DirectAnimation Animated Header --DAStatic Functions Relevant to DAArray Objects DirectAnimation Animated Header --DAStatic Functions Relevant to DAArray Objects* Microsoft DirectAnimation SDK
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DAStatic Functions Relevant to DAArray Objects


DAStatics Class

Constructs a DAArray object.


The elements in the array.


DAStatics Class

Makes it possible to obtain the signature of a DAArray object before it has been defined. With this function, a DAArray object can be created and used in the definition of other DABehaviors, while its contents are defined at some later point. (This definition is accomplished with the Init function, which is available on all DABehavior objects. To create an uninitialize array, first create an array with a dummy variable and its types, and then call UninitializedArray. This will create a variant array which has a signature only. It is only necessary to give one member of the array, no matter how many members there will actually be.

lib.UninitializedArray( )

See Also


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