Attribute VB_Name = "basCommon" Option Explicit Option Compare Text ' ' Global Constants ' Global Const gstrSEP_DIR$ = "\" ' Directory separator character Global Const gstrSEP_REGKEY$ = "\" ' Registration key separator character. Global Const gstrSEP_DRIVE$ = ":" ' Driver separater character, e.g., C:\ Global Const gstrSEP_DIRALT$ = "/" ' Alternate directory separator character Global Const gstrSEP_EXT$ = "." ' Filename extension separator character Global Const gstrSEP_PROGID = "." Global Const gstrSEP_FILE$ = "|" ' Use the character for delimiting filename lists because it is not a valid character in a filename. Global Const gstrSEP_LIST = "|" Global Const gstrSEP_URL$ = "://" ' Separator that follows HPPT in URL address Global Const gstrSEP_URLDIR$ = "/" ' Separator for dividing directories in URL addresses. Global Const gstrUNC$ = "\\" 'UNC specifier \\ Global Const gstrCOLON$ = ":" Global Const gstrSwitchPrefix1 = "-" Global Const gstrSwitchPrefix2 = "/" Global Const gstrCOMMA$ = "," Global Const gstrDECIMAL$ = "." Global Const gstrQUOTE$ = """" Global Const gstrCCOMMENT$ = "//" ' Comment specifier used in C, etc. Global Const gstrASSIGN$ = "=" Global Const gstrINI_PROTOCOL = "Protocol" Global Const gstrREMOTEAUTO = "RA" Global Const gstrDCOM = "DCOM" Global Const gintMAX_SIZE% = 255 'Maximum buffer size Global Const gintMAX_PATH_LEN% = 260 ' Maximum allowed path length including path, filename, ' and command line arguments for NT (Intel) and Win95. Global Const gintMAX_GROUPNAME_LEN% = 30 ' Maximum length that we allow for an NT 3.51 group name. Global Const gintMIN_BUTTONWIDTH% = 1200 Global Const gsngBUTTON_BORDER! = 1.4 Global Const intDRIVE_REMOVABLE% = 2 'Constants for GetDriveType Global Const intDRIVE_FIXED% = 3 Global Const intDRIVE_REMOTE% = 4 Global Const intDRIVE_CDROM% = 5 Global Const intDRIVE_RAMDISK% = 6 Global Const gintNOVERINFO% = 32767 'flag indicating no version info 'File names Global Const gstrFILE_SETUP$ = "SETUP.LST" 'Name of setup information file Global Const gstrTEMP_DIR$ = "TEMP" Global Const gstrTMP_DIR$ = "TMP" 'Share type macros for files Global Const mstrPRIVATEFILE = "" Global Const mstrSHAREDFILE = "$(Shared)" 'INI File keys Global Const gstrINI_SETUP$ = "Setup" Global Const gstrINI_BOOT$ = "Bootstrap" Global Const gstrINI_APPNAME$ = "Title" Global Const gstrINI_APPDIR$ = "DefaultDir" Global Const gstrINI_APPEXE$ = "AppExe" Global Const gstrINI_APPTOUNINSTALL = "AppToUninstall" Global Const gstrINI_APPPATH$ = "AppPath" Global Const gstrINI_FORCEUSEDEFDEST = "ForceUseDefDir" Global Const gstrINI_DEFGROUP$ = "DefProgramGroup" Global Const gstrINI_CABNAME$ = "CabFile" Global Const gstrEXT_DEP$ = "DEP" 'Setup information file macros Global Const gstrAPPDEST$ = "$(AppPath)" Global Const gstrWINDEST$ = "$(WinPath)" Global Const gstrWINSYSDEST$ = "$(WinSysPath)" Global Const gstrWINSYSDESTSYSFILE$ = "$(WinSysPathSysFile)" Global Const gstrPROGRAMFILES$ = "$(ProgramFiles)" Global Const gstrCOMMONFILES$ = "$(CommonFiles)" Global Const gstrCOMMONFILESSYS$ = "$(CommonFilesSys)" Global Const gstrDAODEST$ = "$(MSDAOPath)" Global Const gstrDONOTINSTALL$ = "$(DoNotInstall)" 'Mouse Pointer Constants Global Const gintMOUSE_DEFAULT% = 0 'MsgError() Constants Global Const MSGERR_ERROR = 1 Global Const MSGERR_WARNING = 2 'Shell Constants Global Const NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS As Long = &H20& Global Const INFINITE As Long = -1& Global Const STATUS_WAIT_0 As Long = &H0 Global Const STATUS_ABANDONED_WAIT_0 As Long = &H80 Global Const STATUS_USER_APC As Long = &HC0 Global Const STATUS_TIMEOUT As Long = &H102 Global Const STATUS_PENDING As Long = &H103 Global Const WAIT_FAILED As Long = &HFFFFFFFF Global Const WAIT_OBJECT_0 As Long = STATUS_WAIT_0 Global Const WAIT_TIMEOUT As Long = STATUS_TIMEOUT Global Const WAIT_ABANDONED As Long = STATUS_ABANDONED_WAIT_0 Global Const WAIT_ABANDONED_0 As Long = STATUS_ABANDONED_WAIT_0 Global Const WAIT_IO_COMPLETION As Long = STATUS_USER_APC Global Const STILL_ACTIVE As Long = STATUS_PENDING Public Type STARTUPINFO cb As Long lpReserved As Long lpDesktop As Long lpTitle As Long dwX As Long dwY As Long dwXSize As Long dwYSize As Long dwXCountChars As Long dwYCountChars As Long dwFillAttribute As Long dwFlags As Long wShowWindow As Integer cbReserved2 As Integer lpReserved2 As Long hStdInput As Long hStdOutput As Long hStdError As Long End Type Public Type PROCESS_INFORMATION hProcess As Long hThread As Long dwProcessID As Long dwThreadID As Long End Type Type OFSTRUCT cBytes As Byte fFixedDisk As Byte nErrCode As Integer nReserved1 As Integer nReserved2 As Integer szPathName As String * 256 End Type Type VERINFO 'Version FIXEDFILEINFO strPad1 As Long 'Pad out struct version strPad2 As Long 'Pad out struct signature nMSLo As Integer 'Low word of ver # MS DWord nMSHi As Integer 'High word of ver # MS DWord nLSLo As Integer 'Low word of ver # vblf & vblf DWord nLSHi As Integer 'High word of ver # vblf & vblf DWord strPad3(1 To 16) As Byte 'Skip some of VERINFO struct (16 bytes) FileOS As Long 'Information about the OS this file is targeted for. strPad4(1 To 16) As Byte 'Pad out the resto of VERINFO struct (16 bytes) End Type Type PROTOCOL strName As String strFriendlyName As String End Type Type OSVERSIONINFO 'for GetVersionEx API call dwOSVersionInfoSize As Long dwMajorVersion As Long dwMinorVersion As Long dwBuildNumber As Long dwPlatformId As Long szCSDVersion As String * 128 End Type Global Const OF_EXIST& = &H4000& Global Const OF_SEARCH& = &H400& Global Const HFILE_ERROR% = -1 ' ' Global variables used for silent and SMS installation ' Public gfSilent As Boolean ' Whether or not we are doing a silent install Public gstrSilentLog As String ' filename for output during silent install. Public gfSMS As Boolean ' Whether or not we are doing an SMS silent install Public gstrMIFFile As String ' status output file for SMS Public gfSMSStatus As Boolean ' status of SMS installation Public gstrSMSDescription As String ' description string written to MIF file for SMS installation Public gfNoUserInput As Boolean ' True if either gfSMS or gfSilent is True Public gfDontLogSMS As Boolean ' Prevents MsgFunc from being logged to SMS (e.g., for confirmation messasges) Global Const MAX_SMS_DESCRIP = 255 ' SMS does not allow description strings longer than 255 chars. ' 'List of available protocols ' Global gProtocol() As PROTOCOL Global gcProtocols As Integer ' ' AXDist.exe and wint351.exe needed. These are self extracting exes ' that install other files not installed by setup1. ' Public gfAXDist As Boolean Global Const gstrFILE_AXDIST = "AXDIST.EXE" Public gstrAXDISTInstallPath As String Public gfAXDistChecked As Boolean Public gfMDag As Boolean Global Const gstrFILE_MDAG = "mdac_typ.exe" Global Const gstrFILE_MDAGARGS = " /q:a /c:""setup.exe /q0""" Public gstrMDagInstallPath As String Public gfWINt351 As Boolean Global Const gstrFILE_WINT351 = "WINt351.EXE" Public gstrWINt351InstallPath As String Public gfWINt351Checked As Boolean ' 'API/DLL Declarations for 32 bit SetupToolkit ' Declare Function SetTime Lib "vb6stkit.dll" (ByVal strFileGetTime As String, ByVal strFileSetTime As String) As Integer Declare Function DLLSelfRegister Lib "vb6stkit.dll" (ByVal lpDllName As String) As Integer Declare Function RegisterTLB Lib "vb6stkit.dll" (ByVal lpTLBName As String) As Integer Declare Function OSfCreateShellLink Lib "vb6stkit.dll" Alias "fCreateShellLink" (ByVal lpstrFolderName As String, ByVal lpstrLinkName As String, ByVal lpstrLinkPath As String, ByVal lpstrLinkArguments As String) As Long Declare Function OSfRemoveShellLink Lib "vb6stkit.dll" Alias "fRemoveShellLink" (ByVal lpstrFolderName As String, ByVal lpstrLinkName As String) As Long Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (pDest As Any, pSource As Any, ByVal ByteLen As Long) Declare Function WaitForSingleObject Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hProcess As Long, ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long) As Long Declare Function InputIdle Lib "user32" Alias "WaitForInputIdle" (ByVal hProcess As Long, ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long) As Long Declare Function CreateProcessA Lib "kernel32" (ByVal lpApplicationName As Long, ByVal lpCommandLine As String, ByVal lpProcessAttributes As Long, ByVal lpThreadAttributes As Long, ByVal bInheritHandles As Long, ByVal dwCreationFlags As Long, ByVal lpEnvironment As Long, ByVal lpCurrentDirectory As Long, lpStartupInfo As STARTUPINFO, lpProcessInformation As PROCESS_INFORMATION) As Long Declare Function GetExitCodeProcess Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hProcess As Long, lpExitCode As Long) As Long Declare Function CloseHandle Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hObject As Long) As Long Declare Function GetDiskFreeSpace Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetDiskFreeSpaceA" (ByVal lpRootPathName As String, lpSectorsPerCluster As Long, lpBytesPerSector As Long, lpNumberOfFreeClusters As Long, lpTtoalNumberOfClusters As Long) As Long Declare Function OpenFile Lib "kernel32" (ByVal lpFilename As String, lpReOpenBuff As OFSTRUCT, ByVal wStyle As Long) As Long Declare Function GetFullPathName Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetFullPathNameA" (ByVal lpFilename As String, ByVal nBufferLength As Long, ByVal lpBuffer As String, ByVal lpFilePart As String) As Long Declare Function GetPrivateProfileString Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetPrivateProfileStringA" (ByVal lpApplicationName As String, ByVal lpKeyName As Any, ByVal lpDefault As String, ByVal lpReturnedString As String, ByVal lSize As Long, ByVal lpFilename As String) As Long Declare Function WritePrivateProfileString Lib "kernel32" Alias "WritePrivateProfileStringA" (ByVal lpApplicationName As Any, ByVal lpKeyName As Any, ByVal lpString As Any, ByVal lplFilename As String) As Long Declare Function GetPrivateProfileSection Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetPrivateProfileSectionA" (ByVal lpAppName As String, ByVal lpReturnedString As String, ByVal nSize As Long, ByVal lpFilename As String) As Long Declare Function GetPrivateProfileSectionNames Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetPrivateProfileSectionNamesA" (ByVal lpReturnedString As String, ByVal nSize As Long, ByVal lpFilename As String) As Long Declare Function GetWindowsDirectory Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetWindowsDirectoryA" (ByVal lpBuffer As String, ByVal nSize As Long) As Long Declare Function GetSystemDirectory Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetSystemDirectoryA" (ByVal lpBuffer As String, ByVal nSize As Long) As Long Declare Function GetDriveType32 Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetDriveTypeA" (ByVal strWhichDrive As String) As Long Declare Function GetTempFilename32 Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetTempFileNameA" (ByVal strWhichDrive As String, ByVal lpPrefixString As String, ByVal wUnique As Integer, ByVal lpTempFilename As String) As Long Declare Function GetTempPath Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetTempPathA" (ByVal nBufferLength As Long, ByVal lpBuffer As String) As Long Declare Function SendMessageString Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As String) As Long Global Const LB_FINDSTRINGEXACT = &H1A2 Global Const LB_ERR = (-1) Declare Function VerInstallFile Lib "VERSION.DLL" Alias "VerInstallFileA" (ByVal Flags&, ByVal SrcName$, ByVal DestName$, ByVal SrcDir$, ByVal DestDir$, ByVal CurrDir As Any, ByVal TmpName$, lpTmpFileLen&) As Long Declare Function GetFileVersionInfoSize Lib "VERSION.DLL" Alias "GetFileVersionInfoSizeA" (ByVal strFilename As String, lVerHandle As Long) As Long Declare Function GetFileVersionInfo Lib "VERSION.DLL" Alias "GetFileVersionInfoA" (ByVal strFilename As String, ByVal lVerHandle As Long, ByVal lcbSize As Long, lpvData As Byte) As Long Declare Function VerQueryValue Lib "VERSION.DLL" Alias "VerQueryValueA" (lpvVerData As Byte, ByVal lpszSubBlock As String, lplpBuf As Long, lpcb As Long) As Long Private Declare Function OSGetShortPathName Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetShortPathNameA" (ByVal lpszLongPath As String, ByVal lpszShortPath As String, ByVal cchBuffer As Long) As Long Declare Function GetVersionEx Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetVersionExA" (lpVersionInformation As OSVERSIONINFO) As Long '---------------------------------------------------------- ' FUNCTION: GetWinPlatform ' Get the current windows platform. ' --------------------------------------------------------- Public Function GetWinPlatform() As Long Dim osvi As OSVERSIONINFO Dim strCSDVersion As String osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = Len(osvi) If GetVersionEx(osvi) = 0 Then Exit Function End If GetWinPlatform = osvi.dwPlatformId End Function '----------------------------------------------------------- ' SUB: AddDirSep ' Add a trailing directory path separator (back slash) to the ' end of a pathname unless one already exists ' ' IN/OUT: [strPathName] - path to add separator to '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Sub AddDirSep(strPathName As String) If Right(Trim(strPathName), Len(gstrSEP_URLDIR)) <> gstrSEP_URLDIR And _ Right(Trim(strPathName), Len(gstrSEP_DIR)) <> gstrSEP_DIR Then strPathName = RTrim$(strPathName) & gstrSEP_DIR End If End Sub '----------------------------------------------------------- ' SUB: AddURLDirSep ' Add a trailing URL path separator (forward slash) to the ' end of a URL unless one (or a back slash) already exists ' ' IN/OUT: [strPathName] - path to add separator to '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Sub AddURLDirSep(strPathName As String) If Right(Trim(strPathName), Len(gstrSEP_URLDIR)) <> gstrSEP_URLDIR And _ Right(Trim(strPathName), Len(gstrSEP_DIR)) <> gstrSEP_DIR Then strPathName = Trim(strPathName) & gstrSEP_URLDIR End If End Sub '----------------------------------------------------------- ' FUNCTION: FileExists ' Determines whether the specified file exists ' ' IN: [strPathName] - file to check for ' ' Returns: True if file exists, False otherwise '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Function FileExists(ByVal strPathName As String) As Integer Dim intFileNum As Integer On Error Resume Next ' ' If the string is quoted, remove the quotes. ' strPathName = strUnQuoteString(strPathName) ' 'Remove any trailing directory separator character ' If Right$(strPathName, 1) = gstrSEP_DIR Then strPathName = Left$(strPathName, Len(strPathName) - 1) End If ' 'Attempt to open the file, return value of this function is False 'if an error occurs on open, True otherwise ' intFileNum = FreeFile Open strPathName For Input As intFileNum FileExists = IIf(Err = 0, True, False) Close intFileNum Err = 0 End Function '----------------------------------------------------------- ' FUNCTION: DirExists ' ' Determines whether the specified directory name exists. ' This function is used (for example) to determine whether ' an installation floppy is in the drive by passing in ' something like 'A:\'. ' ' IN: [strDirName] - name of directory to check for ' ' Returns: True if the directory exists, False otherwise '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Public Function DirExists(ByVal strDirName As String) As Integer Const strWILDCARD$ = "*.*" Dim strDummy As String On Error Resume Next AddDirSep strDirName strDummy = Dir$(strDirName & strWILDCARD, vbDirectory) DirExists = Not (strDummy = vbNullString) Err = 0 End Function '----------------------------------------------------------- ' FUNCTION: GetDriveType ' Determine whether a disk is fixed, removable, etc. by ' calling Windows GetDriveType() '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Function GetDriveType(ByVal intDriveNum As Integer) As Integer ' ' This function expects an integer drive number in Win16 or a string in Win32 ' Dim strDriveName As String strDriveName = Chr$(Asc("A") + intDriveNum) & gstrSEP_DRIVE & gstrSEP_DIR GetDriveType = CInt(GetDriveType32(strDriveName)) End Function '----------------------------------------------------------- ' FUNCTION: ReadProtocols ' Reads the allowable protocols from the specified file. ' ' IN: [strInputFilename] - INI filename from which to read the protocols ' [strINISection] - Name of the INI section '----------------------------------------------------------- Function ReadProtocols(ByVal strInputFilename As String, ByVal strINISection As String) As Boolean Dim intIdx As Integer Dim fOk As Boolean Dim strInfo As String Dim intOffset As Integer intIdx = 0 fOk = True Erase gProtocol gcProtocols = 0 Do strInfo = ReadIniFile(strInputFilename, strINISection, gstrINI_PROTOCOL & Format$(intIdx + 1)) If strInfo <> vbNullString Then intOffset = InStr(strInfo, gstrCOMMA) If intOffset > 0 Then 'The "ugly" name will be first on the line ReDim Preserve gProtocol(intIdx + 1) gcProtocols = intIdx + 1 gProtocol(intIdx + 1).strName = Left$(strInfo, intOffset - 1) '... followed by the friendly name gProtocol(intIdx + 1).strFriendlyName = Mid$(strInfo, intOffset + 1) If (gProtocol(intIdx + 1).strName = "") Or (gProtocol(intIdx + 1).strFriendlyName = "") Then fOk = False End If Else fOk = False End If If Not fOk Then Exit Do Else intIdx = intIdx + 1 End If End If Loop While strInfo <> vbNullString ReadProtocols = fOk End Function '----------------------------------------------------------- ' FUNCTION: ResolveResString ' Reads resource and replaces given macros with given values ' ' Example, given a resource number 14: ' "Could not read '|1' in drive |2" ' The call ' ResolveResString(14, "|1", "TXTFILE.TXT", "|2", "A:") ' would return the string ' "Could not read 'TXTFILE.TXT' in drive A:" ' ' IN: [resID] - resource identifier ' [varReplacements] - pairs of macro/replacement value '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Public Function ResolveResString(ByVal resID As Integer, ParamArray varReplacements() As Variant) As String Dim intMacro As Integer Dim strResString As String strResString = LoadResString(resID) ' For each macro/value pair passed in... For intMacro = LBound(varReplacements) To UBound(varReplacements) Step 2 Dim strMacro As String Dim strValue As String strMacro = varReplacements(intMacro) On Error GoTo MismatchedPairs strValue = varReplacements(intMacro + 1) On Error GoTo 0 ' Replace all occurrences of strMacro with strValue Dim intPos As Integer Do intPos = InStr(strResString, strMacro) If intPos > 0 Then strResString = Left$(strResString, intPos - 1) & strValue & Right$(strResString, Len(strResString) - Len(strMacro) - intPos + 1) End If Loop Until intPos = 0 Next intMacro ResolveResString = strResString Exit Function MismatchedPairs: Resume Next End Function '----------------------------------------------------------- ' SUB: GetLicInfoFromVBL ' Parses a VBL file name and extracts the license key for ' the registry and license information. ' ' IN: [strVBLFile] - must be a valid VBL. ' ' OUT: [strLicKey] - registry key to write license info to. ' This key will be added to ' HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Licenses. It is a ' guid. ' OUT: [strLicVal] - license information. Usually in the ' form of a string of cryptic characters. '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Public Sub GetLicInfoFromVBL(strVBLFile As String, strLicKey As String, strLicVal As String) Dim fn As Integer Const strREGEDIT = "REGEDIT" Const strLICKEYBASE = "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Licenses\" Dim strTemp As String Dim posEqual As Integer Dim fLicFound As Boolean fn = FreeFile Open strVBLFile For Input Access Read Lock Read Write As #fn ' ' Read through the file until we find a line that starts with strLICKEYBASE ' fLicFound = False Do While Not EOF(fn) Line Input #fn, strTemp strTemp = Trim(strTemp) If Left$(strTemp, Len(strLICKEYBASE)) = strLICKEYBASE Then ' ' We've got the line we want. ' fLicFound = True Exit Do End If Loop Close fn If fLicFound Then ' ' Parse the data on this line to split out the ' key and the license info. The line should be ' the form of: ' "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Licenses\ = " ' posEqual = InStr(strTemp, gstrASSIGN) If posEqual > 0 Then strLicKey = Mid$(Trim(Left$(strTemp, posEqual - 1)), Len(strLICKEYBASE) + 1) strLicVal = Trim(Mid$(strTemp, posEqual + 1)) End If Else strLicKey = vbNullString strLicVal = vbNullString End If End Sub '----------------------------------------------------------- ' FUNCTION GetLongPathName ' ' Retrieve the long pathname version of a path possibly ' containing short subdirectory and/or file names '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Function GetLongPathName(ByVal strShortPath As String) As String On Error GoTo 0 MakeLongPath (strShortPath) GetLongPathName = StripTerminator(strShortPath) End Function '----------------------------------------------------------- ' FUNCTION GetShortPathName ' ' Retrieve the short pathname version of a path possibly ' containing long subdirectory and/or file names '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Function GetShortPathName(ByVal strLongPath As String) As String Const cchBuffer = 300 Dim strShortPath As String Dim lResult As Long On Error GoTo 0 strShortPath = String(cchBuffer, Chr$(0)) lResult = OSGetShortPathName(strLongPath, strShortPath, cchBuffer) If lResult = 0 Then 'Error 53 ' File not found GetShortPathName = vbNullString Else GetShortPathName = StripTerminator(strShortPath) End If End Function '----------------------------------------------------------- ' FUNCTION: GetTempFilename ' Get a temporary filename for a specified drive and ' filename prefix ' PARAMETERS: ' strDestPath - Location where temporary file will be created. If this ' is an empty string, then the location specified by the ' tmp or temp environment variable is used. ' lpPrefixString - First three characters of this string will be part of ' temporary file name returned. ' wUnique - Set to 0 to create unique filename. Can also set to integer, ' in which case temp file name is returned with that integer ' as part of the name. ' lpTempFilename - Temporary file name is returned as this variable. ' RETURN: ' True if function succeeds; false otherwise '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Function GetTempFilename(ByVal strDestPath As String, ByVal lpPrefixString As String, ByVal wUnique As Integer, lpTempFilename As String) As Boolean If strDestPath = vbNullString Then ' ' No destination was specified, use the temp directory. ' strDestPath = String(gintMAX_PATH_LEN, vbNullChar) If GetTempPath(gintMAX_PATH_LEN, strDestPath) = 0 Then GetTempFilename = False Exit Function End If End If lpTempFilename = String(gintMAX_PATH_LEN, vbNullChar) GetTempFilename = GetTempFilename32(strDestPath, lpPrefixString, wUnique, lpTempFilename) > 0 lpTempFilename = StripTerminator(lpTempFilename) End Function '----------------------------------------------------------- ' FUNCTION: GetDefMsgBoxButton ' Decode the flags passed to the MsgBox function to ' determine what the default button is. Use this ' for silent installs. ' ' IN: [intFlags] - Flags passed to MsgBox ' ' Returns: VB defined number for button ' vbOK 1 OK button pressed. ' vbCancel 2 Cancel button pressed. ' vbAbort 3 Abort button pressed. ' vbRetry 4 Retry button pressed. ' vbIgnore 5 Ignore button pressed. ' vbYes 6 Yes button pressed. ' vbNo 7 No button pressed. '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Function GetDefMsgBoxButton(intFlags) As Integer ' ' First determine the ordinal of the default ' button on the message box. ' Dim intButtonNum As Integer Dim intDefButton As Integer If (intFlags And vbDefaultButton2) = vbDefaultButton2 Then intButtonNum = 2 ElseIf (intFlags And vbDefaultButton3) = vbDefaultButton3 Then intButtonNum = 3 Else intButtonNum = 1 End If ' ' Now determine the type of message box we are dealing ' with and return the default button. ' If (intFlags And vbRetryCancel) = vbRetryCancel Then intDefButton = IIf(intButtonNum = 1, vbRetry, vbCancel) ElseIf (intFlags And vbYesNoCancel) = vbYesNoCancel Then Select Case intButtonNum Case 1 intDefButton = vbYes Case 2 intDefButton = vbNo Case 3 intDefButton = vbCancel 'End Case End Select ElseIf (intFlags And vbOKCancel) = vbOKCancel Then intDefButton = IIf(intButtonNum = 1, vbOK, vbCancel) ElseIf (intFlags And vbAbortRetryIgnore) = vbAbortRetryIgnore Then Select Case intButtonNum Case 1 intDefButton = vbAbort Case 2 intDefButton = vbRetry Case 3 intDefButton = vbIgnore 'End Case End Select ElseIf (intFlags And vbYesNo) = vbYesNo Then intDefButton = IIf(intButtonNum = 1, vbYes, vbNo) Else intDefButton = vbOK End If GetDefMsgBoxButton = intDefButton End Function '----------------------------------------------------------- ' FUNCTION: GetDiskSpaceFree ' Get the amount of free disk space for the specified drive ' ' IN: [strDrive] - drive to check space for ' ' Returns: Amount of free disk space, or -1 if an error occurs '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Function GetDiskSpaceFree(ByVal strDrive As String) As Long Dim strCurDrive As String Dim lDiskFree As Long On Error Resume Next ' 'Save the current drive ' strCurDrive = Left$(CurDir$, 2) ' 'Fixup drive so it includes only a drive letter and a colon ' If InStr(strDrive, gstrSEP_DRIVE) = 0 Or Len(strDrive) > 2 Then strDrive = Left$(strDrive, 1) & gstrSEP_DRIVE End If ' 'Change to the drive we want to check space for. The DiskSpaceFree() API 'works on the current drive only. ' ChDrive strDrive ' 'If we couldn't change to the request drive, it's an error, otherwise return 'the amount of disk space free ' If Err <> 0 Or (strDrive <> Left$(CurDir$, 2)) Then lDiskFree = -1 Else Dim lRet As Long Dim lBytes As Long, lSect As Long, lClust As Long, lTot As Long lRet = GetDiskFreeSpace(vbNullString, lSect, lBytes, lClust, lTot) On Error Resume Next lDiskFree = (lBytes * lSect) * lClust If Err Then lDiskFree = 2000000000# End If If lDiskFree = -1 Then MsgError Error$ & vbLf & vbLf & ResolveResString(resDISKSPCERR) & strDrive, vbExclamation, gstrTitle End If GetDiskSpaceFree = lDiskFree ' 'Cleanup by setting the current drive back to the original ' ChDrive strCurDrive Err = 0 End Function '----------------------------------------------------------- ' FUNCTION: GetUNCShareName ' ' Given a UNC names, returns the leftmost portion of the ' directory representing the machine name and share name. ' E.g., given "\\SCHWEIZ\PUBLIC\APPS\LISTING.TXT", returns ' the string "\\SCHWEIZ\PUBLIC" ' ' Returns a string representing the machine and share name ' if the path is a valid pathname, else returns NULL '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Function GetUNCShareName(ByVal strFN As String) As Variant GetUNCShareName = Null If IsUNCName(strFN) Then Dim iFirstSeparator As Integer iFirstSeparator = InStr(3, strFN, gstrSEP_DIR) If iFirstSeparator > 0 Then Dim iSecondSeparator As Integer iSecondSeparator = InStr(iFirstSeparator + 1, strFN, gstrSEP_DIR) If iSecondSeparator > 0 Then GetUNCShareName = Left$(strFN, iSecondSeparator - 1) Else GetUNCShareName = strFN End If End If End If End Function '----------------------------------------------------------- ' FUNCTION: GetWindowsSysDir ' ' Calls the windows API to get the windows\SYSTEM directory ' and ensures that a trailing dir separator is present ' ' Returns: The windows\SYSTEM directory '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Function GetWindowsSysDir() As String Dim strBuf As String strBuf = Space$(gintMAX_SIZE) ' 'Get the system directory and then trim the buffer to the exact length 'returned and add a dir sep (backslash) if the API didn't return one ' If GetSystemDirectory(strBuf, gintMAX_SIZE) > 0 Then strBuf = StripTerminator(strBuf) AddDirSep strBuf GetWindowsSysDir = strBuf Else GetWindowsSysDir = vbNullString End If End Function '----------------------------------------------------------- ' SUB: TreatAsWin95 ' ' Returns True iff either we're running under Windows 95 ' or we are treating this version of NT as if it were ' Windows 95 for registry and application loggin and ' removal purposes. '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Function TreatAsWin95() As Boolean If IsWindows95() Then TreatAsWin95 = True ElseIf NTWithShell() Then TreatAsWin95 = True Else TreatAsWin95 = False End If End Function '----------------------------------------------------------- ' FUNCTION: NTWithShell ' ' Returns true if the system is on a machine running ' NT4.0 or greater. '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Function NTWithShell() As Boolean If Not IsWindowsNT() Then NTWithShell = False Exit Function End If Dim osvi As OSVERSIONINFO Dim strCSDVersion As String osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = Len(osvi) If GetVersionEx(osvi) = 0 Then Exit Function End If strCSDVersion = StripTerminator(osvi.szCSDVersion) 'Is this Windows NT 4.0 or higher? Const NT4MajorVersion = 4 Const NT4MinorVersion = 0 If (osvi.dwMajorVersion >= NT4MajorVersion) Then NTWithShell = False Else NTWithShell = True End If End Function '----------------------------------------------------------- ' FUNCTION: IsDepFile ' ' Returns true if the file passed to this routine is a ' dependency (*.dep) file. We make this determination ' by verifying that the extension is .dep and that it ' contains version information. '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Function fIsDepFile(strFilename As String) As Boolean Const strEXT_DEP = "DEP" fIsDepFile = False If UCase(Extension(strFilename)) = strEXT_DEP Then If GetFileVersion(strFilename) <> vbNullString Then fIsDepFile = True End If End If End Function '----------------------------------------------------------- ' FUNCTION: IsWin32 ' ' Returns true if this program is running under Win32 (i.e. ' any 32-bit operating system) '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Function IsWin32() As Boolean IsWin32 = (IsWindows95() Or IsWindowsNT()) End Function '----------------------------------------------------------- ' FUNCTION: IsWindows95 ' ' Returns true if this program is running under Windows 95 ' or successor '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Function IsWindows95() As Boolean Const dwMask95 = &H1& IsWindows95 = (GetWinPlatform() And dwMask95) End Function '----------------------------------------------------------- ' FUNCTION: IsWindowsNT ' ' Returns true if this program is running under Windows NT '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Function IsWindowsNT() As Boolean Const dwMaskNT = &H2& IsWindowsNT = (GetWinPlatform() And dwMaskNT) End Function '----------------------------------------------------------- ' FUNCTION: IsWindowsNT4WithoutSP2 ' ' Determines if the user is running under Windows NT 4.0 ' but without Service Pack 2 (SP2). If running under any ' other platform, returns False. ' ' IN: [none] ' ' Returns: True if and only if running under Windows NT 4.0 ' without at least Service Pack 2 installed. '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Function IsWindowsNT4WithoutSP2() As Boolean IsWindowsNT4WithoutSP2 = False If Not IsWindowsNT() Then Exit Function End If Dim osvi As OSVERSIONINFO Dim strCSDVersion As String osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = Len(osvi) If GetVersionEx(osvi) = 0 Then Exit Function End If strCSDVersion = StripTerminator(osvi.szCSDVersion) 'Is this Windows NT 4.0? Const NT4MajorVersion = 4 Const NT4MinorVersion = 0 If (osvi.dwMajorVersion <> NT4MajorVersion) Or (osvi.dwMinorVersion <> NT4MinorVersion) Then 'No. Return False. Exit Function End If 'If no service pack is installed, or if Service Pack 1 is 'installed, then return True. Const strSP1 = "SERVICE PACK 1" If strCSDVersion = "" Then IsWindowsNT4WithoutSP2 = True 'No service pack installed ElseIf strCSDVersion = strSP1 Then IsWindowsNT4WithoutSP2 = True 'Only SP1 installed End If End Function '----------------------------------------------------------- ' FUNCTION: IsUNCName ' ' Determines whether the pathname specified is a UNC name. ' UNC (Universal Naming Convention) names are typically ' used to specify machine resources, such as remote network ' shares, named pipes, etc. An example of a UNC name is ' "\\SERVER\SHARE\FILENAME.EXT". ' ' IN: [strPathName] - pathname to check ' ' Returns: True if pathname is a UNC name, False otherwise '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Function IsUNCName(ByVal strPathName As String) As Integer Const strUNCNAME$ = "\\//\" 'so can check for \\, //, \/, /\ IsUNCName = ((InStr(strUNCNAME, Left$(strPathName, 2)) > 0) And _ (Len(strPathName) > 1)) End Function '----------------------------------------------------------- ' FUNCTION: LogSilentMsg ' ' If this is a silent install, this routine writes ' a message to the gstrSilentLog file. ' ' IN: [strMsg] - The message ' ' Normally, this routine is called inlieu of displaying ' a MsgBox and strMsg is the same message that would ' have appeared in the MsgBox '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Sub LogSilentMsg(strMsg As String) If Not gfSilent Then Exit Sub Dim fn As Integer On Error Resume Next fn = FreeFile Open gstrSilentLog For Append As fn Print #fn, strMsg Close fn Exit Sub End Sub '----------------------------------------------------------- ' FUNCTION: LogSMSMsg ' ' If this is a SMS install, this routine appends ' a message to the gstrSMSDescription string. This ' string will later be written to the SMS status ' file (*.MIF) when the installation completes (success ' or failure). ' ' Note that if gfSMS = False, not message will be logged. ' Therefore, to prevent some messages from being logged ' (e.g., confirmation only messages), temporarily set ' gfSMS = False. ' ' IN: [strMsg] - The message ' ' Normally, this routine is called inlieu of displaying ' a MsgBox and strMsg is the same message that would ' have appeared in the MsgBox '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Sub LogSMSMsg(strMsg As String) If Not gfSMS Then Exit Sub ' ' Append the message. Note that the total ' length cannot be more than 255 characters, so ' truncate anything after that. ' gstrSMSDescription = Left(gstrSMSDescription & strMsg, MAX_SMS_DESCRIP) End Sub '----------------------------------------------------------- ' FUNCTION: MakePathAux ' ' Creates the specified directory path. ' ' No user interaction occurs if an error is encountered. ' If user interaction is desired, use the related ' MakePathAux() function. ' ' IN: [strDirName] - name of the dir path to make ' ' Returns: True if successful, False if error. '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Function MakePathAux(ByVal strDirName As String) As Boolean Dim strPath As String Dim intOffset As Integer Dim intAnchor As Integer Dim strOldPath As String On Error Resume Next ' 'Add trailing backslash ' If Right$(strDirName, 1) <> gstrSEP_DIR Then strDirName = strDirName & gstrSEP_DIR End If strOldPath = CurDir$ MakePathAux = False intAnchor = 0 ' 'Loop and make each subdir of the path separately. ' intOffset = InStr(intAnchor + 1, strDirName, gstrSEP_DIR) intAnchor = intOffset 'Start with at least one backslash, i.e. "C:\FirstDir" Do intOffset = InStr(intAnchor + 1, strDirName, gstrSEP_DIR) intAnchor = intOffset If intAnchor > 0 Then strPath = Left$(strDirName, intOffset - 1) ' Determine if this directory already exists Err = 0 ChDir strPath If Err Then ' We must create this directory Err = 0 #If LOGGING Then NewAction gstrKEY_CREATEDIR, """" & strPath & """" #End If MkDir strPath #If LOGGING Then If Err Then LogError ResolveResString(resMAKEDIR) & " " & strPath AbortAction GoTo Done Else CommitAction End If #End If End If End If Loop Until intAnchor = 0 MakePathAux = True Done: ChDir strOldPath Err = 0 End Function '----------------------------------------------------------- ' FUNCTION: MsgError ' ' Forces mouse pointer to default, calls VB's MsgBox ' function, and logs this error and (32-bit only) ' writes the message and the user's response to the ' logfile (32-bit only) ' ' IN: [strMsg] - message to display ' [intFlags] - MsgBox function type flags ' [strCaption] - caption to use for message box ' [intLogType] (optional) - The type of logfile entry to make. ' By default, creates an error entry. Use ' the MsgWarning() function to create a warning. ' Valid types as MSGERR_ERROR and MSGERR_WARNING ' ' Returns: Result of MsgBox function '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Function MsgError(ByVal strMsg As String, ByVal intFlags As Integer, ByVal strCaption As String, Optional ByVal intLogType As Variant) As Integer Dim iRet As Integer iRet = MsgFunc(strMsg, intFlags, strCaption) MsgError = iRet #If LOGGING Then ' We need to log this error and decode the user's response. Dim strID As String Dim strLogMsg As String Select Case iRet Case vbOK strID = ResolveResString(resLOG_vbok) Case vbCancel strID = ResolveResString(resLOG_vbCancel) Case vbAbort strID = ResolveResString(resLOG_vbabort) Case vbRetry strID = ResolveResString(resLOG_vbretry) Case vbIgnore strID = ResolveResString(resLOG_vbignore) Case vbYes strID = ResolveResString(resLOG_vbyes) Case vbNo strID = ResolveResString(resLOG_vbno) Case Else strID = ResolveResString(resLOG_IDUNKNOWN) 'End Case End Select strLogMsg = strMsg & vbLf & "(" & ResolveResString(resLOG_USERRESPONDEDWITH, "|1", strID) & ")" If IsMissing(intLogType) Then intLogType = MSGERR_ERROR End If On Error Resume Next Select Case intLogType Case MSGERR_WARNING LogWarning strLogMsg Case MSGERR_ERROR LogError strLogMsg Case Else LogError strLogMsg 'End Case End Select #End If End Function '----------------------------------------------------------- ' FUNCTION: MsgFunc ' ' Forces mouse pointer to default and calls VB's MsgBox ' function. See also MsgError. ' ' IN: [strMsg] - message to display ' [intFlags] - MsgBox function type flags ' [strCaption] - caption to use for message box ' Returns: Result of MsgBox function '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Function MsgFunc(ByVal strMsg As String, ByVal intFlags As Integer, ByVal strCaption As String) As Integer Dim intOldPointer As Integer intOldPointer = Screen.MousePointer If gfNoUserInput Then MsgFunc = GetDefMsgBoxButton(intFlags) If gfSilent = True Then LogSilentMsg strMsg End If If gfSMS = True Then LogSMSMsg strMsg gfDontLogSMS = False End If Else Screen.MousePointer = gintMOUSE_DEFAULT MsgFunc = MsgBox(strMsg, intFlags, strCaption) Screen.MousePointer = intOldPointer End If End Function '----------------------------------------------------------- ' FUNCTION: MsgWarning ' ' Forces mouse pointer to default, calls VB's MsgBox ' function, and logs this error and (32-bit only) ' writes the message and the user's response to the ' logfile (32-bit only) ' ' IN: [strMsg] - message to display ' [intFlags] - MsgBox function type flags ' [strCaption] - caption to use for message box ' ' Returns: Result of MsgBox function '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Function MsgWarning(ByVal strMsg As String, ByVal intFlags As Integer, ByVal strCaption As String) As Integer MsgWarning = MsgError(strMsg, intFlags, strCaption, MSGERR_WARNING) End Function '----------------------------------------------------------- ' SUB: SetFormFont ' ' Walks through all controls on specified form and ' sets Font to properties set in the Resource file. ' ' IN: [frm] - Form whose control fonts need to be set. '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Public Sub SetFormFont(frm As Form) Dim ctl As Control Dim fntSize As Integer Dim fntName As String Dim fntBold As Boolean ' ' this procedure will set the font of every control to ' a font listed in the resource file ' ' some controls may fail, so we will do a resume next... ' On Error Resume Next ' ' get the font name and size from the resource file ' fntSize = CInt(LoadResString(resFONTSIZE)) fntBold = (LoadResString(resFONTBOLD) = Format(True)) fntName = LoadResString(resFONTNAME) ' ' set the form's fontname (don't set the size and bold until later) ' frm.FontName = fntName If Err.Number <> 0 Then ' ' Setting the font failed. Probably because ' the font wasn't installed. There are two ' alternate fontnames stored in the resource ' file. Try these. ' Err.Number = 0 fntName = LoadResString(resFONTNAMEBACKUP1) frm.FontName = fntName If Err.Number <> 0 Then ' ' Still didn't work. One last chance, try ' the second backup font. If it fails this ' time, we just continue and use the default ' font. ' Err.Number = 0 fntName = LoadResString(resFONTNAMEBACKUP2) frm.FontName = fntName Err.Number = 0 End If End If ' ' Now set the FontSize and FontBold. This needs to be set ' after the FontName has been set because not all fonts ' support all sizes, etc. ' frm.FontSize = fntSize frm.FontBold = fntBold ' ' loop through each control and try to set its font property ' this may fail, but our error handling is shut off ' For Each ctl In frm.Controls ctl.FontName = fntName ctl.FontSize = fntSize ctl.FontBold = fntBold Next ' ' get out, reset error handling ' Set ctl = Nothing On Error GoTo 0 Exit Sub End Sub '----------------------------------------------------------- ' SUB: SetMousePtr ' ' Provides a way to set the mouse pointer only when the ' pointer state changes. For every HOURGLASS call, there ' should be a corresponding DEFAULT call. Other types of ' mouse pointers are set explicitly. ' ' IN: [intMousePtr] - type of mouse pointer desired '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Sub SetMousePtr(intMousePtr As Integer) Static intPtrState As Integer Select Case intMousePtr Case vbHourglass intPtrState = intPtrState + 1 Case gintMOUSE_DEFAULT intPtrState = intPtrState - 1 If intPtrState < 0 Then intPtrState = 0 End If Case Else Screen.MousePointer = intMousePtr Exit Sub 'End Case End Select Screen.MousePointer = IIf(intPtrState > 0, vbHourglass, gintMOUSE_DEFAULT) End Sub '----------------------------------------------------------- ' FUNCTION: StripTerminator ' ' Returns a string without any zero terminator. Typically, ' this was a string returned by a Windows API call. ' ' IN: [strString] - String to remove terminator from ' ' Returns: The value of the string passed in minus any ' terminating zero. '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Function StripTerminator(ByVal strString As String) As String Dim intZeroPos As Integer intZeroPos = InStr(strString, Chr$(0)) If intZeroPos > 0 Then StripTerminator = Left$(strString, intZeroPos - 1) Else StripTerminator = strString End If End Function '----------------------------------------------------------- ' FUNCTION: GetFileVersion ' ' Returns the internal file version number for the specified ' file. This can be different than the 'display' version ' number shown in the File Manager File Properties dialog. ' It is the same number as shown in the VB5 SetupWizard's ' File Details screen. This is the number used by the ' Windows VerInstallFile API when comparing file versions. ' ' IN: [strFilename] - the file whose version # is desired ' [fIsRemoteServerSupportFile] - whether or not this file is ' a remote ActiveX component support file (.VBR) ' (Enterprise edition only). If missing, False is assumed. ' ' Returns: The Version number string if found, otherwise ' vbnullstring '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Function GetFileVersion(ByVal strFilename As String, Optional ByVal fIsRemoteServerSupportFile) As String Dim sVerInfo As VERINFO Dim strVer As String On Error GoTo GFVError If IsMissing(fIsRemoteServerSupportFile) Then fIsRemoteServerSupportFile = False End If ' 'Get the file version into a VERINFO struct, and then assemble a version string 'from the appropriate elements. ' If GetFileVerStruct(strFilename, sVerInfo, fIsRemoteServerSupportFile) = True Then strVer = Format$(sVerInfo.nMSHi) & gstrDECIMAL & Format$(sVerInfo.nMSLo) & gstrDECIMAL strVer = strVer & Format$(sVerInfo.nLSHi) & gstrDECIMAL & Format$(sVerInfo.nLSLo) GetFileVersion = strVer Else GetFileVersion = vbNullString End If Exit Function GFVError: GetFileVersion = vbNullString Err = 0 End Function '----------------------------------------------------------- ' FUNCTION: GetFileVerStruct ' ' Gets the file version information into a VERINFO TYPE ' variable ' ' IN: [strFilename] - name of file to get version info for ' [fIsRemoteServerSupportFile] - whether or not this file is ' a remote ActiveX component support file (.VBR) ' (Enterprise edition only). If missing, False is assumed. ' OUT: [sVerInfo] - VERINFO Type to fill with version info ' ' Returns: True if version info found, False otherwise '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Function GetFileVerStruct(ByVal strFilename As String, sVerInfo As VERINFO, Optional ByVal fIsRemoteServerSupportFile) As Boolean Const strFIXEDFILEINFO$ = "\" Dim lVerSize As Long Dim lVerHandle As Long Dim lpBufPtr As Long Dim byteVerData() As Byte Dim fFoundVer As Boolean GetFileVerStruct = False fFoundVer = False If IsMissing(fIsRemoteServerSupportFile) Then fIsRemoteServerSupportFile = False End If If fIsRemoteServerSupportFile Then GetFileVerStruct = GetRemoteSupportFileVerStruct(strFilename, sVerInfo) fFoundVer = True Else ' 'Get the size of the file version info, allocate a buffer for it, and get the 'version info. Next, we query the Fixed file info portion, where the internal 'file version used by the Windows VerInstallFile API is kept. We then copy 'the fixed file info into a VERINFO structure. ' lVerSize = GetFileVersionInfoSize(strFilename, lVerHandle) If lVerSize > 0 Then ReDim byteVerData(lVerSize) If GetFileVersionInfo(strFilename, lVerHandle, lVerSize, byteVerData(0)) <> 0 Then ' (Pass byteVerData array via reference to first element) If VerQueryValue(byteVerData(0), strFIXEDFILEINFO & "", lpBufPtr, lVerSize) <> 0 Then CopyMemory sVerInfo, lpBufPtr, lVerSize fFoundVer = True GetFileVerStruct = True End If End If End If End If If Not fFoundVer Then ' ' We were unsuccessful in finding the version info from the file. ' One possibility is that this is a dependency file. ' If UCase(Extension(strFilename)) = gstrEXT_DEP Then GetFileVerStruct = GetDepFileVerStruct(strFilename, sVerInfo) End If End If End Function '----------------------------------------------------------- ' FUNCTION: GetDepFileVerStruct ' ' Gets the file version information from a dependency ' file (*.dep). Such files do not have a Windows version ' stamp, but they do have an internal version stamp that ' we can look for. ' ' IN: [strFilename] - name of dep file to get version info for ' OUT: [sVerInfo] - VERINFO Type to fill with version info ' ' Returns: True if version info found, False otherwise '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Function GetDepFileVerStruct(ByVal strFilename As String, sVerInfo As VERINFO) As Boolean Const strVersionKey = "Version=" Dim cchVersionKey As Integer Dim iFile As Integer GetDepFileVerStruct = False cchVersionKey = Len(strVersionKey) sVerInfo.nMSHi = gintNOVERINFO On Error GoTo Failed iFile = FreeFile Open strFilename For Input Access Read Lock Read Write As #iFile ' Loop through each line, looking for the key While (Not EOF(iFile)) Dim strLine As String Line Input #iFile, strLine If Left$(strLine, cchVersionKey) = strVersionKey Then ' We've found the version key. Copy everything after the equals sign Dim strVersion As String strVersion = Mid$(strLine, cchVersionKey + 1) 'Parse and store the version information PackVerInfo strVersion, sVerInfo GetDepFileVerStruct = True Close iFile Exit Function End If Wend Close iFile Exit Function Failed: GetDepFileVerStruct = False End Function '----------------------------------------------------------- ' FUNCTION: GetRemoteSupportFileVerStruct ' ' Gets the file version information of a remote ActiveX component ' support file into a VERINFO TYPE variable (Enterprise ' Edition only). Such files do not have a Windows version ' stamp, but they do have an internal version stamp that ' we can look for. ' ' IN: [strFilename] - name of file to get version info for ' OUT: [sVerInfo] - VERINFO Type to fill with version info ' ' Returns: True if version info found, False otherwise '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Function GetRemoteSupportFileVerStruct(ByVal strFilename As String, sVerInfo As VERINFO) As Boolean Const strVersionKey = "Version=" Dim cchVersionKey As Integer Dim iFile As Integer cchVersionKey = Len(strVersionKey) sVerInfo.nMSHi = gintNOVERINFO On Error GoTo Failed iFile = FreeFile Open strFilename For Input Access Read Lock Read Write As #iFile ' Loop through each line, looking for the key While (Not EOF(iFile)) Dim strLine As String Line Input #iFile, strLine If Left$(strLine, cchVersionKey) = strVersionKey Then ' We've found the version key. Copy everything after the equals sign Dim strVersion As String strVersion = Mid$(strLine, cchVersionKey + 1) 'Parse and store the version information PackVerInfo strVersion, sVerInfo 'Convert the format 1.2.3 from the .VBR into ', which is really want we want sVerInfo.nLSLo = sVerInfo.nLSHi sVerInfo.nLSHi = 0 GetRemoteSupportFileVerStruct = True Close iFile Exit Function End If Wend Close iFile Exit Function Failed: GetRemoteSupportFileVerStruct = False End Function '----------------------------------------------------------- ' FUNCTION: GetWindowsDir ' ' Calls the windows API to get the windows directory and ' ensures that a trailing dir separator is present ' ' Returns: The windows directory '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Function GetWindowsDir() As String Dim strBuf As String strBuf = Space$(gintMAX_SIZE) ' 'Get the windows directory and then trim the buffer to the exact length 'returned and add a dir sep (backslash) if the API didn't return one ' If GetWindowsDirectory(strBuf, gintMAX_SIZE) > 0 Then strBuf = StripTerminator$(strBuf) AddDirSep strBuf GetWindowsDir = strBuf Else GetWindowsDir = vbNullString End If End Function '----------------------------------------------------------- ' FUNCTION: ExtractFilenameItem ' ' Extracts a quoted or unquoted filename from a string. ' ' IN: [str] - string to parse for a filename. ' [intAnchor] - index in str at which the filename begins. ' The filename continues to the end of the string ' or up to the next comma in the string, or, if ' the filename is enclosed in quotes, until the ' next double quote. ' OUT: Returns the filename, without quotes. ' [intAnchor] is set to the comma, or else one character ' past the end of the string ' [fErr] is set to True if a parsing error is discovered ' '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Function strExtractFilenameItem(ByVal str As String, intAnchor As Integer, fErr As Boolean) As String While Mid$(str, intAnchor, 1) = " " intAnchor = intAnchor + 1 Wend Dim iEndFilenamePos As Integer Dim strFilename As String If Mid$(str, intAnchor, 1) = """" Then ' Filename is surrounded by quotes iEndFilenamePos = InStr(intAnchor + 1, str, """") ' Find matching quote If iEndFilenamePos > 0 Then strFilename = Mid$(str, intAnchor + 1, iEndFilenamePos - 1 - intAnchor) intAnchor = iEndFilenamePos + 1 While Mid$(str, intAnchor, 1) = " " intAnchor = intAnchor + 1 Wend If (Mid$(str, intAnchor, 1) <> gstrCOMMA) And (Mid$(str, intAnchor, 1) <> "") Then fErr = True Exit Function End If Else fErr = True Exit Function End If Else ' Filename continues until next comma or end of string Dim iCommaPos As Integer iCommaPos = InStr(intAnchor, str, gstrCOMMA) If iCommaPos = 0 Then iCommaPos = Len(str) + 1 End If iEndFilenamePos = iCommaPos strFilename = Mid$(str, intAnchor, iEndFilenamePos - intAnchor) intAnchor = iCommaPos End If strFilename = Trim$(strFilename) If strFilename = "" Then fErr = True Exit Function End If fErr = False strExtractFilenameItem = strFilename End Function '----------------------------------------------------------- ' FUNCTION: Extension ' ' Extracts the extension portion of a file/path name ' ' IN: [strFilename] - file/path to get the extension of ' ' Returns: The extension if one exists, else vbnullstring '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Function Extension(ByVal strFilename As String) As String Dim intPos As Integer Extension = vbNullString intPos = Len(strFilename) Do While intPos > 0 Select Case Mid$(strFilename, intPos, 1) Case gstrSEP_EXT Extension = Mid$(strFilename, intPos + 1) Exit Do Case gstrSEP_DIR, gstrSEP_DIRALT Exit Do 'End Case End Select intPos = intPos - 1 Loop End Function '----------------------------------------------------------- ' SUB: PackVerInfo ' ' Parses a file version number string of the form ' x[.x[.x[.x]]] and assigns the extracted numbers to the ' appropriate elements of a VERINFO type variable. ' Examples of valid version strings are '', ' '3.11', '3', etc. ' ' IN: [strVersion] - version number string ' ' OUT: [sVerInfo] - VERINFO type variable whose elements ' are assigned the appropriate numbers ' from the version number string '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Sub PackVerInfo(ByVal strVersion As String, sVerInfo As VERINFO) Dim intOffset As Integer Dim intAnchor As Integer On Error GoTo PVIError intOffset = InStr(strVersion, gstrDECIMAL) If intOffset = 0 Then sVerInfo.nMSHi = Val(strVersion) GoTo PVIMSLo Else sVerInfo.nMSHi = Val(Left$(strVersion, intOffset - 1)) intAnchor = intOffset + 1 End If intOffset = InStr(intAnchor, strVersion, gstrDECIMAL) If intOffset = 0 Then sVerInfo.nMSLo = Val(Mid$(strVersion, intAnchor)) GoTo PVILSHi Else sVerInfo.nMSLo = Val(Mid$(strVersion, intAnchor, intOffset - intAnchor)) intAnchor = intOffset + 1 End If intOffset = InStr(intAnchor, strVersion, gstrDECIMAL) If intOffset = 0 Then sVerInfo.nLSHi = Val(Mid$(strVersion, intAnchor)) GoTo PVILSLo Else sVerInfo.nLSHi = Val(Mid$(strVersion, intAnchor, intOffset - intAnchor)) intAnchor = intOffset + 1 End If intOffset = InStr(intAnchor, strVersion, gstrDECIMAL) If intOffset = 0 Then sVerInfo.nLSLo = Val(Mid$(strVersion, intAnchor)) Else sVerInfo.nLSLo = Val(Mid$(strVersion, intAnchor, intOffset - intAnchor)) End If Exit Sub PVIError: sVerInfo.nMSHi = 0 PVIMSLo: sVerInfo.nMSLo = 0 PVILSHi: sVerInfo.nLSHi = 0 PVILSLo: sVerInfo.nLSLo = 0 End Sub Public Function strQuoteString(strUnQuotedString As String, Optional vForce As Variant, Optional vTrim As Variant) ' ' This routine adds quotation marks around an unquoted string, by default. If the string is already quoted ' it returns without making any changes unless vForce is set to True (vForce defaults to False) except that white ' space before and after the quotes will be removed unless vTrim is False. If the string contains leading or ' trailing white space it is trimmed unless vTrim is set to False (vTrim defaults to True). ' Dim strQuotedString As String If IsMissing(vForce) Then vForce = False End If If IsMissing(vTrim) Then vTrim = True End If strQuotedString = strUnQuotedString ' ' Trim the string if necessary ' If vTrim = True Then strQuotedString = Trim(strQuotedString) End If ' ' See if the string is already quoted ' If vForce = False Then If (Left(strQuotedString, 1) = gstrQUOTE) And (Right(strQuotedString, 1) = gstrQUOTE) Then ' ' String is already quoted. We are done. ' GoTo DoneQuoteString End If End If ' ' Add the quotes ' strQuotedString = gstrQUOTE & strQuotedString & gstrQUOTE DoneQuoteString: strQuoteString = strQuotedString End Function Public Function strUnQuoteString(ByVal strQuotedString As String) ' ' This routine tests to see if strQuotedString is wrapped in quotation ' marks, and, if so, remove them. ' strQuotedString = Trim(strQuotedString) If Mid$(strQuotedString, 1, 1) = gstrQUOTE And Right$(strQuotedString, 1) = gstrQUOTE Then ' ' It's quoted. Get rid of the quotes. ' strQuotedString = Mid$(strQuotedString, 2, Len(strQuotedString) - 2) End If strUnQuoteString = strQuotedString End Function Public Function fCheckFNLength(strFilename As String) As Boolean ' ' This routine verifies that the length of the filename strFilename is valid. ' Under NT (Intel) and Win95 it can be up to 259 (gintMAX_PATH_LEN-1) characters ' long. This length must include the drive, path, filename, commandline ' arguments and quotes (if the string is quoted). ' fCheckFNLength = (Len(strFilename) < gintMAX_PATH_LEN) End Function Public Function intGetNextFldOffset(ByVal intAnchor As Integer, strList As String, strDelimit As String, Optional CompareType As Variant) As Integer ' ' This routine reads from a strDelimit separated list, strList, and locates the next ' item in the list following intAnchor. Basically it finds the next ' occurance of strDelimit that is not inside quotes. If strDelimit is not ' found the routine returns 0. Note intAnchor must be outside of quotes ' or this routine will return incorrect results. ' ' strDelimit is typically a comma. ' ' If there is an error this routine returns -1. ' Dim intQuote As Integer Dim intDelimit As Integer Const CompareBinary = 0 Const CompareText = 1 If IsMissing(CompareType) Then CompareType = CompareText End If If intAnchor = 0 Then intAnchor = 1 intQuote = InStr(intAnchor, strList, gstrQUOTE, CompareType) intDelimit = InStr(intAnchor, strList, strDelimit, CompareType) If (intQuote > intDelimit) Or (intQuote = 0) Then ' ' The next delimiter is not within quotes. Therefore, ' we have found what we are looking for. Note that the ' case where there are no delimiters is also handled here. ' GoTo DoneGetNextFldOffset ElseIf intQuote < intDelimit Then ' ' A quote appeared before the next delimiter. This ' means we might be inside quotes. We still need to check ' if the closing quote comes after the delmiter or not. ' intAnchor = intQuote + 1 intQuote = InStr(intAnchor, strList, gstrQUOTE, CompareType) If (intQuote > intDelimit) Then ' ' The delimiter was inside quotes. Therefore, ignore it. ' The next delimiter after the closing quote must be outside ' of quotes or else we have a corrupt file. ' intAnchor = intQuote + 1 intDelimit = InStr(intAnchor, strList, strDelimit, CompareType) ' ' Sanity check. Make sure there is not another quote before ' the delimiter we just found. ' If intDelimit > 0 Then intQuote = InStr(intAnchor, strList, gstrQUOTE, CompareType) If (intQuote > 0) And (intQuote < intDelimit) Then ' ' Something is wrong. We've encountered a stray ' quote. Means the string is probably corrupt. ' intDelimit = -1 ' Error End If End If End If End If DoneGetNextFldOffset: intGetNextFldOffset = intDelimit End Function Public Function LongPath(Path As String) As String Dim oDesktop As IVBShellFolder Dim nEaten As Long Dim pIdl As Long Dim sPath As String Dim oMalloc As IVBMalloc If Len(Path) > 0 Then SHGetDesktopFolder oDesktop oDesktop.ParseDisplayName 0, 0, Path, nEaten, pIdl, 0 sPath = String$(gintMAX_PATH_LEN, 0) SHGetPathFromIDListA pIdl, sPath SHGetMalloc oMalloc oMalloc.Free pIdl LongPath = StringFromBuffer(sPath) End If End Function 'Try to convert a path to its long filename equivalent, but leave it unaltered ' if we fail. Public Sub MakeLongPath(Path As String) On Error Resume Next Path = LongPath(Path) End Sub Public Function StringFromBuffer(Buffer As String) As String Dim nPos As Long nPos = InStr(Buffer, Chr$(0)) If nPos > 0 Then StringFromBuffer = Left$(Buffer, nPos - 1) Else StringFromBuffer = Buffer End If End Function ''============================================================================== ''Code flow routines: Public Function SyncShell(CommandLine As String, Optional Timeout As Long, _ Optional WaitForInputIdle As Boolean, Optional Hide As Boolean = False) As Boolean Dim hProcess As Long Const STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW As Long = &H1 Const SW_HIDE As Long = 0 Dim ret As Long Dim nMilliseconds As Long If Timeout > 0 Then nMilliseconds = Timeout Else nMilliseconds = INFINITE End If hProcess = StartProcess(CommandLine, Hide) If WaitForInputIdle Then 'Wait for the shelled application to finish setting up its UI: ret = InputIdle(hProcess, nMilliseconds) Else 'Wait for the shelled application to terminate: ret = WaitForSingleObject(hProcess, nMilliseconds) End If CloseHandle hProcess 'Return True if the application finished. Otherwise it timed out or erred. SyncShell = (ret = WAIT_OBJECT_0) End Function Public Function StartProcess(CommandLine As String, Optional Hide As Boolean = False) As Long Const STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW As Long = &H1 Const SW_HIDE As Long = 0 Dim proc As PROCESS_INFORMATION Dim Start As STARTUPINFO 'Initialize the STARTUPINFO structure: Start.cb = Len(Start) If Hide Then Start.dwFlags = STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW Start.wShowWindow = SW_HIDE End If 'Start the shelled application: CreateProcessA 0&, CommandLine, 0&, 0&, 1&, _ NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, 0&, 0&, Start, proc StartProcess = proc.hProcess End Function