VERSION 1.0 CLASS BEGIN MultiUse = -1 'True END Attribute VB_Name = "OffScreenDC" Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False Attribute VB_Creatable = False Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False Attribute VB_Exposed = False '---------------------------------------------------------------------- ' OffScreenDC.cls '---------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Implementation file for OffScreenDC class ' This class represents an off screen DC that is useful ' for enabling flick-free and smooth repainting of things ' like controls. ' ' There are also a couple helper methods that do interesting ' GDI operations like drawing 3d rectangles and fast rectangles '---------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Copyright (c) 1996, Microsoft Corporation ' All Rights Reserved ' ' Information Contained Herin is Proprietary and Confidential '---------------------------------------------------------------------- Option Explicit '====================================================================== ' Public Enumerations '====================================================================== Public Enum CaptionAlignments caCenterCenter cacenterleft caCenterRight caTopCenter caTopLeft caTopRight caBottomCenter caBottomLeft caBottomright End Enum Public Enum Appearances Raised Flat Sunken Selected End Enum '====================================================================== ' Private Constants '====================================================================== Private Const BORDER_WIDTH As Long = 3 '====================================================================== ' Private Data Members '====================================================================== Private mhdcWork As Long 'off-screen HDC Private mhdcCtl As Long 'actual HDC of the control Private mhbmpOld As Long 'hBmp of the old bitmap in the off-sceen DC Private mfntCurrent As IFont 'font to use when drawing text Private mhfntOld As Long 'hFont of the old font in the off-screen dc Private mcxCtlWidth As Long 'width of the control's surface Private mcyCtlHeight As Long 'height of the control's surface Private mrgb3DFace As Long 'color to use for the 3d face Private mrgb3DHighlight As Long 'color to use for the 3d highlight Private mrgb3DShadow As Long 'color to use for the 3d shadow '====================================================================== ' Initialize and Terminate Events '====================================================================== '---------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Class_Terminate() '---------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Purpose: Called when the object is destroyed--do clean-up work ' Inputs: None ' Outputs: None '---------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Sub Class_Terminate() Dim hBmp As Long 'if our handles are NULL then just get out If mhdcWork <> 0 Then 'select the old font back into the off-screen dc SelectObject mhdcWork, mhfntOld 'select the old bitmap back into the off-screen DC hBmp = SelectObject(mhdcWork, mhbmpOld) 'delete the bitmap we were using DeleteObject hBmp 'and now delete the off-screen DC to totally clean up DeleteDC mhdcWork End If 'we were initialized End Sub 'Class_Terminate() '====================================================================== ' Public Methods and Properties '====================================================================== '---------------------------------------------------------------------- ' BackColor Get/Let '---------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Purpose: To get and let the current background color of the DC '---------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Property Get BackColor() As Long 'assert that we are initialized Debug.Assert mhdcWork <> 0 'return the current background color BackColor = GetBkColor(mhdcWork) End Property 'BackColor Get Public Property Let BackColor(rgbNew As Long) 'assert that we are initialized Debug.Assert mhdcWork <> 0 'set the new background color SetBkColor mhdcWork, rgbNew End Property 'BackColor Let '---------------------------------------------------------------------- ' TextColor Get/Let '---------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Purpose: To get and let the current text color of the DC '---------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Property Get TextColor() As Long 'assert that we are initialized Debug.Assert mhdcWork <> 0 'return the current Text color TextColor = GetTextColor(mhdcWork) End Property 'TextColor Get Public Property Let TextColor(rgbNew As Long) 'assert that we are initialized Debug.Assert mhdcWork <> 0 'set the new text color SetTextColor mhdcWork, rgbNew End Property 'TextColor Let '---------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Font Get/Set '---------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Purpose: To get and set the current font to use on the DC '---------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Property Get Font() As StdFont 'just return the reference we currently are holding Set Font = mfntCurrent End Property 'Font Get Public Property Set Font(NewFont As StdFont) 'make sure we're initialized first 'must call Initialize before setting the font! Debug.Assert (mhdcWork <> 0) 'below we will set a local member variable equal to the 'object passed in. Even though the type passed in is a 'StdFont, our member variable is of type IFont. A StdFont 'can be casted (QI) to an IFont, and the IFont interface gives 'us access to the hFont property, which we need in order to 'set the current font of the off-screen device context. 'if this is the first time the font is being set, 'grab the existing hFont handle so we can restore it 'before deleting the DC If mfntCurrent Is Nothing Then Set mfntCurrent = NewFont mhfntOld = SelectObject(mhdcWork, mfntCurrent.hFont) Else Set mfntCurrent = NewFont 'if this is being set to Nothing, restore the old font If mfntCurrent Is Nothing Then SelectObject mhdcWork, mhfntOld Else SelectObject mhdcWork, mfntCurrent.hFont End If 'new font is nothing End If 'first time setting font End Property 'Font Set '---------------------------------------------------------------------- ' 3D Colors Properties '---------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Purpose: To return the RGB values for 3d colors '---------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Property Get ThreeDFaceColor() As Long ThreeDFaceColor = mrgb3DFace End Property Public Property Get ThreeDHighlightColor() As Long ThreeDHighlightColor = mrgb3DHighlight End Property Public Property Get ThreeDShadowColor() As Long ThreeDShadowColor = mrgb3DShadow End Property '---------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Initialize() '---------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Purpose: To initialize the object with the screen DC from which we ' will create the off-screen DC ' Inputs: The user control ' Outputs: none '---------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Sub Initialize(CtlHdc As Long, CtlWidth As Long, CtlHeight As Long) Dim hBmp As Long 'assert that the inputs are valid 'and that we haven't already called Initialize Debug.Assert (CtlHdc <> 0) Debug.Assert (mhdcWork = 0) 'store the HDC of the control in our private variable mhdcCtl = CtlHdc 'capture the width and height of the control mcxCtlWidth = CtlWidth mcyCtlHeight = CtlHeight 'create the off-sceen DC mhdcWork = CreateCompatibleDC(mhdcCtl) 'create a compatible bitmap from the control DC 'that is the same size as the control itself hBmp = CreateCompatibleBitmap(mhdcCtl, mcxCtlWidth, mcyCtlHeight) 'select that new bitmap into the off-screen DC 'and save the old bitmap handle so we can reselect 'it back in before we destroy the off-screen DC mhbmpOld = SelectObject(mhdcWork, hBmp) End Sub 'Initialize() '---------------------------------------------------------------------- ' FillRect() '---------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Purpose: To fill a rectangle on the off-screen DC with a specified ' color in a fast way ' Inputs: The rectangle to fill and color to use ' Outputs: none '---------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Sub FillRect(nLeft As Long, nTop As Long, nWidth As Long, nHeight As Long, rgbColor As Long, Optional sCaption As String = "", Optional CaptionAlign As CaptionAlignments = caCenterCenter) Dim nX As Long 'X for drawing caption text Dim nY As Long 'Y for drawing caption text Dim rc As RECT 'rect struct to pass to the GDI Dim szTextExtent As Size 'pixel size of caption 'assert that we've been initialized already 'and check the inputs Debug.Assert mhdcWork <> 0 Debug.Assert rgbColor >= 0 'set the back color of the DC to the color desired Me.BackColor = rgbColor 'calculate the caption X and Y (centered) if the caption 'is not an empty string If Len(sCaption) > 0 Then 'get the pixel width of the Caption GetTextExtentPoint32 mhdcWork, sCaption, Len(sCaption), szTextExtent 'determine the X value based on the alignment chosen Select Case CaptionAlign Case caCenterCenter, caTopCenter, caBottomCenter nX = ((nWidth - \ 2) + nLeft Case caCenterRight, caTopRight, caBottomright nX = nWidth - BORDER_WIDTH - + nLeft Case cacenterleft, caTopLeft, caBottomLeft nX = nLeft + BORDER_WIDTH End Select 'determine the Y value base on the alignment chosen Select Case CaptionAlign Case caCenterCenter, caCenterRight, cacenterleft nY = ((nHeight - \ 2) + nTop Case caTopCenter, caTopLeft, caTopRight nY = nTop + BORDER_WIDTH Case caBottomCenter, caBottomLeft, caBottomright nY = nHeight - BORDER_WIDTH - + nTop End Select End If 'caption is not "" 'assign the input values to the rect struct rc.Left = nLeft rc.Top = nTop rc.Right = nWidth + nLeft rc.Bottom = nHeight + nTop 'ExtTextOut is one of the fastest ways to fill a rectangular 'area on a DC and is used here to fill our rect ExtTextOut mhdcWork, nX, nY, ETO_OPAQUE + ETO_CLIPPED, rc, sCaption, Len(sCaption), 0 End Sub 'FillRect '---------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Draw3DRect() '---------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Purpose: To draw a 3D looking rectangle on the off-screen DC ' Inputs: The rectangle to make 3d and optionally a caption to ' display centered in the rect ' Outputs: none '---------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Sub Draw3DRect(ByVal nLeft As Long, ByVal nTop As Long, ByVal nWidth As Long, ByVal nHeight As Long, Optional sCaption As String = "", Optional CaptionAlign As CaptionAlignments = caCenterCenter, Optional Appearance As Appearances = Raised) Dim rgbLowerRight As Long 'color to use for the lower right Dim rgbUpperLeft As Long 'color to use for the upper left 'assert that we've been initialized already 'and check the inputs Debug.Assert mhdcWork <> 0 'if we haven't gotten the system colors for 3d effects 'get them first If mrgb3DFace = 0 Then mrgb3DFace = GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNFACE) mrgb3DHighlight = GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNHIGHLIGHT) mrgb3DShadow = GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNSHADOW) End If 'set the lower-right and upper-left colors based on the 'desired appearance Select Case Appearance Case Flat rgbLowerRight = mrgb3DShadow rgbUpperLeft = mrgb3DShadow Case Raised rgbLowerRight = mrgb3DShadow rgbUpperLeft = mrgb3DHighlight Case Sunken rgbLowerRight = mrgb3DHighlight rgbUpperLeft = mrgb3DShadow Case Selected rgbLowerRight = mrgb3DHighlight rgbUpperLeft = vbBlack End Select 'fill the rect with the shadow color (or hightlight if sunken) Me.FillRect nLeft, nTop, nWidth, nHeight, rgbLowerRight 'now pull the right and bottom edges in by 1 pixel nWidth = nWidth - 1 nHeight = nHeight - 1 'fill the rect with the 3d highlight color (or shadow if sunken) Me.FillRect nLeft, nTop, nWidth, nHeight, rgbUpperLeft 'finally pull in the left and top edges by 1 pixel nLeft = nLeft + 1 nTop = nTop + 1 nWidth = nWidth - 1 nHeight = nHeight - 1 'change the color to the 3d face color 'and fill the rect passing the desired caption Me.FillRect nLeft, nTop, nWidth, nHeight, mrgb3DFace, sCaption, CaptionAlign 'if the appearance setting was Selected, invert the rect If Appearance = Selected Then InvertRect nLeft, nTop, nWidth, nHeight End If 'appearance = selected End Sub 'Draw3dRect '---------------------------------------------------------------------- ' InvertRect() '---------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Purpose: To invert a particular rect on the bitmap ' Inputs: The area to invert ' Outputs: none '---------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Sub InvertRect(nLeft As Long, nTop As Long, nWidth As Long, nHeight As Long) Dim rc As RECT rc.Left = nLeft rc.Top = nTop rc.Right = nLeft + nWidth rc.Bottom = nTop + nHeight Utils.InvertRect mhdcWork, rc End Sub 'InvertRect() '---------------------------------------------------------------------- ' BlastToScreen() '---------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Purpose: Blasts the contents of the off-screen DC to the control's ' on-screen surface ' Inputs: none ' Outputs: none '---------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Sub BlastToScreen(Optional Left As Long = 0, Optional Top As Long = 0, Optional Width As Long = -1, Optional Height As Long = -1) If Width = -1 Then Width = mcxCtlWidth If Height = -1 Then Height = mcyCtlHeight 'use bitblt to blast the contents of the off-screen dc to the control BitBlt mhdcCtl, Left, Top, Width, Height, mhdcWork, _ Left, Top, SRCCOPY End Sub 'BlastToScreen() '====================================================================== ' Private Helper Methods '======================================================================