DirectAnimation Animated Header --Behavior Class DirectAnimation Animated Header --Behavior Class* Microsoft DirectAnimation SDK
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Behavior Class

These are the methods for the Behavior Class:

public Behavior BvrHook(BvrCallback callback)
public Behavior debug()
public Behavior debug(String name)
public Behavior debug(String name, boolean onStart)
public Behavior debug(String name, boolean onStart, PrintStream std)
public Behavior duration(NumberBvr length)
public Object extract()
public void init(Behavior a)
public Behavior repeat(int repetitions)
public Behavior repeatForever()
public Behavior runOnce()
public Behavior substituteTime(NumberBvr a)
Methods Defined in Statics
public static Behavior cond(BooleanBvr bool, Behavior a, Behavior b)
public static Behavior until(Behavior a, DXMEvent e, Behavior b)
public static Behavior untilEx(Behavior a, DXMEvent e)
public static Behavior untilNotify(Behavior a, DXMEvent e, UntilNotifier notifier)

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