VERSION 5.00 Begin VB.Form formmainsvr AutoRedraw = -1 'True BorderStyle = 1 'Fixed Single Caption = "Time Card Server" ClientHeight = 6795 ClientLeft = 1410 ClientTop = 1515 ClientWidth = 8880 Height = 7200 Left = 1350 LinkTopic = "Form2" ScaleHeight = 6795 ScaleWidth = 8880 Top = 1170 Width = 9000 Begin VB.ListBox lstUsers Height = 4575 Left = 480 TabIndex = 7 Top = 720 Width = 3372 End Begin VB.CommandButton btnAddUsr Caption = "&Add" Height = 372 Left = 480 TabIndex = 6 Top = 5880 Width = 1212 End Begin VB.CommandButton btnRemoveAllUsers Caption = "&Remove All" Height = 372 Left = 2640 TabIndex = 5 Top = 5880 Width = 1212 End Begin VB.TextBox txtCat Height = 372 Left = 4920 TabIndex = 3 Top = 720 Width = 3372 End Begin VB.ListBox lstCat Height = 3795 ItemData = "mainsvr.frx":0000 Left = 4920 List = "mainsvr.frx":0007 TabIndex = 2 Top = 1500 Width = 3372 End Begin VB.CommandButton btnAddCat Caption = "A&dd" Default = -1 'True Enabled = 0 'False Height = 372 Left = 4920 TabIndex = 1 Top = 5880 Width = 1212 End Begin VB.CommandButton btnRemoveCat Caption = "Remo&ve" Enabled = 0 'False Height = 372 Left = 7080 TabIndex = 0 Top = 5880 Width = 1212 End Begin VB.Label Label1 Caption = "User List" Height = 252 Left = 480 TabIndex = 8 Top = 240 Width = 1572 End Begin VB.Label lblName Caption = "Category to add" Height = 252 Left = 4800 TabIndex = 4 Top = 240 Width = 1572 End Begin VB.Line Line1 X1 = 4440 X2 = 4440 Y1 = 0 Y2 = 6840 End Begin VB.Menu mnuFile Caption = "&File" Begin VB.Menu mnuSave Caption = "&Save" End Begin VB.Menu mnus Caption = "-" Index = 1 End Begin VB.Menu mnuExit Caption = "E&xit" End End Begin VB.Menu mnuReport Caption = "&Report" Begin VB.Menu mnuSend Caption = "&Send Requests" End Begin VB.Menu mnuGenerate Caption = "&Generate Report" End Begin VB.Menu mnuse Caption = "-" End Begin VB.Menu mnuCleanUp Caption = "&Clean Up Receiving Folder" End End Begin VB.Menu mnuHelp Caption = "&Help" Begin VB.Menu mnuAbout Caption = "&About" End End End Attribute VB_Name = "formmainsvr" Attribute VB_Base = "0{CFF16A11-C697-11CF-A520-00A0D1003923}" Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False Attribute VB_Creatable = False Attribute VB_TemplateDerived = False Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True Attribute VB_Exposed = False Attribute VB_Customizable = False Option Explicit Sub GetCategoryList() ReDim CategoryList.aCats(lstCat.ListCount) As String Dim ind As Integer CategoryList.cCats = lstCat.ListCount ind = 0 Do While ind < CategoryList.cCats CategoryList.aCats(ind) = lstCat.List(ind) ind = ind + 1 Loop End Sub Public Sub SendRequest(cCats As Integer, Cats() As String, PayPrd As Date, Reminder As Boolean) 'sends request message On Error GoTo error_olemsg Dim objmessage As Object Dim prop As Object Dim objRecip As Object Dim objRecipCol As Object Dim objFieldCol As Object Dim objAttachmentCol As Object Dim objAtt As Object Dim ind As Integer Dim msgBody As String If UserList.cUsers = 0 Then MsgBox "User List is empty" Exit Sub End If If cCats = 0 Then MsgBox "Category list is empty" Exit Sub End If If Not Reminder Then If Not frmCalender.GetDate(PayPrd) Then Exit Sub End If End If If objSession Is Nothing Then MsgBox "Not logged on" Exit Sub End If 'create new message in the outbox Set objmessage = objSession.Outbox.Messages.Add If objmessage Is Nothing Then MsgBox "Can't add a prop" Exit Sub End If If Not Reminder Then objmessage.Subject = "Time to fill out your time report" msgBody = "" Else objmessage.Subject = "SECOND NOTICE: Time to fill out your time report" msgBody = "Your time report has not been received. " End If msgBody = msgBody & "Please run the attached application (double click on the attachment) and fill out the form" 'set the body of the message objmessage.Text = msgBody 'set the message class objmessage.Type = RequestMsgType 'open recipients collection Set objRecipCol = objmessage.Recipients If objRecipCol Is Nothing Then MsgBox "Can't open msg's recipients" Exit Sub End If 'add recipients For ind = 0 To UserList.cUsers - 1 If Not Reminder Then 'send to everybody Set objRecip = objRecipCol.Add(EntryID:=UserList.aUsers(ind).EntryID, _ Name:=UserList.aUsers(ind).DisplayName) Else 'if this is a reminder, send only to the people we don't have reports from If UserList.aUsers(ind).ReportIndex = E_NOT_FOUND Then Set objRecip = objRecipCol.Add(EntryID:=UserList.aUsers(ind).EntryID, _ Name:=UserList.aUsers(ind).DisplayName) Else GoTo continue End If End If If objRecip Is Nothing Then MsgBox "Can't add recipient" Exit Sub End If continue: Next ind 'open msg's field collection Set objFieldCol = objmessage.Fields If objFieldCol Is Nothing Then MsgBox "Can't open msg's fields collection" Exit Sub End If 'set the report categories 'we can't write: 'Set prop = objFieldCol.Add(Name:=CatPropName, _ Class:=vbString + vbArray, _ Value:=Cats) 'because of the way VB passes array parameters 'so we first add a property and then set its value Set prop = objFieldCol.Add(Name:=CatPropName, _ Class:=vbString + vbArray) If prop Is Nothing Then MsgBox "Can't add a prop" Exit Sub End If prop.Value = Cats 'set the number of report categories Set prop = objFieldCol.Add(Name:=NumCatPropName, _ Class:=vbInteger, _ Value:=cCats) If prop Is Nothing Then MsgBox "Can't add a prop" Exit Sub End If 'set the report payperiod Set prop = objFieldCol.Add(Name:=PayPeriodPropName, _ Class:=vbDate, _ Value:=PayPrd) If prop Is Nothing Then MsgBox "Can't add a prop" Exit Sub End If 'open msg's attachment collection Set objAttachmentCol = objmessage.Attachments If objAttachmentCol Is Nothing Then MsgBox "Can't open attachment collection" Exit Sub End If 'create a new attachment Set objAtt = objAttachmentCol.Add If objAtt Is Nothing Then MsgBox "Can't add attachment" Exit Sub End If 'send the client.exe as an attachment objAtt.Type = mapiFileData 'means the file is contained withing the message objAtt.position = 0 'no particular position objAtt.ReadFromFile ClientExePath 'read in the file objAtt.Name = ClientExeName 'set the file name objmessage.Send showDialog:=False Exit Sub error_olemsg: MsgBox "Error " & Str(err) & ": " & Error$(err) Resume Next End Sub Private Sub btnAddCat_Click() lstCat.AddItem txtCat.Text ' Add a client name to the list box. txtCat.Text = "" ' Clear the text box. txtCat.SetFocus ' Place focus back to the text box. End Sub Private Sub btnAddUsr_Click() Dim objNewUsers As Object Dim ind As Integer On Error GoTo err_btnAdd_Click If objSession Is Nothing Then MsgBox "must first create MAPI session and logon" Exit Sub End If Set objNewUsers = objSession.AddressBook( _ Title:="Select Users", _ forceResolution:=True, _ recipLists:=1, _ toLabel:="&New Users") ' appears on button ReDim Preserve UserList.aUsers(UserList.cUsers + objNewUsers.Count) With objNewUsers For ind = 0 To (objNewUsers.Count - 1) Step 1 With .Item(ind + 1) UserList.aUsers(UserList.cUsers + ind).DisplayName = .Name UserList.aUsers(UserList.cUsers + ind).EntryID = UserList.aUsers(UserList.cUsers + ind).ReportIndex = E_NOT_FOUND End With Next ind End With UserList.cUsers = UserList.cUsers + objNewUsers.Count PopulateUserList Exit Sub err_btnAdd_Click: If Not (err = 91) Then ' object not set MsgBox "Unrecoverable Error:" & err End If End Sub Private Sub btnRemoveAllUsers_Click() lstUsers.Clear ' Empty the list box. btnRemoveAllUsers.Enabled = False UserList.cUsers = 0 End Sub Private Sub btnRemoveCat_Click() Dim ind As Integer ind = lstCat.ListIndex ' Get index. If ind >= 0 Then ' Make sure a list item is selected. lstCat.RemoveItem ind ' Remove the item from the list box. Else Beep ' This should never occur, because Remove is always disabled if no entry is selected. End If ' Disable the Remove button if no entries are selected in the list box. btnRemoveCat.Enabled = (lstCat.ListIndex <> -1) End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Dim bFlag As Boolean On Error GoTo error_olemsg bFlag = Util_CreateSessionAndLogon() If Not bFlag Then End InitUserList PopulateUserList InitCategorylist PopulateCatList InitPayPeriod Exit Sub error_olemsg: If Not bFlag Then MsgBox "Error " & Str(err) & ": " & Error$(err) End End If End Sub Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer) If Not objSession Is Nothing Then objSession.logoff End If End Sub Private Sub lstCat_Click() btnRemoveCat.Enabled = (lstCat.ListIndex <> -1) End Sub Private Sub lstUsers_Click() btnRemoveAllUsers.Enabled = (lstUsers.ListIndex <> -1) End Sub Private Sub lstUsers_DblClick() On Error GoTo err Dim ind As Integer Dim AddrEntry As Object ind = lstUsers.ListIndex If ind >= 0 Then Set AddrEntry = objSession.GetAddressEntry(UserList.aUsers(ind).EntryID) If AddrEntry Is Nothing Then Exit Sub AddrEntry.details Else Beep End If Exit Sub err: If Not (err = -2147221229) Then ' object not set MsgBox "Unrecoverable Error:" & err End If End Sub Private Sub mnuAbout_Click() formAbout.Show 1 End Sub Private Sub mnuCleanUp_Click() On Error GoTo error_olemsg Dim objReceivFolder As Object Dim objmessages As Object Dim objmessage As Object If objSession Is Nothing Then MsgBox "Not logged on" Exit Sub End If GetReceivIPCFolder objReceivFolder If objReceivFolder Is Nothing Then MsgBox "Can't open receive folder" Exit Sub End If Set objmessages = objReceivFolder.Messages If objmessages Is Nothing Then MsgBox "Failed to open folder's Messages collection" Exit Sub End If Set objmessage = objmessages.getfirst(ReportMsgType) Do While Not objmessage Is Nothing If Not objmessage.Unread Then objmessage.Delete End If Set objmessage = objmessages.getnext Loop Exit Sub error_olemsg: MsgBox "Error " & Str(err) & ": " & Error$(err) Resume Next End Sub Private Sub mnuExit_Click() Unload Me 'End End Sub Private Sub mnuGenerate_Click() If formReport.CompileReport Then formReport.Show 1 End If 'user list may have changed PopulateUserList End Sub Private Sub SaveCats() On Error GoTo CheckError Dim ind As Integer Open CatsListFile For Output As #1 Write #1, CategoryList.cCats ind = 0 Do While ind < CategoryList.cCats Print #1, CategoryList.aCats(ind) ind = ind + 1 Loop Close #1 Exit Sub CheckError: MsgBox "Error saving user list" End Sub Private Sub SaveUsers() On Error GoTo CheckError Dim ind As Integer 'If UserList.cUsers = 0 Then Exit Sub Open UserListFile For Output As #1 Write #1, UserList.cUsers ind = 0 Do While ind < UserList.cUsers Print #1, UserList.aUsers(ind).DisplayName Print #1, UserList.aUsers(ind).EntryID ind = ind + 1 Loop Close #1 Exit Sub CheckError: MsgBox "Error saving user list" End Sub Private Sub mnuSave_Click() GetUserList SaveUsers GetCategoryList SaveCats End Sub Private Sub mnuSend_Click() GetUserList GetCategoryList MousePointer = WaitCursor SendRequest CategoryList.cCats, CategoryList.aCats, PayPeriod, False MousePointer = DefaultCursor End Sub Function Util_CreateSessionAndLogon() As Boolean On Error GoTo err_CreateSessionAndLogon Set objSession = CreateObject("MAPI.Session") If Not objSession Is Nothing Then objSession.Logon Else Util_CreateSessionAndLogon = False Exit Function End If Util_CreateSessionAndLogon = True Exit Function err_CreateSessionAndLogon: Set objSession = Nothing If (err <> -2147221229) Then ' VB4.0 uses "Err.Number" MsgBox "Unrecoverable Error:" & err End If Util_CreateSessionAndLogon = False Exit Function error_olemsg: MsgBox "Error " & Str(err) & ": " & Error$(err) Resume Next End Function Sub GetUserList() 'empty for now End Sub Sub InitPayPeriod() PayPeriod = Date End Sub Sub InitUserList() On Error GoTo CheckError Dim ind As Integer Dim cSavedUsers As Integer Open UserListFile For Input As #1 Input #1, cSavedUsers Debug.Print "found " & cSavedUsers & " saved users" ReDim UserList.aUsers(cSavedUsers) ind = 0 Do While ind < cSavedUsers Line Input #1, UserList.aUsers(ind).DisplayName Line Input #1, UserList.aUsers(ind).EntryID UserList.aUsers(ind).ReportIndex = E_NOT_FOUND ind = ind + 1 Loop Close #1 UserList.cUsers = cSavedUsers Exit Sub CheckError: UserList.cUsers = 0 End Sub Sub InitCategorylist() 'Read saved cats from file On Error GoTo CheckError Dim ind As Integer Dim cSavedCats As Integer Open CatsListFile For Input As #1 Input #1, cSavedCats Debug.Print "found " & cSavedCats & " saved categories" ReDim CategoryList.aCats(cSavedCats) ind = 0 Do While ind < cSavedCats Line Input #1, CategoryList.aCats(ind) ind = ind + 1 Loop Close #1 CategoryList.cCats = cSavedCats Exit Sub CheckError: CategoryList.cCats = 0 End Sub Private Sub txtCat_Change() ' Enable the Add button if at least one character in the name is entered or changed. btnAddCat.Enabled = (Len(txtCat.Text) > 0) End Sub Sub PopulateUserList() Dim ind As Integer lstUsers.Clear For ind = 0 To UserList.cUsers - 1 lstUsers.AddItem UserList.aUsers(ind).DisplayName Next ind End Sub Private Sub PopulateCatList() Dim ind As Integer lstCat.Clear For ind = 0 To CategoryList.cCats - 1 lstCat.AddItem CategoryList.aCats(ind) Next ind End Sub