VERSION 5.00 Object = "{5E9E78A0-531B-11CF-91F6-C2863C385E30}#1.0#0"; "FLEXGRID.OCX" Begin VB.Form formReport Caption = "Report" ClientHeight = 4380 ClientLeft = 885 ClientTop = 2100 ClientWidth = 9330 LinkTopic = "Form1" ScaleHeight = 4380 ScaleWidth = 9330 Begin MSFlexGridLib.MSFlexGrid gridReport Height = 3375 Left = 120 TabIndex = 4 Top = 840 Width = 7695 _ExtentX = 13573 _ExtentY = 5953 BeginProperty Font {0BE35203-8F91-11CE-9DE3-00AA004BB851} Name = "MS Sans Serif" Size = 8.25 Charset = 1 Weight = 400 Underline = 0 'False Italic = 0 'False Strikethrough = 0 'False EndProperty End Begin VB.CommandButton btnSave Caption = "&Save" Height = 375 Left = 7920 TabIndex = 3 Top = 1320 Width = 1212 End Begin VB.CommandButton btnClose Caption = "&Close" Height = 375 Left = 7920 TabIndex = 1 Top = 1800 Width = 1212 End Begin VB.CommandButton btnRemind Caption = "&Remind" Enabled = 0 'False Height = 375 Left = 7920 TabIndex = 0 Top = 840 Width = 1212 End Begin VB.Label lblHeader Alignment = 2 'Center Caption = "Time Report for Pay Period Ending 1/1/2095" BeginProperty Font Name = "MS Sans Serif" Size = 13.5 Charset = 0 Weight = 700 Underline = 0 'False Italic = 0 'False Strikethrough = 0 'False EndProperty Height = 495 Left = 240 TabIndex = 2 Top = 120 Width = 8775 End End Attribute VB_Name = "formReport" Attribute VB_Base = "0{19C4F559-DF36-11CF-A520-00A0D1003923}" Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False Attribute VB_Creatable = False Attribute VB_TemplateDerived = False Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True Attribute VB_Exposed = False Option Explicit Dim aReport() As Double '3D : days x categories x users Dim cReceivedReports As Integer 'number of received reports Dim cReportCategories As Integer 'number of report categories in ReportCategorylist Dim ReportCategoryList As Variant 'Report categories Dim ReportPayPeriod As Date 'report payperiod Dim ReportDate() As Date 'when user sent the report Public Function CompileReport() As Boolean 'Iterates through all the report messages and extract info 'for the current pay period On Error GoTo error_olemsg Dim objReceivFolder As Object Dim objRepMsg As Object Dim objmessages As Object If Not frmCalender.GetDate(ReportPayPeriod) Then Exit Function End If If objSession Is Nothing Then MsgBox "Not logged on" CompileReport = False Exit Function End If 'get the receiving folder GetReceivIPCFolder objReceivFolder If objReceivFolder Is Nothing Then MsgBox "Can't open receive folder" CompileReport = False Exit Function End If 'Get message collection from the receiving folder Set objmessages = objReceivFolder.Messages If objmessages Is Nothing Then MsgBox "Failed to open folder's Messages collection" CompileReport = False Exit Function End If 'start iterating throuhg the messages Set objRepMsg = objmessages.getfirst(ReportMsgType) If objRepMsg Is Nothing Then MsgBox "no report msgs found" CompileReport = False Exit Function End If cReceivedReports = 0 Do While Not objRepMsg Is Nothing 'while there are messages If Not ProcessMessage(objRepMsg) Then CompileReport = False Exit Function End If Set objRepMsg = Nothing Set objRepMsg = objmessages.getnext 'next message Loop CompileReport = True Exit Function error_olemsg: MsgBox "Error " & Str(err) & ": " & Error$(err) Resume Next End Function Function ProcessMessage(objmsg As Object) As Boolean 'If the message is for the right pay period extract and store info On Error GoTo error_olemsg Dim tmpPayPeriod As Date Dim tmpcRepCats As Integer Dim tmpRepCats As Variant Dim ind As Integer Dim PropName As String Dim var As Variant Dim day As Integer Dim userindex As Integer Dim usrName As String Dim response As Integer Dim objFields As Object Dim msgSentDate As Date 'Get msg's fields collection Set objFields = objmsg.Fields If objFields Is Nothing Then ProcessMessage = True 'ignore this msg Exit Function End If 'get the pay-period tmpPayPeriod = objFields.Item(PayPeriodPropName) If tmpPayPeriod <> ReportPayPeriod Then ProcessMessage = True 'not intrested in this one Exit Function End If objmsg.Unread = False objmsg.Update If cReceivedReports = 0 Then 'first report, has to get the categ. lits cReportCategories = objFields.Item(NumCatPropName).Value If cReportCategories = 0 Then Debug.Print "impossible happend: cReportCats = 0" Exit Function End If ReportCategoryList = objFields.Item(CatPropName).Value ReDim aReport(7, cReportCategories, UserList.cUsers) ReDim ReportDate(UserList.cUsers) Else 'let's do some validation tmpcRepCats = objFields.Item(NumCatPropName).Value If tmpcRepCats <> cReportCategories Then Debug.Print "number of categories do not match, skipping this message..." ProcessMessage = True Exit Function End If tmpRepCats = objFields.Item(CatPropName).Value For ind = 0 To tmpcRepCats If tmpRepCats(ind) <> ReportCategoryList(ind) Then Debug.Print "categories do not match, skipping message..." ProcessMessage = True Exit Function End If Next ind End If usrName = objmsg.sender.Name 'usrName = objFields.Item(NamePropName).Value userindex = FindUser(usrName) If E_NOT_FOUND = userindex Then 'the user is not on the list response = MsgBox("Received a report from user " & usrName & _ " who is not on the user list." & Chr(13) & _ "Would you like to add him/her to the list?", _ vbYesNo + vbQuestion) If response = vbYes Then 'allocate space for the new guy ReDim Preserve UserList.aUsers(UserList.cUsers + 1) ReDim Preserve aReport(7, cReportCategories, UserList.cUsers + 1) ReDim Preserve ReportDate(UserList.cUsers + 1) 'enter him in the list UserList.aUsers(UserList.cUsers).DisplayName = usrName UserList.aUsers(UserList.cUsers).EntryID = UserList.aUsers(UserList.cUsers).ReportIndex = E_NOT_FOUND 'set the index userindex = UserList.cUsers UserList.cUsers = UserList.cUsers + 1 Else ProcessMessage = True 'don't care about this one Exit Function End If End If 'If we are here, everything is cool. Get the data. 'remember when the msg was sent msgSentDate = objmsg.timesent If UserList.aUsers(userindex).ReportIndex = E_NOT_FOUND Then 'if first report from the user For ind = 1 To cReportCategories Step 1 PropName = RepDataPropPrefix & Str(ind) var = objFields.Item(PropName) For day = 0 To 6 Step 1 aReport(day, ind - 1, cReceivedReports) = var(day) Next day Next ind UserList.aUsers(userindex).ReportIndex = cReceivedReports ReportDate(userindex) = msgSentDate cReceivedReports = cReceivedReports + 1 Else 'if there are more than one report from the same user, user the 'one that was sent later '$ 'make the two loops into one, when sure that they work Debug.Print "There is more than one report from " & usrName If msgSentDate > ReportDate(userindex) Then For ind = 1 To cReportCategories Step 1 PropName = RepDataPropPrefix & Str(ind) var = objFields.Item(PropName) For day = 0 To 6 Step 1 aReport(day, ind - 1, UserList.aUsers(userindex).ReportIndex) = var(day) Next day Next ind ReportDate(userindex) = msgSentDate End If End If ProcessMessage = True Exit Function error_olemsg: MsgBox "Error " & Str(err) & ": " & Error$(err) Resume Next End Function Function FindUser(strName As String) As Integer 'finds user's positions in the user list given user name Dim ind As Integer ind = 0 Do While ind < UserList.cUsers If UserList.aUsers(ind).DisplayName = strName Then FindUser = ind Exit Function End If ind = ind + 1 Loop FindUser = E_NOT_FOUND Exit Function End Function Sub ShowGrid() 'uses the extracted data to display the report Const strNoData As String = "No data" Const FirstColW As Integer = 2250 Const BorderW As Integer = 30 Dim strDays As Variant Dim indDays As Integer Dim indCats As Integer Dim indUsrs As Integer Dim indRprt As Integer Dim sum As Double Dim total As Double Dim CellW As Double strDays = Array("Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Total") gridReport.Cols = 9 'number of elements in strDays+1 gridReport.Rows = UserList.cUsers + 1 'resize columns CellW = (gridReport.Width - FirstColW - BorderW * gridReport.Cols) _ / (gridReport.Cols - 1) gridReport.ColWidth(0) = FirstColW For indDays = 1 To gridReport.Cols - 1 gridReport.ColWidth(indDays) = CellW Next indDays 'display the first row gridReport.Row = 0 For indDays = 0 To gridReport.Cols - 2 gridReport.Col = indDays + 1 gridReport.Text = strDays(indDays) Next indDays 'display the rest of the grid For indUsrs = 0 To UserList.cUsers - 1 'for all users indRprt = UserList.aUsers(indUsrs).ReportIndex gridReport.Row = indUsrs + 1 gridReport.Col = 0 gridReport.Text = UserList.aUsers(indUsrs).DisplayName total = 0 For indDays = 0 To 6 'for each day gridReport.Col = indDays + 1 If indRprt = E_NOT_FOUND Then 'no report received from this user gridReport.Text = strNoData btnRemind.Enabled = True Else sum = 0 'sum for cats per day For indCats = 0 To cReportCategories - 1 sum = sum + aReport(indDays, indCats, indRprt) Next indCats gridReport.Text = Str(sum) total = total + sum 'total for the week End If Next indDays 'last column is total gridReport.Col = gridReport.Cols - 1 If indRprt <> E_NOT_FOUND Then gridReport.Text = Str(total) Else gridReport.Text = strNoData End If Next indUsrs lblHeader = "Time Report for Pay Period Ending " & ReportPayPeriod End Sub Private Sub btnClose_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub btnRemind_Click() 'sends second request message to the users who haven't submitted report Dim ind As Integer Dim tmpCats() As String ReDim tmpCats(cReportCategories) 'put all the cats from variant into a string array For ind = 0 To cReportCategories - 1 tmpCats(ind) = ReportCategoryList(ind) Next ind formmainsvr.SendRequest cReportCategories, tmpCats, _ ReportPayPeriod, True End Sub Private Sub btnSave_Click() 'save report On Error GoTo CheckError Dim indUsrs As Integer Dim indRprt As Integer Dim indDays As Integer Dim indCats As Integer Open "Report.dat" For Output As #1 Print #1, Tab(24); "Time Report" Print #1, Tab(20); "Pay period ending " & ReportPayPeriod For indUsrs = 0 To UserList.cUsers - 1 Print #1, Print #1, Print #1, "======================================================================" Print #1, "Employee: ", UserList.aUsers(indUsrs).DisplayName indRprt = UserList.aUsers(indUsrs).ReportIndex If Not indRprt = E_NOT_FOUND Then Print #1, Tab(20); _ "Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat" For indCats = 0 To cReportCategories - 1 Print #1, ReportCategoryList(indCats), Tab(20); For indDays = 0 To 6 Print #1, aReport(indDays, indCats, indRprt); Tab(20 + (1 + indDays) * 8); Next indDays Print #1, Next indCats Else Print #1, "No data submitted" End If Next indUsrs Close #1 Exit Sub CheckError: MsgBox "Error saving user list" End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() ShowGrid End Sub Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer) 'deinit variables global to this module Dim ind As Integer For ind = 0 To UserList.cUsers - 1 UserList.aUsers(ind).ReportIndex = E_NOT_FOUND Next ind cReceivedReports = 0 cReportCategories = 0 ReportPayPeriod = Date ReDim aReport(0, 0, 0) End Sub