DirectAnimation Animated Header --Getting Started DirectAnimation Animated Header --Getting Started* Microsoft DirectAnimation SDK
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Microsoft DirectAnimation SDK

Welcome to the Microsoft® DirectAnimation™ SDK. Before jumping into any of the reference sections, consider reading the topics in the "Getting Started" and "Programmer's Guide" sections first. These sections provide important overview and conceptual information about DirectAnimation that you will need in other areas of the documentation. For the most recent updates to this documentation, consult the Microsoft DirectX Web site at

Click here to go to the download page for DirectAnimation and DirectShow.

Last Updated: March 27, 1998

Getting Started
Provides general information about Microsoft® DirectAnimation to help you get oriented when first starting.
Guide to Samples
Contains descriptions of the templates, exercises, and showcase samples included with DirectAnimation and step-by-step procedures describing how to create simple animations in JScript, VBScript, and Java, and how to build the C++ samples. When viewed in HTML, includes live links to the DirectAnimation samples. You can also access the samples from the Samples\Da folder.
Scripting Cookbook
Contains simple scripting samples in VBScript. Each sample illustrates a basic DirectAnimation construction in its simplest form. The samples include animated lines, arcs, hatching, text, and vectors, and can be cut, pasted, and reused.
DirectAnimation Multimedia Controls
Describes DirectAnimation dynamic HTML multimedia controls.
Programmer's Guide
Discusses a variety of concepts and techniques useful to many types of DirectAnimation authors, such as coordinate systems, URLs and paths, and events in DirectAnimation. Also discusses DirectAnimation behaviors and how to use them, media types (images, geometries, and sound) and the operations that can be performed on them, sequencing, switching, time substitution, integrals and derivatives, and more.
Scripting Reference
Provides detailed reference information about the DirectAnimation functions that make animations accessible to Web authors, script writers, and COM programmers.
Java Reference
Provides detailed reference information about the DirectAnimation Java classes.
Animation Glossary
Defines basic animation terms and how basic animation features are implemented in DirectAnimation.
Contains late-breaking or supplemental information about DirectAnimation.

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