DirectAnimation Animated Header --DirectAnimation Multimedia Controls DirectAnimation Animated Header --DirectAnimation Multimedia Controls* Microsoft DirectAnimation SDK
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DirectAnimation Multimedia Controls

The Microsoft® DirectAnimation™ multimedia controls give you the capability to deliver impressive vector graphics, images, and animation content over the Web without incurring long download times.

In addition to the controls, this section contains topics that discuss mouse events and a Windows metafile utility.

The Path wizard sample generates basic code for moving an object around, the Rotating Text Logo wizard (Structured Graphics and Sequencer) sample generates a vector graphic text logo that rotates in three dimensions, and the Polygon Path wizard sample generates a polygon-shaped path.

Note For sound and mixing functionality, see the ActiveMovie Control in the Microsoft DirectShow™ documentation.

Documentation Conventions

Use of PARAM Tag Syntax vs. Script Syntax

Several DirectAnimation controls are documented with both PARAM tag syntax and script syntax.

PARAM tag syntax is generally used for setting parameters during object instantiation as part of an OBJECT tag. In some cases, only PARAM tag syntax can be used. In these cases, only PARAM tag syntax will be documented.

Script syntax is used in Microsoft® Visual Basic® Scripting Edition (VBScript), Microsoft JScript™, or other scripting languages to set initial values or change them during script execution. You should observe case sensitivity to ensure that scripts work as written.

The presence of both types of syntax indicate that you can set the object's parameters or call initialization methods at object instantiation on the HTML page (in the OBJECT tag), or in script. In this event, it is up to you, the author, to determine which syntax best suits your needs. For instance, you could use the PARAM tag syntax to initialize your object and then use script syntax to change it thereafter.

JScript Note When setting a series of optional parameters, JScript requires that any parameters in the middle of the series be present, not just replaced by a space. For example, if you have three optional parameters and only want to set values for parameters 1 and 3, you still need to enter a value for parameter 2 in order for parameter 3 to be read properly.

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