DirectAnimation Animated Header --MontageBvr Class DirectAnimation Animated Header --MontageBvr Class* Microsoft DirectAnimation SDK
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MontageBvr Class

public class MontageBvr extends Behavior {

    // Methods
    public ImageBvr render();

    public static MontageBvr newUninitBvr();

A MontageBvr is an object that represents a montage behavior. A montage is a stack of images in which each image has an explicit depth. Images with larger Z-values are always in front of images with smaller z-values. Rendering a montage creates a new image behavior that is a composite of the images in the montage. The composite is created by overlaying the montage's images by order of depth and applying the same overlay rules as defined by the overlay method.

Because the depth of an image in a montage can vary over time, rendering the montage at different points in time can produce different the images in different orders.

For more information about behaviors, see the Behavior class.

MontageBvr Methods




MontageBvr Class

Creates an image behavior that consists of a composite of all images in the montage behavior.

public ImageBvr render( )

Return Values

Returns the ImageBvr object.


The composite is created by overlaying the montage's images in order of Z-values, with the largest Z-value on top, and applying the same overlay rules as defined by the overlay method. If two images have the same depth, they are layered on top of each other in the order in which they were added to the montage. The bounding box of a rendered montage is simply the union of the bounding boxes of all the images comprising that montage.


MontageBvr Class

This method allows you to refer to an MontageBvr behavior before that behavior has been defined. With this method you can create the behavior and use it in the definition of other behaviors, but not actually define its contents until some later point. (This is accomplished with the init method, which is available on all behaviors.) The system generates a run-time error if you initialize a non-uninitialized behavior, initialize an uninitialized behavior that has already been initialized, or run an initialized behavior that has not yet been initialized.

public static MontageBvr newUninitBvr( );

Return Values

Returns the MontageBvr object.

Relevant Methods from the Statics Class

The following methods are defined in the Statics class and are most relevant to objects of type MontageBvr.

public static MontageBvr imageMontage(ImageBvr image, NumberBvr depth);

public static MontageBvr union(MontageBvr m1, MontageBvr m2);

Relevant Fields from the Statics Class

The following fields are defined in the Statics class and are most relevant to objects of type MontageBvr.

public final static MontageBvr emptyMontage;

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