Attribute VB_Name = "basSetup1" Option Explicit Option Compare Text ' ' Global Constants ' 'Return values for setup toolkit functions Global Const gintRET_CONT% = 1 Global Const gintRET_CANCEL% = 2 Global Const gintRET_EXIT% = 3 Global Const gintRET_ABORT% = 4 Global Const gintRET_FATAL% = 5 Global Const gintRET_FINISHEDSUCCESS% = 6 'Used only as parameter to ExitSetup at end of successful install 'Error levels for GetAppRemovalCmdLine() Global Const APPREMERR_NONE = 0 'no error Global Const APPREMERR_FATAL = 1 'fatal error Global Const APPREMERR_NONFATAL = 2 'non-fatal error, user chose to abort Global Const APPREMERR_USERCANCEL = 3 'user chose to cancel (no error) 'Flag for Path Dialog specifying Source or Dest directory needed Global Const gstrDIR_SRC$ = "S" Global Const gstrDIR_DEST$ = "D" 'Beginning of lines in [Files], [Bootstrap], and [Licenses] sections of SETUP.LST Global Const gstrINI_FILE$ = "File" Global Const gstrINI_REMOTE$ = "Remote" Global Const gstrINI_LICENSE$ = "License" ' ' Command line constants ' Global Const gstrSILENTSWITCH = "s" Global Const gstrSMSSWITCH = "q" ' ' Icon Information ' Global Const gsGROUP As String = "Group" Global Const gsICON As String = "Icon" Global Const gsTITLE As String = "Title" Global Const gsICONGROUP As String = "IconGroups" ' 'Type Definitions ' Type FILEINFO ' Setup information file line format intDiskNum As Integer ' disk number fSplit As Integer ' split flag strSrcName As String ' name of source file strDestName As String ' name of destination file strDestDir As String ' destination directory strRegister As String ' registration info fShared As Boolean ' whether the file is shared or private fSystem As Boolean ' whether the file is a system file (i.e. should be installed but never removed) varDate As Variant ' file date lFileSize As Long ' file size sVerInfo As VERINFO ' file version number strReserved As String ' Reserved. Leave empty, or error. strProgramIconTitle As String ' Caption for icon in program group strProgramIconCmdLine As String ' Command Line for icon in program group End Type Type DISKINFO ' Disk drive information lAvail As Long ' Bytes available on drive lReq As Long ' Bytes required for setup lMinAlloc As Long ' minimum allocation unit End Type Type DESTINFO ' save dest dir for certain files strAppDir As String strAUTMGR32 As String strRACMGR32 As String End Type Type REGINFO ' save registration info for files strFilename As String strRegister As String 'The following are used only for remote server registration strNetworkAddress As String strNetworkProtocol As String intAuthentication As Integer fDCOM As Boolean ' True if DCOM, otherwise False End Type ' 'Global Variables ' Global gstrSETMSG As String Global gfRetVal As Integer 'return value for form based functions Global gstrAppName As String 'name of app being installed Global gstrTitle As String '"setup" name of app being installed Public gstrDefGroup As String 'Default name for group -- from setup.lst Global gstrDestDir As String 'dest dir for application files Global gstrAppExe As String 'name of app .EXE being installed Public gstrAppToUninstall As String ' Name of app exe/ocx/dll to be uninstalled. Should be the same as gstrAppExe in most cases. Global gstrSrcPath As String 'path of source files Global gstrSetupInfoFile As String 'pathname of SETUP.LST file Global gstrWinDir As String 'windows directory Global gstrWinSysDir As String 'windows\system directory Global gsDiskSpace() As DISKINFO 'disk space for target drives Global gstrDrivesUsed As String 'dest drives used by setup Global glTotalCopied As Long 'total bytes copied so far Global gintCurrentDisk As Integer 'current disk number being installed Global gsDest As DESTINFO 'dest dirs for certain files Global gstrAppRemovalLog As String 'name of the app removal logfile Global gstrAppRemovalEXE As String 'name of the app removal executable Global gfAppRemovalFilesMoved As Boolean 'whether or not the app removal files have been moved to the application directory Global gfForceUseDefDest As Boolean 'If set to true, then the user will not be prompted for the destination directory Global fMainGroupWasCreated As Boolean 'Whether or not a main folder/group has been created Public gfRegDAO As Boolean ' If this gets set to true in the code, then ' we need to add some registration info for DAO ' to the registry. Global gsCABNAME As String Global gsTEMPDIR As String Global Const gsINI_CABNAME As String = "Cab" Global Const gsINI_TEMPDIR As String = "TmpDir" ' 'Form/Module Constants ' 'Possible ProgMan actions Const mintDDE_ITEMADD% = 1 'AddProgManItem flag Const mintDDE_GRPADD% = 2 'AddProgManGroup flag 'Special file names Const mstrFILE_APPREMOVALLOGBASE$ = "ST6UNST" 'Base name of the app removal logfile Const mstrFILE_APPREMOVALLOGEXT$ = ".LOG" 'Default extension for the app removal logfile Const mstrFILE_AUTMGR32 = "AUTMGR32.EXE" Const mstrFILE_RACMGR32 = "RACMGR32.EXE" Const mstrFILE_CTL3D32$ = "CTL3D32.DLL" Const mstrFILE_RICHED32$ = "RICHED32.DLL" 'Name of temporary file used for concatenation of split files Const mstrCONCATFILE$ = "VB5STTMP.CCT" 'setup information file registration macros Const mstrDLLSELFREGISTER$ = "$(DLLSELFREGISTER)" Const mstrEXESELFREGISTER$ = "$(EXESELFREGISTER)" Const mstrTLBREGISTER$ = "$(TLBREGISTER)" Const mstrREMOTEREGISTER$ = "$(REMOTE)" Const mstrVBLREGISTER$ = "$(VBLREGISTER)" ' Bug 5-8039 ' 'Form/Module Variables ' Private msRegInfo() As REGINFO 'files to be registered Private mlTotalToCopy As Long 'total bytes to copy Private mintConcatFile As Integer 'handle of dest file for concatenation Private mlSpaceForConcat As Long 'extra space required for concatenation Private mstrConcatDrive As String 'drive to use for concatenation Private mstrVerTmpName As String 'temp file name for VerInstallFile API ' Hkey cache (used for logging purposes) Private Type HKEY_CACHE hKey As Long strHkey As String End Type Private hkeyCache() As HKEY_CACHE ' Registry manipulation API's (32-bit) Global Const HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT = &H80000000 Global Const HKEY_CURRENT_USER = &H80000001 Global Const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002 Global Const HKEY_USERS = &H80000003 Const ERROR_SUCCESS = 0& Const ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS = 259& Const REG_SZ = 1 Const REG_BINARY = 3 Const REG_DWORD = 4 Declare Function OSRegCloseKey Lib "advapi32" Alias "RegCloseKey" (ByVal hKey As Long) As Long Declare Function OSRegCreateKey Lib "advapi32" Alias "RegCreateKeyA" (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpszSubKey As String, phkResult As Long) As Long Declare Function OSRegDeleteKey Lib "advapi32" Alias "RegDeleteKeyA" (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpszSubKey As String) As Long Declare Function OSRegEnumKey Lib "advapi32" Alias "RegEnumKeyA" (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal iSubKey As Long, ByVal lpszName As String, ByVal cchName As Long) As Long Declare Function OSRegOpenKey Lib "advapi32" Alias "RegOpenKeyA" (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpszSubKey As String, phkResult As Long) As Long Declare Function OSRegQueryValueEx Lib "advapi32" Alias "RegQueryValueExA" (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpszValueName As String, ByVal dwReserved As Long, lpdwType As Long, lpbData As Any, cbData As Long) As Long Declare Function OSRegSetValueEx Lib "advapi32" Alias "RegSetValueExA" (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpValueName As String, ByVal Reserved As Long, ByVal dwType As Long, ByVal lpData As String, ByVal cbData As Long) As Long Declare Function GetCurrentProcessId Lib "kernel32" () As Long Declare Function ExtractFileFromCab Lib "vb6stkit.dll" (ByVal Cab As String, ByVal File As String, ByVal Dest As String) As Long '----------------------------------------------------------- ' SUB: AddPerAppPath ' ' Adds an application's full pathname and per-app path to the ' system registry (this is currently only meaningful to ' Windows 95). ' ' IN: [strAppExe] - app EXE name, not including path ' [strAppDir] - full path of EXE, not including filename ' [strAppPath] - per-app path for this application ' (semicolon-separated list of directory path names) ' If this is the empty string (""), no per-app path ' is registered, but the full pathname of the ' exe IS still registered. ' ' OUT: ' Example registry entries: ' HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\[strPathsBaseKeyName]\MyApp.Exe ' [Default]=C:\Program Files\MyApp\MyApp.Exe ' [Path]=C:\Program Files\MyApp;C:\Program Files\MyApp\System ' '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Sub AddPerAppPath(ByVal strAppExe As String, ByVal strAppDir As String, ByVal strPerAppPath As String) If Not TreatAsWin95() Then Exit Sub End If Dim strPathsBaseKeyName As String Const strAppPaths$ = "App Paths" Const strAppPathKeyName = "Path" Dim fOk As Boolean Dim hKey As Long AddDirSep strAppDir ' Create the new key, whose name is based on the app's name If Not RegCreateKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, RegPathWinCurrentVersion(), strAppPaths & gstrSEP_DIR & strAppExe, hKey) Then GoTo Err End If fOk = True ' Default value indicates full EXE pathname fOk = fOk And RegSetStringValue(hKey, "", strAppDir & strAppExe) ' [Path] value indicates the per-app path If strPerAppPath <> "" Then fOk = fOk And RegSetStringValue(hKey, strAppPathKeyName, strPerAppPath) End If If Not fOk Then GoTo Err End If RegCloseKey hKey Exit Sub Err: MsgError ResolveResString(resERR_REG), vbExclamation Or vbOKOnly, gstrTitle ' ' If we are running an SMS install, we can't continue. ' If gfSMS Then ExitSetup frmSetup1, gintRET_FATAL End If End Sub '----------------------------------------------------------- ' FUNCTION: AddQuotesToFN ' ' Given a pathname (directory and/or filename), returns ' that pathname surrounded by double quotes if the ' path contains spaces or commas. This is required for ' setting up an icon correctly, since otherwise such paths ' would be interpreted as a pathname plus arguments. '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Function AddQuotesToFN(ByVal strFilename) As String If InStr(strFilename, " ") Or InStr(strFilename, ",") Then AddQuotesToFN = """" & strFilename & """" Else AddQuotesToFN = strFilename End If End Function '----------------------------------------------------------- ' SUB: CalcDiskSpace ' ' Calculates disk space required for installing the files ' listed in the specified section of the setup information ' file (SETUP.LST) '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Sub CalcDiskSpace(ByVal strsection As String) Static fSplitFile As Integer Static lDestFileSpace As Long Dim intIdx As Integer Dim intDrvIdx As Integer Dim sFile As FILEINFO Dim strDrive As String Dim lThisFileSpace As Long intIdx = 1 On Error GoTo CalcDSError ' 'For each file in the specified section, read info from the setup info file ' Do While ReadSetupFileLine(strsection, intIdx, sFile) = True ' 'if the file isn't split or if this is the first section of a split file ' If sFile.strDestDir <> vbNullString Then fSplitFile = sFile.fSplit ' 'Get the dest drive used for this file. If this is the first file using 'the drive for a destination, add the drive to the drives used 'table', 'allocate an array element for the holding the drive info, and get 'available disk space and minimum allocation unit ' strDrive = Left$(sFile.strDestDir, 1) intDrvIdx = InStr(gstrDrivesUsed, strDrive) If intDrvIdx = 0 Then gstrDrivesUsed = gstrDrivesUsed & strDrive intDrvIdx = Len(gstrDrivesUsed) ReDim Preserve gsDiskSpace(intDrvIdx) gsDiskSpace(intDrvIdx).lAvail = GetDiskSpaceFree(strDrive) gsDiskSpace(intDrvIdx).lMinAlloc = GetDrivesAllocUnit(strDrive) End If ' 'Calculate size of the dest final (file size + minimum allocation for drive) ' lThisFileSpace = CalcFinalSize(sFile.lFileSize, strDrive) mlTotalToCopy = mlTotalToCopy + lThisFileSpace ' 'If the file already exists, then if we copy it at all, we'll be 'replacing it. So, we get the size of the existing dest file so 'that we can subtract it from the amount needed later. ' If FileExists(sFile.strDestDir & sFile.strDestName) Then lDestFileSpace = FileLen(sFile.strDestDir & sFile.strDestName) Else lDestFileSpace = 0 End If End If ' 'If file not split, or if the last section of a split file ' If sFile.fSplit = False Then ' 'If this is the last section of a split file, then if it's the *largest* 'split file, set the extra space needed for concatenation to this size ' If fSplitFile = True And lThisFileSpace > mlSpaceForConcat Then mlSpaceForConcat = lThisFileSpace End If ' 'Subtract size of existing dest file, if applicable and then accumulate 'space required ' lThisFileSpace = lThisFileSpace - lDestFileSpace If lThisFileSpace < 0 Then lThisFileSpace = 0 End If gsDiskSpace(intDrvIdx).lReq = gsDiskSpace(intDrvIdx).lReq + lThisFileSpace End If intIdx = intIdx + 1 Loop Exit Sub CalcDSError: MsgError Error$ & vbLf & vbLf & ResolveResString(resCALCSPACE), vbCritical, gstrSETMSG ExitSetup frmMessage, gintRET_FATAL End Sub '----------------------------------------------------------- ' SUB: CalcFinalSize ' ' Computes the space required for a file of the size ' specified on the given dest path. This includes the ' file size plus a padding to ensure that the final size ' is a multiple of the minimum allocation unit for the ' dest drive '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Function CalcFinalSize(lBaseFileSize As Long, strDestPath As String) As Long Dim lMinAlloc As Long Dim intPadSize As Long lMinAlloc = gsDiskSpace(InStr(gstrDrivesUsed, Left$(strDestPath, 1))).lMinAlloc intPadSize = lMinAlloc - (lBaseFileSize Mod lMinAlloc) If intPadSize = lMinAlloc Then intPadSize = 0 End If CalcFinalSize = lBaseFileSize + intPadSize End Function '----------------------------------------------------------- ' SUB: CenterForm ' ' Centers the passed form just above center on the screen '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Sub CenterForm(frm As Form) SetMousePtr vbHourglass frm.Top = (Screen.Height * 0.85) \ 2 - frm.Height \ 2 frm.Left = Screen.Width \ 2 - frm.Width \ 2 SetMousePtr gintMOUSE_DEFAULT End Sub '----------------------------------------------------------- ' FUNCTION: CheckDiskSpace ' ' Reads from the space required array generated by calling ' the 'CalcDiskSpace' function and determines whether there ' is sufficient free space on all of the drives used for ' installation ' ' Returns: True if there is enough space, False otherwise '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Function CheckDiskSpace() As Integer Static fDontAskOnSpaceErr As Integer Dim intIdx As Integer Dim intTmpDrvIdx As Integer Dim lDiskSpaceLeft As Long Dim lMostSpaceLeft As Long ' 'Default to True (enough space on all drives) ' CheckDiskSpace = True ' 'For each drive that is the destination for one or more files, compare 'the space available to the space required. ' For intIdx = 1 To Len(gstrDrivesUsed) lDiskSpaceLeft = gsDiskSpace(intIdx).lAvail - gsDiskSpace(intIdx).lReq If lDiskSpaceLeft < 0 Then GoSub CheckDSAskSpace Else ' 'If no "TMP" drive was found, or if the "TMP" drive wasn't ready, 'save the index of the drive and the amount of space on the drive 'which will have the most free space. If no "TMP" drive was 'found in InitDiskInfo(), then this drive will be used as a 'temporary drive for concatenating split files ' If mstrConcatDrive = vbNullString Then If lDiskSpaceLeft > lMostSpaceLeft Then lMostSpaceLeft = lDiskSpaceLeft intTmpDrvIdx = intIdx End If Else ' '"TMP" drive was specified, so we'll use that ' If Left$(mstrConcatDrive, 1) = Mid$(gstrDrivesUsed, intIdx, 1) Then intTmpDrvIdx = intIdx End If End If End If Next ' 'If at least one drive was specified as a destination (if there was at least 'one CalcDiskSpace call in Form_Load of SETUP1.FRM), then subtract the extra 'space needed for concatenation from either: ' The "TMP" drive if available - OR - ' The drive with the most space remaining ' If intTmpDrvIdx > 0 Then gsDiskSpace(intTmpDrvIdx).lReq = gsDiskSpace(intTmpDrvIdx).lReq + mlSpaceForConcat If gsDiskSpace(intTmpDrvIdx).lAvail < gsDiskSpace(intTmpDrvIdx).lReq Then GoSub CheckDSAskSpace End If ' 'If a "TMP" drive was found, we use it regardless, otherwise we use the drive 'with the most free space ' If mstrConcatDrive = vbNullString Then mstrConcatDrive = Mid$(gstrDrivesUsed, intTmpDrvIdx, 1) & gstrCOLON & gstrSEP_DIR AddDirSep mstrConcatDrive End If End If Exit Function CheckDSAskSpace: ' 'if the user hasn't been prompted before in the event of not enough free space, 'then display table of drive space and allow them to (basically) abort, retry, 'or ignore. ' If fDontAskOnSpaceErr = False Then If gfNoUserInput Then If gfSilent = True Then LogSilentMsg ResolveResString(resLBLNOSPACE) End If If gfSMS = True Then LogSMSMsg ResolveResString(resLBLNOSPACE) End If ExitSetup frmSetup1, gintRET_FATAL Else frmDskSpace.Show vbModal End If If gfRetVal <> gintRET_CONT Then CheckDiskSpace = False Exit Function Else fDontAskOnSpaceErr = True End If End If Return End Function '----------------------------------------------------------- ' FUNCTION: CheckDrive ' ' Check to see if the specified drive is ready to be read ' from. In the case of a drive that holds removable media, ' this would mean that formatted media was in the drive and ' that the drive door was closed. ' ' IN: [strDrive] - drive to check ' [strCaption] - caption if the drive isn't ready ' ' Returns: True if the drive is ready, False otherwise '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Function CheckDrive(ByVal strDrive As String, ByVal strCaption As String) As Integer Dim strDir As String Dim strMsg As String Dim fIsUNC As Boolean On Error Resume Next SetMousePtr vbHourglass Do Err = 0 fIsUNC = False ' 'Attempt to read the current directory of the specified drive. If 'an error occurs, we assume that the drive is not ready ' If IsUNCName(strDrive) Then fIsUNC = True strDir = Dir$(GetUNCShareName(strDrive)) Else strDir = Dir$(Left$(strDrive, 2)) End If If Err > 0 Then If fIsUNC Then strMsg = Error$ & vbLf & vbLf & ResolveResString(resCANTREADUNC, "|1", strDrive) & vbLf & vbLf & ResolveResString(resCHECKUNC) Else strMsg = Error$ & vbLf & vbLf & ResolveResString(resDRVREAD) & strDrive & vbLf & vbLf & ResolveResString(resDRVCHK) End If If MsgError(strMsg, vbExclamation Or vbRetryCancel, strCaption) = vbCancel Then CheckDrive = False Err = 0 End If Else CheckDrive = True End If If Err And gfNoUserInput = True Then ExitSetup frmSetup1, gintRET_FATAL End If Loop While Err SetMousePtr gintMOUSE_DEFAULT End Function '----------------------------------------------------------- ' FUNCTION: CheckOverwritePrivateFile ' ' Checks if a private file that we are about to install ' already exists in the destination directory. If it ' does, there will be problems if the user ever tries to ' remove either application, so warn the user and suggest ' selecting a different destination directory. ' ' IN: [strFN] - Full path of the private file that is ' about to be installed. ' '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Sub CheckOverwritePrivateFile(ByVal strFN As String) Static fIgnoreOverwrite As Boolean If fIgnoreOverwrite Then 'If the users once chooses to ignore this warning, 'we will not bring it up again. Exit Sub End If If FileExists(strFN) Then Do Select Case MsgFunc(ResolveResString(resOVERWRITEPRIVATE) & vbLf & vbLf & ResolveResString(resCANCELSETUP), vbYesNo Or vbDefaultButton1 Or vbExclamation, gstrTitle) Case vbYes 'The user chose to cancel. (This is best.) gfDontLogSMS = True ' Don't log this message if SMS because we already logged the previous one and we can only use 255 characters. MsgError ResolveResString(resCHOOSENEWDEST), vbOKOnly, gstrTitle ExitSetup frmCopy, gintRET_FATAL Case Else 'One more level of warning to let them know that we highly ' recommend cancelling setup at this point Select Case MsgFunc(ResolveResString(resOVERWRITEPRIVATE2) & vbLf & vbLf & ResolveResString(resVERIFYCONTINUE), vbYesNo Or vbDefaultButton2 Or vbExclamation, gstrTitle) Case vbNo 'User chose "no, don't continue" 'Repeat the first-level warning Case Else 'They decided to continue anyway fIgnoreOverwrite = True Exit Do 'End Case End Select 'End Case End Select Loop End If End Sub '----------------------------------------------------------- ' FUNCTION: CopyFile ' ' Uses the Windows VerInstallFile API to copy a file from ' the specified source location/name to the destination ' location/name. Split files should be combined via the ' '...Concat...' file routines before calling this ' function. ' If the file is successfully updated and the file is a ' shared file (fShared = True), then the ' files reference count is updated (32-bits only) ' ' IN: [strSrcDir] - directory where source file is located ' [strDestDir] - destination directory for file ' [strSrcName] - name of source file ' [strDestName] - name of destination file ' ' PRECONDITION: NewAction() must have already been called ' for this file copy (of type either ' gstrKEY_SHAREDFILE or gstrKEY_PRIVATE -- ' see CopySection for an example of how ' this works). See NewAction() and related ' functions in LOGGING.BAS for comments on ' using the logging function. ' Either CommitAction() or AbortAction() will ' allows be called by this procedure, and ' should not be done by the caller. ' ' Returns: True if copy was successful, False otherwise ' ' POSTCONDITION: The current action will be either committed or ' aborted. '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Function CopyFile(ByVal strSrcDir As String, ByVal strDestDir As String, ByVal strSrcName As String, ByVal strDestName As String, ByVal fShared As Boolean, ByVal fSystem As Boolean) As Boolean Const intUNKNOWN% = 0 Const intCOPIED% = 1 Const intNOCOPY% = 2 Const intFILEUPTODATE% = 3 ' 'VerInstallFile() Flags ' Const VIFF_FORCEINSTALL% = &H1 Const VIF_TEMPFILE& = &H1 Const VIF_SRCOLD& = &H4 Const VIF_DIFFLANG& = &H8 Const VIF_DIFFCODEPG& = &H10 Const VIF_DIFFTYPE& = &H20 Const VIF_WRITEPROT& = &H40 Const VIF_FILEINUSE& = &H80 Const VIF_OUTOFSPACE& = &H100 Const VIF_ACCESSVIOLATION& = &H200 Const VIF_SHARINGVIOLATION = &H400 Const VIF_CANNOTCREATE = &H800 Const VIF_CANNOTDELETE = &H1000 Const VIF_CANNOTRENAME = &H2000 Const VIF_OUTOFMEMORY = &H8000& Const VIF_CANNOTREADSRC = &H10000 Const VIF_CANNOTREADDST = &H20000 Const VIF_BUFFTOOSMALL = &H40000 Static fIgnoreWarn As Integer 'user warned about ignoring error? Dim strMsg As String Dim lRC As Long Dim lpTmpNameLen As Long Dim intFlags As Integer Dim intRESULT As Integer Dim fFileAlreadyExisted On Error Resume Next CopyFile = False ' 'Ensure that the source file is available for copying ' If DetectFile(strSrcDir & strSrcName) = vbIgnore Then AbortAction Exit Function End If ' ' Make sure that the Destination path (including path, filename, commandline args, etc. ' is not longer than the max allowed. ' If Not fCheckFNLength(strDestDir & strDestName) Then AbortAction strMsg = ResolveResString(resCANTCOPYPATHTOOLONG) & vbLf & vbLf & ResolveResString(resCHOOSENEWDEST) & vbLf & vbLf & strDestDir & strDestName Call MsgError(strMsg, vbOKOnly, gstrSETMSG) ExitSetup frmCopy, gintRET_FATAL Exit Function End If ' 'Make the destination directory, prompt the user to retry if there is an error ' If Not MakePath(strDestDir) Then AbortAction ' Abort file copy Exit Function End If ' 'Make sure we have the LFN (long filename) of the destination directory ' strDestDir = GetLongPathName(strDestDir) ' 'Setup for VerInstallFile call ' lpTmpNameLen = gintMAX_SIZE mstrVerTmpName = String$(lpTmpNameLen, 0) intFlags = 0 fFileAlreadyExisted = FileExists(strDestDir & strDestName) intRESULT = intUNKNOWN Do While intRESULT = intUNKNOWN 'VerInstallFile under Windows 95 does not handle ' long filenames, so we must give it the short versions ' (32-bit only). Dim strShortSrcName As String Dim strShortDestName As String Dim strShortSrcDir As String Dim strShortDestDir As String strShortSrcName = strSrcName strShortSrcDir = strSrcDir strShortDestName = strDestName strShortDestDir = strDestDir If Not FileExists(strDestDir & strDestName) Then 'If the destination file does not already ' exist, we create a dummy with the correct ' (long) filename so that we can get its ' short filename for VerInstallFile. Open strDestDir & strDestName For Output Access Write As #1 Close #1 End If On Error GoTo UnexpectedErr If Not IsWindowsNT() Then 'This conversion is not necessary under Windows NT strShortSrcDir = GetShortPathName(strSrcDir) strShortSrcName = GetFileName(GetShortPathName(strSrcDir & strSrcName)) strShortDestDir = GetShortPathName(strDestDir) strShortDestName = GetFileName(GetShortPathName(strDestDir & strDestName)) End If On Error Resume Next lRC = VerInstallFile(intFlags, strShortSrcName, strShortDestName, strShortSrcDir, strShortDestDir, 0&, mstrVerTmpName, lpTmpNameLen) If Err <> 0 Then ' 'If the version or file expansion DLLs couldn't be found, then abort setup ' ExitSetup frmCopy, gintRET_FATAL End If If lRC = 0 Then ' 'File was successfully installed, increment reference count if needed ' 'One more kludge for long filenames: VerInstallFile may have renamed 'the file to its short version if it went through with the copy. 'Therefore we simply rename it back to what it should be. Name strDestDir & strShortDestName As strDestDir & strDestName intRESULT = intCOPIED ElseIf lRC And VIF_SRCOLD Then ' 'Source file was older, so not copied, the existing version of the file 'will be used. Increment reference count if needed ' intRESULT = intFILEUPTODATE ElseIf lRC And (VIF_DIFFLANG Or VIF_DIFFCODEPG Or VIF_DIFFTYPE) Then ' 'We retry and force installation for these cases. You can modify the code 'here to prompt the user about what to do. ' intFlags = VIFF_FORCEINSTALL ElseIf lRC And VIF_WRITEPROT Then strMsg = ResolveResString(resWRITEPROT) GoSub CFMsg ElseIf lRC And VIF_FILEINUSE Then strMsg = ResolveResString(resINUSE) GoSub CFMsg ElseIf lRC And VIF_OUTOFSPACE Then strMsg = ResolveResString(resOUTOFSPACE) & Left$(strDestDir, 2) GoSub CFMsg ElseIf lRC And VIF_ACCESSVIOLATION Then strMsg = ResolveResString(resACCESSVIOLATION) GoSub CFMsg ElseIf lRC And VIF_SHARINGVIOLATION Then strMsg = ResolveResString(resSHARINGVIOLATION) GoSub CFMsg ElseIf lRC And VIF_OUTOFMEMORY Then strMsg = ResolveResString(resOUTOFMEMORY) GoSub CFMsg Else ' ' For these cases, we generically report the error and do not install the file ' unless this is an SMS install; in which case we abort. ' If lRC And VIF_CANNOTCREATE Then strMsg = ResolveResString(resCANNOTCREATE) ElseIf lRC And VIF_CANNOTDELETE Then strMsg = ResolveResString(resCANNOTDELETE) ElseIf lRC And VIF_CANNOTRENAME Then strMsg = ResolveResString(resCANNOTRENAME) ElseIf lRC And VIF_CANNOTREADSRC Then strMsg = ResolveResString(resCANNOTREADSRC) ElseIf lRC And VIF_CANNOTREADDST Then strMsg = ResolveResString(resCANNOTREADDST) ElseIf lRC And VIF_BUFFTOOSMALL Then strMsg = ResolveResString(resBUFFTOOSMALL) End If strMsg = strMsg & ResolveResString(resNOINSTALL) MsgError strMsg, vbOKOnly Or vbExclamation, gstrTitle If gfSMS Then ExitSetup frmSetup1, gintRET_FATAL End If intRESULT = intNOCOPY End If Loop ' 'If there was a temp file left over from VerInstallFile, remove it ' If lRC And VIF_TEMPFILE Then Kill mstrVerTmpName End If 'Abort or commit the current Action, and do reference counting Select Case intRESULT Case intNOCOPY AbortAction Case intCOPIED DecideIncrementRefCount strDestDir & strDestName, fShared, fSystem, fFileAlreadyExisted AddActionNote ResolveResString(resLOG_FILECOPIED) CommitAction CopyFile = True Case intFILEUPTODATE DecideIncrementRefCount strDestDir & strDestName, fShared, fSystem, fFileAlreadyExisted AddActionNote ResolveResString(resLOG_FILEUPTODATE) CommitAction CopyFile = True Case Else AbortAction ' Defensive - this shouldn't be reached 'End Case End Select Exit Function UnexpectedErr: MsgError Error$ & vbLf & vbLf & ResolveResString(resUNEXPECTED), vbOKOnly Or vbExclamation, gstrTitle ExitSetup frmCopy, gintRET_FATAL CFMsg: '(Subroutine) Dim intMsgRet As Integer strMsg = strDestDir & strDestName & vbLf & vbLf & strMsg intMsgRet = MsgError(strMsg, vbAbortRetryIgnore Or vbExclamation Or vbDefaultButton2, gstrTitle) If gfNoUserInput Then intMsgRet = vbAbort Select Case intMsgRet Case vbAbort ExitSetup frmCopy, gintRET_ABORT Case vbIgnore If fIgnoreWarn = True Then intRESULT = intNOCOPY Else fIgnoreWarn = True strMsg = strMsg & vbLf & vbLf & ResolveResString(resWARNIGNORE) If MsgError(strMsg, vbYesNo Or vbQuestion Or vbDefaultButton2, gstrTitle) = vbYes Then intRESULT = intNOCOPY Else 'Will retry End If End If 'End Case End Select Return End Function '----------------------------------------------------------- ' SUB: CopySection ' ' Attempts to copy the files that need to be copied from ' the named section of the setup info file (SETUP.LST) ' ' IN: [strSection] - name of section to copy files from ' '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Sub CopySection(ByVal strsection As String) Dim intIdx As Integer Dim fSplit As Integer Dim fSrcVer As Integer Dim sFile As FILEINFO Dim strLastFile As String Dim intRC As Integer Dim lThisFileSize As Long Dim strSrcDir As String Dim strDestDir As String Dim strSrcName As String Dim strDestName As String Dim strRegister As String Dim sSrcVerInfo As VERINFO Dim sDestVerInfo As VERINFO Dim fFileWasUpToDate As Boolean Dim strMultDirBaseName As String Dim strMsg As String Dim strDetectPath As String Dim fRemoteReg As Boolean On Error Resume Next strMultDirBaseName = ResolveResString(resCOMMON_MULTDIRBASENAME) intIdx = 1 If Not FileExists(gsTEMPDIR) Then MkDir gsTEMPDIR End If ' 'For each file in the specified section, read info from the setup info file ' Do While ReadSetupFileLine(strsection, intIdx, sFile) = True fFileWasUpToDate = False ' 'If last result was IGNORE, and if this is an extent of a split file, 'then no need to process this chunk of the file either ' ExtractFileFromCab GetShortPathName(gsCABNAME), sFile.strSrcName, gsTEMPDIR & sFile.strDestName If FileExists(gsTEMPDIR & sFile.strDestName) Then sFile.strSrcName = gsTEMPDIR & sFile.strDestName sFile.intDiskNum = gintCurrentDisk End If If intRC = vbIgnore And sFile.strDestName = strDestName Then GoTo CSContinue End If intRC = 0 ' ' If a new disk is called for, or if for some reason we can't find the ' source path (user removed the install floppy, for instance) then ' prompt for the next disk. The PromptForNextDisk function won't ' actually prompt the user unless it determines that the source drive ' contains removeable media or is a network connection. Also, we don't ' prompt if this is a silent install. It will fail later on a silent ' install when it can't find the file. ' If gfNoUserInput = False And (sFile.intDiskNum <> gintCurrentDisk Or DirExists(gstrSrcPath) = False) Then PromptForNextDisk sFile.intDiskNum, sFile.strSrcName End If strSrcName = sFile.strSrcName ' ' The file could exist in either the main source directory or ' in a subdirectory named DISK1, DISK2, etc. Set the appropriate ' path. If it's in neither place, it is an error and will be ' handled later. ' If FileExists(strSrcName) = True Then strSrcDir = gsTEMPDIR 'ElseIf FileExists(gstrSrcPath & ".." & gstrSEP_DIR & strMultDirBaseName & Format(sFile.intDiskNum) & gstrSEP_DIR & strSrcName) = True Then 'strSrcDir = ResolveDir(gstrSrcPath & ".." & gstrSEP_DIR & strMultDirBaseName & Format(sFile.intDiskNum) & gstrSEP_DIR, False, False) 'gstrSrcPath = strSrcDir Else ' ' Can't find the file. ' If DirExists(gstrSrcPath & strMultDirBaseName & Format(sFile.intDiskNum)) = True Then strDetectPath = gstrSrcPath & strMultDirBaseName & Format(sFile.intDiskNum) Else strDetectPath = gstrSrcPath End If strMsg = ResolveResString(resCOMMON_CANTFINDSRCFILE, "|1", strDetectPath & gstrSEP_DIR & strSrcName) MsgError strMsg, vbExclamation Or vbOKOnly, gstrTitle ExitSetup frmCopy, gintRET_FATAL End If ' 'if the file isn't split, or if this is the first section of a split file ' If sFile.strDestDir <> vbNullString Then fSplit = sFile.fSplit strDestDir = sFile.strDestDir strDestName = sFile.strDestName 'We need to go ahead and create the destination directory, or else 'GetLongPathName() may fail If Not MakePath(strDestDir) Then intRC = vbIgnore End If If intRC <> vbIgnore Then Err = 0 strDestDir = GetLongPathName(strDestDir) frmCopy.lblDestFile.Caption = strDestDir & sFile.strDestName frmCopy.lblDestFile.Refresh If UCase(strDestName) = gstrFILE_AXDIST Then ' ' AXDIST.EXE is installed temporarily. We'll be ' deleting it at the end of setup. Set gfAXDist = True ' so we know we need to delete it later. ' NewAction gstrKEY_TEMPFILE, """" & strDestDir & strDestName & """" gfAXDist = True gstrAXDISTInstallPath = strDestDir & strDestName ElseIf UCase(strDestName) = gstrFILE_MDAG Then ' ' mdac_typ.EXE is installed temporarily. We'll be ' deleting it at the end of setup. Set mdag = True ' so we know we need to delete it later. ' NewAction gstrKEY_TEMPFILE, """" & strDestDir & strDestName & """" gfMDag = True gstrMDagInstallPath = strDestDir & strDestName ElseIf UCase(strDestName) = gstrFILE_WINT351 Then ' ' WINt351.EXE is installed temporarily. We'll be ' deleting it at the end of setup. Set WINt351 = True ' so we know we need to delete it later. (Note, this file ' is only installed if the target is nt3.51. This is dealt ' with below in this same routine. ) ' NewAction gstrKEY_TEMPFILE, """" & strDestDir & strDestName & """" gfWINt351 = True gstrWINt351InstallPath = strDestDir & strDestName ElseIf sFile.fShared Then NewAction gstrKEY_SHAREDFILE, """" & strDestDir & strDestName & """" ElseIf sFile.fSystem Then NewAction gstrKEY_SYSTEMFILE, """" & strDestDir & strDestName & """" Else NewAction gstrKEY_PRIVATEFILE, """" & strDestDir & strDestName & """" CheckOverwritePrivateFile strDestDir & strDestName End If End If ' 'If the file info just read from SETUP.LST is the application .EXE '(i.e.; it's the value of the AppExe Key in the [Setup] section, 'then save it's full pathname for later use ' If strDestName = gstrAppExe Then ' 'Used for creating a program manager icon in Form_Load of SETUP1.FRM 'and for registering the per-app path ' gsDest.strAppDir = strDestDir End If 'Special case for CTL3D32.DLL '-- we never install these files unders Windows 95 or NT4, only under Windows NT3.51 If strDestName = mstrFILE_CTL3D32 Then If TreatAsWin95() Then 'We're not running under NT 3.51 - do not install this file. intRC = vbIgnore LogNote ResolveResString(resCOMMON_CTL3D32NOTCOPIED, "|1", strDestName) AbortAction End If End If 'Special case for RICHED32.DLL '-- we only install this file under Windows 95, not under Windows NT (3.51 or 4.0) If strDestName = mstrFILE_RICHED32 Then If Not IsWindows95() Then 'We're not running under Win95 - do not install this file. intRC = vbIgnore LogNote ResolveResString(resCOMMON_RICHED32NOTCOPIED, "|1", strDestName) AbortAction End If End If ' ' Special case for AXDIST.EXE ' If this is Win95 or NT4 and AXDIST.EXE is in the setup list, we need ' to execute it when setup1 is complete. AXDIST.EXE is a self-extracting ' exe that installs special files needed for internet functionality. ' If UCase(strDestName) = gstrFILE_AXDIST Then ' ' Don't do anything here if this is not Win95 or NT4. ' If Not TreatAsWin95() Then 'We're not running under Win95 or NT4- do not install this file. intRC = vbIgnore LogNote ResolveResString(resCOMMON_AXDISTNOTCOPIED, "|1", strDestName) AbortAction gfAXDist = False End If End If ' ' Special case for WINt351.EXE ' If this is NT3.51 and WINt351.EXE is in the setup list, we need ' to execute it when setup1 is complete. WINt351.EXE is a self-extracting ' exe that installs special files needed for internet functionality. ' If UCase(strDestName) = gstrFILE_WINT351 Then ' ' Don't do anything here if this is not NT3.51. ' If TreatAsWin95() Then 'We're not running under NT3.51- do not install this file. intRC = vbIgnore LogNote ResolveResString(resCOMMON_WINT351NOTCOPIED, "|1", strDestName) AbortAction gfWINt351 = False End If End If strRegister = sFile.strRegister lThisFileSize = CalcFinalSize(sFile.lFileSize, sFile.strDestDir) ' 'The stuff below trys to save some time by pre-checking whether a file 'should be installed before a split file is concatenated or before 'VerInstallFile does its think which involves a full file read (for 'a compress file) at the minimum. Basically, if both files have 'version numbers, they are compared. If one file has a version number 'and the other doesn't, the one with the version number is deemed '"Newer". If neither file has a version number, we compare date. ' 'Always attempt to get the source file version number. If the setup 'info file did not contain a version number (sSrcVerInfo.nMSHi = 'gintNOVERINFO), we attempt to read the version number from the source 'file. Reading the version number from a split file will always fail. 'That's why it's a good idea to include the version number for a file '(especially split ones) in the setup info file (SETUP.LST) ' fSrcVer = True sSrcVerInfo = sFile.sVerInfo If sSrcVerInfo.nMSHi = gintNOVERINFO Then fSrcVer = GetFileVerStruct(strSrcDir & strSrcName, sSrcVerInfo) End If ' 'If there is an existing destination file with version information, then 'compare its version number to the source file version number. ' If intRC <> vbIgnore Then fRemoteReg = (sFile.strRegister = mstrREMOTEREGISTER) If GetFileVerStruct(strDestDir & strDestName, sDestVerInfo, fRemoteReg) = True Then If fSrcVer = True Then If IsNewerVer(sSrcVerInfo, sDestVerInfo) = False Then ' 'Existing file is newer than the one we want to install; 'the existing file will be used instead ' intRC = vbIgnore fFileWasUpToDate = True DecideIncrementRefCount strDestDir & strDestName, sFile.fShared, sFile.fSystem, True AddActionNote ResolveResString(resLOG_FILEUPTODATE) CommitAction End If End If Else ' 'If the destination file has no version info, then we'll copy the 'source file if it *does* have a version. If neither file has a 'version number, then we compare date. ' If fSrcVer = False Then If sFile.varDate <= CVDate(FileDateTime(strDestDir & strDestName)) Then If Err = 0 Then ' 'Although neither the source nor the existing file contain version 'information, the existing file has a newer date so we'll use it. ' intRC = vbIgnore fFileWasUpToDate = True DecideIncrementRefCount strDestDir & strDestName, sFile.fShared, sFile.fSystem, True AddActionNote ResolveResString(resLOG_FILEUPTODATE) CommitAction Else Err = 0 End If End If End If End If End If End If ' 'If the file wasn't split, or if this is the last extent of a split file ' If fSplit = False Then ' 'After all of this, if we're still ready to copy, then give it a whirl! ' If intRC <> vbIgnore Then ' CopyFile will increment the reference count for us, and will either ' commit or abort the current Action. 'Turn off READONLY flag in case we copy. SetAttr strDestDir & strDestName, vbNormal intRC = IIf(CopyFile(strSrcDir, strDestDir, strDestName, strDestName, sFile.fShared, sFile.fSystem), 0, vbIgnore) End If ' 'Save the paths of certain files for later use, if they were 'successfully installed or were already on the system ' If (intRC = 0 Or fFileWasUpToDate) Then Select Case strDestName Case mstrFILE_AUTMGR32 ' 'Used for creating an icon if installed ' gsDest.strAUTMGR32 = strDestDir & mstrFILE_AUTMGR32 Case mstrFILE_RACMGR32 ' 'Used for creating an icon if installed ' gsDest.strRACMGR32 = strDestDir & mstrFILE_RACMGR32 'End Case End Select ' 'If we successfully copied the file, and if registration information was 'specified in the setup info file, save the registration info into an 'array so that we can register all files requiring it in one fell swoop 'after all the files have been copied. ' If strRegister <> vbNullString Then Err = 0 ReDim Preserve msRegInfo(UBound(msRegInfo) + 1) If Err > 0 Then ReDim msRegInfo(0) End If msRegInfo(UBound(msRegInfo)).strFilename = strDestDir & strDestName Select Case strRegister Case mstrDLLSELFREGISTER, mstrEXESELFREGISTER, mstrTLBREGISTER, mstrVBLREGISTER 'Nothing in particular to do Case mstrREMOTEREGISTER 'We need to look for and parse the corresponding "RemoteX=..." line If Not ReadSetupRemoteLine(strsection, intIdx, msRegInfo(UBound(msRegInfo))) = True Then MsgError ResolveResString(resREMOTELINENOTFOUND, "|1", strDestName, "|2", gstrINI_REMOTE & Format$(intIdx)), vbExclamation Or vbOKOnly, gstrTitle ExitSetup frmSetup1, gintRET_FATAL End If Case Else ' 'If the registration info specified the name of a file with 'registration info (which we assume if a registration macro 'was not specified), then we also assume that, if no path 'information is available, this reginfo file is in the same 'directory as the file it registers ' strRegister = ResolveDestDirs(strRegister) If InStr(strRegister, gstrSEP_DIR) = 0 Then strRegister = strDestDir & strRegister End If 'End Case End Select msRegInfo(UBound(msRegInfo)).strRegister = strRegister End If End If End If strLastFile = sFile.strDestName CSContinue: ' 'If the file wasn't split, or if this was the last extent of a split file, then 'update the copy status bar. We need to do the update regardless of whether a 'file was actually copied or not. ' If sFile.fSplit = False Then glTotalCopied = glTotalCopied + lThisFileSize UpdateStatus frmCopy.picStatus, glTotalCopied / mlTotalToCopy End If ' 'Give a chance for the 'Cancel' button command to be processed if it was pressed ' DoEvents intIdx = intIdx + 1 Loop Err = 0 End Sub '----------------------------------------------------------- ' SUB: CreateOSProgramGroup ' ' Calls CreateProgManGroup under Windows NT or ' fCreateShellGroup under Windows 95 '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Function fCreateOSProgramGroup(frm As Form, ByVal strFolderName As String, ByVal fRetOnErr As Boolean, Optional ByVal fLog As Boolean = True) As Boolean If TreatAsWin95() Then fCreateOSProgramGroup = fCreateShellGroup(strFolderName, fRetOnErr, fLog) Else CreateProgManGroup frm, strFolderName, fRetOnErr, fLog fCreateOSProgramGroup = True End If End Function '----------------------------------------------------------- ' SUB: CreateOSLink ' ' Calls CreateProgManItem under Windows NT or ' CreateFolderLink under Windows 95. ' ' If fLog is missing, the default is True. '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Sub CreateOSLink(frm As Form, ByVal strGroupName As String, ByVal strLinkPath As String, ByVal strLinkArguments As String, ByVal strLinkName As String, Optional ByVal fLog) If IsMissing(fLog) Then fLog = True End If If TreatAsWin95() Then CreateShellLink strLinkPath, strGroupName, strLinkArguments, strLinkName, fLog Else ' ' DDE will not work properly if you try to send NT the long filename. If it is ' in quotes, then the parameters get ignored. If there are no parameters, the ' long filename can be used and the following line could be skipped. ' strLinkPath = GetShortPathName(strUnQuoteString(strLinkPath)) CreateProgManItem frm, strGroupName, strLinkPath & " " & strLinkArguments, strLinkName, fLog End If End Sub '----------------------------------------------------------- ' SUB: CreateProgManGroup ' ' Creates a new group in the Windows program manager if ' the specified groupname doesn't already exist ' ' IN: [frm] - form containing a label named 'lblDDE' ' [strGroupName] - text name of the group ' [fRetOnErr] - ignored ' [fLog] - Whether or not to write to the logfile (default ' is true if missing) '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Sub CreateProgManGroup(frm As Form, ByVal strGroupName As String, ByVal fRetOnErr As Boolean, Optional ByVal fLog) ' 'Call generic progman DDE function with flag to add a group ' If IsMissing(fLog) Then fLog = True End If 'Perform the DDE to create the group PerformDDE frm, strGroupName, vbNullString, vbNullString, mintDDE_GRPADD, fLog End Sub '----------------------------------------------------------- ' SUB: CreateProgManItem ' ' Creates (or replaces) a program manager icon in the active ' program manager group ' ' IN: [frm] - form containing a label named 'lblDDE' ' [strGroupName] - Caption of group in which icon will go. ' [strCmdLine] - command line for the item/icon, ' Ex: 'c:\myapp\myapp.exe' ' Note: If this path contains spaces ' or commas, it should be enclosed ' with quotes so that it is properly ' interpreted by Windows (see AddQuotesToFN) ' [strIconTitle] - text caption for the icon ' [fLog] - Whether or not to write to the logfile (default ' is true if missing) ' ' PRECONDITION: CreateProgManGroup has already been called. The ' new icon will be created in the group last created. '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Sub CreateProgManItem(frm As Form, ByVal strGroupName As String, ByVal strCmdLine As String, ByVal strIconTitle As String, Optional ByVal fLog) ' 'Call generic progman DDE function with flag to add an item ' If IsMissing(fLog) Then fLog = True End If PerformDDE frm, strGroupName, strCmdLine, strIconTitle, mintDDE_ITEMADD, fLog End Sub '----------------------------------------------------------- ' SUB: fCreateShellGroup ' ' Creates a new program group off of Start>Programs in the ' Windows 95 shell if the specified folder doesn't already exist. ' ' IN: [strFolderName] - text name of the folder. ' This parameter may not contain ' backslashes. ' ex: "My Application" - this creates ' the folder Start>Programs>My Application ' [fRetOnerr] - Whether or not this routine should return if ' there is an error creating the group. If false, ' setup aborts and does not return. Set this to ' true if the user can do something to correct the ' error. E.g., they entered a group name in the ' Choose Program Group dialog as opposed to calling ' this routine when creating the Remote Automation ' group in which the user had no control. ' [fLog] - Whether or not to write to the logfile (default ' is true if missing) '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Function fCreateShellGroup(ByVal strFolderName As String, fRetOnErr As Boolean, Optional ByVal fLog) As Boolean Dim oMalloc As IVBMalloc Const sPROGRAMS As String = "Programs\" If IsMissing(fLog) Then fLog = True End If ReplaceDoubleQuotes strFolderName If strFolderName = "" Then Exit Function End If If fLog Then NewAction gstrKEY_SHELLFOLDER, """" & strFolderName & """" End If Retry: Dim fSuccess As Boolean Dim sPath As String Dim IDL As Long ' Fill the item id list with the pointer of each folder item, rtns 0 on success If SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(frmSetup1.hwnd, sfidSTARTMENU, IDL) = NOERROR Then sPath = String$(gintMAX_PATH_LEN, 0) SHGetPathFromIDListA IDL, sPath SHGetMalloc oMalloc oMalloc.Free IDL sPath = StringFromBuffer(sPath) End If AddDirSep sPath sPath = sPath & sPROGRAMS sPath = sPath & strFolderName fSuccess = MakePath(sPath) If fSuccess Then If fLog Then CommitAction End If Else If gfNoUserInput Or (MsgError(ResolveResString(resCANTCREATEPROGRAMGROUP, "|1", strFolderName), vbRetryCancel Or vbExclamation, gstrTitle)) = vbCancel Then ExitSetup frmSetup1, gintRET_EXIT GoTo Retry End If ' ' Determine if we should return so the user can ' correct the situation. ' If Not fRetOnErr Then ' ' Return so we can exit setup. ' GoTo Retry End If End If fCreateShellGroup = fSuccess End Function '----------------------------------------------------------- ' SUB: CreateShellLink ' ' Creates (or replaces) a link in either Start>Programs or ' any of its immediate subfolders in the Windows 95 shell. ' ' IN: [strLinkPath] - full path to the target of the link ' Ex: 'c:\Program Files\My Application\MyApp.exe" ' [strLinkArguments] - command-line arguments for the link ' Ex: '-f -c "c:\Program Files\My Application\MyApp.dat" -q' ' [strLinkName] - text caption for the link ' [fLog] - Whether or not to write to the logfile (default ' is true if missing) ' ' OUT: ' The link will be created in the folder strGroupName '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Sub CreateShellLink(ByVal strLinkPath As String, ByVal strGroupName As String, ByVal strLinkArguments As String, ByVal strLinkName As String, Optional ByVal fLog) If IsMissing(fLog) Then fLog = True End If If fLog Then NewAction gstrKEY_SHELLLINK, """" & strUnQuoteString(strGroupName) & """" & ", " & """" & strUnQuoteString(strLinkName) & """" End If 'ReplaceDoubleQuotes strLinkName strLinkName = strUnQuoteString(strLinkName) strLinkPath = strUnQuoteString(strLinkPath) Retry: Dim fSuccess As Boolean fSuccess = OSfCreateShellLink(strGroupName & "", strLinkName, strLinkPath, strLinkArguments & "") 'the path should never be enclosed in double quotes If fSuccess Then If fLog Then CommitAction End If Else Dim intMsgRet As Integer intMsgRet = MsgError(ResolveResString(resCANTCREATEPROGRAMICON, "|1", strLinkName), vbAbortRetryIgnore Or vbExclamation, gstrTitle) If gfNoUserInput Then intMsgRet = vbAbort End If Select Case intMsgRet Case vbAbort ExitSetup frmSetup1, gintRET_ABORT GoTo Retry Case vbRetry GoTo Retry Case vbIgnore If fLog Then AbortAction End If 'End Case End Select End If End Sub '----------------------------------------------------------- ' FUNCTION: DecideIncrementRefCount ' ' Increments the reference count of a file under 32-bits ' if the file is a shared file. ' ' IN: [strFullPath] - full pathname of the file to reference ' count. Example: ' 'C:\MYAPP\MYAPP.DAT' ' [fShared] - whether the file is shared or private ' [fSystem] - The file is a system file ' [fFileAlreadyExisted] - whether or not the file already ' existed on the hard drive ' before our setup program '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Sub DecideIncrementRefCount(ByVal strFullPath As String, ByVal fShared As Boolean, ByVal fSystem As Boolean, ByVal fFileAlreadyExisted As Boolean) 'Reference counting takes place under both Windows 95 and Windows NT If fShared Or fSystem Then IncrementRefCount strFullPath, fFileAlreadyExisted End If End Sub '----------------------------------------------------------- ' FUNCTION: DetectFile ' ' Detects whether the specified file exists. If it can't ' be found, the user is given the opportunity to abort, ' retry, or ignore finding the file. This call is used, ' for example, to ensure that a floppy with the specified ' file name is in the drive before continuing. ' ' IN: [strFileName] - name of file to detect, usually ' should include full path, Example: ' 'A:\MYAPP.DAT' ' ' Returns: TRUE if the file was detected, vbignore if ' the user chose ignore when the file couldn't ' be found, or calls ExitSetup upon 'Abort' '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Function DetectFile(ByVal strFilename As String) As Integer Dim strMsg As String DetectFile = True Do While FileExists(strFilename) = False strMsg = ResolveResString(resCANTOPEN) & vbLf & vbLf & strFilename Select Case MsgError(strMsg, vbAbortRetryIgnore Or vbExclamation Or IIf(gfNoUserInput, vbDefaultButton1, vbDefaultButton2), gstrSETMSG) Case vbAbort ExitSetup frmCopy, gintRET_ABORT Case vbIgnore DetectFile = vbIgnore Exit Do 'End Case End Select Loop End Function '----------------------------------------------------------- ' SUB: EtchedLine ' ' Draws an 'etched' line upon the specified form starting ' at the X,Y location passed in and of the specified length. ' Coordinates are in the current ScaleMode of the passed ' in form. ' ' IN: [frmEtch] - form to draw the line upon ' [intX1] - starting horizontal of line ' [intY1] - starting vertical of line ' [intLength] - length of the line '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Sub EtchedLine(frmEtch As Form, ByVal intX1 As Integer, ByVal intY1 As Integer, ByVal intLength As Integer) Const lWHITE& = vb3DHighlight Const lGRAY& = vb3DShadow frmEtch.Line (intX1, intY1)-(intX1 + intLength, intY1), lGRAY frmEtch.Line (frmEtch.CurrentX + 5, intY1 + 20)-(intX1 - 5, intY1 + 20), lWHITE End Sub '----------------------------------------------------------- ' SUB: ExeSelfRegister ' ' Synchronously runs the file passed in (which should be ' an executable file that supports the /REGSERVER switch, ' for instance, a VB5 generated ActiveX Component .EXE). ' ' IN: [strFileName] - .EXE file to register '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Sub ExeSelfRegister(ByVal strFilename As String) Const strREGSWITCH$ = " /REGSERVER" Dim fShell As Integer ' 'Synchronously shell out and run the .EXE with the self registration switch ' fShell = SyncShell(AddQuotesToFN(strFilename) & strREGSWITCH, INFINITE, , True) frmSetup1.Refresh End Sub '----------------------------------------------------------- ' SUB: ExitSetup ' ' Handles shutdown of the setup app. Depending upon the ' value of the intExitCode parm, may prompt the user and ' exit the sub if the user chooses to cancel the exit ' process. ' ' IN: [frm] - active form to unload upon exit ' [intExitCode] - code specifying exit action '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Sub ExitSetup(frm As Form, intExitCode As Integer) Dim strMsg As String Dim strSilent As String On Error Resume Next ' ' If we aren't running in silent or sms mode give ' the user a chance to try again, if applicable. ' If Not gfNoUserInput Then Select Case intExitCode Case gintRET_EXIT ' 'If user chose an Exit or Cancel button ' If MsgWarning(ResolveResString(resASKEXIT), vbQuestion Or vbYesNo Or vbDefaultButton2, gstrTitle) = vbNo Then Exit Sub End If Case gintRET_ABORT ' 'If user chose to abort before a pending action ' strMsg = ResolveResString(resINCOMPLETE) & vbLf & vbLf & ResolveResString(resQUITNOW) & vbLf & vbLf strMsg = strMsg & ResolveResString(resQUITSETUP) If MsgWarning(strMsg, vbQuestion Or vbYesNo Or IIf(gfNoUserInput, vbDefaultButton1, vbDefaultButton2), gstrSETMSG) = vbNo Then Exit Sub End If 'End Case End Select End If 'Abort any pending actions While fWithinAction() AbortAction Wend Close ' 'Clean up any temporary files from VerInstallFile or split file concatenation ' Kill mstrVerTmpName If mintConcatFile > 0 Then Close mintConcatFile Kill mstrConcatDrive & mstrCONCATFILE End If If frm.hwnd <> frmSetup1.hwnd Then Unload frm End If frmSetup1.SetFocus ' 'Give appropriate ending message depending upon exit code ' Select Case intExitCode Case gintRET_EXIT, gintRET_ABORT gfSMSStatus = False strMsg = ResolveResString(resINTERRUPTED, "|1", gstrAppName) & vbLf & vbLf & ResolveResString(resCANRUN, "|1", gstrAppName) MsgWarning strMsg, vbOKOnly Or vbCritical, gstrTitle Case gintRET_FATAL gfSMSStatus = False MsgError ResolveResString(resERROR, "|1", gstrAppName), vbOKOnly Or vbCritical, gstrTitle Case gintRET_FINISHEDSUCCESS gfSMSStatus = True ' ' Don't log this message to SMS since it is only a confirmation. ' gfDontLogSMS = True MsgFunc ResolveResString(resSUCCESS, "|1", gstrAppName), vbOKOnly, gstrTitle If IsWindowsNT4WithoutSP2() Then 'Recommend that the user upgrade to NT 4.0 SP2 gfDontLogSMS = True MsgWarning ResolveResString(resNT4WithoutSP2), vbOKOnly Or vbInformation, gstrTitle End If Case Else strMsg = ResolveResString(resINTERRUPTED, "|1", gstrAppName) & vbLf & vbLf & ResolveResString(resCANRUN, "|1", gstrAppName) MsgWarning strMsg, vbOKOnly Or vbCritical, gstrTitle 'End Case End Select 'Stop logging DisableLogging ' Clean up an aborted installation If (intExitCode = gintRET_FINISHEDSUCCESS) Then 'Setup finished successfully - Temporary files should 'have already been cleaned up. Nothing else to do. Else 'Setup has been aborted for one reason or another If (gstrAppRemovalEXE <> "") Then Dim nErrorLevel As Integer Select Case intExitCode Case gintRET_FATAL nErrorLevel = APPREMERR_FATAL Case gintRET_EXIT nErrorLevel = APPREMERR_USERCANCEL Case gintRET_ABORT nErrorLevel = APPREMERR_NONFATAL Case Else nErrorLevel = APPREMERR_FATAL 'End Case End Select ' ' We don't want to log this message to sms because it is ' only a confirmation message. ' gfDontLogSMS = True MsgFunc ResolveResString(resLOG_ABOUTTOREMOVEAPP), vbInformation Or vbOKOnly, gstrTitle Err = 0 ' ' Ready to run the installer. Determine if this is a ' silent uninstall or not. ' If gfSilent Then strSilent = gstrSilentLog Else strSilent = vbNullString End If Shell GetAppRemovalCmdLine(gstrAppRemovalEXE, gstrAppRemovalLog, strSilent, gfSMS, nErrorLevel, True), vbNormalFocus If Err Then MsgError Error$ & vbLf & vbLf & ResolveResString(resLOG_CANTRUNAPPREMOVER), vbExclamation Or vbOKOnly, gstrTitle End If 'Since the app removal program will attempt to delete this program and all of our runtime 'files, we should exit as soon as possible (otherwise the app remover will not be 'able to remove these files) End If 'Note: We do not delete the logfile if an error occurs. 'The application removal EXE will do that if needed. End If Unload frmSetup1 If gfSMS = True Then WriteMIF gstrMIFFile, gfSMSStatus, gstrSMSDescription End If 'End the program End End Sub '----------------------------------------------------------- ' FUNCTION: ProcessCommandLine ' ' Processes the command-line arguments ' ' OUT: Fills in the passed-in byref parameters as appropriate '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Sub ProcessCommandLine(ByVal strCommand As String, ByRef fSilent As Boolean, ByRef strSilentLog As String, ByRef fSMS As Boolean, ByRef strMIFFile As String, ByRef strSrcPath As String, ByRef strAppRemovalLog As String, ByRef strAppRemovalEXE As String) Dim fErr As Boolean Dim intAnchor As Integer Const strTemp$ = "" strSrcPath = "" strAppRemovalLog = "" strCommand = Trim$(strCommand) ' ' First, check to see if this is supposed to be a silent ' install (/s on the command line followed by ' a log file name) and set global variables appropriately. ' ' If you are designing a silent install, the /s ' command line parameter should be added to the setup.exe ' command. It will automatically be passed to setup1 as the ' first parameter. ' ' The filename that follows the /s parameter must ' include the full path name. ' intAnchor = InStr(LCase(strCommand), gstrSwitchPrefix2 & gstrSILENTSWITCH) If intAnchor > 0 Then fSilent = True strCommand = Trim(Mid(strCommand, intAnchor + 2)) strSilentLog = strExtractFilenameArg(strCommand, fErr) If fErr Then GoTo BadCommandLine Else fSilent = False End If fSMS = False ' ' We expect to find the source directory, ' name/path of the logfile, and name/path ' of the app removal executable, separated only by ' spaces ' strSrcPath = strExtractFilenameArg(strCommand, fErr) If fErr Then GoTo BadCommandLine strAppRemovalLog = strExtractFilenameArg(strCommand, fErr) If fErr Then GoTo BadCommandLine strAppRemovalEXE = strExtractFilenameArg(strCommand, fErr) If fErr Then GoTo BadCommandLine ' Both the app removal logfile and executable must exist If Not FileExists(strAppRemovalLog) Then GoTo BadAppRemovalLog End If If Not FileExists(strAppRemovalEXE) Then GoTo BadAppRemovalEXE End If ' Last check: There should be nothing else on the command line strCommand = Trim$(strCommand) If strCommand <> "" Then GoTo BadCommandLine End If Exit Sub BadAppRemovalLog: MsgError ResolveResString(resCANTFINDAPPREMOVALLOG, "|1", strAppRemovalLog), vbExclamation Or vbOKOnly, gstrTitle ExitSetup frmSetup1, gintRET_FATAL BadAppRemovalEXE: MsgError ResolveResString(resCANTFINDAPPREMOVALEXE, "|1", strAppRemovalEXE), vbExclamation Or vbOKOnly, gstrTitle ExitSetup frmSetup1, gintRET_FATAL BadCommandLine: MsgError ResolveResString(resBADCOMMANDLINE), vbExclamation Or vbOKOnly, gstrTitle ExitSetup frmSetup1, gintRET_FATAL End Sub '----------------------------------------------------------- ' FUNCTION: GetDrivesAllocUnit ' ' Gets the minimum file size allocation unit for the ' specified drive ' ' IN: [strDrive] - Drive to get allocation unit for ' ' Returns: minimum allocation unit of drive, or -1 if ' this value couldn't be determined '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Function GetDrivesAllocUnit(ByVal strDrive As String) As Long Dim strCurDrive As String Dim lAllocUnit As Long On Error Resume Next ' 'Save current drive ' strCurDrive = Left$(CurDir$, 2) ' 'append a colon to the end of the drivespec if none supplied ' If InStr(strDrive, gstrCOLON) = 0 Or Len(strDrive) > 2 Then strDrive = Left$(strDrive, 1) & gstrCOLON End If ' 'Change to the drive to determine the allocation unit for. The AllocUnit() 'API returns this value for the current drive only ' ChDrive strDrive ' 'If there was an error accessing the specified drive, flag error return. 'It is also possible for the AllocUnit() API to return -1 on other failure ' If Err <> 0 Or (strDrive <> Left$(CurDir$, 2)) Then lAllocUnit = -1 Else Dim lRet As Long Dim lBytes As Long, lSect As Long, lClust As Long, lTot As Long lRet = GetDiskFreeSpace(vbNullString, lSect, lBytes, lClust, lTot) lAllocUnit = lSect * lBytes If Err <> 0 Then lAllocUnit = -1 End If End If If lAllocUnit = -1 Then MsgError Error$ & vbLf & vbLf & ResolveResString(resALLOCUNIT) & strDrive, vbExclamation, gstrTitle If gfSMS Then ExitSetup frmSetup1, gintRET_FATAL End If End If GetDrivesAllocUnit = lAllocUnit ' 'Restore to original drive ' ChDrive strCurDrive Err = 0 End Function '----------------------------------------------------------- ' FUNCTION: GetFileName ' ' Return the filename portion of a path ' '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Function GetFileName(ByVal strPath As String) As String Dim strFilename As String Dim iSep As Integer strFilename = strPath Do iSep = InStr(strFilename, gstrSEP_DIR) If iSep = 0 Then iSep = InStr(strFilename, gstrCOLON) If iSep = 0 Then GetFileName = strFilename Exit Function Else strFilename = Right(strFilename, Len(strFilename) - iSep) End If Loop End Function '----------------------------------------------------------- ' FUNCTION: GetFileSize ' ' Determine the size (in bytes) of the specified file ' ' IN: [strFileName] - name of file to get size of ' ' Returns: size of file in bytes, or -1 if an error occurs '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Function GetFileSize(strFilename As String) As Long On Error Resume Next GetFileSize = FileLen(strFilename) If Err > 0 Then GetFileSize = -1 Err = 0 End If End Function '----------------------------------------------------------- ' FUNCTION: GetAppRemovalCmdLine ' ' Returns the correct command-line arguments (including ' path to the executable for use in calling the ' application removal executable) ' ' IN: [strAppRemovalEXE] - Full path/filename of the app removal EXE ' [strAppRemovalLog] - Full path/filename of the app removal logfile ' [strSilentLog] - Full path/filename of the file to log messages to when in silent mode. ' If this is an empty string then silent mode is turned off for uninstall. ' [fSMS] - Boolean. If True, we have been doing an SMS install and must tell the Uninstaller ' to also do an SMS uninstall. SMS is the Microsoft Systems Management Server. ' [nErrorLevel] - Error level: ' APPREMERR_NONE - no error ' APPREMERR_FATAL - fatal error ' APPREMERR_NONFATAL - non-fatal error, user chose to abort ' APPREMERR_USERCANCEL - user chose to cancel (no error) ' [fWaitForParent] - True if the application removal utility should wait ' for the parent (this process) to finish before starting ' to remove files. Otherwise it may not be able to remove ' this process' executable file, depending upon timing. ' Defaults to False if not specified. '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Function GetAppRemovalCmdLine(ByVal strAppRemovalEXE As String, ByVal strAppRemovalLog, ByVal strSilentLog As String, ByVal fSMS As Boolean, ByVal nErrorLevel As Integer, Optional fWaitForParent) Dim strEXE As String Dim strLog As String Dim strSilent As String Dim strErrLevel As String Dim strForce As String Dim strWait As String Dim strSMS As String If IsMissing(fWaitForParent) Then fWaitForParent = False End If strEXE = AddQuotesToFN(strAppRemovalEXE) strLog = "-n " & """" & GetLongPathName(strAppRemovalLog) & """" If gfSilent And strSilentLog <> vbNullString Then strSilent = "/s " & """" & strSilentLog & """" Else strSilent = vbNullString End If strSMS = IIf(fSMS, " /q ", vbNullString) strErrLevel = IIf(nErrorLevel <> APPREMERR_NONE, "-e " & Format(nErrorLevel), "") If nErrorLevel <> APPREMERR_NONE Then strForce = " -f" End If If fWaitForParent Then Dim curProcessId As Currency Dim Wrap As Currency Dim lProcessId As Long Dim cProcessId As Currency Wrap = 2 * (CCur(&H7FFFFFFF) + 1) 'Always print as an unsigned long lProcessId = GetCurrentProcessId() cProcessId = lProcessId If cProcessId < 0 Then cProcessId = cProcessId + Wrap strWait = " -w " & str(cProcessId) End If GetAppRemovalCmdLine = strEXE & " " & strLog & " " & strSilent & " " & strSMS & strErrLevel & strForce & strWait End Function '----------------------------------------------------------- ' FUNCTION: IncrementRefCount ' ' Increments the reference count on a file in the registry ' so that it may properly be removed if the user chooses ' to remove this application. ' ' IN: [strFullPath] - FULL path/filename of the file ' [fFileAlreadyExisted] - indicates whether the given ' file already existed on the ' hard drive '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Sub IncrementRefCount(ByVal strFullPath As String, ByVal fFileAlreadyExisted As Boolean) Dim strSharedDLLsKey As String strSharedDLLsKey = RegPathWinCurrentVersion() & "\SharedDLLs" 'We must always use the LFN for the filename, so that we can uniquely 'and accurately identify the file in the registry. strFullPath = GetLongPathName(strFullPath) 'Get the current reference count for this file Dim fSuccess As Boolean Dim hKey As Long fSuccess = RegCreateKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strSharedDLLsKey, "", hKey) If fSuccess Then Dim lCurRefCount As Long If Not RegQueryRefCount(hKey, strFullPath, lCurRefCount) Then 'No current reference count for this file If fFileAlreadyExisted Then 'If there was no reference count, but the file was found 'on the hard drive, it means one of two things: ' 1) This file is shipped with the operating system ' 2) This file was installed by an older setup program ' that does not do reference counting 'In either case, the correct conservative thing to do 'is assume that the file is needed by some application, 'which means it should have a reference count of at 'least 1. This way, our application removal program 'will not delete this file. lCurRefCount = 1 Else lCurRefCount = 0 End If End If 'Increment the count in the registry fSuccess = RegSetNumericValue(hKey, strFullPath, lCurRefCount + 1, False) If Not fSuccess Then GoTo DoErr End If RegCloseKey hKey Else GoTo DoErr End If Exit Sub DoErr: 'An error message should have already been shown to the user Exit Sub End Sub '----------------------------------------------------------- ' FUNCTION: InitDiskInfo ' ' Called before calculating disk space to initialize ' values used/determined when calculating disk space ' required. '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Sub InitDiskInfo() ' 'Initialize "table" of drives used and disk space array ' gstrDrivesUsed = vbNullString Erase gsDiskSpace mlTotalToCopy = 0 ' 'Get drive/directory for temporary files ' mstrConcatDrive = UCase$(Environ$(gstrTMP_DIR)) If mstrConcatDrive = vbNullString Then mstrConcatDrive = UCase$(Environ$(gstrTEMP_DIR)) End If AddDirSep mstrConcatDrive If mstrConcatDrive <> vbNullString Then If CheckDrive(mstrConcatDrive, ResolveResString(resTEMPDRIVE)) = False Then mstrConcatDrive = vbNullString Else ' 'If we found a temp drive and the drive is "ready", add it to the 'table of drives used ' gstrDrivesUsed = Left$(mstrConcatDrive, 1) ReDim Preserve gsDiskSpace(1) gsDiskSpace(1).lAvail = GetDiskSpaceFree(mstrConcatDrive) gsDiskSpace(1).lMinAlloc = GetDrivesAllocUnit(mstrConcatDrive) End If End If End Sub '----------------------------------------------------------- ' FUNCTION: IsDisplayNameUnique ' ' Determines whether a given display name for registering ' the application removal executable is unique or not. This ' display name is the title which is presented to the ' user in Windows 95's control panel Add/Remove Programs ' applet. ' ' IN: [hkeyAppRemoval] - open key to the path in the registry ' containing application removal entries ' [strDisplayName] - the display name to test for uniqueness ' ' Returns: True if the given display name is already in use, ' False if otherwise '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Function IsDisplayNameUnique(ByVal hkeyAppRemoval As Long, ByVal strDisplayName As String) As Boolean Dim lIdx As Long Dim strSubkey As String Dim strDisplayNameExisting As String Const strKEY_DISPLAYNAME$ = "DisplayName" IsDisplayNameUnique = True lIdx = 0 Do Select Case RegEnumKey(hkeyAppRemoval, lIdx, strSubkey) Case ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS 'No more keys - must be unique Exit Do Case ERROR_SUCCESS 'We have a key to some application removal program. Compare its ' display name with ours Dim hkeyExisting As Long If RegOpenKey(hkeyAppRemoval, strSubkey, hkeyExisting) Then If RegQueryStringValue(hkeyExisting, strKEY_DISPLAYNAME, strDisplayNameExisting) Then If strDisplayNameExisting = strDisplayName Then 'There is a match to an existing display name IsDisplayNameUnique = False RegCloseKey hkeyExisting Exit Do End If End If RegCloseKey hkeyExisting End If Case Else 'Error, we must assume it's unique. An error will probably ' occur later when trying to add to the registry Exit Do 'End Case End Select lIdx = lIdx + 1 Loop End Function '----------------------------------------------------------- ' FUNCTION: IsNewerVer ' ' Compares two file version structures and determines ' whether the source file version is newer (greater) than ' the destination file version. This is used to determine ' whether a file needs to be installed or not ' ' IN: [sSrcVer] - source file version information ' [sDestVer] - dest file version information ' ' Returns: True if source file is newer than dest file, ' False if otherwise '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Function IsNewerVer(sSrcVer As VERINFO, sDestVer As VERINFO) As Integer IsNewerVer = False If sSrcVer.nMSHi > sDestVer.nMSHi Then GoTo INVNewer If sSrcVer.nMSHi < sDestVer.nMSHi Then GoTo INVOlder If sSrcVer.nMSLo > sDestVer.nMSLo Then GoTo INVNewer If sSrcVer.nMSLo < sDestVer.nMSLo Then GoTo INVOlder If sSrcVer.nLSHi > sDestVer.nLSHi Then GoTo INVNewer If sSrcVer.nLSHi < sDestVer.nLSHi Then GoTo INVOlder If sSrcVer.nLSLo > sDestVer.nLSLo Then GoTo INVNewer GoTo INVOlder INVNewer: IsNewerVer = True INVOlder: End Function '----------------------------------------------------------- ' FUNCTION: IsValidDestDir ' ' Determines whether or not the destination directory ' specifed in the "DefaultDir" key of the [Setup] section ' in SETUP.LST or a destination dir entered by the user ' is not a subdirectory of the source directory. ' ' Notes: [gstrSrcPath] - points to the source directory ' [strDestDir] - points to the dest directory ' ' Returns: True if dest dir is a valid location, False ' otherwise '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Function IsValidDestDir(strDestDir As String) As Integer Dim strMsg As String ' ' Both of these paths, strDestDir and gstrSrcPath, are *always* ' in the format 'X:\' or 'X:\DIRNAME\'. ' If InStr(strDestDir, gstrSrcPath) > 0 Then IsValidDestDir = False strMsg = ResolveResString(resDIRSPECIFIED) & vbLf & strDestDir & vbLf & ResolveResString(resSAMEASSRC) MsgFunc strMsg, vbOKOnly Or vbExclamation, gstrTitle Else IsValidDestDir = True End If End Function '----------------------------------------------------------- ' FUNCTION: MakePath ' ' Creates the specified directory path ' ' IN: [strDirName] - name of the dir path to make ' [fAllowIgnore] - whether or not to allow the user to ' ignore any encountered errors. If ' false, the function only returns ' if successful. If missing, this ' defaults to True. ' ' Returns: True if successful, False if error and the user ' chose to ignore. (The function does not return ' if the user selects ABORT/CANCEL on an error.) '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Public Function MakePath(ByVal strDir As String, Optional ByVal fAllowIgnore) As Boolean If IsMissing(fAllowIgnore) Then fAllowIgnore = True End If Do If MakePathAux(strDir) Then MakePath = True Exit Function Else Dim strMsg As String Dim iRet As Integer strMsg = ResolveResString(resMAKEDIR) & vbLf & strDir iRet = MsgError(strMsg, IIf(fAllowIgnore, vbAbortRetryIgnore, vbRetryCancel) Or vbExclamation Or vbDefaultButton2, gstrSETMSG) ' ' if we are running silent then we ' can't continue. Previous MsgError ' took care of write silent log entry. ' If gfNoUserInput = True Then ExitSetup frmCopy, gintRET_FATAL End If Select Case iRet Case vbAbort, vbCancel ExitSetup frmCopy, gintRET_ABORT Case vbIgnore MakePath = False Exit Function Case vbRetry 'End Case End Select End If Loop End Function '---------------------------------------------------------- ' SUB: MoveAppRemovalFiles ' ' Moves the app removal logfile to the application directory, ' and registers the app removal executable with the operating ' system. '---------------------------------------------------------- Sub MoveAppRemovalFiles(ByVal strGroupName As String) Dim strNewAppRemovalLogName As String 'Get rid of the cab file in the windows dir (if it exists). If FileExists(GetShortPathName(gsCABNAME)) Then Kill GetShortPathName(gsCABNAME) 'Get rid of the temp dir 'Bug fix for #6-34583 KillTempFolder 'Find a unique name for the app removal logfile in the 'application directory '...First try the default extension strNewAppRemovalLogName = gstrDestDir & mstrFILE_APPREMOVALLOGBASE & mstrFILE_APPREMOVALLOGEXT If FileExists(strNewAppRemovalLogName) Then '...Next try incrementing integral extensions Dim iExt As Integer Do If iExt > 999 Then GoTo CopyErr End If strNewAppRemovalLogName = gstrDestDir & mstrFILE_APPREMOVALLOGBASE & gstrSEP_EXT & Format(iExt, "000") If Not FileExists(strNewAppRemovalLogName) Then Exit Do 'Unique name was found Else iExt = iExt + 1 End If Loop End If On Error GoTo CopyErr FileCopy gstrAppRemovalLog, strNewAppRemovalLogName 'Now we need to start logging in the new logfile, so that the 'creation of the application removal icon under NT gets logged. EnableLogging strNewAppRemovalLogName On Error GoTo 0 If Not RegisterAppRemovalEXE(gstrAppRemovalEXE, strNewAppRemovalLogName, strGroupName) Then If TreatAsWin95() Then MsgError ResolveResString(resCANTREGISTERAPPREMOVER), vbExclamation Or vbOKOnly, gstrTitle Else MsgError ResolveResString(resCANTCREATEAPPREMOVALICON), vbExclamation Or vbOKOnly, gstrTitle End If ExitSetup frmSetup1, gintRET_FATAL End If 'Now we can delete the original logfile, since we no longer have a reference 'to it, and start using the new logfile On Error Resume Next Kill gstrAppRemovalLog 'This temporary app removal logfile should no longer be used gstrAppRemovalLog = strNewAppRemovalLogName gfAppRemovalFilesMoved = True Exit Sub CleanUpOnErr: On Error Resume Next Kill strNewAppRemovalLogName On Error GoTo 0 MsgError ResolveResString(resCANTCOPYLOG, "|1", gstrAppRemovalLog), vbExclamation Or vbOKOnly, gstrTitle ExitSetup Screen.ActiveForm, gintRET_FATAL CopyErr: Resume CleanUpOnErr End Sub '----------------------------------------------------------- ' SUB: KillTempFolder ' BUG FIX #6-34583 ' ' Deletes the temporary files stored in the temp folder ' Private Sub KillTempFolder() Const sWILD As String = "*.*" Dim sFile As String sFile = Dir(gsTEMPDIR & sWILD) While sFile <> vbNullString SetAttr gsTEMPDIR & sFile, vbNormal Kill gsTEMPDIR & sFile sFile = Dir Wend RmDir gsTEMPDIR End Sub '----------------------------------------------------------- ' SUB: ParseDateTime ' ' Same as CDate with a string argument, except that it ' ignores the current localization settings. This is ' important because SETUP.LST always uses the same ' format for dates. ' ' IN: [strDate] - string representing the date in ' the format mm/dd/yy or mm/dd/yyyy ' OUT: The date which strDate represents '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Function ParseDateTime(ByVal strDateTime As String) As Date Const strDATESEP$ = "/" Const strTIMESEP$ = ":" Const strDATETIMESEP$ = " " Dim iMonth As Integer Dim iDay As Integer Dim iYear As Integer Dim iHour As Integer Dim iMinute As Integer Dim iSecond As Integer Dim iPos As Integer Dim vTime As Date iPos = InStr(strDateTime, strDATESEP) If iPos = 0 Then GoTo Err iMonth = Val(Left$(strDateTime, iPos - 1)) strDateTime = Mid$(strDateTime, iPos + 1) iPos = InStr(strDateTime, strDATESEP) If iPos = 0 Then GoTo Err iDay = Val(Left$(strDateTime, iPos - 1)) strDateTime = Mid$(strDateTime, iPos + 1) iPos = InStr(strDateTime, strDATETIMESEP) If iPos = 0 Then GoTo SkipTime iYear = Val(Left$(strDateTime, iPos - 1)) strDateTime = Mid$(strDateTime, iPos + 1) vTime = TimeSerial(0, 0, 0) iPos = InStr(strDateTime, strTIMESEP) If iPos = 0 Then GoTo SkipTime iHour = Val(Left$(strDateTime, iPos - 1)) strDateTime = Mid$(strDateTime, iPos + 1) iPos = InStr(strDateTime, strTIMESEP) If iPos = 0 Then GoTo SkipTime iMinute = Val(Left$(strDateTime, iPos - 1)) strDateTime = Mid$(strDateTime, iPos + 1) iSecond = Val(strDateTime) vTime = TimeSerial(iHour, iMinute, iSecond) SkipTime: If iYear < 100 Then iYear = iYear + 1900 ParseDateTime = DateSerial(iYear, iMonth, iDay) + vTime Exit Function Err: Error 13 'Type mismatch error, same as intrinsic CDate triggers on error End Function '----------------------------------------------------------- ' SUB: PerformDDE ' ' Performs a Program Manager DDE operation as specified ' by the intDDE flag and the passed in parameters. ' Possible operations are: ' ' mintDDE_ITEMADD: Add an icon to the active group ' mintDDE_GRPADD: Create a program manager group ' ' IN: [frm] - form containing a label named 'lblDDE' ' [strGroup] - name of group to create or insert icon ' [strTitle] - title of icon or group ' [strCmd] - command line for icon/item to add ' [intDDE] - ProgMan DDE action to perform '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Sub PerformDDE(frm As Form, ByVal strGroup As String, ByVal strCmd As String, ByVal strTitle As String, ByVal intDDE As Integer, ByVal fLog As Boolean) Const strCOMMA$ = "," Const strRESTORE$ = ", 1)]" Const strACTIVATE$ = ", 5)]" Const strENDCMD$ = ")]" Const strSHOWGRP$ = "[ShowGroup(" Const strADDGRP$ = "[CreateGroup(" Const strREPLITEM$ = "[ReplaceItem(" Const strADDITEM$ = "[AddItem(" Dim intIdx As Integer 'loop variable SetMousePtr vbHourglass ' 'Initialize for DDE Conversation with Windows Program Manager in 'manual mode (.LinkMode = 2) where destination control is not auto- 'matically updated. Set DDE timeout for 10 seconds. The loop around 'DoEvents() is to allow time for the DDE Execute to be processsed. ' Dim intRetry As Integer For intRetry = 1 To 20 On Error Resume Next frm.lblDDE.LinkTopic = "PROGMAN|PROGMAN" If Err = 0 Then Exit For End If DoEvents Next intRetry frm.lblDDE.LinkMode = 2 For intIdx = 1 To 10 DoEvents Next frm.lblDDE.LinkTimeout = 100 On Error Resume Next If Err = 0 Then Select Case intDDE Case mintDDE_ITEMADD ' ' The item will be created in the group titled strGroup ' ' Write the action to the logfile ' If fLog Then NewAction gstrKEY_PROGMANITEM, """" & strUnQuoteString(strGroup) & """" & ", " & """" & strUnQuoteString(strTitle) & """" End If ' ' Force the group strGroup to be the active group. Additem only ' puts icons in the active group. ' #If 0 Then frm.lblDDE.LinkExecute strSHOWGRP & strGroup & strACTIVATE #Else ' strShowGRP doesn't seem to work if ProgMan is minimized. ' : strADDGRP does the trick fine, though, and it doesn't matter if it already exists. frm.lblDDE.LinkExecute strADDGRP & strGroup & strENDCMD #End If frm.lblDDE.LinkExecute strREPLITEM & strTitle & strENDCMD Err = 0 frm.lblDDE.LinkExecute strADDITEM & strCmd & strCOMMA & strTitle & String$(3, strCOMMA) & strENDCMD Case mintDDE_GRPADD ' ' Write the action to the logfile ' If fLog Then NewAction gstrKEY_PROGMANGROUP, """" & strUnQuoteString(strGroup) & """" End If frm.lblDDE.LinkExecute strADDGRP & strGroup & strENDCMD frm.lblDDE.LinkExecute strSHOWGRP & strGroup & strRESTORE 'End Case End Select End If ' 'Disconnect DDE Link ' frm.lblDDE.LinkMode = 0 frm.lblDDE.LinkTopic = "" SetMousePtr gintMOUSE_DEFAULT If fLog Then CommitAction End If Err = 0 End Sub '----------------------------------------------------------- ' SUB: PromptForNextDisk ' ' If the source media is removable or a network connection, ' prompts the user to insert the specified disk number ' containing the filename which is used to determine that ' the correct disk is inserted. ' ' IN: [intDiskNum] - disk number to insert ' [strDetectFile] - file to search for to ensure that ' the correct disk was inserted ' ' Notes: [gstrSrcPath] - used to identify the source drive '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Sub PromptForNextDisk(ByVal intDiskNum As Integer, ByVal strDetectFile As String) Static intDrvType As Integer Dim intRC As Integer Dim strMsg As String Dim strDrive As String Dim strMultDirBaseName As String Dim strDetectPath As String On Error Resume Next strMultDirBaseName = ResolveResString(resCOMMON_MULTDIRBASENAME) ' 'Get source drive and, if we haven't yet determined it, get the 'source drive type ' strDrive = Left$(gstrSrcPath, 2) If intDrvType = 0 Then If IsUNCName(strDrive) Then intDrvType = intDRIVE_REMOTE strDrive = gstrSrcPath Else intDrvType = GetDriveType(Asc(strDrive) - 65) End If End If While SrcFileMissing(gstrSrcPath, strDetectFile, intDiskNum) = True Select Case intDrvType Case 0, intDRIVE_REMOVABLE, intDRIVE_CDROM strMsg = ResolveResString(resINSERT) & vbLf & ResolveResString(resDISK) & Format$(intDiskNum) strMsg = strMsg & ResolveResString(resINTO) & strDrive Case intDRIVE_REMOTE strMsg = ResolveResString(resCHKCONNECT) & strDrive Case intDRIVE_FIXED If DirExists(gstrSrcPath & strMultDirBaseName & Format(intDiskNum)) = True Then strDetectPath = gstrSrcPath & strMultDirBaseName & Format(intDiskNum) Else strDetectPath = gstrSrcPath End If strMsg = ResolveResString(resCOMMON_CANTFINDSRCFILE, "|1", strDetectPath & gstrSEP_DIR & strDetectFile) 'End Case End Select Beep intRC = MsgFunc(strMsg, vbOKCancel Or vbExclamation, gstrSETMSG) ' ' We should always fail if in silent or sms mode. ' If intRC = vbCancel Or gfNoUserInput Then ExitSetup frmCopy, gintRET_EXIT End If Wend gintCurrentDisk = intDiskNum End Sub Function SrcFileMissing(ByVal strSrcDir As String, ByVal strSrcFile As String, ByVal intDiskNum As Integer) As Boolean '----------------------------------------------------------- ' FUNCTION: SrcFileMissing ' ' Tries to locate the file strSrcFile by first looking ' in the strSrcDir directory, then in the DISK(x+1) ' directory if it exists. ' ' IN: [strSrcDir] - Directory/Path where file should be. ' [strSrcFile] - File we are looking for. ' [intDiskNum] - Disk number we are expecting file ' to be on. ' ' Returns: True if file not found; otherwise, false '----------------------------------------------------------- Dim fFound As Boolean Dim strMultDirBaseName As String fFound = False AddDirSep strSrcDir ' ' First check to see if it's in the main src directory. ' This would happen if someone copied the contents of ' all the floppy disks to a single directory on the ' hard drive. We should allow this to work. ' ' This test would also let us know if the user inserted ' the wrong floppy disk or if a network connection is ' unavailable. ' If FileExists(strSrcDir & strSrcFile) = True Then fFound = True GoTo doneSFM End If ' ' Next try the DISK(x) subdirectory of the main src ' directory. This would happen if the floppy disks ' were copied into directories named DISK1, DISK2, ' DISK3,..., DISKN, etc. ' strMultDirBaseName = ResolveResString(resCOMMON_MULTDIRBASENAME) If FileExists(strSrcDir & ".." & gstrSEP_DIR & strMultDirBaseName & Format(intDiskNum) & gstrSEP_DIR & strSrcFile) = True Then fFound = True GoTo doneSFM End If doneSFM: SrcFileMissing = Not fFound End Function '----------------------------------------------------------- ' FUNCTION: ReadIniFile ' ' Reads a value from the specified section/key of the ' specified .INI file ' ' IN: [strIniFile] - name of .INI file to read ' [strSection] - section where key is found ' [strKey] - name of key to get the value of ' ' Returns: non-zero terminated value of .INI file key '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Function ReadIniFile(ByVal strIniFile As String, ByVal strsection As String, ByVal strKey As String) As String Dim strBuffer As String Dim intPos As Integer ' 'If successful read of .INI file, strip any trailing zero returned by the Windows API GetPrivateProfileString ' strBuffer = Space$(gintMAX_SIZE) If GetPrivateProfileString(strsection, strKey, vbNullString, strBuffer, gintMAX_SIZE, strIniFile) > 0 Then ReadIniFile = RTrim$(StripTerminator(strBuffer)) Else ReadIniFile = vbNullString End If End Function '----------------------------------------------------------- ' SUB: ReadSetupFileLine ' ' Reads the requested 'FileX=' key from the specified ' section of the setup information file (SETUP.LST). ' ' IN: [strSection] - name of section to read from SETUP.LST, ' Ex: "Files" ' [intFileNum] - file number index to read ' ' OUT: [sFile] - FILEINFO Type variable that, after parsing, ' holds the information for the file ' described. ' ' Returns: True if the requested info was successfully read, ' False otherwise ' ' Notes: Lines in the setup information file have the ' following format: ' ' #,[SPLIT],SrcName,DestName,DestDir,Register, ' Date,Size,Version ' ' [#] - disk number where this file is located ' [SPLIT] - optional, determines whether this is ' an extent of a split file. The last ' extent does not specify this key ' [SrcName] - filename on the installation media ' [DestName] - file name to use when copied ' ' (For split files, the following info is required only ' for the *first* extent) ' ' [DestDir] - dirname or macro specifying destdir ' [Register] - reginfo file name or macro specifying ' file registration action ' [Date] - date of the source file ' [Size] - size of the source file ' [Version] - optional, version number string ' [Reserved] - Must be empty, else error! ' [ProgIcon] - Caption for icon, if there is one. ' [ProgCmdLine] - Command line for icon, if there is one. '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Function ReadSetupFileLine(ByVal strsection As String, ByVal intFileNum As Integer, sFile As FILEINFO) As Integer Static strSplitName As String Const CompareBinary = 0 Dim strLine As String Dim strMsg As String Dim intOffset As Integer Dim intAnchor As Integer Dim fDone As Integer Dim fErr As Boolean Dim strVersion As String Dim strFilename As String ReadSetupFileLine = False sFile.fSystem = False sFile.fShared = False ' ' Read the requested line, if unable to read it (strLine = vbnullstring) then exit ' strLine = ReadIniFile(gstrSetupInfoFile, strsection, gstrINI_FILE & Format$(intFileNum)) If strLine = vbNullString Then Exit Function End If ' 'source file name, ensure it's not a UNC name ' intAnchor = 1 sFile.strSrcName = strExtractFilenameItem(strLine, intAnchor, fErr) If fErr Then GoTo RSFLError If IsUNCName(sFile.strSrcName) = True Then GoTo RSFLError intAnchor = intAnchor + 1 'Skip past the comma ' 'dest file name, ensure it's not a UNC name ' If Left(sFile.strSrcName, 1) = "@" Then sFile.strDestName = Right(sFile.strSrcName, Len(sFile.strSrcName) - 1) Else sFile.strDestName = sFile.strSrcName End If strFilename = GetFileName(sFile.strDestName) ' 'parse and resolve destination directory ' intOffset = intGetNextFldOffset(intAnchor, strLine, gstrCOMMA, CompareBinary) If intOffset > 0 Then Dim strInitialDestDir As String strInitialDestDir = Mid$(strLine, intAnchor, intOffset - intAnchor) If InStr(strInitialDestDir, gstrWINSYSDESTSYSFILE) Then sFile.fSystem = True End If If InStr(strInitialDestDir, gstrDAODEST) Then ' ' Special case for DAO destinations. If there ' are any DAO files, we need to add special ' DAO reg info later. gfRegDAO tells us to do that. ' gfRegDAO = True End If sFile.strDestDir = ResolveDestDir(strInitialDestDir) If sFile.strDestDir <> "?" Then sFile.strDestDir = ResolveDir(sFile.strDestDir, False, False) If sFile.strDestDir = vbNullString Or IsUNCName(sFile.strDestDir) Then GoTo RSFLError End If End If Else GoTo RSFLError End If ' 'file registration information ' intAnchor = intOffset + 1 intOffset = intGetNextFldOffset(intAnchor, strLine, gstrCOMMA, CompareBinary) If intOffset > 0 Then sFile.strRegister = Mid$(strLine, intAnchor, intOffset - intAnchor) Else GoTo RSFLError End If ' 'Extract file share type ' intAnchor = intOffset + 1 intOffset = intGetNextFldOffset(intAnchor, strLine, gstrCOMMA, CompareBinary) sFile.fShared = False If intOffset > 0 Then Dim strShareType As String strShareType = Mid$(strLine, intAnchor, intOffset - intAnchor) Select Case strShareType Case mstrPRIVATEFILE sFile.fShared = False Case mstrSHAREDFILE If sFile.fSystem Then 'A file cannot be both system and shared GoTo RSFLError End If sFile.fShared = True Case Else GoTo RSFLError 'End Case End Select End If ' 'Extract file date and convert to a date variant ' intAnchor = intOffset + 1 intOffset = intGetNextFldOffset(intAnchor, strLine, gstrCOMMA, CompareBinary) If intOffset > 0 Then If IsDate(Mid$(strLine, intAnchor, intOffset - intAnchor)) = True Then sFile.varDate = ParseDateTime(Mid$(strLine, intAnchor, intOffset - intAnchor)) Else GoTo RSFLError End If End If ' 'Get file size ' intAnchor = intOffset + 1 intOffset = intGetNextFldOffset(intAnchor, strLine, gstrCOMMA, CompareBinary) If intOffset > 0 Then sFile.lFileSize = Val(Mid$(strLine, intAnchor, intOffset - intAnchor)) Else GoTo RSFLError End If ' ' Get the version number, otherwise flag that there is no version info ' intAnchor = intOffset + 1 'intOffset = intGetNextFldOffset(intAnchor, strLine, gstrCOMMA, CompareBinary) If intOffset > 0 Then strVersion = Trim(Mid$(strLine, intAnchor, Len(strLine) - intAnchor)) If strVersion = "" Then sFile.sVerInfo.nMSHi = gintNOVERINFO Else PackVerInfo strVersion, sFile.sVerInfo End If Else GoTo RSFLError End If RSFLDone: ReadSetupFileLine = True Exit Function RSFLError: strMsg = gstrSetupInfoFile & vbLf & vbLf & ResolveResString(resINVLINE) & vbLf & vbLf strMsg = strMsg & ResolveResString(resSECTNAME) & strsection & vbLf & strLine MsgError strMsg, vbCritical, gstrTitle ExitSetup frmSetup1, gintRET_FATAL End Function '----------------------------------------------------------- ' SUB: ReadSetupRemoteLine ' ' Reads the requested 'RemoteX=' key from the specified ' section of the setup information file (SETUP.LST). ' ' IN: [strSection] - name of section to read from SETUP.LST, ' Ex: "Files" ' [intFileNum] - remote number index to read ' ' OUT: [rInfo] - REGINFO Type variable that, after parsing, ' holds the information for the line ' described. ' ' Returns: True if the requested info was successfully read, ' False otherwise ' ' Notes: Remote server lines in the setup information file ' have the following format: ' ' address,protocol,authentication-level ' ' [address] - network address of the server, if known ' [protocol] - network protocol name, if known ' [authentication level] - authentication level (or 0 for default) '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Function ReadSetupRemoteLine(ByVal strsection As String, ByVal intFileNum As Integer, rInfo As REGINFO) As Integer Dim strLine As String Dim strMsg As String Dim intAnchor As Integer Dim intOffset As Integer Dim fErr As Boolean ReadSetupRemoteLine = False ' 'Read the requested line, if unable to read it (strLine = vbnullstring) then exit ' strLine = ReadIniFile(gstrSetupInfoFile, strsection, gstrINI_REMOTE & Format$(intFileNum)) If strLine = vbNullString Then Exit Function End If ' 'Get the network address ' intAnchor = 1 fErr = False If Mid$(strLine, intAnchor, 1) = gstrCOMMA Then rInfo.strNetworkAddress = "" Else rInfo.strNetworkAddress = strExtractFilenameItem(strLine, intAnchor, fErr) End If If fErr Then GoTo RSRLError intAnchor = intAnchor + 1 'Skip past the comma ' 'Get the network protocol ' If Mid$(strLine, intAnchor, 1) = gstrCOMMA Then rInfo.strNetworkProtocol = "" Else rInfo.strNetworkProtocol = strExtractFilenameItem(strLine, intAnchor, fErr) End If If fErr Then GoTo RSRLError intAnchor = intAnchor + 1 'Skip past the comma ' 'Get the authentication level (must be a single digit ' in the range 0..6) ' Const intMaxAuthentication = 6 Dim strAuthentication As String strAuthentication = Mid$(strLine, intAnchor, 1) If Len(strAuthentication) <> 1 Then GoTo RSRLError If (Asc(strAuthentication) < Asc("0")) Or (Asc(strAuthentication) > Asc("9")) Then GoTo RSRLError rInfo.intAuthentication = Val(strAuthentication) If rInfo.intAuthentication > intMaxAuthentication Then GoTo RSRLError ' ' Is this dcom or remote automation? ' intAnchor = InStr(intAnchor + 1, strLine, gstrCOMMA) If intAnchor > 0 Then rInfo.fDCOM = (Trim(Mid$(strLine, intAnchor + 1)) = gstrDCOM) End If ReadSetupRemoteLine = True Exit Function RSRLError: strMsg = gstrSetupInfoFile & vbLf & vbLf & ResolveResString(resINVLINE) & vbLf & vbLf strMsg = strMsg & ResolveResString(resSECTNAME) & strsection & vbLf & strLine MsgError strMsg, vbCritical, gstrTitle ExitSetup frmSetup1, gintRET_FATAL End Function '----------------------------------------------------------- ' FUNCTION: RegCloseKey ' ' Closes an open registry key. ' ' Returns: True on success, else False. '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Function RegCloseKey(ByVal hKey As Long) As Boolean Dim lResult As Long On Error GoTo 0 lResult = OSRegCloseKey(hKey) RegCloseKey = (lResult = ERROR_SUCCESS) End Function '----------------------------------------------------------- ' FUNCTION: RegCreateKey ' ' Opens (creates if already exists) a key in the system registry. ' ' IN: [hkey] - The HKEY parent. ' [lpszSubKeyPermanent] - The first part of the subkey of ' 'hkey' that will be created or opened. The application ' removal utility (32-bit only) will never delete any part ' of this subkey. May NOT be an empty string (""). ' [lpszSubKeyRemovable] - The subkey of hkey\lpszSubKeyPermanent ' that will be created or opened. If the application is ' removed (32-bit only), then this entire subtree will be ' deleted, if it is empty at the time of application removal. ' If this parameter is an empty string (""), then the entry ' will not be logged. ' ' OUT: [phkResult] - The HKEY of the newly-created or -opened key. ' ' Returns: True if the key was created/opened OK, False otherwise ' Upon success, phkResult is set to the handle of the key. ' '----------------------------------------------------------- Function RegCreateKey(ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpszSubKeyPermanent As String, ByVal lpszSubKeyRemovable As String, phkResult As Long) As Boolean Dim lResult As Long Dim strHkey As String Dim fLog As Boolean Dim strSubKeyFull As String On Error GoTo 0 If lpszSubKeyPermanent = "" Then RegCreateKey = False 'Error: lpszSubKeyPermanent must not = "" Exit Function End If If Left$(lpszSubKeyRemovable, 1) = "\" Then lpszSubKeyRemovable = Mid$(lpszSubKeyRemovable, 2) End If If lpszSubKeyRemovable = "" Then fLog = False Else fLog = True End If If lpszSubKeyRemovable <> "" Then strSubKeyFull = lpszSubKeyPermanent & "\" & lpszSubKeyRemovable Else strSubKeyFull = lpszSubKeyPermanent End If strHkey = strGetHKEYString(hKey) If fLog Then NewAction _ gstrKEY_REGKEY, _ """" & strHkey & "\" & lpszSubKeyPermanent & """" _ & ", " & """" & lpszSubKeyRemovable & """" End If lResult = OSRegCreateKey(hKey, strSubKeyFull, phkResult) If lResult = ERROR_SUCCESS Then RegCreateKey = True If fLog Then CommitAction End If AddHkeyToCache phkResult, strHkey & "\" & strSubKeyFull Else RegCreateKey = False MsgError ResolveResString(resERR_REG), vbOKOnly Or vbExclamation, gstrTitle If fLog Then AbortAction End If If gfNoUserInput Then ExitSetup frmSetup1, gintRET_FATAL End If End If End Function '----------------------------------------------------------- ' FUNCTION: RegDeleteKey ' ' Deletes an existing key in the system registry. ' ' Returns: True on success, False otherwise '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Function RegDeleteKey(ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpszSubKey As String) As Boolean Dim lResult As Long On Error GoTo 0 lResult = OSRegDeleteKey(hKey, lpszSubKey) RegDeleteKey = (lResult = ERROR_SUCCESS) End Function '----------------------------------------------------------- ' SUB: RegEdit ' ' Calls REGEDIT to add the information in the specifed file ' to the system registry. If your .REG file requires path ' information based upon the destination directory given by ' the user, then you will need to write and call a .REG fixup ' routine before performing the registration below. ' ' WARNING: Use of this functionality under Win32 is not recommended, ' WARNING: because the application removal utility does not support ' WARNING: undoing changes that occur as a result of calling ' WARNING: REGEDIT on an arbitrary .REG file. ' WARNING: Instead, it is recommended that you use the RegCreateKey(), ' WARNING: RegOpenKey(), RegSetStringValue(), etc. functions in ' WARNING: this module instead. These make entries to the ' WARNING: application removal logfile, thus enabling application ' WARNING: removal to undo such changes. ' ' IN: [strRegFile] - name of file containing reg. info '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Sub RegEdit(ByVal strRegFile As String) Const strREGEDIT$ = "REGEDIT /S " Dim fShellOK As Integer On Error Resume Next If FileExists(strRegFile) = True Then 'Because regedit is a 16-bit application, it does not accept 'double quotes around the filename. Thus, if strRegFile 'contains spaces, the only way to get this to work is to pass 'regedit the short pathname version of the filename. strRegFile = GetShortPathName(strRegFile) fShellOK = SyncShell(strREGEDIT & strRegFile, INFINITE, , True) frmSetup1.Refresh Else MsgError ResolveResString(resCANTFINDREGFILE, "|1", strRegFile), vbExclamation Or vbOKOnly, gstrTitle ExitSetup frmSetup1, gintRET_FATAL End If Err = 0 End Sub ' FUNCTION: RegEnumKey ' ' Enumerates through the subkeys of an open registry ' key (returns the "i"th subkey of hkey, if it exists) ' ' Returns: ' ERROR_SUCCESS on success. strSubkeyName is set to the name of the subkey. ' ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS if there are no more subkeys (32-bit only) ' anything else - error ' Function RegEnumKey(ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal i As Long, strKeyName As String) As Long Dim strResult As String strResult = String(300, " ") RegEnumKey = OSRegEnumKey(hKey, i, strResult, Len(strResult)) strKeyName = StripTerminator(strResult) End Function '----------------------------------------------------------- ' SUB: RegisterDAO ' ' Special keys need to be added to the registry if ' DAO is installed. This routine adds those keys. ' ' Note, these keys will not be uninstalled. ' Sub RegisterDAO() Const strDAOKey = "CLSID\{F7A9C6E0-EFF2-101A-8185-00DD01108C6B}" Const strDAOKeyVal = "OLE 2.0 Link" Const strDAOInprocHandlerKey = "CLSID\{F7A9C6E0-EFF2-101A-8185-00DD01108C6B}\InprocHandler" Const strDAOInprocHandlerKeyVal = "ole2.dll" Const strDAOProgIDKey = "CLSID\{F7A9C6E0-EFF2-101A-8185-00DD01108C6B}\ProgID" Const strDAOProgIDKeyVal = "Access.OLE2Link" Dim hKey As Long If Not RegCreateKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, strDAOKey, "", hKey) Then ' ' RegCreateKey displays an error if something goes wrong. ' GoTo REGDAOError End If ' ' Set the key's value ' If Not RegSetStringValue(hKey, "", strDAOKeyVal, False) Then ' ' RegSetStringValue displays an error if something goes wrong. ' GoTo REGDAOError End If ' ' Close the key ' RegCloseKey hKey ' ' Repeat the same process for the other two keys. ' If Not RegCreateKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, strDAOInprocHandlerKey, "", hKey) Then GoTo REGDAOError If Not RegSetStringValue(hKey, "", strDAOInprocHandlerKeyVal, False) Then GoTo REGDAOError RegCloseKey hKey If Not RegCreateKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, strDAOProgIDKey, "", hKey) Then GoTo REGDAOError If Not RegSetStringValue(hKey, "", strDAOProgIDKeyVal, False) Then GoTo REGDAOError RegCloseKey hKey Exit Sub REGDAOError: ' ' Error messages should have already been displayed. ' ExitSetup frmSetup1, gintRET_FATAL End Sub '----------------------------------------------------------- ' SUB: RegisterFiles ' ' Loop through the list (array) of files to register that ' was created in the CopySection function and register ' each file therein as required ' ' Notes: msRegInfo() array created by CopySection function '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Sub RegisterFiles() Const strEXT_EXE$ = "EXE" Dim intIdx As Integer Dim intLastIdx As Integer Dim strFilename As String Dim strMsg As String On Error Resume Next ' 'Get number of items to register, if none then we can get out of here ' intLastIdx = UBound(msRegInfo) If Err > 0 Then GoTo RFCleanup End If For intIdx = 0 To intLastIdx strFilename = msRegInfo(intIdx).strFilename Select Case msRegInfo(intIdx).strRegister Case mstrDLLSELFREGISTER Dim intDllSelfRegRet As Integer Dim intErrRes As Integer Const FAIL_OLE = 2 Const FAIL_LOAD = 3 Const FAIL_ENTRY = 4 Const FAIL_REG = 5 NewAction gstrKEY_DLLSELFREGISTER, """" & strFilename & """" RetryDllSelfReg: Err = 0 intErrRes = 0 intDllSelfRegRet = DLLSelfRegister(strFilename) If (Err <> 49) And (Err <> 0) Then intErrRes = resCOMMON_CANTREGUNEXPECTED Else Select Case intDllSelfRegRet Case 0 'Good - everything's okay Case FAIL_OLE intErrRes = resCOMMON_CANTREGOLE Case FAIL_LOAD intErrRes = resCOMMON_CANTREGLOAD Case FAIL_ENTRY intErrRes = resCOMMON_CANTREGENTRY Case FAIL_REG intErrRes = resCOMMON_CANTREGREG Case Else intErrRes = resCOMMON_CANTREGUNEXPECTED 'End Case End Select End If If intErrRes Then 'There was some kind of error 'Log the more technical version of the error message - 'this would be too confusing to show to the end user LogError ResolveResString(intErrRes, "|1", strFilename) 'Now show a general error message to the user AskWhatToDo: strMsg = ResolveResString(resCOMMON_CANTREG, "|1", strFilename) Select Case MsgError(strMsg, vbExclamation Or vbAbortRetryIgnore, gstrTitle) Case vbAbort: ExitSetup frmSetup1, gintRET_ABORT GoTo AskWhatToDo Case vbRetry: GoTo RetryDllSelfReg Case vbIgnore: AbortAction 'End Case End Select Else CommitAction End If Case mstrEXESELFREGISTER ' 'Only self register EXE files ' If Extension(strFilename) = strEXT_EXE Then NewAction gstrKEY_EXESELFREGISTER, """" & strFilename & """" Err = 0 ExeSelfRegister strFilename If Err Then AbortAction Else CommitAction End If End If Case mstrREMOTEREGISTER NewAction gstrKEY_REMOTEREGISTER, """" & strFilename & """" Err = 0 RemoteRegister strFilename, msRegInfo(intIdx) If Err Then AbortAction Else CommitAction End If Case mstrTLBREGISTER NewAction gstrKEY_TLBREGISTER, """" & strFilename & """" ' ' Call vb6stkit.dll's RegisterTLB export which calls ' LoadTypeLib and RegisterTypeLib. ' RetryTLBReg: If Not RegisterTLB(strFilename) Then ' ' Registration of the TLB file failed. ' LogError ResolveResString(resCOMMON_CANTREGTLB, "|1", strFilename) TLBAskWhatToDo: strMsg = ResolveResString(resCOMMON_CANTREGTLB, "|1", strFilename) Select Case MsgError(strMsg, vbExclamation Or vbAbortRetryIgnore, gstrTitle) Case vbAbort: ExitSetup frmSetup1, gintRET_ABORT GoTo TLBAskWhatToDo Case vbRetry: GoTo RetryTLBReg Case vbIgnore: AbortAction 'End Case End Select Else CommitAction End If Case mstrVBLREGISTER ' ' RegisterVBLFile takes care of logging, etc. ' RegisterVBLFile strFilename Case Else RegEdit msRegInfo(intIdx).strRegister 'End Case End Select Next Erase msRegInfo RFCleanup: Err = 0 End Sub '----------------------------------------------------------- ' SUB: RegisterLicenses ' ' Find all the setup.lst license entries and register ' them. '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Sub RegisterLicenses() Const strINI_LICENSES = "Licenses" Const strREG_LICENSES = "Licenses" Dim iLic As Integer Dim strLine As String Dim strLicKey As String Dim strLicVal As String Dim iCommaPos As Integer Dim strMsg As String Dim hkeyLicenses As Long Const strCopyright$ = "Licensing: Copying the keys may be a violation of established copyrights." 'Make sure the Licenses key exists If Not RegCreateKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, strREG_LICENSES, "", hkeyLicenses) Then 'RegCreateKey will have already displayed an error message ' if something's wrong ExitSetup frmSetup1, gintRET_FATAL End If If Not RegSetStringValue(hkeyLicenses, "", strCopyright, False) Then RegCloseKey hkeyLicenses ExitSetup frmSetup1, gintRET_FATAL End If RegCloseKey hkeyLicenses iLic = 1 Do strLine = ReadIniFile(gstrSetupInfoFile, strINI_LICENSES, gstrINI_LICENSE & iLic) If strLine = vbNullString Then ' ' We've got all the licenses. ' Exit Sub End If strLine = strUnQuoteString(strLine) ' ' We have a license, parse it and register it. ' iCommaPos = InStr(strLine, gstrCOMMA) If iCommaPos = 0 Then ' ' Looks like the setup.lst file is corrupt. There should ' always be a comma in the license information that separates ' the license key from the license value. ' GoTo RLError End If strLicKey = Left(strLine, iCommaPos - 1) strLicVal = Mid(strLine, iCommaPos + 1) RegisterLicense strLicKey, strLicVal iLic = iLic + 1 Loop While strLine <> vbNullString Exit Sub RLError: strMsg = gstrSetupInfoFile & vbLf & vbLf & ResolveResString(resINVLINE) & vbLf & vbLf strMsg = strMsg & ResolveResString(resSECTNAME) & strINI_LICENSES & vbLf & strLine MsgError strMsg, vbCritical, gstrTitle ExitSetup frmSetup1, gintRET_FATAL End Sub '----------------------------------------------------------- ' SUB: RegisterLicense ' ' Register license information given the key and default ' value. License information always goes into ' HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Licenses. '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Sub RegisterLicense(strLicKey As String, strLicVal As String) Const strREG_LICENSES = "Licenses" Dim hKey As Long ' ' Create the key ' If Not RegCreateKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, strREG_LICENSES, strLicKey, hKey) Then ' ' RegCreateKey displays an error if something goes wrong. ' GoTo REGError End If ' ' Set the key's value ' If Not RegSetStringValue(hKey, "", strLicVal, True) Then ' ' RegSetStringValue displays an error if something goes wrong. ' GoTo REGError End If ' ' Close the key ' RegCloseKey hKey Exit Sub REGError: ' ' Error messages should have already been displayed. ' ExitSetup frmSetup1, gintRET_FATAL End Sub '----------------------------------------------------------- ' SUB: RegisterVBLFile ' ' Register license information in a VB License (vbl) file. ' Basically, parse out the license info and then call ' RegisterLicense. ' ' If strVBLFile is not a valid VBL file, nothing is ' registered. '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Sub RegisterVBLFile(strVBLFile As String) Dim strLicKey As String Dim strLicVal As String GetLicInfoFromVBL strVBLFile, strLicKey, strLicVal If strLicKey <> vbNullString Then RegisterLicense strLicKey, strLicVal End If End Sub '---------------------------------------------------------- ' SUB: RegisterAppRemovalEXE ' ' Registers the application removal program (Windows 95 only) ' or else places an icon for it in the application directory. ' ' Returns True on success, False otherwise. '---------------------------------------------------------- Function RegisterAppRemovalEXE(ByVal strAppRemovalEXE As String, ByVal strAppRemovalLog As String, ByVal strGroupName As String) As Boolean On Error GoTo Err Const strREGSTR_VAL_AppRemoval_APPNAMELINE = "ApplicationName" Const strREGSTR_VAL_AppRemoval_DISPLAYNAME = "DisplayName" Const strREGSTR_VAL_AppRemoval_COMMANDLINE = "UninstallString" Const strREGSTR_VAL_AppRemoval_APPTOUNINSTALL = "AppToUninstall" Dim strREGSTR_PATH_UNINSTALL As String strREGSTR_PATH_UNINSTALL = RegPathWinCurrentVersion() & "\Uninstall" 'The command-line for the application removal executable is simply the path 'for the installation logfile Dim strAppRemovalCmdLine As String strAppRemovalCmdLine = GetAppRemovalCmdLine(strAppRemovalEXE, strAppRemovalLog, vbNullString, False, APPREMERR_NONE) ' ' Make sure that the Removal command line (including path, filename, commandline args, etc. ' is not longer than the max allowed, which is _MAX_PATH. ' If Not fCheckFNLength(strAppRemovalCmdLine) Then Dim strMsg As String strMsg = ResolveResString(resCANTCREATEICONPATHTOOLONG) & vbLf & vbLf & ResolveResString(resCHOOSENEWDEST) & vbLf & vbLf & strAppRemovalCmdLine Call MsgError(strMsg, vbOKOnly, gstrSETMSG) ExitSetup frmCopy, gintRET_FATAL Exit Function End If ' ' Create registry entries to tell Windows where the app removal executable is, ' how it should be displayed to the user, and what the command-line arguments are ' Dim iAppend As Integer Dim fOk As Boolean Dim hkeyAppRemoval As Long Dim hkeyOurs As Long Dim i As Integer 'Go ahead and create a key to the main Uninstall branch If Not RegCreateKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strREGSTR_PATH_UNINSTALL, "", hkeyAppRemoval) Then GoTo Err End If 'We need a unique key. This key is never shown to the end user. We will use a key of 'the form 'ST5UNST #xxx' Dim strAppRemovalKey As String Dim strAppRemovalKeyBase As String Dim hkeyTest As Long strAppRemovalKeyBase = mstrFILE_APPREMOVALLOGBASE$ & " #" iAppend = 1 Do strAppRemovalKey = strAppRemovalKeyBase & Format(iAppend) If RegOpenKey(hkeyAppRemoval, strAppRemovalKey, hkeyTest) Then 'This key already exists. But we need a unique key. RegCloseKey hkeyTest Else 'We've found a key that doesn't already exist. Use it. Exit Do End If iAppend = iAppend + 1 Loop ' ' We also need a unique displayname. This name is ' the only means the user has to identify the application ' to remove ' Dim strDisplayName As String strDisplayName = gstrAppName 'First try... Application name If Not IsDisplayNameUnique(hkeyAppRemoval, strDisplayName) Then 'Second try... Add path strDisplayName = strDisplayName & " (" & gstrDestDir & ")" If Not IsDisplayNameUnique(hkeyAppRemoval, strDisplayName) Then 'Subsequent tries... Append a unique integer Dim strDisplayNameBase As String strDisplayNameBase = strDisplayName iAppend = 3 Do strDisplayName = strDisplayNameBase & " #" & Format(iAppend) If IsDisplayNameUnique(hkeyAppRemoval, strDisplayName) Then Exit Do Else iAppend = iAppend + 1 End If Loop End If End If 'Go ahead and fill in entries for the app removal executable If Not RegCreateKey(hkeyAppRemoval, strAppRemovalKey, "", hkeyOurs) Then GoTo Err End If If Not RegSetStringValue(hkeyOurs, strREGSTR_VAL_AppRemoval_APPNAMELINE, gstrAppExe, False) Then GoTo Err End If If Not RegSetStringValue(hkeyOurs, strREGSTR_VAL_AppRemoval_DISPLAYNAME, strDisplayName, False) Then GoTo Err End If If Not RegSetStringValue(hkeyOurs, strREGSTR_VAL_AppRemoval_COMMANDLINE, strAppRemovalCmdLine, False) Then GoTo Err End If If gstrAppToUninstall = vbNullString Then gstrAppToUninstall = gstrAppExe If Not RegSetStringValue(hkeyOurs, strREGSTR_VAL_AppRemoval_APPTOUNINSTALL, gstrAppToUninstall, False) Then GoTo Err End If If Not TreatAsWin95() Then ' ' Under NT3.51, we simply place an icon to the app removal EXE in the program manager ' If fMainGroupWasCreated Then CreateProgManItem frmSetup1, strGroupName, strAppRemovalCmdLine, ResolveResString(resAPPREMOVALICONNAME, "|1", gstrAppName) Else 'If you get this message, it means that you incorrectly customized Form_Load(). 'Under 32-bits and NT 3.51, a Program Manager group must always be created. MsgError ResolveResString(resNOFOLDERFORICON, "|1", strAppRemovalEXE), vbOKOnly Or vbExclamation, gstrTitle ExitSetup frmSetup1, gintRET_FATAL End If End If RegCloseKey hkeyAppRemoval RegCloseKey hkeyOurs RegisterAppRemovalEXE = True Exit Function Err: If hkeyOurs Then RegCloseKey hkeyOurs RegDeleteKey hkeyAppRemoval, strAppRemovalKey End If If hkeyAppRemoval Then RegCloseKey hkeyAppRemoval End If RegisterAppRemovalEXE = False Exit Function End Function '----------------------------------------------------------- ' FUNCTION: RegOpenKey ' ' Opens an existing key in the system registry. ' ' Returns: True if the key was opened OK, False otherwise ' Upon success, phkResult is set to the handle of the key. '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Function RegOpenKey(ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpszSubKey As String, phkResult As Long) As Boolean Dim lResult As Long Dim strHkey As String On Error GoTo 0 strHkey = strGetHKEYString(hKey) lResult = OSRegOpenKey(hKey, lpszSubKey, phkResult) If lResult = ERROR_SUCCESS Then RegOpenKey = True AddHkeyToCache phkResult, strHkey & "\" & lpszSubKey Else RegOpenKey = False End If End Function '---------------------------------------------------------- ' FUNCTION: RegPathWinPrograms ' ' Returns the name of the registry key ' "\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders" '---------------------------------------------------------- Function RegPathWinPrograms() As String RegPathWinPrograms = RegPathWinCurrentVersion() & "\Explorer\Shell Folders" End Function '---------------------------------------------------------- ' FUNCTION: RegPathWinCurrentVersion ' ' Returns the name of the registry key ' "\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion" '---------------------------------------------------------- Function RegPathWinCurrentVersion() As String RegPathWinCurrentVersion = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion" End Function '---------------------------------------------------------- ' FUNCTION: RegQueryIntValue ' ' Retrieves the integer data for a named ' (strValueName = name) or unnamed (strValueName = "") ' value within a registry key. If the named value ' exists, but its data is not a REG_DWORD, this function ' fails. ' ' NOTE: There is no 16-bit version of this function. ' ' Returns: True on success, else False. ' On success, lData is set to the numeric data value ' '---------------------------------------------------------- Function RegQueryNumericValue(ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal strValueName As String, lData As Long) As Boolean Dim lResult As Long Dim lValueType As Long Dim lBuf As Long Dim lDataBufSize As Long RegQueryNumericValue = False On Error GoTo 0 ' Get length/data type lDataBufSize = 4 lResult = OSRegQueryValueEx(hKey, strValueName, 0&, lValueType, lBuf, lDataBufSize) If lResult = ERROR_SUCCESS Then If lValueType = REG_DWORD Then lData = lBuf RegQueryNumericValue = True End If End If End Function ' FUNCTION: RegQueryStringValue ' ' Retrieves the string data for a named ' (strValueName = name) or unnamed (strValueName = "") ' value within a registry key. If the named value ' exists, but its data is not a string, this function ' fails. ' ' NOTE: For 16-bits, strValueName MUST be "" (but the ' NOTE: parameter is left in for source code compatability) ' ' Returns: True on success, else False. ' On success, strData is set to the string data value ' Function RegQueryStringValue(ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal strValueName As String, strData As String) As Boolean Dim lResult As Long Dim lValueType As Long Dim strBuf As String Dim lDataBufSize As Long RegQueryStringValue = False On Error GoTo 0 ' Get length/data type lResult = OSRegQueryValueEx(hKey, strValueName, 0&, lValueType, ByVal 0&, lDataBufSize) If lResult = ERROR_SUCCESS Then If lValueType = REG_SZ Then strBuf = String(lDataBufSize, " ") lResult = OSRegQueryValueEx(hKey, strValueName, 0&, 0&, ByVal strBuf, lDataBufSize) If lResult = ERROR_SUCCESS Then RegQueryStringValue = True strData = StripTerminator(strBuf) End If End If End If End Function '---------------------------------------------------------- ' FUNCTION: RegQueryRefCount ' ' Retrieves the data inteded as a reference count for a ' particular value within a registry key. Although ' REG_DWORD is the preferred way of storing reference ' counts, it is possible that some installation programs ' may incorrect use a string or binary value instead. ' This routine accepts the data whether it is a string, ' a binary value or a DWORD (Long). ' ' NOTE: There is no 16-bit version of this function. ' ' Returns: True on success, else False. ' On success, lrefcount is set to the numeric data value ' '---------------------------------------------------------- Function RegQueryRefCount(ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal strValueName As String, lRefCount As Long) As Boolean Dim lResult As Long Dim lValueType As Long Dim lBuf As Long Dim lDataBufSize As Long RegQueryRefCount = False On Error GoTo 0 ' Get length/data type lDataBufSize = 4 lResult = OSRegQueryValueEx(hKey, strValueName, 0&, lValueType, lBuf, lDataBufSize) If lResult = ERROR_SUCCESS Then Select Case lValueType Case REG_DWORD lRefCount = lBuf RegQueryRefCount = True Case REG_BINARY If lDataBufSize = 4 Then lRefCount = lBuf RegQueryRefCount = True End If Case REG_SZ Dim strRefCount As String If RegQueryStringValue(hKey, strValueName, strRefCount) Then lRefCount = Val(strRefCount) RegQueryRefCount = True End If 'End Case End Select End If End Function ' FUNCTION: RegSetNumericValue ' ' Associates a named (strValueName = name) or unnamed (strValueName = "") ' value with a registry key. ' ' If fLog is missing or is True, then this action is logged in the logfile, ' and the value will be deleted by the application removal utility if the ' user choose to remove the installed application. ' ' NOTE: There is no 16-bit version of this function. ' ' Returns: True on success, else False. ' Function RegSetNumericValue(ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal strValueName As String, ByVal lData As Long, Optional ByVal fLog) As Boolean Dim lResult As Long Dim strHkey As String On Error GoTo 0 If IsMissing(fLog) Then fLog = True strHkey = strGetHKEYString(hKey) If fLog Then NewAction _ gstrKEY_REGVALUE, _ """" & strHkey & """" _ & ", " & """" & strValueName & """" End If lResult = OSRegSetValueEx(hKey, strValueName, 0&, REG_DWORD, lData, 4) If lResult = ERROR_SUCCESS Then RegSetNumericValue = True If fLog Then CommitAction End If Else RegSetNumericValue = False MsgError ResolveResString(resERR_REG), vbOKOnly Or vbExclamation, gstrTitle If fLog Then AbortAction End If If gfNoUserInput Then ExitSetup frmSetup1, gintRET_FATAL End If End If End Function ' FUNCTION: RegSetStringValue ' ' Associates a named (strValueName = name) or unnamed (strValueName = "") ' value with a registry key. ' ' If fLog is missing or is True, then this action is logged in the ' logfile, and the value will be deleted by the application removal ' utility if the user choose to remove the installed application. ' ' Returns: True on success, else False. ' Function RegSetStringValue(ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal strValueName As String, ByVal strData As String, Optional ByVal fLog) As Boolean Dim lResult As Long Dim strHkey As String On Error GoTo 0 If IsMissing(fLog) Then fLog = True If hKey = 0 Then Exit Function End If strHkey = strGetHKEYString(hKey) If fLog Then NewAction _ gstrKEY_REGVALUE, _ """" & strHkey & """" _ & ", " & """" & strValueName & """" End If 'lResult = OSRegSetValueEx(hKey, strValueName, 0&, REG_SZ, ByVal strData, LenB(StrConv(strData, vbFromUnicode)) + 1) lResult = OSRegSetValueEx(hKey, strValueName, 0&, REG_SZ, ByVal strData, Len(strData) + 1) If lResult = ERROR_SUCCESS Then RegSetStringValue = True If fLog Then CommitAction End If Else RegSetStringValue = False MsgError ResolveResString(resERR_REG), vbOKOnly Or vbExclamation, gstrTitle If fLog Then AbortAction End If If gfNoUserInput Then ExitSetup frmSetup1, gintRET_FATAL End If End If End Function '----------------------------------------------------------- ' SUB: RemoteRegister ' ' Synchronously run the client registration utility on the ' given remote server registration file in order to set it ' up properly in the registry. ' ' IN: [strFileName] - .EXE file to register '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Sub RemoteRegister(ByVal strFilename As String, rInfo As REGINFO) Const strClientRegistrationUtility$ = "CLIREG32.EXE" Const strAddressSwitch = " /s " Const strProtocolSwitch = " /p " Const strSilentSwitch = " /q " Const strNoLogoSwitch = " /nologo " Const strAuthenticationSwitch = " /a " Const strTypelibSwitch = " /t " Const strDCOMSwitch = " /d " Const strEXT_REMOTE$ = "VBR" Const strEXT_REMOTETLB$ = "TLB" Dim strAddress As String Dim strProtocol As String Dim intAuthentication As Integer Dim strCmdLine As String Dim fShell As Integer Dim strMatchingTLB As String Dim fDCOM As Boolean 'Find the name of the matching typelib file. This should have already 'been installed to the same directory as the .VBR file. strMatchingTLB = strFilename If Right$(strMatchingTLB, Len(strEXT_REMOTE)) = strEXT_REMOTE Then strMatchingTLB = Left$(strMatchingTLB, Len(strMatchingTLB) - Len(strEXT_REMOTE)) End If strMatchingTLB = strMatchingTLB & strEXT_REMOTETLB strAddress = rInfo.strNetworkAddress strProtocol = rInfo.strNetworkProtocol intAuthentication = rInfo.intAuthentication fDCOM = rInfo.fDCOM frmRemoteServerDetails.GetServerDetails strFilename, strAddress, strProtocol, fDCOM frmMessage.Refresh strCmdLine = _ strClientRegistrationUtility _ & strAddressSwitch & """" & strAddress & """" _ & IIf(fDCOM, " ", strProtocolSwitch & strProtocol) _ & IIf(fDCOM, " ", strAuthenticationSwitch & Format$(intAuthentication) & " ") _ & strNoLogoSwitch _ & strTypelibSwitch & """" & strMatchingTLB & """" & " " _ & IIf(fDCOM, strDCOMSwitch, "") _ & IIf(gfNoUserInput, strSilentSwitch, "") _ & """" & strFilename & """" ' 'Synchronously shell out and run the utility with the correct switches ' fShell = SyncShell(strCmdLine, INFINITE, , False) If Not fShell Then MsgError ResolveResString(resCANTRUNPROGRAM, "|1", strClientRegistrationUtility), vbOKOnly Or vbExclamation, gstrTitle, gintRET_FATAL ExitSetup frmSetup1, gintRET_FATAL End If End Sub '----------------------------------------------------------- ' SUB: RemoveShellLink ' ' Removes a link in either Start>Programs or any of its ' immediate subfolders in the Windows 95 shell. ' ' IN: [strFolderName] - text name of the immediate folder ' in which the link to be removed ' currently exists, or else the ' empty string ("") to indicate that ' the link can be found directly in ' the Start>Programs menu. ' [strLinkName] - text caption for the link ' ' This action is never logged in the app removal logfile. ' ' PRECONDITION: strFolderName has already been created and is ' an immediate subfolder of Start>Programs, if it ' is not equal to "" '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Sub RemoveShellLink(ByVal strFolderName As String, ByVal strLinkName As String) Dim fSuccess As Boolean ReplaceDoubleQuotes strFolderName ReplaceDoubleQuotes strLinkName fSuccess = OSfRemoveShellLink(strFolderName, strLinkName) End Sub '----------------------------------------------------------- ' FUNCTION: ResolveDestDir ' ' Given a destination directory string, equate any macro ' portions of the string to their runtime determined ' actual locations and return a string reflecting the ' actual path. ' ' IN: [strDestDir] - string containing directory macro info ' and/or actual dir path info ' ' [fAssumeDir] - boolean that if true, causes this routine ' to assume that strDestDir contains a dir ' path. If a directory isn't given it will ' make it the application path. If false, ' this routine will return strDestDir as ' is after performing expansion. Set this ' to False when you are not sure it is a ' directory but you want to expand macros ' if it contains any. E.g., If this is a ' command line parameter, you can't be ' certain if it refers to a path. In this ' case, set fAssumeDir = False. Default ' is True. ' ' Return: A string containing the resolved dir name '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Function ResolveDestDir(ByVal strDestDir As String, Optional fAssumeDir As Variant) As String Const strMACROSTART$ = "$(" Const strMACROEND$ = ")" Dim intPos As Integer Dim strResolved As String Dim hKey As Long Dim strPathsKey As String Dim fQuoted As Boolean If IsMissing(fAssumeDir) Then fAssumeDir = True End If strPathsKey = RegPathWinCurrentVersion() strDestDir = Trim(strDestDir) ' ' If strDestDir is quoted when passed to this routine, it ' should be quoted when it's returned. The quotes need ' to be temporarily removed, though, for processing. ' If Left(strDestDir, 1) = gstrQUOTE Then fQuoted = True strDestDir = strUnQuoteString(strDestDir) End If ' ' We take the first part of destdir, and if its $( then we need to get the portion ' of destdir up to and including the last paren. We then test against this for ' macro expansion. If no ) is found after finding $(, then must assume that it's ' just a normal file name and do no processing. Only enter the case statement ' if strDestDir starts with $(. ' If Left$(strDestDir, 2) = strMACROSTART Then intPos = InStr(strDestDir, strMACROEND) Select Case Left$(strDestDir, intPos) Case gstrAPPDEST If gstrDestDir <> vbNullString Then strResolved = gstrDestDir Else strResolved = "?" End If Case gstrWINDEST strResolved = gstrWinDir Case gstrWINSYSDEST, gstrWINSYSDESTSYSFILE strResolved = gstrWinSysDir Case gstrPROGRAMFILES If TreatAsWin95() Then Const strProgramFilesKey = "ProgramFilesDir" If RegOpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strPathsKey, hKey) Then RegQueryStringValue hKey, strProgramFilesKey, strResolved RegCloseKey hKey End If End If If strResolved = "" Then 'If not otherwise set, let strResolved be the root of the first fixed disk strResolved = strRootDrive() End If Case gstrCOMMONFILES 'First determine the correct path of Program Files\Common Files, if under Win95 strResolved = strGetCommonFilesPath() If strResolved = "" Then 'If not otherwise set, let strResolved be the Windows directory strResolved = gstrWinDir End If Case gstrCOMMONFILESSYS 'First determine the correct path of Program Files\Common Files, if under Win95 Dim strCommonFiles As String strCommonFiles = strGetCommonFilesPath() If strCommonFiles <> "" Then 'Okay, now just add \System, and we're done strResolved = strCommonFiles & "System\" Else 'If Common Files isn't in the registry, then map the 'entire macro to the Windows\{system,system32} directory strResolved = gstrWinSysDir End If Case gstrDAODEST strResolved = strGetDAOPath() Case Else intPos = 0 'End Case End Select End If If intPos <> 0 Then AddDirSep strResolved End If If fAssumeDir = True Then If intPos = 0 Then ' 'if no drive spec, and doesn't begin with any root path indicator ("\"), 'then we assume that this destination is relative to the app dest dir ' If Mid$(strDestDir, 2, 1) <> gstrCOLON Then If Left$(strDestDir, 1) <> gstrSEP_DIR Then strResolved = gstrDestDir End If End If Else If Mid$(strDestDir, intPos + 1, 1) = gstrSEP_DIR Then intPos = intPos + 1 End If End If End If If fQuoted = True Then ResolveDestDir = strQuoteString(strResolved & Mid$(strDestDir, intPos + 1), True, False) Else ResolveDestDir = strResolved & Mid$(strDestDir, intPos + 1) End If End Function '----------------------------------------------------------- ' FUNCTION: ResolveDestDirs ' ' Given a space delimited string, this routine finds all ' Destination directory macros and expands them by making ' repeated calls to ResolveDestDir. See ResolveDestDir. ' ' Note that the macro must immediately follow a space (or ' a space followed by a quote) delimiter or else it will ' be ignored. ' ' Note that this routine does not assume that each item ' in the delimited string is actually a directory path. ' Therefore, the last parameter in the call to ResolveDestDir, ' below, is false. ' ' IN: [str] - string containing directory macro(s) info ' and/or actual dir path info ' ' Return: str with destdir macros expanded. '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Function ResolveDestDirs(str As String) Dim intAnchor As Integer Dim intOffset As Integer Dim strField As String Dim strExpField As String Dim strExpanded As String If Len(Trim(strUnQuoteString(str))) = 0 Then ResolveDestDirs = str Exit Function End If intAnchor = 1 strExpanded = "" Do intOffset = intGetNextFldOffset(intAnchor, str, " ") If intOffset = 0 Then intOffset = Len(str) + 1 strField = Mid(str, intAnchor, intOffset - intAnchor) strExpField = ResolveDestDir(strField, False) strExpanded = strExpanded & strExpField & " " intAnchor = intOffset + 1 Loop While intAnchor < Len(str) ResolveDestDirs = Trim(strExpanded) End Function '----------------------------------------------------------- ' FUNCTION: ResolveDir ' ' Given a pathname, resolve it to its smallest form. If ' the pathname is invalid, then optionally warn the user. ' ' IN: [strPathName] - pathname to resolve ' [fMustExist] - enforce that the path actually exists ' [fWarn] - If True, warn user upon invalid path ' ' Return: A string containing the resolved dir name '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Function ResolveDir(ByVal strPathName As String, fMustExist As Integer, fWarn As Integer) As String Dim strMsg As String Dim fInValid As Integer Dim strUnResolvedPath As String Dim strResolvedPath As String Dim strIgnore As String Dim cbResolved As Long On Error Resume Next fInValid = False ' 'If the pathname is a UNC name (16-bit only), or if it's in actuality a file name, then it's invalid ' If FileExists(strPathName) = True Then fInValid = True GoTo RDContinue End If strUnResolvedPath = strPathName If InStr(3, strUnResolvedPath, gstrSEP_DIR) > 0 Then strResolvedPath = Space(gintMAX_PATH_LEN * 2) cbResolved = GetFullPathName(strUnResolvedPath, gintMAX_PATH_LEN, strResolvedPath, strIgnore) If cbResolved = 0 Then ' ' The path couldn't be resolved. If we can actually ' switch to the directory we want, continue anyway. ' ChDir strUnResolvedPath AddDirSep strUnResolvedPath If Err > 0 Then Err = 0 ChDir strUnResolvedPath If Err > 0 Then fInValid = True Else strResolvedPath = strUnResolvedPath End If Else strResolvedPath = strUnResolvedPath End If Else ' ' GetFullPathName returned us a NULL terminated string in ' strResolvedPath. Remove the NULL. ' strResolvedPath = StripTerminator(strResolvedPath) If CheckDrive(strResolvedPath, gstrTitle) = False Then fInValid = True Else AddDirSep strResolvedPath If fMustExist = True Then Err = 0 Dim strDummy As String strDummy = Dir$(strResolvedPath & "*.*") If Err > 0 Then strMsg = ResolveResString(resNOTEXIST) & vbLf & vbLf fInValid = True End If End If End If End If Else fInValid = True End If RDContinue: If fInValid = True Then If fWarn = True Then strMsg = strMsg & ResolveResString(resDIRSPECIFIED) & vbLf & vbLf & strPathName & vbLf & vbLf strMsg = strMsg & ResolveResString(resDIRINVALID) MsgError strMsg, vbOKOnly Or vbExclamation, ResolveResString(resDIRINVNAME) If gfNoUserInput Then ExitSetup frmSetup1, gintRET_FATAL End If End If ResolveDir = vbNullString Else ResolveDir = strResolvedPath End If Err = 0 End Function '----------------------------------------------------------- ' SUB: RestoreProgMan ' ' Restores Windows Program Manager '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Sub RestoreProgMan() Const strPMTITLE$ = "Program Manager" On Error Resume Next 'Try the localized name first AppActivate ResolveResString(resPROGRAMMANAGER) If Err Then 'If that doesn't work, try the English name AppActivate strPMTITLE End If Err = 0 End Sub '----------------------------------------------------------- ' SUB: ShowPathDialog ' ' Display form to allow user to get either a source or ' destination path ' ' IN: [strPathRequest] - determines whether to ask for the ' source or destination pathname. ' gstrDIR_SRC for source path ' gstrDIR_DEST for destination path '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Sub ShowPathDialog(ByVal strPathRequest As String) frmSetup1.Tag = strPathRequest ' 'frmPath.Form_Load() reads frmSetup1.Tag to determine whether 'this is a request for the source or destination path ' frmPath.Show vbModal If strPathRequest = gstrDIR_SRC Then gstrSrcPath = frmSetup1.Tag Else If gfRetVal = gintRET_CONT Then gstrDestDir = frmSetup1.Tag End If End If End Sub '----------------------------------------------------------- ' FUNCTION: strExtractFilenameArg ' ' Extracts a quoted or unquoted filename from a string ' containing command-line arguments ' ' IN: [str] - string containing a filename. This filename ' begins at the first character, and continues ' to the end of the string or to the first space ' or switch character, or, if the string begins ' with a double quote, continues until the next ' double quote ' OUT: Returns the filename, without quotes ' str is set to be the remainder of the string after ' the filename and quote (if any) ' '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Function strExtractFilenameArg(str As String, fErr As Boolean) Dim strFilename As String str = Trim$(str) Dim iEndFilenamePos As Integer If Left$(str, 1) = """" Then ' Filenames is surrounded by quotes iEndFilenamePos = InStr(2, str, """") ' Find matching quote If iEndFilenamePos > 0 Then strFilename = Mid$(str, 2, iEndFilenamePos - 2) str = Right$(str, Len(str) - iEndFilenamePos) Else fErr = True Exit Function End If Else ' Filename continues until next switch or space or quote Dim iSpacePos As Integer Dim iSwitch1 As Integer Dim iSwitch2 As Integer Dim iQuote As Integer iSpacePos = InStr(str, " ") iSwitch2 = InStr(str, gstrSwitchPrefix2) iQuote = InStr(str, """") If iSpacePos = 0 Then iSpacePos = Len(str) + 1 If iSwitch1 = 0 Then iSwitch1 = Len(str) + 1 If iSwitch2 = 0 Then iSwitch2 = Len(str) + 1 If iQuote = 0 Then iQuote = Len(str) + 1 iEndFilenamePos = iSpacePos If iSwitch2 < iEndFilenamePos Then iEndFilenamePos = iSwitch2 If iQuote < iEndFilenamePos Then iEndFilenamePos = iQuote strFilename = Left$(str, iEndFilenamePos - 1) If iEndFilenamePos > Len(str) Then str = "" Else str = Right(str, Len(str) - iEndFilenamePos + 1) End If End If strFilename = Trim$(strFilename) If strFilename = "" Then fErr = True Exit Function End If fErr = False strExtractFilenameArg = strFilename str = Trim$(str) End Function '----------------------------------------------------------- ' SUB: UpdateStatus ' ' "Fill" (by percentage) inside the PictureBox and also ' display the percentage filled ' ' IN: [pic] - PictureBox used to bound "fill" region ' [sngPercent] - Percentage of the shape to fill ' [fBorderCase] - Indicates whether the percentage ' specified is a "border case", i.e. exactly 0% ' or exactly 100%. Unless fBorderCase is True, ' the values 0% and 100% will be assumed to be ' "close" to these values, and 1% and 99% will ' be used instead. ' ' Notes: Set AutoRedraw property of the PictureBox to True ' so that the status bar and percentage can be auto- ' matically repainted if necessary '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Sub UpdateStatus(pic As PictureBox, ByVal sngPercent As Single, Optional ByVal fBorderCase) Dim strPercent As String Dim intX As Integer Dim intY As Integer Dim intWidth As Integer Dim intHeight As Integer If IsMissing(fBorderCase) Then fBorderCase = False 'For this to work well, we need a white background and any color foreground (blue) Const colBackground = &HFFFFFF ' white Const colForeground = &H800000 ' dark blue pic.ForeColor = colForeground pic.BackColor = colBackground ' 'Format percentage and get attributes of text ' Dim intPercent intPercent = Int(100 * sngPercent + 0.5) 'Never allow the percentage to be 0 or 100 unless it is exactly that value. This 'prevents, for instance, the status bar from reaching 100% until we are entirely done. If intPercent = 0 Then If Not fBorderCase Then intPercent = 1 End If ElseIf intPercent = 100 Then If Not fBorderCase Then intPercent = 99 End If End If strPercent = Format$(intPercent) & "%" intWidth = pic.TextWidth(strPercent) intHeight = pic.TextHeight(strPercent) ' 'Now set intX and intY to the starting location for printing the percentage ' intX = pic.Width / 2 - intWidth / 2 intY = pic.Height / 2 - intHeight / 2 ' 'Need to draw a filled box with the pics background color to wipe out previous 'percentage display (if any) ' pic.DrawMode = 13 ' Copy Pen pic.Line (intX, intY)-Step(intWidth, intHeight), pic.BackColor, BF ' 'Back to the center print position and print the text ' pic.CurrentX = intX pic.CurrentY = intY pic.Print strPercent ' 'Now fill in the box with the ribbon color to the desired percentage 'If percentage is 0, fill the whole box with the background color to clear it 'Use the "Not XOR" pen so that we change the color of the text to white 'wherever we touch it, and change the color of the background to blue 'wherever we touch it. ' pic.DrawMode = 10 ' Not XOR Pen If sngPercent > 0 Then pic.Line (0, 0)-(pic.Width * sngPercent, pic.Height), pic.ForeColor, BF Else pic.Line (0, 0)-(pic.Width, pic.Height), pic.BackColor, BF End If pic.Refresh End Sub '----------------------------------------------------------- ' FUNCTION: WriteAccess ' ' Determines whether there is write access to the specified ' directory. ' ' IN: [strDirName] - directory to check for write access ' ' Returns: True if write access, False otherwise '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Function WriteAccess(ByVal strDirName As String) As Integer Dim intFileNum As Integer On Error Resume Next AddDirSep strDirName intFileNum = FreeFile Open strDirName & mstrCONCATFILE For Output As intFileNum WriteAccess = IIf(Err, False, True) Close intFileNum Kill strDirName & mstrCONCATFILE Err = 0 End Function '----------------------------------------------------------- ' FUNCTION: WriteMIF ' ' If this is a SMS install, this routine writes the ' failed MIF status file if something goes wrong or ' a successful MIF if everything installs correctly. ' ' The MIF file requires a special format specified ' by SMS. Currently, this routine implements the ' minimum requirements. The hardcoded strings below ' that are written to the MIF should be written ' character by character as they are; except that ' status message should change depending on the ' circumstances of the install. DO NOT LOCALIZE ' anything except the status message. ' ' IN: [strMIFFilename] - The name of the MIF file. ' Passed in to setup1 by ' setup.exe. It is probably ' named .mif where ' is the name of the ' application you are installing. ' ' [fStatus] - False to write a failed MIF (i.e. setup ' failed); True to write a successful MIF. ' ' [strSMSDescription] - This is the description string ' to be written to the MIF file. ' It cannot be longer than 255 ' characters and cannot contain ' carriage returns and/or line ' feeds. This routine will ' enforce these requirements. ' ' Note, when running in SMS mode, there is no other way ' to display a message to the user than to write it to ' the MIF file. Displaying a MsgBox will cause the ' computer to appear as if it has hung. Therefore, this ' routine makes no attempt to display an error message. ' '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Sub WriteMIF(ByVal strMIFFilename As String, ByVal fStatus As Boolean, ByVal strSMSDescription As String) Const strSUCCESS = """SUCCESS""" ' Cannot be localized as per SMS Const strFAILED = """FAILED""" ' Cannot be localized as per SMS Dim fn As Integer Dim intOffset As Integer Dim fOpened As Boolean fOpened = False On Error GoTo WMIFFAILED ' If we fail, we just return without doing anything ' because there is no way to inform the user while ' in SMS mode. ' ' If the description string is greater than 255 characters, ' truncate it. Required my SMS. ' strSMSDescription = Left(strSMSDescription, MAX_SMS_DESCRIP) ' ' Remove any carriage returns or line feeds and replace ' them with spaces. The message must be a single line. ' For intOffset = 1 To Len(strSMSDescription) If (Mid(strSMSDescription, intOffset, 1) = Chr(10)) Or (Mid(strSMSDescription, intOffset, 1) = Chr(13)) Then Mid(strSMSDescription, intOffset, 1) = " " End If Next intOffset ' ' Open the MIF file for append, but first delete any existing ' ones with the same name. Note, that setup.exe passed a ' unique name so if there is one with this name already in ' on the disk, it was put there by setup.exe. ' If FileExists(strMIFFilename) Then Kill strMIFFilename End If fn = FreeFile Open strMIFFilename For Append As fn fOpened = True ' ' We are ready to write the actual MIF file ' Note, none of the string below are supposed ' to be localized. ' Print #fn, "Start Component" Print #fn, Tab; "Name = ""Workstation""" Print #fn, Tab; "Start Group" Print #fn, Tab; Tab; "Name = ""InstallStatus""" Print #fn, Tab; Tab; "ID = 1" Print #fn, Tab; Tab; "Class = ""MICROSOFT|JOBSTATUS|1.0""" Print #fn, Tab; Tab; "Start Attribute" Print #fn, Tab; Tab; Tab; "Name = ""Status""" Print #fn, Tab; Tab; Tab; "ID = 1" Print #fn, Tab; Tab; Tab; "Type = String(16)" Print #fn, Tab; Tab; Tab; "Value = "; IIf(fStatus, strSUCCESS, strFAILED) Print #fn, Tab; Tab; "End Attribute" Print #fn, Tab; Tab; "Start Attribute" Print #fn, Tab; Tab; Tab; "Name = ""Description""" Print #fn, Tab; Tab; Tab; "ID = 2" Print #fn, Tab; Tab; Tab; "Type = String(256)" Print #fn, Tab; Tab; Tab; "Value = "; strSMSDescription Print #fn, Tab; Tab; "End Attribute" Print #fn, Tab; "End Group" Print #fn, "End Component" Close fn ' ' Success ' Exit Sub WMIFFAILED: ' ' At this point we are unable to create the MIF file. ' Since we are running under SMS there is no one to ' tell, so we don't generate an error message at all. ' If fOpened = True Then Close fn End If Exit Sub End Sub 'Adds or replaces an HKEY to the list of HKEYs in cache. 'Note that it is not necessary to remove keys from 'this list. Private Sub AddHkeyToCache(ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal strHkey As String) Dim intIdx As Integer intIdx = intGetHKEYIndex(hKey) If intIdx < 0 Then 'The key does not already exist. Add it to the end. On Error Resume Next ReDim Preserve hkeyCache(0 To UBound(hkeyCache) + 1) If Err Then 'If there was an error, it means the cache was empty. On Error GoTo 0 ReDim hkeyCache(0 To 0) End If On Error GoTo 0 intIdx = UBound(hkeyCache) Else 'The key already exists. It will be replaced. End If hkeyCache(intIdx).hKey = hKey hkeyCache(intIdx).strHkey = strHkey End Sub 'Given a predefined HKEY, return the text string representing that 'key, or else return "". Private Function strGetPredefinedHKEYString(ByVal hKey As Long) As String Select Case hKey Case HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT strGetPredefinedHKEYString = "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT" Case HKEY_CURRENT_USER strGetPredefinedHKEYString = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" Case HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE strGetPredefinedHKEYString = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" Case HKEY_USERS strGetPredefinedHKEYString = "HKEY_USERS" 'End Case End Select End Function 'Given an HKEY, return the text string representing that 'key. Private Function strGetHKEYString(ByVal hKey As Long) As String Dim strKey As String 'Is the hkey predefined? strKey = strGetPredefinedHKEYString(hKey) If strKey <> "" Then strGetHKEYString = strKey Exit Function End If 'It is not predefined. Look in the cache. Dim intIdx As Integer intIdx = intGetHKEYIndex(hKey) If intIdx >= 0 Then strGetHKEYString = hkeyCache(intIdx).strHkey Else strGetHKEYString = "" End If End Function 'Searches the cache for the index of the given HKEY. 'Returns the index if found, else returns -1. Private Function intGetHKEYIndex(ByVal hKey As Long) As Integer Dim intUBound As Integer On Error Resume Next intUBound = UBound(hkeyCache) If Err Then 'If there was an error accessing the ubound of the array, 'then the cache is empty GoTo NotFound End If On Error GoTo 0 Dim intIdx As Integer For intIdx = 0 To intUBound If hkeyCache(intIdx).hKey = hKey Then intGetHKEYIndex = intIdx Exit Function End If Next intIdx NotFound: intGetHKEYIndex = -1 End Function 'Returns the location of the Program Files\Common Files path, if 'it is present in the registry. Otherwise, returns "". Public Function strGetCommonFilesPath() As String Dim hKey As Long Dim strPath As String If TreatAsWin95() Then Const strCommonFilesKey = "CommonFilesDir" If RegOpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, RegPathWinCurrentVersion(), hKey) Then RegQueryStringValue hKey, strCommonFilesKey, strPath RegCloseKey hKey End If End If If strPath <> "" Then AddDirSep strPath End If strGetCommonFilesPath = strPath End Function 'Returns the location of the "Windows\Start Menu\Programs" Files path, if 'it is present in the registry. Otherwise, returns "". Public Function strGetProgramsFilesPath() As String Dim hKey As Long Dim strPath As String strPath = "" If TreatAsWin95() Then Const strProgramsKey = "Programs" If RegOpenKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, RegPathWinPrograms(), hKey) Then RegQueryStringValue hKey, strProgramsKey, strPath RegCloseKey hKey End If End If If strPath <> "" Then AddDirSep strPath End If strGetProgramsFilesPath = strPath End Function 'Returns the directory where DAO is or should be installed. If the 'key does not exist in the registry, it is created. For instance, under 'NT 3.51 this location is normally 'C:\WINDOWS\MSAPPS\DAO' Private Function strGetDAOPath() As String Const strMSAPPS$ = "MSAPPS\" Const strDAO3032$ = "DAO350.DLL" 'first look in the registry Const strKey = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\DAO350" Const strValueName = "Path" Dim hKey As Long Dim strPath As String If RegOpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strKey, hKey) Then RegQueryStringValue hKey, strValueName, strPath RegCloseKey hKey End If If strPath <> "" Then strPath = GetPathName(strPath) AddDirSep strPath strGetDAOPath = strPath Exit Function End If 'It's not yet in the registry, so we need to decide 'where the directory should be, and then need to place 'that location in the registry. If TreatAsWin95() Then 'For Win95, use "Common Files\Microsoft Shared\DAO" strPath = strGetCommonFilesPath() & ResolveResString(resMICROSOFTSHARED) & "DAO\" Else 'Otherwise use Windows\MSAPPS\DAO strPath = gstrWinDir & strMSAPPS & "DAO\" End If 'Place this information in the registry (note that we point to DAO3032.DLL 'itself, not just to the directory) If RegCreateKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strKey, "", hKey) Then RegSetStringValue hKey, strValueName, strPath & strDAO3032, False RegCloseKey hKey End If strGetDAOPath = strPath End Function ' Replace all double quotes with single quotes Public Sub ReplaceDoubleQuotes(str As String) Dim i As Integer For i = 1 To Len(str) If Mid$(str, i, 1) = """" Then Mid$(str, i, 1) = "'" End If Next i End Sub 'Get the path portion of a filename Function GetPathName(ByVal strFilename As String) As String Dim sPath As String Dim sFile As String SeparatePathAndFileName strFilename, sPath, sFile GetPathName = sPath End Function 'Determines if a character is a path separator (\ or /). Public Function IsSeparator(Character As String) As Boolean Select Case Character Case gstrSEP_DIR IsSeparator = True Case gstrSEP_DIRALT IsSeparator = True End Select End Function 'Given a fully qualified filename, returns the path portion and the file ' portion. Public Sub SeparatePathAndFileName(FullPath As String, ByRef Path As String, _ ByRef FileName As String) Dim nSepPos As Long Dim sSEP As String nSepPos = Len(FullPath) sSEP = Mid$(FullPath, nSepPos, 1) Do Until IsSeparator(sSEP) nSepPos = nSepPos - 1 If nSepPos = 0 Then Exit Do sSEP = Mid$(FullPath, nSepPos, 1) Loop Select Case nSepPos Case 0 'Separator was not found. Path = CurDir$ FileName = FullPath Case Else Path = Left$(FullPath, nSepPos - 1) FileName = Mid$(FullPath, nSepPos + 1) End Select End Sub 'Returns the path to the root of the first fixed disk Function strRootDrive() As String Dim intDriveNum As Integer For intDriveNum = 0 To Asc("Z") - Asc("A") - 1 If GetDriveType(intDriveNum) = intDRIVE_FIXED Then strRootDrive = Chr$(Asc("A") + intDriveNum) & gstrCOLON & gstrSEP_DIR Exit Function End If Next intDriveNum strRootDrive = "C:\" End Function 'Returns "" if the path is not complete, or is a UNC pathname Function strGetDriveFromPath(ByVal strPath As String) As String If Len(strPath) < 2 Then Exit Function End If If Mid$(strPath, 2, 1) <> gstrCOLON Then Exit Function End If strGetDriveFromPath = Mid$(strPath, 1, 1) & gstrCOLON & gstrSEP_DIR End Function Public Function fValidFilename(strFilename As String) As Boolean ' ' This routine verifies that strFileName is a valid file name. ' It checks that its length is less than the max allowed ' and that it doesn't contain any invalid characters.. ' If Not fCheckFNLength(strFilename) Then ' ' Name is too long. ' fValidFilename = False Exit Function End If ' ' Search through the list of invalid filename characters and make ' sure none of them are in the string. ' Dim iInvalidChar As Integer Dim iFilename As Integer Dim strInvalidChars As String strInvalidChars = ResolveResString(resCOMMON_INVALIDFILECHARS) For iInvalidChar = 1 To Len(strInvalidChars) If InStr(strFilename, Mid$(strInvalidChars, iInvalidChar, 1)) <> 0 Then fValidFilename = False Exit Function End If Next iInvalidChar fValidFilename = True End Function Public Function fValidNTGroupName(strGroupName) As Boolean ' ' This routine verifies that strGroupName is a valid group name. ' It checks that its length is less than the max allowed ' and that it doesn't contain any invalid characters. ' If Len(strGroupName) > gintMAX_GROUPNAME_LEN Then fValidNTGroupName = False Exit Function End If ' ' Search through the list of invalid filename characters and make ' sure none of them are in the string. ' Dim iInvalidChar As Integer Dim iFilename As Integer Dim strInvalidChars As String strInvalidChars = ResolveResString(resGROUPINVALIDCHARS) For iInvalidChar = 1 To Len(strInvalidChars) If InStr(strGroupName, Mid$(strInvalidChars, iInvalidChar, 1)) <> 0 Then fValidNTGroupName = False Exit Function End If Next iInvalidChar fValidNTGroupName = True End Function '----------------------------------------------------------- ' SUB: CountGroups ' ' Determines how many groups must be installed by counting ' them in the setup information file (SETUP.LST) '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Function CountGroups(ByVal strsection As String) As Integer Dim intIdx As Integer Dim sGroup As String intIdx = 0 Do sGroup = ReadIniFile(gstrSetupInfoFile, strsection, gsGROUP & CStr(intIdx)) If sGroup <> vbNullString Then 'Found a group intIdx = intIdx + 1 Else Exit Do End If Loop CountGroups = intIdx End Function '----------------------------------------------------------- ' SUB: GetGroup ' ' Returns the Groupname specified by Index '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Function GetGroup(ByVal strsection As String, ByVal Index As Integer) GetGroup = ReadIniFile(gstrSetupInfoFile, strsection, gsGROUP & CStr(Index)) End Function '----------------------------------------------------------- ' SUB: CountIcons ' ' Determines how many icons must be installed by counting ' them in the setup information file (SETUP.LST) '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Function CountIcons(ByVal strsection As String) As Integer Dim intIdx As Integer Dim cIcons As Integer Dim sGroup As String Dim oCol As New Collection intIdx = 0 cIcons = 0 Do sGroup = ReadIniFile(gstrSetupInfoFile, strsection, gsGROUP & CStr(intIdx)) If sGroup <> vbNullString Then 'Found a group oCol.Add sGroup intIdx = intIdx + 1 Else Exit Do End If Loop Dim sGName As String Dim vGroup As Variant For Each vGroup In oCol intIdx = 1 Do sGName = ReadIniFile(gstrSetupInfoFile, vGroup, gsICON & CStr(intIdx)) If sGName <> vbNullString Then cIcons = cIcons + 1 intIdx = intIdx + 1 Else Exit Do End If Loop Next CountIcons = cIcons End Function '----------------------------------------------------------- ' SUB: CreateIcons ' ' Walks through the list of files in SETUP.LST and creates ' Icons in the Program Group for files needed it. '----------------------------------------------------------- ' Sub CreateIcons(ByVal strsection As String) Dim intIdx As Integer Dim sFile As FILEINFO Dim strProgramIconTitle As String Dim strProgramIconCmdLine As String Dim strProgramPath As String Dim strProgramArgs As String Dim intAnchor As Integer Dim intOffset As Integer Dim strGroup As String Dim sGroup As String Dim oCol As New Collection Const CompareBinary = 0 ' 'For each file in the specified section, read info from the setup info file ' intIdx = 0 Do sGroup = ReadIniFile(gstrSetupInfoFile, strsection, gsGROUP & CStr(intIdx)) If sGroup <> vbNullString Then 'Found a group oCol.Add sGroup intIdx = intIdx + 1 Else Exit Do End If Loop Dim sGName As String Dim vGroup As Variant For Each vGroup In oCol intIdx = 0 Do intIdx = intIdx + 1 sGName = ReadIniFile(gstrSetupInfoFile, vGroup, gsICON & CStr(intIdx)) If sGName <> vbNullString Then ' ' Get the Icon's caption and command line ' strProgramIconTitle = ReadIniFile(gstrSetupInfoFile, vGroup, gsTITLE & CStr(intIdx)) strProgramIconCmdLine = ReadIniFile(gstrSetupInfoFile, vGroup, gsICON & CStr(intIdx)) strGroup = vGroup ' ' if the ProgramIcon is specified, then we create an icon, ' otherwise we don't. ' If Trim(strUnQuoteString(strProgramIconTitle)) <> "" Then ' ' If the command line is not specified in SETUP.LST and the icon ' is, then use the files destination path as the command line. In ' this case there are no parameters. ' If Trim(strUnQuoteString(strProgramIconCmdLine)) = "" Then strProgramPath = sFile.strDestDir & gstrSEP_DIR & sFile.strDestName strProgramArgs = "" Else ' ' Parse the command line, to determine what is the exe, etc. and what ' are the parameters. The first space that is not contained within ' quotes, marks the end of the exe, etc.. Everything afterwards are ' parameters/arguments for the exe. NOTE: It is important that if ' the exe is contained within quotes that the parameters not be ' contained within the same quotes. The arguments can themselves ' each be inside quotes as long as they are not in the same quotes ' with the exe. ' intAnchor = 1 intOffset = intGetNextFldOffset(intAnchor, strProgramIconCmdLine, " ", CompareBinary) If intOffset = 0 Then intOffset = Len(strProgramIconCmdLine) + 1 strProgramPath = Trim(Left(strProgramIconCmdLine, intOffset - 1)) ' ' Got the exe, now the parameters. ' strProgramArgs = Trim(Mid(strProgramIconCmdLine, intOffset + 1)) End If ' ' Expand all the Destination Directory macros that are embedded in the ' Program Path and the Arguments' ' strProgramPath = ResolveDestDir(strProgramPath) strProgramArgs = ResolveDestDirs(strProgramArgs) ' ' Finally, we have everything we need, create the icon. ' CreateOSLink frmSetup1, strGroup, strProgramPath, strProgramArgs, strProgramIconTitle ElseIf Trim(strUnQuoteString(strProgramIconCmdLine)) <> "" Then ' ' This file contained specified a command line in SETUP.LST but no icon. ' This is an error. Let the user know and skip this icon or abort. ' If gfNoUserInput Or MsgWarning(ResolveResString(resICONMISSING, "|1", sFile.strDestName), vbYesNo Or vbExclamation, gstrSETMSG) = vbNo Then ExitSetup frmSetup1, gintRET_FATAL End If End If Else Exit Do End If Loop Next End Sub