MSFT Q# P  Dd,X Lx@l4` ( T  H  l\8t)(RX !tT@ $ !U 11 !4V4 !W@055 !WhX994!WH@8&#4%!adoSumWW,8WAggregateTypeEnumWWW,$ 0sdeRelationWW, 0!5deGroupingWW, 0WdeGrandTotal8[ChildComparisonEnumW 0deFieldLinkW 0deParamLinkW8_DERelationConditionxChildComparisonW=ChildComparision6ChildConditionWW ParentFieldWX8DERelationConditionWL8_DERelationConditionsWWW0vCountWWWZcWWWxA_NewEnum ppvObjectWWWzItem`IndexWWW oppDERelationrAddWϱRemoveWW (DERelationConditions 8#V_DEAggregateName spbstrNameWWW AggregateOnWT :AggregateTypeWWWxFunctionFieldToAggregate xCaptionWControlW 8T9DEAggregateWL 8"_DEAggregatesWWW ppDEAggregateWWWMbstrName (DEAggregates88_DEField CNumericScale@MpbScaleW PrecisionWWW pbPrecisionW DefinedSizeW3plSizeWWType6pdteType AttributesWWApfaeAttributesWW Q_pbstrCaption JpbstrControlx8mDDEFieldEventsWW8DEFieldW@ 80M_DEFieldsWWW :ppDEFieldWWW(DEFields88%f_DEGroupingFieldsWWWlx(!DEGroupingFields 8~_DEParameterKValueWWW hpvarValueWWW &DirectionWWW ]ppdeDirectionWWWSize =HostDataType phteHostTypeRequired4 8DEParameterW| 88_DEParametersWWWlNppDEDatasourceWW (Z?DEParameters` d 8_DECommandWW`  lCommandTypeW^plWW`  UCacheSizeWWW` ȲMaxRecordsWW` }LockType` `ConnectionNameWW|pbstrWWW` eCommandTextW` CursorTypeWW\ctWW` &Prepared]fWWW`  OCallSyntaxWW ppDEParametersWW ppDEFieldsWW` CommandTimeoutWW MplCommandTimeout` 4*CursorLocationWWpclW` $ RelateToParentWW`  ParentCommandNameWWW` h xGroupCommand` P6SummaryCommandNameWW` 7oGrandTotalNameWW` iRecordsetReturningWW`  ShapeTextWWWlppDEAggregatesWW` {BeginQueryEditWW` l #EndQueryEdith3ppDEGroupingFieldsWWppDERelationConditionsWW 8DECommandWWW( 8c(_DEConnectionWWW( ConnectionTimeoutWWW VplConnectionTimeoutW( DesignUserNameWW( ConnectionSource( X }DesignPasswordWW( 0)cDesignPromptBehavior ]pshW( DesignSaveAuthentication( RSourceOfData pscSourceOfDataW( ConnectionString( \ DisplayNameW( RunSaveAuthenticationWWW( )%RunUserNameW@ bstr( x RunPasswordW( {RunPromptBehaviorWWWL h?ppromptW 8SDEConnection 8_DEConnectionsWWppDEConnectionWW DoUIT  (P)DEConnectionsWWW ( 8S_DECommandsW $ ResetClassListWW  (BDECommandsWW 8VIDEExtDesignerWW =ppDECommandsxDppDEConnectionsW VersionW (ShowPropertiesAfterCreateWWW < 4PromptDelete T ShowStatusBarWWW t ShowSystemObjectsWWW 9CDisableWarningsW SPromptBeforeExecuteWfPromptW ,8-=DDEExtDesignerWW DEConnectionAddedWWW ConnectionWW DEConnectionRemovedW &DEConnectionPropertyChangedWProperty oDECommandAddedWW /DECommandRemoved Q2DECommandPropertyChanged  `EditQueryWWW bstrQueryWWWLbstrConnectionWW GetQueryText T wCloseQueryWW ',DEDesignerDeleteH  8܂DEExtDesignerWWWvb98.chmWW4Microsoft Data Environment Extensibility Objects 1.0WWmsde.DllWW=The source of the DEConnection object is an ODBC data source.W:The source of the DEConnection object is a data link file.=The source of the DEConnection object is a connection string.W:Specifies the type of the source of a DEConnection object.PThe calculated value of the DEAggregate object is based on a relation hierarchy.WWFThe calculated value of the DEAggregate object is based on a grouping.IThe calculated value of the DEAggregate object is based on a grand total.WHSpecifies what the calculated value of the DEAggregate object is based. WWTThe child comparison of the DERelationCondition object is based on a DEField object.WW`Specifies what the child comparison value in the DERelationCondition object is compared against.WWYRepresents a relation definition which defines a relation hierarchy between two commands.W{Returns/sets whether a DERelationCondition object is made with a DEField object or DEParameter object in the child command.WWW{Returns/sets the DEField object in the parent DECommand object to make the comparison with in a DERelationCondition object.WWWwReturns/sets the name of the DECommand object that is the parent DECommand object used in a DERelationCondition object.WWW7A collection of the relation conditions in the command.WWWHReturns the number of DERelationCondition objects in a DECommand object.WWYReturns a specific a DERelationCondition object by index contained in a DECommand object.W8Adds a DERelationCondition object to a DECommand object.WW=Removes a DERelationCondition object from a DECommand object.W?Represents a column of calculated data with a common data type.WWW7Returns/sets the name to identify a DEAggregate object.WWWPReturns/sets what command the calculated value of a DEAggregate object is based.WWReturns/sets whether the calculated value of a DEAggregate object is based on a grand total, a grouping, or a relation hierarchy.WPReturns/sets the function to use to calculate the value of a DEAggregate object.WWjReturns/sets the DEField object to perform the function on to calculate the value of a DEAggregate object.1Returns/sets the caption of a DEAggregate object.WAReturns/sets the default control to use for a DEAggregate object.W>A collection of the DEAggregate objects in a DECommand object.9Returns the number of DEAggregate objects in a DECommand.WEReturns a specific DEAggregate object by index in a DECommand object.W0Adds a DEAggregate object to a DECommand object.WW5Removes a DEAggregate object from a DECommand object.W4Represents a column of data with a common data type.WW5Returns/sets the name to identify the DEField object.W=Returns/sets the scale of numeric values in a DEField object.WLReturns/sets the degree of precision for numeric values in a DEField object.WWKReturns/sets the maximum size, in bytes or characters, of a DEField object.WWWCReturns/sets the operational type or data type of a DEField object.WWW=Returns/sets one or more characteristics of a DEField object.W/Returns/sets the caption of the DEField object.WWW=Returns/sets the default control to use for a DEField object.WEA collection of the DEField objects contained in a DECommand object. W<Returns the number of DEField objects in a DECommand object.WWAReturns a specific DEField object by index in a DECommand object.WGRepresents the set of DEField objects a DECommand object is grouped by.WWWDReturns the number of DEGroupingField objects in a DECommand object.WWBReturns a specific DEGroupingField object by index in a DECommand.4Adds a DEGroupingField object to a DECommand object.WW9Removes a DEGroupingField object from a DECommand object.WyRepresents a parameter or argument associated with a DECommand object based on a parameterized query or stored procedure.W<Returns/sets the value associated with a DEParameter object.WW7Returns/sets the name to identify a DEParameter object.WWWReturns/sets whether a DEParameter object represents an input parameter, an output parameter, or both, or if the parameter is the return value from a stored procedure.WWWAReturns/sets the scale of numeric values in a DEParameter object.WQ Returns/sets the degree of precision for numeric values in a DEParameter object.WP Returns/sets the maximum size, in bytes or characters, of a DEParameter object.WWGReturns/sets the operational type or data type of a DEParameter object.WWW8Returns/sets the host data type of a DEParameter object.WW6Returns/sets whether a DEParameter object is required.>A collection of the DEParameter objects in a DECommand object.=Returns the number DEParameter objects in a DECommand object.WEReturns a specific DEParameter object by index in a DECommand object.WJA definition of a specific command that is executed against a data source.5Returns/sets the name to identify a DECommand object.WbReturns/sets the source type, such as table or stored procedure, that a DECommand object is based.aReturns/sets the number of records cached locally in memory for the result of a DECommand object.WKReturns/sets the maximum number of records returned for a DECommand object.WWWRReturns/sets the type of lock used when editing the results of a DECommand object.VReturns/sets the name of a DEConnection object which a DECommand object is associated.HReturns/sets the text of a DECommand object to issue against a provider.WW<Returns/sets the type of cursor used for a DECommand object.WW^Returns/sets whether or not to save a compiled version of a DECommand object before execution.@Returns/sets the call syntax used to execute a DECommand object.WWHA collection of the DEParameter objects contained in a DECommand object.WWDA collection of the DEField objects contained in a DECommand object.WWReturns/sets the time, in seconds, how long to wait while executing a DECommand object before terminating the attempt and generating an error.EReturns/sets the location of the cursor engine of a DECommand object.W^Returns/sets whether a DECommand object is the child DECommand object in a relation hierarchy.RReturns/sets the name of a parent DECommand object used in the relation hierarchy.3Returns/sets whether a DECommand object is grouped.WWWqReturns/sets the name of the parent summary Recordset object that is created when a DECommand object is grouped. W}Returns/sets the name of a parent Recordset that is created when a grand total aggregate is specified for a DECommand object.WLReturns/sets whether the DECommand object returns a Recordset object or not.WWvReturns the SHAPE command generated for a DECommand object that is involved in a relation hierarchy and/or is grouped.@Defines a DEConnection object that connects to a source of data.WW8Returns/sets the name to identify a DEConnection object.WWjReturns/sets the time, in seconds, that the server waits for a DECommand object to return from the server.WReturns/sets the time, in seconds, that the server waits to open a DEConnection object.WWWQReturns/sets the location of the cursor engine to use for a DEConnection object. WUReturns/sets the user logon name to be used at design-time for a DEConnection object.WUReturns/sets the connection string to be used as the source of a DEConnection object.WNReturns/sets the password to be used at design-time for a DEConnection object.ZReturns/sets additional connection string attributes to be used for a DEConnection object._Returns/sets the prompting behavior to use at design-time when a DEConnection object is opened.WWWpReturns/sets whether the authentication information for a DEConnection object is saved with design-time project.WWReturns/sets whether the source of a DEConnection object is defined by a connection string, a data link file, or an ODBC data source.W=Returns/sets the connection string for a DEConnection object.WTReturns/sets the display name used in the DataView window for a DEConnection object.WWtReturns/sets whether the run-time authentication information of a DEConnection object is saved with the application.WWRReturns/sets the user-logon name to be used at run-time for a DEConnection object.KReturns/sets the password to be used at run-time for a DEConnection object.WWW\Returns/sets the prompting behavior to use at run-time when a DEConnection object is opened.WWAA collection of the DEConnection objects in the Data Environment.W?Returns number of DEConnection objects in the Data Environment.WWWRReturns a specific DEConnection object by index contained in the Data Environment.COccurs when a DEConnection object is added to the Data Environment.WWWGOccurs when a DEConnection object is removed from the Data Environment.WWW>A collection of the Recordset objects in the Data Environment.EReturns/sets the number of DECommand objects in the Data Environment.WEReturns a specific Recordset object by index in the Data Environment.W0Adds a DECommand object to the Data Environment.WW5Removes a DECommand object from the Data Environment.W,Returns the version of the Data Environment.WWsReturns/sets whether the property page is displayed immediately after an object is created in the Data Environment.WWWeReturns/sets whether a confirmation prior to deleting an object in the Data Environment is displayed.WYReturns/sets whether the status bar is displayed in the Data Environment Designer window.WyReturns/sets whether system database objects are shown in the object drop-down box in the DECommand object property page.WUReturns/sets whether warning messages are displayed when errors occur at design-time.WReturns/sets whether the user is prompted before a DECommand object is executed at design-time to retrieve field or parameter information.LThe set of events associated with the Data Environment extensibility object.WWSOccurs when a value of a property associated with a DEConnection object is changed.WWW@Occurs when a DECommand object is added to the Data Environment.WWDOccurs when a DECommand object is removed from the Data Environment.WWROccurs when the value of a property associated with a DECommand object is changed.PSpecifies the source of a DECommand object is being edited using the query tool.WWYGets the query text from the query tool that is editing the source of a DECommand object.WQSpecifies that a DECommand object is no longer being edited using the query tool.W@@@ @ (0,@@@P`h @x@ @ %@@@ @ 1@=@I@ 08@HPU@`Lpxa@d@( `    ( 8 H44444444 4 4 @@@@@@@@@ @<Th|(<PdxT42P4344@@@0Ll84444444@@@@@@@,(<PdxT46H4748@@@`x884:|4:|@@,LD$4 , D!$,$LD%P ,(D!%,,LD&l ,0D!&rrssttPPll,X,LD(L $ LD  8$dD) (8< ,(T D*8< ,,D +0 (`Td,Ph,LD , D!,$LD ,(D!,,LDDH ,0D!D@,4LDX  ,8D!P,<LD   , @D!, DLD < , HD! , LLD P , PD! nnooppqqkkmm    <<PP,X4`<,LD@  $ LD  8$dD | (p 8(d D! p ,,D " (`Td,P,LDh  , LD   ,$LD 8 ,(LD0 h ,,LD  ,0LD  ,4LD  ,8D! ,<LD <  , @D!< efghlkkmm P|<<PP,X4`,LD  $ LD  8$dD  (L `,P,LD-  $ LD  8$dD. 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