DirectAnimation Animated Header --Statics Class DirectAnimation Animated Header --Statics Class* Microsoft DirectAnimation SDK
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Statics Class

These are the fields and methods for the Statics Class:

Behavior Static Methods
public static Behavior cond(BooleanBvr bool, Behavior a, Behavior b)
public static Behavior until(Behavior a, DXMEvent e, Behavior b)
public static Behavior untilEx(Behavior a, DXMEvent e)
public static Behavior untilNotify(Behavior a, DXMEvent e, UntilNotifier notifier)
BooleanBvr Static Fields
public static BooleanBvr falseBvr
public static BooleanBvr leftButtonState
public static BooleanBvr rightButtonState
public static BooleanBvr trueBvr
BooleanBvr Static Methods
public static BooleanBvr and(BooleanBvr b1, BooleanBvr b2)
public static BooleanBvr not(BooleanBvr b)
public static BooleanBvr or(BooleanBvr b1, BooleanBvr b2)
public static BooleanBvr keyState(int keyCode)
public static BooleanBvr toBvr(boolean bool)
CameraBvr Static Methods
public static CameraBvr parallelCamera(NumberBvr n)
public static CameraBvr perspectiveCamera(NumberBvr n, NumberBvr p)
ColorBvr Static Fields
public final static ColorBvr aqua
public final static ColorBvr black
public final static ColorBvr blue
public final static ColorBvr cyan
public final static ColorBvr fuchsia
public final static ColorBvr gray
public final static ColorBvr green
public final static ColorBvr lime
public final static ColorBvr magenta
public final static ColorBvr maroon
public final static ColorBvr navy
public final static ColorBvr olive
public final static ColorBvr purple
public static ColorBvr red
public static ColorBvr silver
public static ColorBvr teal
public static ColorBvr white
public static ColorBvr yellow
ColorBvr Static Methods
public static ColorBvr colorHsl(NumberBvr h, NumberBvr s, NumberBvr l)
public static ColorBvr colorRgb(NumberBvr r, NumberBvr g, NumberBvr b)
public static ColorBvr colorRgb255(short r, short g, short b)
DashStyleBvr Static Fields
public static DashStyleBvr dashStyleDashed
public static DashStyleBvr dashStyleSolid
DXMApplet Static Methods
public static ErrorAndWarningReceiver registerErrorAndWarningReceiver(ErrorAndWarningReceiver w)
DXMEvent Static Fields
public static DXMEvent always
public static DXMEvent keyUp(int keyCode)
public static DXMEvent leftButtonDown
public static DXMEvent leftButtonUp
public static DXMEvent never
public static DXMEvent rightButtonDown
public static DXMEvent rightButtonUp
DXMEvent Static Methods
public static DXMEvent andEvent(DXMEvent first, DXMEvent second)
public static DXMEvent keyDown(int keyCode)
public static DXMEvent notEvent(DXMEvent ev)
public static DXMEvent orEvent(DXMEvent first, DXMEvent second)
public static DXMEvent predicate(BooleanBvr bool)
public Behavior snapshotEvent(Behavior a)
public static DXMEvent thenEvent(DXMEvent e, DXMEvent e)
public static DXMEvent timer(NumberBvr timeout)
public static void unregisterCallback(Object object)
EndStyleBvr Static Fields
public static EndStyleBvr endStyleFlat
public static EndStyleBvr endStyleRound
public static EndStyleBvr endStyleSquare
FontStyleBvr Static Fields
public static final defaultFont
FontStyleBvr Static Methods
public static FontStyleBvr font(StringBvr face, NumberBvr points, ColorBvr color)
public static ImageBvr stringImage(StringBvr string, FontStyleBvr fs)
GeometryBvr Static Fields
public static GeometryBvr ambientLight
public static GeometryBvr directionalLight
public static GeometryBvr emptyGeometry
public static GeometryBvr pointLight
GeometryBvr Static Methods
public static GeometryBvr importGeometry(String pathname)
public static GeometryBvr importGeometry(URL url, GeometryBvr geoStandIn, DXMEvent[] ev, NumberBvr[] progress, NumberBvr[] size)
public static GeometryBvr soundSource(SoundBvr sound)
public static GeometryBvr spotLight(NumberBvr fullcone, NumberBvr cutoff)
public static GeometryBvr union(GeometryBvr g1, GeometryBvr g2)
public static GeometryBvr unionArray(GeometryBvr[], geometries)
ImageBvr Static Fields
public static ImageBvr detectableEmptyImage
public static ImageBvr emptyImage
ImageBvr Static Methods
public static ImageBvr gradientHorizontal(ColorBvr start, ColorBvr stop, NumberBvr fallOff)
public static ImageBvr gradientPolygon(Point2Bvr[] pts, ColorBvr[] colors)
public static ImageBvr gradientSquare(ColorBvr lowerLeft, ColorBvr upperLeft, ColorBvr upperRight, ColorBvr lowerRight)
public static ImageBvr hatchBackwardDiagonal(ColorBvr color, NumberBvr spacing)
public static ImageBvr hatchCross(ColorBvr color, NumberBvr spacing)
public static ImageBvr hatchDiagonalCross(ColorBvr color, NumberBvr size)
public static ImageBvr hatchForwardDiagonal(ColorBvr color, NumberBvr spacing)
public static ImageBvr hatchHorizontal(ColorBvr color, NumberBvr spacing)
public static ImageBvr hatchVertical(ColorBvr color, NumberBvr spacing)
public static ImageBvr importImage(String pathname)
public static ImageBvr importImage(URL url, ImageBvr imgStandIn, DXMEvent[] ev, NumberBvr[] progress, NumberBvr[] size)
public static ImageBvr importImageColorKey(URL url, ColorBvr red, ColorBvr green, ColorBvr blue)
public static ImageBvr importImageColorKey(URL url, ImageBvr imgStandIn, DXMEvent[] ev, NumberBvr[] progress, NumberBvr[] size, ColorBvr red, ColorBvr green, ColorBvr blue)
public static NumberBvr importMovie(URL url, ImageBvr[] img, SoundBvr[] snd)
public static NumberBvr importMovie(URL url, ImageBvr[] img, SoundBvr[] snd, ImageBvr imgStandIn, SoundBvr sndStandIn, DXMEvent[] ev, NumberBvr[] progress, NumberBvr[] size)
public static ImageBvr overlay(ImageBvr i1, ImageBvr i2)
public static ImageBvr overlayArray(ImageBvr[] im)
public static ImageBvr radialGradientPolygon(ColorBvr inner, ColorBvr outer, Point2Bvr[] points, NumberBvr fallOff)
public static ImageBvr radialGradientRegularPoly(ColorBvr inner, ColorBvr outer, NumberBvr edges, NumberBvr fallOff)
public static ImageBvr radialGradientSquare(ColorBvr inner, ColorBvr outer, NumberBvr fallOff)
public static ImageBvr solidColorImage(ColorBvr col)
JoinStyleBvr Fields
public static JoinStyleBvr joinStyleBevel
public static JoinStyleBvr joinStyleMiter
public static JoinStyleBvr joinStyleRound
LineStyleBvr Static Fields
public static LineStyleBvr defaultLineStyle
MatteBvr Static Fields
public static MatteBvr clearMatte
public static MatteBvr opaqueMatte
MatteBvr Static Methods
public static MatteBvr difference(MatteBvr m1, MatteBvr m2)
public static MatteBvr fillMatte(Path2Bvr path)
public static MatteBvr intersect(MatteBvr m1, MatteBvr m2)
public static MatteBvr textMatte(StringBvr text, FontStyleBvr fs)
public static MatteBvr union(MatteBvr m1, MatteBvr m2)
MicrophoneBvr Static Fields
public static MicrophoneBvr defaultMicrophone
Miscellaneous Static Fields
public final static double cm
public final static double foot
public final static double inch
public final static double meter
public final static double mm
public static double pixel
Miscellaneous Static Methods
public static URL buildURL(URL url, String pathname)
public static String getVersionString()
MontageBvr Static Fields
public static MontageBvr emptyMontage
MontageBvr Static Methods
public static MontageBvr union(MontageBvr m1, MontageBvr m2)
NumberBvr Static Fields
public static NumberBvr globalTime
public static NumberBvr localTime
NumberBvr Static Methods
public StringBvr toString(NumberBvr a)
public static NumberBvr abs(NumberBvr a)
public static NumberBvr acos(NumberBvr a)
public static NumberBvr add(NumberBvr a, NumberBvr b)
public static NumberBvr asin(NumberBvr a)
public static NumberBvr atan(NumberBvr a)
public static NumberBvr atan2(NumberBvr a, NumberBvr b)
public static NumberBvr bSpline(int degree, NumberBvr[] knots, NumberBvr[] points, NumberBvr [] weights)
public static NumberBvr ceiling(NumberBvr a)
public static NumberBvr cos(NumberBvr a)
public static NumberBvr degreesToRadians(NumberBvr a)
public static NumberBvr derivative(NumberBvr a)
public static NumberBvr div(NumberBvr a, NumberBvr b)
public static BooleanBvr eq(NumberBvr a, NumberBvr b)
public static NumberBvr exp(NumberBvr a)
public static NumberBvr floor(NumberBvr a)
public static BooleanBvr gt(NumberBvr a, NumberBvr b)
public static BooleanBvr gte(NumberBvr a, NumberBvr b)
public static NumberBvr integral(NumberBvr a)
public static NumberBvr ln(NumberBvr a)
public static NumberBvr log10(NumberBvr a)
public static BooleanBvr lt(NumberBvr a, NumberBvr b)
public static BooleanBvr lte(NumberBvr a, NumberBvr b)
public static NumberBvr mod(NumberBvr a, NumberBvr b)
public static NumberBvr mul(NumberBvr a, NumberBvr b)
public static BooleanBvr ne(NumberBvr a, NumberBvr b)
public static NumberBvr neg(NumberBvr a)
public static NumberBvr pow(NumberBvr a, NumberBvr b)
public static NumberBvr radiansToDegrees(NumberBvr a)
public static NumberBvr round(NumberBvr a)
public static NumberBvr seededRandom(double seed)
public static NumberBvr sin(NumberBvr a)
public static NumberBvr sqrt(NumberBvr a)
public static NumberBvr sub(NumberBvr a, NumberBvr b)
public static NumberBvr tan(NumberBvr a)
public static NumberBvr toBvr(double a)
Path2Bvr Static Methods
public static Path2Bvr arc(NumberBvr startAngle, NumberBvr endAngle, NumberBvr arcWidth, NumberBvr arcHeight)
public static Path2Bvr arcDegrees(double startAngle, double endAngle, double arcWidth, double arcHeight)
public static Path2Bvr concat(Path2Bvr p1, Path2Bvr p2)
<public static Path2Bvr concatArray(Path2Bvr[] paths)
public static Path2Bvr cubicBSplinePath(Point2Bvr[], NumberBvr[])
public static Path2Bvr line(Point2Bvr p1, Point2Bvr p2)
public static Path2Bvr pie(NumberBvr startAngle, NumberBvr endAngle, NumberBvr arcWidth, NumberBvr arcHeight)
public static Path2Bvr pieDegrees(double startAngle, double endAngle, double arcWidth, double arcHeight)
public static Path2Bvr polydrawPath(Point2Bvr[] points, NumberBvr[] codes)
public static Path2Bvr polyline(Point2Bvr[] points)
public static Path2Bvr ray(Point2Bvr p)
public static Path2Bvr rect(NumberBvr width, NumberBvr height)
public static Path2Bvr roundRect(NumberBvr width, NumberBvr height, NumberBvr arcWidth, NumberBvr arcHeight)
public static Path2Bvr stringPath(StringBvr string, FontStyleBvr fs)
Point2Bvr Static Fields
public static Point2Bvr mousePosition
public static Point2Bvr origin2
Point2Bvr Static Methods
public static Point2Bvr add(Point2Bvr pt, Vector2Bvr vec)
public static Point2Bvr bSpline(int degree, NumberBvr[] knots, Point2Bvr[] points, NumberBvr[] weights)
public static Vector2Bvr derivative(Point2Bvr pt)
public static NumberBvr distance(Point2Bvr p1, Point2Bvr p2)
public static NumberBvr distanceSquared(Point2Bvr p1, Point2Bvr p2)
public static Point2Bvr point2(double x, double y)
public static Point2Bvr point2(NumberBvr x, NumberBvr y)
public static Point2Bvr point2Polar(NumberBvr XYangle, NumberBvr YZangle)
public static Vector2Bvr sub(Point2Bvr p1, Point2Bvr p2)
public static Point2Bvr sub(Point2Bvr pt, Vector2Bvr vec)
Point3Bvr Static Fields
public static Point3Bvr origin3
Point3Bvr Static Methods
public static Point3Bvr add(Point3Bvr pt, Vector3Bvr vec)
public static Point3Bvr bSpline(int degree, NumberBvr[] knots, Point3Bvr[] control_elements, NumberBvr[] weights, NumberBvr evaluation)
public static Vector3Bvr derivative(Point3Bvr pt)
public static NumberBvr distance(Point3Bvr p1, Point3Bvr p2)
public static NumberBvr distanceSquared(Point3Bvr p1, Point3Bvr p2)
public static Point3Bvr point3(double x, double y, double z)
public static Point3Bvr point3(NumberBvr x, NumberBvr y, NumberBvr z)
public static Point3Bvr point3Spherical(NumberBvr XYangle, NumberBvr YZangle, NumberBvr length)
public static Vector3Bvr sub(Point3Bvr p1, Point3Bvr p2)
public static Point3Bvr sub(Point3Bvr pt, Vector3Bvr vec)
SoundBvr Static Fields
public static SoundBvr silence
public static SoundBvr sinSynth
SoundBvr Static Methods
public static SoundBvr importSound(URL url, NumberBvr[] soundLength)
public static SoundBvr importSound(URL url, NumberBvr[] soundLength, SoundBvr sndStandIn, DXMEvent[] ev, NumberBvr[] progress, NumberBvr[] size)
public static SoundBvr mix(SoundBvr sound1, SoundBvr sound2)
public static SoundBvr mixArray(SoundBvr[] sounds);
StringBvr Static Methods
public static StringBvr concat(StringBvr a, StringBvr b)
public static StringBvr toBvr(String string)
Transform2Bvr Static Fields
public static Transform2Bvr identityTransform2
Transform2Bvr Static Methods
public static Transform2Bvr compose(Transform2Bvr xf1, Transform2Bvr xf2)
public static Transform2Bvr compose(Transform2Bvr[] xforms)
public static Transform2Bvr followPath(Path2Bvr path, NumberBvr evaluator)
public static Transform2Bvr followPathAngle(Path2Bvr path, NumberBvr evaluator)
public static Transform2Bvr followPathAngleUpright(Path2Bvr path, NumberBvr evaluator)
public static Transform2Bvr rotate(NumberBvr radians)
public static Transform2Bvr rotateDegrees(double degrees)
public static Transform2Bvr rotateRate(double radians)
public static Transform2Bvr rotateRateDegrees(double degrees)
public static Transform2Bvr scale(NumberBvr sx, NumberBvr sy)
public static Transform2Bvr scale(Vector2Bvr v)
public static Transform2Bvr scaleRate(double x, double y)
public static Transform2Bvr scale2(NumberBvr uniformFactor)
public static Transform2Bvr scale2Rate(double rate)
public static Transform2Bvr transform3x2(NumberBvr [] matrix)
public static Transform2Bvr translate(NumberBvr tx, NumberBvr ty)
public static Transform2Bvr translate(Point2Bvr loc);
public static Transform2Bvr translate(Vector2Bvr v)
public static Transform2Bvr translateRate(double x, double y)
public static Transform2Bvr xShear(NumberBvr x)
public static Transform2Bvr xShearRate (double rate)
public static Transform2Bvr yShear(NumberBvr y)
public static Transform2Bvr yShearRate(double y)
Transform3Bvr Static Fields
public static Transform3Bvr identityTransform3
Transform3Bvr Static Methods
public static Transform3Bvr compose(Transform3Bvr xf1, Transform3Bvr xf2)
public static Transform3Bvr compose3Array(Transform3Bvr[] xforms)
public static Transform3Bvr lookAtFrom(Point3Bvr from, Point3Bvr to, Vector3Bvr up)
public static Transform3Bvr rotateDegrees(Vector3Bvr axis, double degrees)
public static Transform3Bvr rotate(Vector3Bvr axis, NumberBvr radians)
public static Transform3Bvr rotateRate(Vector3Bvr axis, double radians)
public static Transform3Bvr rotateRateDegrees(Vector3Bvr axis, double degrees)
public static Transform3Bvr scale(NumberBvr sx, NumberBvr sy, NumberBvr sz)
public static Transform3Bvr scale(Vector3Bvr v)
public static Transform3Bvr scaleRate(double x, double y, double z)
public static Transform3Bvr scale3(NumberBvr uniformFactor)
public static Transform3Bvr scale3Rate(double rate)
public static Transform3Bvr transform4x4(NumberBvr[] matrix)
public static Transform3Bvr translate(NumberBvr tx, NumberBvr ty, NumberBvr tz)
public static Transform3Bvr translate(Point3Bvr loc)
public static Transform3Bvr translate(Vector3Bvr v)
public static Transform3Bvr translateRate(double x, double y, double z)
public static Transform3Bvr xShear(NumberBvr a, NumberBvr b)
public static Transform3Bvr xShearRate(double a, double b)
public static Transform3Bvr yShear(NumberBvr c, NumberBvr d)
public static Transform3Bvr yShearRate(double c, double d)
public static Transform3Bvr zShear(NumberBvr e, NumberBvr f)
public static Transform3Bvr zShearRate(double e, double f)
TupleBvr Static Methods
public static TupleBvr pairBvr(Behavior first, Behavior second)
public static TupleBvr tripleBvr(Behavior first, Behavior second, Behavior third)
Vector2Bvr Static Fields
public static Vector2Bvr xVector2
public static Vector2Bvr yVector2
public static Vector2Bvr zeroVector2
Vector2Bvr Static Methods
public static Vector2Bvr add(Vector2Bvr v1, Vector2Bvr v2)
public static Vector2Bvr bSpline(int degree, NumberBvr[] knots, Vector2Bvr[] control_elements, NumberBvr[] weights, NumberBvr evaluation)
public static Vector2Bvr derivative(Vector2Bvr vec)
public static NumberBvr dot(Vector2Bvr v1, Vector2Bvr v2)
public static Vector2Bvr integral(Vector2Bvr vec)
public static Vector2Bvr neg(Vector2Bvr v1)
public static Vector2Bvr sub(Vector2Bvr v1, Vector2Bvr v2)
public static Vector2Bvr vector2(NumberBvr x, NumberBvr y)
public static Vector2Bvr vector2Polar(NumberBvr XYangle, NumberBvr length)
public static Vector2Bvr vector2PolarDegrees(double XYangle, double length);
Vector3Bvr Static Fields
public static Vector3Bvr xVector3
public static Vector3Bvr yVector3
public static Vector3Bvr zVector3
public static Vector3Bvr zeroVector3
Vector3Bvr Static Methods
public static Vector3Bvr add(Vector3Bvr v1, Vector3Bvr v2)
public static Vector3Bvr bSpline(int degree, NumberBvr[] knots, Vector3Bvr[] control_elements, NumberBvr[] weights, NumberBvr evaluation))
public static Vector3Bvr cross(Vector3Bvr v1, Vector3Bvr v2)
public static Vector3Bvr derivative(Vector3Bvr vec)
public static NumberBvr dot(Vector3Bvr v1, Vector3Bvr v2)
public static Vector3Bvr integral(Vector3Bvr vec)
public static Vector3Bvr neg(Vector3Bvr v1)
public static Vector3Bvr sub(Vector3Bvr v1, Vector3Bvr v2)
public static Vector3Bvr vector3(NumberBvr x, NumberBvr y, NumberBvr z)
public static Vector3Bvr vector3Spherical(NumberBvr XYangle, NumberBvr YZangle, NumberBvr length)

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