DirectAnimation Animated Header --DATransform3 Class DirectAnimation Animated Header --DATransform3 Class* Microsoft DirectAnimation SDK
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DATransform3 Class

Just as a DATransform2 transforms one two-dimensional object into another two-dimensional object, a DATransform3 transforms one three-dimensional object into another three-dimensional object. Other transforms include the Render function, which transforms three-dimensional objects into two-dimensional objects, and the project function, which transforms a three-dimensional point into a two-dimensional point.

This class inherits from the DABehavior class.

This class inherits from DABehavior.

DATransform3 Functions




DATransform3 Class

Creates a transformation that is the inverse of the original transformation. The inverse transformation is useful for removing the effects of the original transformation from a three-dimensional object. Use IsSingular to characterize transforms of an unknown type.

transform3Obj.Inverse( )

Return Values

Returns the DATransform3 object.


DATransform3 Class

Creates a DATransform2 object from the DATransform3 object. It is equivalent to casting an orthographic projection of the DATransform3 onto the X-Y plane. For predictable results, the transform must be an affine (4x3) transform rather than a perspective (4x4) transform.

transform3Obj.ParallelTransform2( )

Return Values

Returns the DATransform2 object.

DATransform3 Properties



DATransform3 Class

A read-only property with a DABoolean value indicating whether the transform is singular or not. A singular transform is one that has no inverse. The value is TRUE if the transform is singular; otherwise, it is FALSE.


Relevant Functions from the DAStatics Class

The following functions are defined in the DAStatics class and are most relevant to objects of type DATransform3.

lib.Compose3(xf1, xf2)


lib.LookAtFrom(from, to, up)

lib.Rotate3Anim(axis, radians)

lib.Rotate3(axis, radians)

lib.Rotate3-Degrees(axis, degrees)

lib.Rotate3Rate(axis, radians)

lib.Rotate3RateDegrees(axis, degrees)

lib.Scale3Anim(sx, sy, sz)

lib.Scale3(sx, sy, sz)

lib.Scale3Rate(x, y, z)






lib.Translate3Anim(tx, ty, tz)

lib.Translate3(tx, ty, tz)


lib.Translate3Rate(x, y, z)


lib.XShear3Anim(a, b)

lib.XShear3(a, b)

lib.XShear3Rate(a, b)

lib.YShear3Anim(c, d)

lib.YShear3(c, d)

lib.YShear3Rate(c, d)

lib.ZShear3Anim(e, f)

lib.ZShear3(e, f)

lib.ZShear3Rate(e, f)

Relevant Properties from the DAStatics Class

The following properties are defined in the DAStatics class and are most relevant to objects of type DATransform3.


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