DirectAnimation Animated Header --BooleanBvr Class DirectAnimation Animated Header --BooleanBvr Class* Microsoft DirectAnimation SDK
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BooleanBvr Class

These are the fields and methods for the BooleanBvr Class:

public Object extract()
public static BooleanBvr newUninitBvr()
Fields Defined in Statics
public static BooleanBvr falseBvr
public static BooleanBvr leftButtonState
public static BooleanBvr keyState(int keyCode)
public static BooleanBvr rightButtonState
public static BooleanBvr trueBvr
Methods Defined in Statics
public static BooleanBvr and(BooleanBvr b1, BooleanBvr b2)
public static BooleanBvr not(BooleanBvr b)
public static BooleanBvr or(BooleanBvr b1, BooleanBvr b2)
public static BooleanBvr toBvr(boolean bool)

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