:Base depends.hlp 1 Overview of Dependency Walker 2 Why use Dependency Walker?=overview_1 2 Using Dependency Walker for Trouble Shooting Modules=overview_2 2 Using Dependency Walker for General Information about Modules=overview_3 1 Understanding the Module Session 2 The Module Session Window=HIDR_DEPENDTYPE 2 The Module Dependency Tree View=HIDR_MODULE_TREE_VIEW 2 The Module List View=HIDR_MODULE_LIST_VIEW 2 The Parent Import Function List View=HIDR_IMPORT_LIST_VIEW 2 The Export Function List View=HIDR_EXPORT_LIST_VIEW 1 Menus and Toolbar 2 The File Menu=file_menu 2 The Edit Menu=edit_menu 2 The View Menu=view_menu 2 The Window Menu=window_menu 2 The Help Menu=help_menu 2 The Toolbar=AFX_HIDW_TOOLBAR