DirectAnimation Animated Header --DABbox3 Class DirectAnimation Animated Header --DABbox3 Class* Microsoft DirectAnimation SDK
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DABbox3 Class

An object representing a three-dimensional bounding box. It specifies the back-lower-left and forward-upper-right corners of a cube that encloses the non-transparent portions of a geometry behavior. Although a bounding box may not always be the smallest bounding box achievable for the geometry, it is useful for determining the extent or size of the visible portions of the geometry.

Applications never create bounding boxes explicitly. Instead, they are created by calling the BoundingBox function on the DAGeometry object.

This class inherits from DABehavior.

DABbox3 Properties




DABbox3 Class

A read-only property with a DAPoint3 value that specifies the upper-right corner of the bounding box.


See Also



DABbox3 Class

A read-only property with a DAPoint3 value that specifies the lower-left corner of the bounding box.


See Also


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