DirectAnimation Animated Header --How to Build a DirectAnimation Java Applet or Application DirectAnimation Animated Header --How to Build a DirectAnimation Java Applet or Application* Microsoft DirectAnimation SDK
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How to Build a DirectAnimation Java Applet or Application

This section discusses three methods you can use to build a DirectAnimation Java applet or application.

In Microsoft Visual J++™:

  1. From the File menu, choose New.
  2. From the dialog box that appears, choose the Projects tab.
  3. Select Java Project as the project type, type a name into the Project name text box, type a path into the Location text box, and then click OK. The Java project is created.
  4. From the Project menu, choose Add To Project, and then choose Files from the submenu that appears.
  5. In the Insert Files into Project dialog box that appears, browse for your .java files, select the files you want to add, and then click OK.
  6. From the Build menu, choose Build MyApp where MyApp is your project's name. The .class files are built, and a test HTML file is generated automatically.

With the Jvc compiler from the command line:

The Jvc.exe Java compiler is delivered with Visual J++ and the Microsoft SDK for Java.

  1. Set your environment path to include the location of Jvc.exe. For example:
    	set path=c:\"program files"\devstudio\sharedide\bin


    	set path=c:\java\sdk\bin 
  2. Go to the directory containing the .java files.
  3. At the command line prompt, type:
    	jvc *.java 

    The class files will be generated. No test HTML will be generated.

With NMAKE and a sample or template makefile

  1. Set your environment path to include the location of NMAKE.exe. For example:
    	set path=c:\"program files"\devstudio\vc\bin
  2. Set your environment path to include the location of Jvc.exe. For example:
    	set path=c:\"program files"\devstudio\sharedide\bin
  3. Go to the directory containing the makefile.
  4. At the command line prompt, type:

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