[Version] Signature = "$Windows NT$" [Strings] REG_UNINSTALL="Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall" REG_INETSTP="Software\Microsoft\InetStp" REG_INETMGR="Software\Microsoft\InetMgr" REG_SVCS_INETINFO="System\CurrentControlSet\Services\InetInfo" REG_KEYRING="Software\Microsoft\Keyring" REG_APPPATHS="Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths" REG_CLSID="Software\Classes\CLSID" REG_SLATE_MMC="Software\Microsoft\MMC" SZ_SLATE_ID="{A841B6C2-7577-11d0-BB1F-00A0C922E79C}" ; the following are localizable SDESC_IMS="SMTP Service" LDESC_IMS="Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) Service" SDESC_IIS_SMTP="SMTP Service" LDESC_IIS_SMTP="SMTP service files" SDESC_IIS_SMTP_DOCS="SMTP documentation" LDESC_IIS_SMTP_DOCS="SMTP service documentation files" SZ_SLATE_NAME_STRING="Internet Services" [Optional Components] ims iis_smtp iis_smtp_docs [ims] Parent = iis OptionDesc = %SDESC_IMS% Tip = %LDESC_IMS% IconIndex = 0 [iis_smtp] Needs = iis_www Parent = ims OptionDesc = %SDESC_IIS_SMTP% Tip =%LDESC_IIS_SMTP% IconIndex = * UpgReg="System\CurrentControlSet\Services\SMTPSVC" Modes=1,3 [iis_smtp_docs] Needs = iis_doc_common Parent = ims OptionDesc = %SDESC_IIS_SMTP_DOCS% Tip =%LDESC_IIS_SMTP_DOCS% IconIndex = * UpgReg="System\CurrentControlSet\Services\SMTPSVC" Modes=1,3 ; ========================================================================= ; About iis_smtp ; [iis_smtp_install] Copyfiles=\ iis_ims_files_keep, \ iis_ims_files_program, \ iis_ims_files_system, \ iis_smtp_files_service, \ iis_smtp_files_system, \ iis_smtp_files_mail_help, \ iis_smtp_files_web, \ iis_smtp_files_webadmin, \ iis_smtp_files_webadmin_images, \ iis_smtp_files_webadmin_help AddReg=iis_smtp_register [iis_smtp_uninstall] Delfiles=\ iis_smtp_files_service, \ iis_smtp_files_system, \ iis_smtp_files_mail_help, \ iis_smtp_files_web, \ iis_smtp_files_webadmin, \ iis_smtp_files_webadmin_images, \ iis_smtp_files_webadmin_help DelReg=iis_smtp_unregister [iis_smtp_register] [iis_smtp_unregister] ; ========================================================================= ; About iis_smtp_docs ; [iis_smtp_docs_install] Copyfiles=\ iis_smtp_files_mail_docs, \ iis_smtp_files_mail_hhc [iis_smtp_docs_uninstall] Delfiles=\ iis_smtp_files_mail_docs, \ iis_smtp_files_mail_hhc ; ========================================================================= ; The list of shared files to uninstall in the event of remove all or ; uninstalling the last component ; [iis_ims_uninstall] Delfiles=\ iis_ims_files_program, \ iis_ims_files_system ; ========================================================================= ; The list of shared files to uninstall in the event of MCIS 1.0 to K2 ; upgrade ; [iis_smtp_mcis10_product_upgrade] Delfiles=\ iis_smtp_mcis10_system, \ iis_smtp_mcis10_product ; ========================================================================= ; This is a section containing all the destination directories ; ; 18 ===> Windows\help directory (%windir%\help) ; 11 ===> system directory (%windir%\system on Win95, %windir%\system32 on NT) ; 32768 ===> c:\inetpub [DestinationDirs] iis_ims_files_program=11, inetsrv iis_ims_files_system=11 iis_ims_files_keep=11 iis_smtp_files_service=11, inetsrv iis_smtp_files_system=11 iis_smtp_files_mail_docs=18, mail iis_smtp_files_mail_help=32768, mail\Smtp\Admin\Help iis_smtp_files_mail_hhc=18, mail iis_smtp_files_web=32768, Mail\Smtp\Admin iis_smtp_files_webadmin=32768, Mail\Smtp\Admin iis_smtp_files_webadmin_images=32768, Mail\Smtp\Admin\Images iis_smtp_files_webadmin_help=32768, Mail\Smtp\Admin\Help iis_smtp_mcis10_system=11 iis_smtp_mcis10_product=11, inetsrv ; ========================================================================= ; This is a section containing all the registry to metabase operations ; ; The format of the parameters are as follows: ; ; fUpgrade fKeepOldReg hkRootKey szSubKey szValueName mdPath mdID mdAttrib mdUserType mdDataType mdDataLen mdData [SMTP_REG] 1 1 HKLM System\CurrentControlSet\Services\SmtpSvc\Parameters ConnectionTimeOut LM/SmtpSvc 1013 0x1 1 1 4 0x258 1 1 HKLM System\CurrentControlSet\Services\SmtpSvc\Parameters MaxConnections LM/SmtpSvc 1014 0x1 1 1 4 0x77359400 1 1 HKLM System\CurrentControlSet\Services\SmtpSvc\Parameters MaxMsgSize LM/SmtpSvc 36891 0x1 1 1 4 0x200000 1 1 HKLM System\CurrentControlSet\Services\SmtpSvc\Parameters MaxMsgSizeBeforeClose LM/SmtpSvc 36892 0x1 1 1 4 0xa00000 1 1 HKLM System\CurrentControlSet\Services\SmtpSvc\Parameters MaxOutConnections LM/SmtpSvc 36894 0x1 1 1 4 0x77359400 1 1 HKLM System\CurrentControlSet\Services\SmtpSvc\Parameters MaxRcpts LM/SmtpSvc 36895 0x1 1 1 4 0x64 1 1 HKLM System\CurrentControlSet\Services\SmtpSvc\Parameters MaxRemoteTimeOut LM/SmtpSvc 36921 0x1 1 1 4 0x258 1 1 HKLM System\CurrentControlSet\Services\SmtpSvc\Parameters MaxRetryAttempts LM/SmtpSvc 36896 0x1 1 1 4 0x30 1 1 HKLM System\CurrentControlSet\Services\SmtpSvc\Parameters MaxRetryAttempts LM/SmtpSvc 36898 0x1 1 1 4 0x30 1 1 HKLM System\CurrentControlSet\Services\SmtpSvc\Parameters MaxRetryMinutes LM/SmtpSvc 36897 0x1 1 1 4 0x3c 1 1 HKLM System\CurrentControlSet\Services\SmtpSvc\Parameters MaxRetryMinutes LM/SmtpSvc 36899 0x1 1 1 4 0x3c 1 1 HKLM System\CurrentControlSet\Services\SmtpSvc\Parameters EnableReverseLookup LM/SMtpSvc 36884 0x1 1 1 4 0x0 1 1 HKLM System\CurrentControlSet\Services\SmtpSvc\Parameters MaxHopCount LM/SMtpSvc 36886 0x1 1 1 4 0xf 1 1 HKLM System\CurrentControlSet\Services\SmtpSvc\Parameters ShouldDeliver LM/SMtpSvc 36881 0x1 1 1 4 0x0 1 1 HKLM System\CurrentControlSet\Services\SmtpSvc\Parameters SmartHost LM/SMtpSvc 36906 0x1 1 2 0 %__EMPTY% 1 1 HKLM System\CurrentControlSet\Services\SmtpSvc\Parameters SmartHostUseType LM/SMtpSvc 36905 0x1 1 1 4 0x0 1 1 HKLM System\CurrentControlSet\Services\SmtpSvc\Parameters LogType LM/SmtpSvc 4000 0x1 1 1 4 0x1 1 1 HKLM System\CurrentControlSet\Services\SmtpSvc\Parameters LogFileDirectory LM/SmtpSvc 4001 0x1 1 4 0 %WinDir%\System32\LogFiles 1 1 HKLM System\CurrentControlSet\Services\SmtpSvc\Parameters LogFileTruncateSize LM/SmtpSvc 4004 0x1 1 1 4 0x1388000 1 1 HKLM System\CurrentControlSet\Services\SmtpSvc\Parameters LogFilePeriod LM/SmtpSvc 4003 0x1 1 1 4 0x1 1 1 HKLM System\CurrentControlSet\Services\SmtpSvc\Parameters LogFilePluginOrder LM/SmtpSvc 4011 0x1 1 2 0 {FF160663-DE82-11CF-BC0A-00AA006111E0} 1 1 HKLM System\CurrentControlSet\Services\SmtpSvc\Parameters NTAuthenticationProviders LM/SmtpSvc 6032 0x1 1 2 0 NTLM 1 1 HKLM System\CurrentControlSet\Services\SmtpSvc\Parameters Authorization LM/SmtpSvc 6000 0x1 1 1 4 0x7 1 1 HKLM System\CurrentControlSet\Services\NntpSvc\Parameters AnonUserName LM/SmtpSvc 6020 0x1 2 2 0 IUSR_%__MACHINENAME% 0 1 HKLM System None LM/SMtpSvc 36922 0x1 1 2 0 %__EMPTY% 0 1 HKLM System None LM/SMtpSvc 36923 0x1 1 2 0 %__EMPTY% 0 1 HKLM System None LM/SMtpSvc 36920 0x1 100 5 0 %__EMPTY% 0 1 HKLM System None LM/SMtpSvc 36871 0x1 1 1 4 0x14 0 1 HKLM System None LM/SMtpSvc 36930 0x1 1 2 0 %__MAILROOT%\SortTemp 0 1 HKLM System None LM/SMtpSvc 36931 0x1 1 1 4 1 0 1 HKLM System None LM/SMtpSvc 36973 0x1 1 1 4 1 0 1 HKLM System None LM/SMtpSvc 36970 0x1 2 3 0 18000080200000803c00008044000080010000004c00000000000000000000000100000001000000020000000200000004000000000000004c00008000000000000000000000000000000000ffffffff00000000 ;0 1 HKLM System None LM/SMtpSvc 6019 0x1 2 3 0 18000080200000803c00008044000080010000004c00000000000000000000000100000001000000020000000200000004000000000000004c00008000000000000000000000000000000000ffffffff00000000 0 1 HKLM System None LM/SmtpSvc/Info 4012 0x1 1 2 0 %__SMTP_LOG_FILE_FORMATS% 1 1 HKLM System\CurrentControlSet\Services\SmtpSvc\Parameters LogType LM/SmtpSvc/1 4000 0x1 1 1 4 0x1 1 1 HKLM System\CurrentControlSet\Services\SmtpSvc\Parameters LogFileDirectory LM/SmtpSvc/1 4001 0x1 1 4 0 %WinDir%\System32\LogFiles 1 1 HKLM System\CurrentControlSet\Services\SmtpSvc\Parameters LogFileTruncateSize LM/SmtpSvc/1 4004 0x1 1 1 4 0x1388000 1 1 HKLM System\CurrentControlSet\Services\SmtpSvc\Parameters LogFilePeriod LM/SmtpSvc/1 4003 0x1 1 1 4 0x1 1 1 HKLM System\CurrentControlSet\Services\SmtpSvc\Parameters ConnectionTimeOut LM/SmtpSvc/1 1013 0x1 1 1 4 0x258 0 1 HKLM System None LM/SMtpSvc/1 1016 0x1 2 1 4 0x4 0 1 HKLM System None LM/SMtpSvc/1 1099 0x1 2 1 4 0x0 0 1 HKLM System None LM/SMtpSvc/1 1015 0x1 1 2 0 %__SMTP_DEFAULT_SITE_NAME% 0 1 HKLM System None LM/SMtpSvc/1 1023 0x1 1 5 0 :25: 0 1 HKLM System None LM/SMtpSvc/1 2021 0x1 1 5 0 :465: 1 1 HKLM System\CurrentControlSet\Services\SmtpSvc\Parameters MailPickupDir LM/SMtpSvc/1 36880 0x1 1 2 0 %__MAILROOT%\Pickup 1 1 HKLM System\CurrentControlSet\Services\SmtpSvc\Parameters MailQueueDir LM/SMtpSvc/1 36875 0x1 1 2 0 %__MAILROOT%\Queue 1 1 HKLM System\CurrentControlSet\Services\SmtpSvc\Parameters BadMailDir LM/SMtpSvc/1 36909 0x1 1 2 0 %__MAILROOT%\Badmail 1 1 HKLM System\CurrentControlSet\Services\SmtpSvc\Parameters MailDropDir LM/SMtpSvc/1 36882 0x1 1 2 0 %__MAILROOT%\Drop 0 1 HKLM System None LM/SMtpSvc/1 36918 0x1 1 1 4 0xc 0 1 HKLM System None LM/SMtpSvc/1 36929 0x1 1 1 4 0x1d1 0 1 HKLM System None LM/SMtpSvc/1 36914 0x1 1 1 4 0x19 0 1 HKLM System None LM/SMtpSvc/1 36925 0x1 1 1 4 0x0 0 1 HKLM System None LM/SMtpSvc/1 36922 0x1 1 2 0 %__EMPTY% 0 1 HKLM System None LM/SMtpSvc/1 36923 0x1 1 2 0 %__EMPTY% 0 1 HKLM System None LM/SMtpSvc/1 36912 0x1 1 2 0 %__EMPTY% 0 1 HKLM System None LM/SMtpSvc/1 36920 0x1 100 5 0 %__EMPTY% 0 1 HKLM System None LM/SMtpSvc/1 36871 0x1 1 1 4 0x14 ; Web admin virtual dir 0 1 HKLM System None LM/W3Svc/1/Root/Mail 6016 0x1 2 1 4 205 0 1 HKLM System None LM/W3Svc/1/Root/Mail 6000 0x1 2 1 4 4 0 1 HKLM System None LM/W3Svc/1/Root/Mail 1099 0x1 1 1 4 0 0 1 HKLM System None LM/W3Svc/1/Root/Mail 3001 0x1 2 2 0 %__INETPUB%\Mail 0 1 HKLM System None LM/W3Svc/1/Root/Mail 2100 0x1 100 1 4 4 0 1 HKLM System None LM/W3Svc/1/Root/Mail 1002 0x1 1 2 0 IIsWebVirtualDir ; Deny access for all in Web admin 0 1 HKLM System None LM/W3Svc/1/Root/Mail 6019 0x1 2 3 0 18000080200000803c00008044000080010000004c00000000000000000000000100000001000000020000000200000004000000000000004c00008000000000000000000000000000000000ffffffff7f000001 ; ADSI keys 0 1 HKLM System None LM/SMtpSvc 1002 0x1 1 2 0 IIsSmtpService 0 1 HKLM System None LM/SMtpSvc/Info 1002 0x1 1 2 0 IIsInfo 0 1 HKLM System None LM/SMtpSvc/1 1002 0x1 1 2 0 IIsSmtpServer 0 1 HKLM System None LM/SMtpSvc/1/Sessions 1002 0x1 1 2 0 IIsSmtpSessions 0 1 HKLM System None LM/SMtpSvc/1/Root 1002 0x1 1 2 0 IIsSmtpVirtualDir 0 1 HKLM System None LM/SMtpSvc/1/Root/Mailbox 1002 0x1 1 2 0 IIsSmtpVirtualDir 0 1 HKLM System None LM/SMtpSvc/1/Alias 1002 0x1 1 2 0 IIsSmtpAlias 0 1 HKLM System None LM/SMtpSvc/1/User 1002 0x1 1 2 0 IIsSmtpUser 0 1 HKLM System None LM/SMtpSvc/1/DL 1002 0x1 1 2 0 IIsSmtpDL 0 1 HKLM System None LM/SMtpSvc/1/Domain 1002 0x1 1 2 0 IIsSmtpDomain [SMTP_REG_FRESH] 0 1 HKLM System None LM/SMtpSvc/1 36910 0x1 100 5 0 szDataDirectory%__EQUALS%%__MAILROOT%\Route 0 1 HKLM System None LM/SmtpSvc/1/Root/Mailbox 6016 0x1 2 1 4 0x3 0 1 HKLM System None LM/SmtpSvc/1/Root/Mailbox 3001 0x1 2 2 0 %__MAILROOT%\Mailbox [SMTP_REG_B2_UPGRADE] ; Web admin virtual dir 0 1 HKLM System None LM/W3Svc/1/Root/Mail 6016 0x1 2 1 4 205 0 1 HKLM System None LM/W3Svc/1/Root/Mail 6000 0x1 2 1 4 4 0 1 HKLM System None LM/W3Svc/1/Root/Mail 1099 0x1 1 1 4 0 0 1 HKLM System None LM/W3Svc/1/Root/Mail 3001 0x1 2 2 0 %__INETPUB%\Mail 0 1 HKLM System None LM/W3Svc/1/Root/Mail 2100 0x1 100 1 4 4 0 1 HKLM System None LM/W3Svc/1/Root/Mail 1002 0x1 1 2 0 IIsWebVirtualDir ; Deny access for all in Web admin 0 1 HKLM System None LM/W3Svc/1/Root/Mail 6019 0x1 2 3 0 18000080200000803c00008044000080010000004c00000000000000000000000100000001000000020000000200000004000000000000004c00008000000000000000000000000000000000ffffffff7f000001 ; ADSI keys 0 1 HKLM System None LM/SMtpSvc 1002 0x1 1 2 0 IIsSmtpService 0 1 HKLM System None LM/SMtpSvc/Info 1002 0x1 1 2 0 IIsInfo 0 1 HKLM System None LM/SmtpSvc/Info 4012 0x1 1 2 0 %__SMTP_LOG_FILE_FORMATS% 0 1 HKLM System None LM/SMtpSvc/1 1002 0x1 1 2 0 IIsSmtpServer 0 1 HKLM System None LM/SMtpSvc/1/Sessions 1002 0x1 1 2 0 IIsSmtpSessions 0 1 HKLM System None LM/SMtpSvc/1/Root 1002 0x1 1 2 0 IIsSmtpVirtualDir 0 1 HKLM System None LM/SMtpSvc/1/Root/Mailbox 1002 0x1 1 2 0 IIsSmtpVirtualDir 0 1 HKLM System None LM/SMtpSvc/1/Alias 1002 0x1 1 2 0 IIsSmtpAlias 0 1 HKLM System None LM/SMtpSvc/1/User 1002 0x1 1 2 0 IIsSmtpUser 0 1 HKLM System None LM/SMtpSvc/1/DL 1002 0x1 1 2 0 IIsSmtpDL 0 1 HKLM System None LM/SMtpSvc/1/Domain 1002 0x1 1 2 0 IIsSmtpDomain [POP3_REG] 1 1 HKLM System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Pop3Svc\Parameters NTAuthenticationProviders LM/Pop3Svc 6032 0x1 1 2 0 NTLM 1 1 HKLM System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Pop3Svc\Parameters Authorization LM/Pop3Svc 6000 0x1 1 1 4 0x7 0 1 HKLM System None LM/Pop3Svc/Info 4012 0x1 1 2 0 %__SMTP_LOG_FILE_FORMATS% 1 1 HKLM System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Pop3Svc\Parameters LogType LM/Pop3Svc/1 4000 0x1 1 1 4 0x1 1 1 HKLM System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Pop3Svc\Parameters LogFileDirectory LM/Pop3Svc/1 4001 0x1 1 4 0 %WinDir%\System32\LogFiles 1 1 HKLM System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Pop3Svc\Parameters LogFileTruncateSize LM/Pop3Svc/1 4004 0x1 1 1 4 0x1388000 1 1 HKLM System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Pop3Svc\Parameters LogFilePeriod LM/Pop3Svc/1 4003 0x1 1 1 4 0x1 0 1 HKLM System None LM/Pop3Svc/1 1015 0x1 1 2 0 %__POP3_DEFAULT_SITE_NAME% 1 1 HKLM System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Pop3Svc\Parameters RoutingDll LM/Pop3Svc/1 41177 0x1 1 2 0 %WinDir%\System32\inetsrv\routeldp.dll 1 1 HKLM System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Pop3Svc\Parameters ExpireMail LM/Pop3Svc/1/Root/Mailroot 40960 0x1 1 1 4 0x0 1 1 HKLM System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Pop3Svc\Parameters ExpireMsgHours LM/Pop3Svc/1/Root/Mailroot 40961 0x1 1 1 4 0xffffffff ; Web admin virtual dir 0 1 HKLM System None LM/W3Svc/1/Root/Mail 6016 0x1 2 1 4 205 0 1 HKLM System None LM/W3Svc/1/Root/Mail 6000 0x1 2 1 4 4 0 1 HKLM System None LM/W3Svc/1/Root/Mail 1099 0x1 1 1 4 0 0 1 HKLM System None LM/W3Svc/1/Root/Mail 3001 0x1 2 2 0 %__INETPUB%\Mail 0 1 HKLM System None LM/W3Svc/1/Root/Mail 2100 0x1 100 1 4 4 ; ADSI Keys 0 1 HKLM System None LM/Pop3Svc 1002 0x1 1 2 0 IIsPop3Service 0 1 HKLM System None LM/Pop3Svc/Info 1002 0x1 1 2 0 IIsInfo 0 1 HKLM System None LM/Pop3Svc/1 1002 0x1 1 2 0 IIsPop3Server 0 1 HKLM System None LM/Pop3Svc/1/Sessions 1002 0x1 1 2 0 IIsPop3Sessions 0 1 HKLM System None LM/Pop3Svc/1/Root 1002 0x1 1 2 0 IIsPop3VirtualDir 0 1 HKLM System None LM/Pop3Svc/1/Root/Mailroot 1002 0x1 1 2 0 IIsPop3VirtualDir [POP3_REG_FRESH] 0 1 HKLM System None LM/Pop3Svc/1 41181 0x1 1 1 4 0x0 0 1 HKLM System None LM/Pop3Svc/1/RoutingSources 41174 0x1 1 5 0 szDataDirectory%__EQUALS%%__MAILROOT%\Route 1 1 HKLM System None LM/Pop3Svc/1/Root/Mailbox 6016 0x1 2 1 4 0x3 1 1 HKLM System None LM/Pop3Svc/1/Root/Mailbox 3001 0x1 2 2 0 %__MAILROOT%\Mailbox ; ========================================================================= ; This section contains a list of all controls that have to be registered ; ; The format is as follows: ; environment variables will be expanded ; ; The following environment variables will be pre-set: ; %__SYSDIR__% The system32 directory ; %__INETSRV__% The main inetsrv directory ; [SMTP_REGISTER] %__INETSRV%\smtpadm.dll %__INETSRV%\smtpsnap.dll %__INETSRV%\seo.dll %__INETSRV%\seos.dll %__SYSDIR%\inetcomm.dll %__SYSDIR%\cdonts.dll [SMTP_UNREGISTER] %__INETSRV%\smtpadm.dll %__INETSRV%\smtpsnap.dll %__SYSDIR%\cdonts.dll ; ========================================================================= ; This section contains a list of all files to remove for a MCIS 1.0 to K2 ; upgrade ; [iis_smtp_mcis10_system] ,,,0x20 ;*** BEGIN ********************************************************** ;** ** ;** Automatically generated on: Fri Jan 23 10:57:09 1998 ** ;** ** ;** Diamond Version: (32) 1.00.0540 (02/01/96) ** ;** ** ;*** BEGIN ********************************************************** ;LAYOUT.INF ;Disk Layout file for Microsoft IIS Setup ;Copyright (c) 1993-1997 Microsoft Corporation [version] signature="$Windows NT$" SetupClass=BASE [SourceDisksNames] ; Cabinet file names and associated disks ; = ,, ID (Unused, must be 0) 0="Microsoft IIS CD-ROM","",0 1="Microsoft IIS CD-ROM","ims.cab",0 [SourceDisksFiles] ; = ,, ;Note: File is not in a cabinet if cab# is 0 gapi32.dll=1,,92944 msoert.dll=1,,61072 inetcomm.dll=1,,339216 exstrace.dll=1,,15632 mimefilt.dll=1,,28432 cdonts.dll=1,,277776 adsiisex.dll=1,,12048 dt_ctrl.dll=1,,19728 rwnh.dll=1,,11024 seo.dll=1,,325392 seos.dll=1,,28432 jpudll.dll=1,,15120 smtpsvc.dll=1,,459536 smtpsnap.dll=1,,433424 smtpadm.dll=1,,202512 mboxapi.dll=1,,55568 smtpkey.dll=1,,44816 regtrace.exe=1,,41504 smtpapi.dll=1,,20240 smtpctrs.dll=1,,14096 abmsg.dll=1,,8976 smtpctrs.ini=1,,97125 smtpctrs.h=1,,4219 smtpcfg.hlp=1,,29331 smtpsnap.hlp=1,,63029 smtpsnap.cnt=1,,344 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