; ; INF for Posting Acceptor 1.0 installation ; Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corporation ; ; OCM Stuff [Version] Signature = "$Windows NT$" ; [Optional Components] ; ; Only one subcomponent is allowed, and it must match the component name ; given in the master OC INF ; PostAcc ; ; NT x86 [PostAcc] ; ; Standard fields ; Needs = iis_www OptionDesc = %PostAcc_desc% Tip = %PostAcc_tip% Modes = 4 parent = SSE ; ; These fields are specific to per-components INFs for components ; with stand-alone installation programs. ; ; InstallCmd is used if the state changed from uninstalled to installed ; UninstallCmd is used if the state changed from installed to uninstalled ; InstalledCmd is used if the state did not change and is installed ; UninstalledCmd is used if the state did not change and is uninstalled ; InstallCmd = "Pak210-x86.exe /Q:A /R:NG" InstalledCmd = "Pak210-x86.exe /Q:A /R:NG" UninstallCmd = "RunDll32 ADVPACK.DLL,LaunchINFSection cpshost.inf,CPSHostUninstall,5" UninstalledCmd = "RunDll32 ADVPACK.DLL,LaunchINFSection cpshost.inf,CPSHostUninstall,5" ; ; size in MB so OC Manager can display something meaningful to the user. DiskSpaceEstimate = 10 ; [strings] PostAcc_desc = "Publishing - Posting Acceptor 1.01" PostAcc_tip = "The Posting Acceptor enables the Internet Information Server to receive files uploaded using HTTP POST."