Attribute VB_Name = "common" Option Explicit 'named property names Global Const CatPropName As String = "ReportCategories" Global Const NumCatPropName As String = "NumReportCategories" Global Const PayPeriodPropName As String = "PayPeriod" Global Const RepDataPropPrefix As String = "ReportedTime" '$for testing 'Global Const NamePropName As String = "UserName" 'messages class names 'request is an IPM message so that a user can see it in the inbox Global Const RequestMsgType = "IPM.TimeCardSample.Request" 'report is an IPC message Global Const ReportMsgType = "IPC.TimeCardSample.Report" 'vb constants for mouse pointer Global Const WaitCursor As Integer = 11 Global Const DefaultCursor As Integer = 0