which is the 'top folder of the default message store. 'This is the only folder that is its own parent. On Error GoTo error_olemsg Dim objReceivFolder As Object Dim objRecFolParent As Object Dim parentid As String If objSession Is Nothing Then MsgBox "Not logged on" Exit Sub End If Set objRecFolParent = objSession.inbox If objRecFolParent Is Nothing Then Exit Sub End If Do Set objReceivFolder = objRecFolParent parentid = objReceivFolder.folderid 'get parent's id Set objRecFolParent = objSession.getfolder(parentid) If objRecFolParent Is Nothing Then Exit Sub 'error Loop While Not = parentid Set objFolder = objReceivFolder Exit Sub error_olemsg: MsgBox "Error " & Str(err) & ": " & Error$(err) Resume Next End Sub